
时间:2023-11-03 20:29:42编辑:莆田seo君

2009 年 10 月 1 日,在新中国成立 60 周年的盛大庆典上,肖立志教授作为十九位归国留学人员及华人华侨代表之一,乘坐“我的中国心”彩车徐徐从天安门前经过。2010年12月当选长江大学首届杰出校友。


肖教授长期从事石油测井和岩石物理及核磁共振研究与教学工作。1982年起,开始岩石核磁共振和核磁共振测井研究,是我国核磁共振测井的开创者之一。1985~1990年,参加国家攻关项目“油藏描述技术研究”,对测井优化解释理论有一定贡献。1993年参加美国ENC,应邀到Schlumberger-Doll研究中心作学术报告,并在国内较早介绍和开展人脑功能磁共振成像预研工作。1991~1998年,主持完成1项石油科技中青年创新基金项目,2项国家重点实验室基金项目,2项国家自然科学基金项目,2项国际合作项目。在《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《物理》、《Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences》等学术刊物发表论文30余篇,出版专著3部。其中英文专著《NMR Logging Principles and Applications》由时任Halliburton公司总裁、后任美国副总统的Dick Cheney先生作序,Halliburton公司曾为该书的出版发表新闻,说:“The book was authored by internationally-recognized NMR in well logging specialist-NUMAR President Manfred Prammer, Retired Halliburton Houston Technology Center Director of Reservoir Applications George Coates, and Halliburton Senior Research Scientist Dr. Lizhi Xiao”(见:Halliburton News for Immediate Release, June 16, 2000)。已经被翻译成西班牙文、俄文及中文,并有专家在《The Leading Edge》上发表专题评论,说“In summary, this is an excellent book which should be a valuable reference for anyone involved in evaluation and development of petroleum reservoirs”(见:William R. Green,September 2001,The Leading Edge,1067)。








2009年,遴选为教育部优秀归国学者 并参加国庆60周年庆典;



2016年2月,在美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院任兼职教授;10月,创建“哈佛大学-石油大学联合实验室”(Harvard-CUPB Joint Lab)。




肖教授目前致力于核磁共振测井、核辐射测井、网络测井等新技术的研究和石油测井学科建设。主要研究方向有:(1)核磁共振测井基础与应用研究:核磁共振测井技术应用基础问题研究,核磁共振测井仪器研制,核磁共振测井应用过程中的疑难问题研究。 (2)石油测井技术基础与应用研究:石油测井技术在应用中的基础问题和疑难问题研究,包括天然气水合物和井下永久传感器技术研究。

CUPB Joint Lab)。






国际孔隙介质磁共振协会(MRPM)Scientific committee member;

国际定位磁共振协会(SRMR)Executive committee member;

欧洲地学家和工程师协会(EAGE)China Chapter President;

美国勘探地球物理学家协会(SEG)China advisory committee member;

Petroleum Science,Applied Geophysics,石油科学通报,波谱学杂志等编委。






肖立志等,Progress in Geophysics and Information Technology,北京:石油工业出版社,2011年.



肖立志, 石油测井科学前沿探索文集, 北京:石油工业出版社,2007年.

Goerge Coates, 肖立志,Manfred Prammer, 核磁共振测井原理与应用, 北京:石油工业出版社,2007年.


George Coates, Lizhi Xiao, Manfred Prammer, NMR Logging Principles and Applications, Gulf Professional Publishing, 1999

肖立志,核磁共振成像测井与岩石核磁共振及其应用,北京:科学出版社,1998年. 代表性论文

Zijian Jia, Lizhi Xiao, Zhizhan Wang, Guangzhi Liao, Yan Zhang, Can Liang, Long Guo, Magic Echo for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Shales, Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 7824?7830

Yan Zhang, Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Spatially resolved pore-size-T2 correlation for low-field NMR, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017

Long Guo, Lizhi Xiao, Shale nanopore reconstruction with compressive sensing, J. Geophys. Eng., 2017, 14, 359–367

Huabing Liu, Lizhi Xiao, Feng Deng, Weiliang Chen, Petrik Galvosas, Emerging NMR approaches for characterizing rock heterogeneity, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017

Zijian Jia, Lizhi Xiao, Zhong Chen, Guangzhi Liao, Yan Zhang, Zhizhan Wang, Can Liang, Long Guo, Determining shale organic porosity and total organic, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017

Sanguo Li, Lizhi Xiao, Xin Li, Zhizhan Wang, A novel NMR instrument for real time drilling fluid analysis, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017

Peihu Wang, Lizhi Xiao, A novel formation tester for high quality virgin formation fluids sampling and its arrival prediction under deep invasion, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 156, 697–709

Zhe Sun, Lizhi Xiao, Yan Zhang, Guangzhi Liao, Wenfeng Xiang, Lian Tang, Sihui Luo, Wei Liu, Weiliang Chen, Zhi Tian, Xueli Hou, A modular and multi-functional single-sided NMR sensor, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017

Shusheng Wang Lizhi Xiao, Aizhong Yue, Hua Wang, Wei Liu, Yunfeng Fan, Accurate inversion of elemental concentrations from the pulsed neutron geochemical logging based on an active-set method, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 157 (2017) 833–841

Long Guo, Lizhi Xiao, Xiaowen Shan, Xiaoling Zhang. Modeling adsorption with lattice Boltzmann equation, Scientific reports, 2016

Yan Zhang, Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Bernhard Blümich. Direct correlation of internal gradients and pore size distributions with low field NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2016, 267, 37–42.

Yan Zhang, Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Bernhard Blümich. Direct correlation of diffusion and pore size distributions with low field NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2016, 269, 196–202

Zijian Jia, Lizhi Xiao, Zhizhan Wang, Guangzhi Liao, Yan Zhang, Can Liang. Molecular dynamics and composition of crude oil by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016

Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Feng Deng, Huabing Liu, Gongpu Song, Mengchun Li. Development of an NMR system for down-hole porous rocks, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2015,205,16-20

Feng Deng, Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Fangrong Zong, Weiliang Chen.A New Approach of Two-Dimensional the NMR Relaxation Measurement in Flowing Fluid, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2014, 45(2):179-192.

Ranhong Xie, Youbin Wu, Kang Liu, Mi Liu and Lizhi Xiao. De-noising methods for NMR logging echo signals based on wavelet transform, J. Geophys. Eng. 11 (2014) 035003 (8pp)

Feng Deng, Lizhi Xiao, Weiliang Chen, Huabing Liu, Guangzhi Liao, Mengying Wang, Qingming XieRapid.Determination of fluid viscosity using low-field two-dimensional NMR,Journal of Magnetic Resonance,2014, 247: 1-8

TianLin An, LiZhi Xiao, Xin Li, HuaBing Liu, ZongFu Zhang. Investigation of the correlation between internal gradients and dephasing effect in inhomogeneous field, Science China Physics, Mechanics Astronomy, 2014, 57(9): 1676-1683.

Huabing Liu, Lizhi Xiao, Huijun Yu, Xin Li, Baoxin Guo, Zongfu Zhang, Fangrong Zong, Vladimir Anferov, Sofia Anferova. Probing Structural Compositions of Porous Media with Two-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Applied magnetic resonance, 2013, 44(5):543-552.

Zongfu Zhang, Lizhi Xiao, Huabing Liu. A Fast Three-dimensional Protocol in Low-Field NMR, Applied magnetic resonance,2013, 44:849-857

Feng Deng, Lizhi Xiao, Huabing Liu, Tianlin An, Mengying Wang, Zongfu Zhang, Wei Xu, Jiajie Cheng, Qingming Xie, Vladimir Anferov. Effects and Corrections for Mobile NMR Measurement, Applied magnetic resonance, 2013,44(9): 1053-1065

Zongfu Zhang, Lizhi Xiao, Guangzhi Liao, Huabin Liu, Wei Xu, Yan Wu, Sijia Jiang. Evaluation of the Fast Inverse Laplace Transform for Three-Dimensional NMR Distribution Functions, Applied magnetic resonance, 2013, 44(11):1335-1343

Qingming Xie, Lizhi Xiao, Lijun Cheng, Junfeng Liu, Hongying Li, Feng Deng. Phase Correction-Adaptive Line Enhancement for Noise Reduction of Low-Field NMR, Applied magnetic resonance, 2013,44(12): 1381-1391.

Lizhi Xiao, Huabing Liu, Feng Deng, Zongfu Zhang, Tianlin An, Fangrong Zong, Vladimir Anferov, Sofia Anferova. Probing Internal Gradients Dependence in Sandstones with Multi-Dimensional NMR, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 178:90-93

李新,肖立志,黄科,刘化冰,宗芳荣. 随钻核磁共振测井的地层界面响应特征, 地球物理学报, 2013, 56(8): 2862-2869

肖立志. 井下极端条件核磁共振探测系统研制, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2013,05:44-56.

肖立志,于慧俊,刘化冰,李新,郭葆鑫, Anferova S, Anferov V.新型核磁共振孔隙介质分析仪的研制, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版) , 2013, 68(03): 73-82.

李新,肖立志,刘化冰,张宗富,郭葆鑫,于慧俊,宗芳荣. 优化重聚脉冲提高梯度场核磁共振信号强度, 物理学报, 2013, 62(14): 147602-147602.

Determining T2 distribution in the presence of signi?cant internal ?eld gradients Ranhong Xie, Lizhi Xiao, Keh-Jim Dunn J. Geophys. Eng., 2013, 10, 054008.

Wu Y B, Xie R H, Xiao L Z. Application of Wavelet Domain Adaptive Filtering to De-noise NMR Data Advances in Mechanics Engineering 2012,588: 814-817

肖立志,张恒荣,廖广志. 基于Backus-Gilbert理论的孔隙介质核磁共振弛豫反演, 地球物理学报, 2012, 55(11):3821-3828

胡海涛,肖立志,吴锡令. 核磁共振测井仪探头设计中的数值方法,物理学报, 2012, 61(14)

傅少庆,肖立志,谢然红. 饱和多相流体孔隙介质内部磁场梯度的探测, 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 2012,42(8):827-834

谢然红, 肖立志, 刘家军。核磁共振测井时域分析法数值模拟及影响因素分析,地球物理学报,2011, 54(8): 2184-2192

Lizhi Xiao, Kui Li, Characteristics of the nuclear magnetic resonance logging response in fracture oil and gas reservoirs, New J. Phys, 2011,

Yu, H.J. Xiao, L.Z. Li, X. Liu, H.B.Guo, B.X., Anferova, S. Anferov, V. Novel detection system for NMR logging tool, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Communications and Computing (ICSPCC).

Xie Ranhong, Xiao Lizhi. Advanced Fluid-typing Methods for NMR Logging, Petroleum Science, 2011, 8(2): 163-169.



现任(2019年)中国石油大学(北京)人工智能学院院长,教育部非常规油气国际合作联合实验室主任,斯普林格-Nature期刊Petroleum Science主编,地球物理学院学术委员会主席,是中国物理学会、中国地球物理学会、中国仪器仪表学会、中国石油学会会员,中国物理学会波谱学专业委员会委员,中国地球物理学会岩石物理专业委员会副主任,井孔地球物理专业委员会副主任,中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器分会理事、核磁共振仪器专业委员会主任,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会理事,国际学术组织APS、AAAS、SPE、SPWLA、SCA、SEG、EAGE、SRMR、MRPM等的会员或理事,EAGE中国分会主席,SEG中国指导委员会委员,国家“111”引智基地负责人,国家重点(培育)学科负责人。


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1. 肖立志? .中国石油大学(北京)地球物理学院[引用日期2019-11-16]2. 院长 肖立志? .中国石油大学(北京)人工智能学院[引用日期2019-11-16]

