1987.9-1991.7 南京大学大气科学系大气环境专业 学士
1991.9-1993.7 南京大学大气科学系 大气物理学与大气环境专业 硕士
1995.9-1999.11 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气物理学与大气环境专业 博士
工作经历1994.7- 1996.12:中山大学环境科学系 助教
1997.1-2002.6:中山大学环境科学系 讲师
2002.7- 2009.12:中山大学环境科学系 副教授
2010.1-2016.2:中山大学环境科学与工程学院 教授
2016.2-至今:中山大学大气科学学院 教授
研究经历2003.10-2004.9:美国The University of Iowa全球与区域环境研究中心 高级访问;
2006.8-2007.2:美国University of Texas at Austin 高级访问;
2007.7-2007.11:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问;
2008.9-2008.10:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问;
2010.1-2010.2:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问;
2011.7-2011.8:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问;
2012.6-2012.7:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问;
2013.7-2013.8:美国National Center for Atmospheric Research 高级访问。
科研课题1. 广州市科技计划项目(201508020079),广州市臭氧和PM2.5的协同控制研究,2015.1.1-2017.12.31,项目负责人;
3. 国家科技支撑计划专题(2014BAC21B02),全耦合空气质量预报技术与区域污染来源动态解析,2014.10-2017.12,骨干;
4. 科技部公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201406031),“城镇化发展对大气环境影响的评价技术”,2014.01-2017.12,项目负责人;
5. 欧盟合作项目(Ref. Ares(2013)3206429)“Partnership with China on Space Data(PANDA)”,2014.01-2016.12,项目中方负责人;
6. 教育部博士点基金(2013380004115009)“定量研究珠江三角洲城市间大气污染物输送”,2013.10-2016.12,项目负责人;
7. 国家863计划(2013AA122002)“多源碳观测数据融合与同化技术研究”,2013.01-2015.12,骨干;
8. 国家自然科学基金项目(41275018)“华南森林干沉降速率参数化改进对区域活性氧化氮沉降量估算的影响”, 2013.01-2016.12,项目负责人;
9. 广州市环境保护局科技项目(4206618)“广州市环境空气质量达标规划研究”,2012.11-2013.11,骨干;
10. 广州市环境保护局科技项目(4206617)“广州地区气溶胶细粒子对能见度影响的定量研究”,2012.10-2013.10,项目负责人;
11. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目(S2012020011044)“珠江三角洲秋季PM2.5重要来源及区域输送特征研究”,2012.10-2015.09,项目负责人;
12. 深圳市人居环境委员会(7300653)“基于STEM模型的2011年深圳大运会环境空气质量模拟及控制方案评估研究”,2010.05-2011.10,课题负责人;
13. 广州市环境保护局(4207542)“2010年第16届亚运会空气质量保障措施与环境质量评估之广州市重点企业应急限停环境效果与优先序分析”,2010.06-2011.04,课题负责人;
14. 国家973计划(2010CB428504)“城市和城市群的直接气候效应及其形成机理”,2010.1-2014.8,骨干
15. 广州市环境保护局(4205605)“2010年第16届亚运会广州空气质量保障措施研究”,2010.01-2010.12,课题负责人;
16. 主持番禺区科技计划项目(2005-2-25-1)番禺区典型植被对酸沉降响应过程与大气污染控制研究,2006-2008。
17. 主持中科院大气物理所大气物理研究所资助项目城市光化学烟雾机理研究,2002.9-2003.9。
18. 主持中国科学院“九五”重大项目(KZ952-A1-403)三级子课题广州市空气污染预报模式的调试与运行,1999-2000。
19. 主要参与香港研究资助局资助项目An Assessment of Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Regional Climate in Pearl River Delta and South China,2006-2007.
20. 主要参与国家自然基金(40375036)暴雪中冰相云微物理过程的模拟研究,2004-2006。
21. 主要参与广东省科技计划项目(2002C31633)广东省酸沉降临界负荷与大气污染物控制研究,2003-2005。
22. 参与国家自然科学基金委员会与香港研究资助局联合科研资助基金(N-HKUST612/01,40110734)大气氮磷输入对湖泊水质的影响研究,2002-2004。
1. Hang, J.*, Luo, Z.W.,
Wang, X.M.
, Lin, M., Chen, X.Y., He, L.J., Wang, B.M., 2016. The influence of street layouts and viaduct settings on daily pollutant exposure and intake fraction in idealized urban canyons. Environmental Pollution. In review.2. Lin, L., Hang, J.*, Wang, X.X.,
Wang, X.M.
, Fan, S.J., Fan, Q., Liu, Y.H., 2016 Integrated effects of street layouts and wall heating on vehicular pollutant dispersion and their reentry into downstream canyons. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. In review.3. Hang, J., Lin, M., Wong, D.C.
,Wang, X.M.
, Wang, B.M., Buccolieri R.*, 2016 On the influence of viaduct and ground heating on pollutant dispersion in 2D street canyons and toward single-sided ventilated buildings. Atmospheric Pollution Research. (已接收)4.
Wang, X.M.*
, Chen,W.H., Chen, D.H., Wu, Z.Y., Fan, Q., 2016. Long-term trends of fine particulate matter and chemical composition in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone (PRDEZ), China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,10(1):53-62.5. Huang, H.L., Huang, H.B.*, Zhan, Y.J., Liu, G.Y.,
Wang, X.M.
, Lu, H.X., Xiao, L., Feng, Q.Y., Leung, DYC., 2016. Efficient degradation of gaseous benzene by VUV photolysis combined with ozone-assisted catalytic oxidation: Performance and mechanism. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 186:62-68.6. Yang, Y.D., Shao, M.*,Wang, X.M., Nolscher, A.C., Kessel, S., Guenther, A., Williams, J., 2016. Towards a quantitative understanding of total OH reactivity: A review. Atmospheric Environment, 134:147-161.
7. Li, S., Wang, T.J.*, Solmon, F., Zhuang, B.L., Wu, H., Xie, M., Han, Y.,
Wang, X.M.
, 2016.Impact of aerosols on regional climate in southern and northern China during strong/weak East Asian summer monsoon years. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121(80): 4069-4081.2015年发表论文
1. Wu Z.Y., Zhang L.M.,
Wang X.M.
, Munger J.W., 2015. A modified micrometeorological gradient method for estimating O3 dry depositions over a forest canopy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15: 7487-7496.2. Liu Y.M., Zhang,S.T, Fan Q.* , Wang X.M, Wu D, Chan P.W, Fan S.J, Yang Y.R, Hong Y.Y, 2015. Accessing the Impact of Sea-Salt Emissions on Aerosol Chemical Formation and Deposition over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research ,15(6):2232-2245.
3. Cui H.Y., Chen W.H., Dai W., Liu H.
,Wang X.M. *
, He K.B., 2015. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in Guangzhou combining observation data analysis and chemical transport model simulation. Atmospheric Environment, 116: 262-271.4. Liao, W.H.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Fan, Q., Zhou, S.Z., Chang, M., Wang, Z.M., Wang ,Y., Tu Q.L., 2015.Long-term atmospheric visibility, sunshine duration and precipitation trends in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 107: 204-216.5. Liao, J.B., Wang, T.J., Jiang, Z.Q., Zhuang, B.L., Xie, M., Yin, C.Q.,
Wang, X.M.
, Zhu, J.L., Fu, Y., Zhang, Y., 2015. WRF/Chem modeling of the impacts of urban expansion on regional climate and air pollutants in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment, 106, 204-214.6. Fan, Q., Lan J., Liu, Y.M.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Chan, P.W., Fan, S.J., Hong, Y.Y., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y.J., Liang, G.X., Feng, Y.R., 2015. Diagnostic analysis of the sulfate aerosol pollution in spring over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15: 46-57.7. Zhang, N.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Chen, Y., Dai, W., Wang, X., 2015. Numerical simulations on influence of urban land cover expansion and anthropogenic heat ralease on urban meteorological environment in Pearl River Delta. Theoretical and applied climatology.8. Fan, Q., Lan, J., Liu, Y.M.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Chan, P., Hong Y.Y., Feng Y.R., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y. J., Liang G.X., 2015. Process analysis of regional aerosol pollution during spring in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Environment, 122, 829-838.2014年发表论文
1. 刘一鸣, 洪莹莹, 张舒婷,
, 范绍佳, 冯业荣, 樊琦*, 2014. 珠江三角洲秋季典型气溶胶污染的过程分析. 中国环境科学, 34(12): 3017-3025.2. Chang, M., Fan, S.F., Fan, Q., Chen, W.H., Zhang, Y.Q., Wang, Y.,
Wang, X.M.*
, 2014. Impact of refined land surface properties on the simulation of a heavy convective rainfall process in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50(1): 645- 655.3. Situ, S.P.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Guenther, A., Zhang, Y.L., Wang, X.M., Huang, X.M., Fan, Q., Xiong, Z., 2014. Uncertainties of isoprene emissions in the MEGAN model estimated for a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 98: 105-110.4. Liao, J.B., Wang, T.J.,
Wang, X.M.
, Xie, M., Jiang, Z.Q., Huang, X.X., Zhu, J.L., 2014.Impacts of different urban canopy schemes in WRF/Chem on regional climate and air quality in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Research, 145, 226-243.5. 张金谱, 胡嘉镗,
, 2014. 集合最优插值同化方法在珠三角空气质量模拟中的初步应用. 环境科学学报, 34(3), 558-566.6. 郭晓霜, 司徒淑娉,
, 丁翔, 王新明, 闫才青, 李小滢, 郑玫, 2014. 结合外场观测分析珠三角二次有机气溶胶的数值模拟. 环境科学, 35(5), 1654-1661.7. Wang, X.M.*, Liao, J.B., Zhang, J., Shen, C., Chen, W.H., Xia, B.C., Wang, T.J., 2014. A numeric study of regional climate change induced by urban expansion in Pearl River Delta, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 346-362.
8. Fan, Q., Yu, W., Fan, S.J.,
Wang, X.M.
, Lan, J., Zou, D.L., Feng, Y.R., Chan, P.W., 2014. Process analysis of a regional air pollution episode over Pearl River Delta Region, China, using the MM5-CMAQ model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64, 406-418.9. Huang, M.J., Chen, X.W., Zhao, Y.G., Chan, C.Y., Wang, W.,
Wang, X.M.
, Wong, M.H., 2014. Arsenic speciation in total contents and bioaccessible fractions in atmospheric particles related to human intakes. Environmental Pollution, 188: 37- 44.10. Huang, M.J., Wang, W., Chan, C.Y., Cheung K.W., Man, Y.B.,
Wang, X.M.
, Wong, M.H., 2014. Contamination and risk assessment (based on bioaccessibility via ingestion and inhalation) of metal (loid)s in outdoor and indoor particles from urban centers of Guangzhou, China. Science of Total Environment, 2014, 479-480: 117-124.2013年发表论文
1. Liu, H.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Pang, J.M., He, K.B., 2013. Feasibility and difficulties of China’s new air quality standard compliance: PRD case of PMand ozone from 2010 to 2025. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 12013–12027.2. Situ, S.P., Guenther, A.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Jiang, X., Turnipseed, A., Wu, Z.Y., Bai, J.H., Wang, X., 2013. Impacts of seasonal and regional variability in biogenic VOC emissions on surface ozone in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 11803–11817.3. Fan, Q., Liu, Y.M.,
Wang, X.M.
, Fan, S.J., Chan, P.W., Lan, J., Feng, Y.R., 2013. Effect of different meteorological fields on the regional air quality modelling over Pearl River Delta, China. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 53, 3-23.4. Zhang, Z.S., Engling, G., Chan, C.Y., Yang, Y.H., Lin, M., Shi, S., He, J., Li, Y.D.,
Wang, X.M.
, 2013. Determination of isoprene-derived secondary organic aerosol tracers (2-methyltetrols) by HPAEC-PAD: Results from size-resolved aerosols in a tropical rainforest. Atmospheric Environment, 70, 468-476.5. Wang, X.M.*, Wu, Z.Y., Shao, M., Fang, Y.T., Zhang, L.M., Chen, F., Chan, P.W., Fan, Q., Wang, Q., Zhu, S.J., Bao, R.Y., 2013. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to forest and estuary environments in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, southern China. Tellus B, 65, 20480.
6. Fang, Y.T.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Zhu, F.F., Wu, Z.Y., Li, J., Zhong, L.J., Chen, D.H., Yoh, M., 2013. Three-decade changes in chemical composition of precipitation in Guangzhou city, southern China: has precipitation recovered from acidification following sulfur dioxide emission control? Tellus B, 65, 20213.7. Wang, X.M.*, Liu, H., Pang, J.M., Carmichael, G., He, K.B., Fan, Q., Zhong, L.J., Wu, Z.Y., Zhang, J.P., 2013. Reductions in sulfur pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China: Assessing the effectiveness of emission controls. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 113-124.
8. Liu, H.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Zhang, J.P., He, K.B.*, Wu, Y., Xu, J.Y., 2013. Emission controls and changes in air quality in Guangzhou during the Asian Games. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 81-93.9. Fan, Q., Shen, C.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Li, Y., Huang, W., Liang, G.X., Wang, S.Y., Huang, Z.E., 2013. Impact of a dust storm on characteristics of particle matter (PM) in Guangzhou, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 49(1), 121-131.2012年发表论文
1. Guenther, A.B., Jiang, X., Heald, C.L., Sakulyanontvittaya, T., Duhl, T., Emmons, L.K.,
Wang, X.M.
, 2012. The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1): an extended and updated framework for modeling biogenic emissions. Geoscientific Model Development, 5, 1471-1492.2. Charusombat, U., Niyogi, D., Garrigues, S., Olioso, A., Marloie, O., Barlage, M., Chen, F., Ek, M.,
Wang, X.M.
, Wu, Z.Y., 2012. Noah-GEM and Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) based downscaling of Global Reanalysis surface fields: Evaluations using observations from a CarboEurope agricultural site. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 86(SI), 55-74.3. 廖镜彪,
, 夏北成, 王体健, 王志铭, 2012. WRF模式中微物理和积云参数化方案的对比试验. 热带气象学报, 28(4), 461-470.4. 陈巧俊,
, 吴志勇, 王志铭, 2012. 珠三角城市扩张对春季主要气象参数和O3浓度的影响. 热带气象学报, 28(3), 357-366.5. 申冲, 李园,
, 黄威, 梁桂雄, 王少毅, 黄卓尔, 陈巧俊, 杨柳林, 2012.北方强沙尘暴天气过程对广州空气质量影响的个例分析. 环境科学学报, 32(7), 1725-1735.6. Li, J., Fang, Y.T., Yoh, M.,
Wang, X.M.
, Wu, Z.Y., Kuang, Y.W., Wen, D.Z., 2012. Organic nitrogen deposition in precipitation in metropolitan Guangzhou city of southern China. Atmospheric Research, 113, 57-67.7. 张金谱,
, 申冲, 2012. 广州亚运会期间一次大气污染物积累及扩散过程的模拟分析. 广州环境科学, 27(3), 18-23.8. 杨柳林,
, 陈巧俊, 2012. 区域间大气污染物相互影响研究的新方法探讨. 环境科学学报, 32(3), 528-536.9. 王志铭,
, 李伟铿, 司徒淑娉, 钟流举, 陈多宏, 陈巧俊, 杨柳林, 李园, 2012. 珠三角SO2污染区划及来源的定量研究. 环境科学与技术, 35(1), 139-145.10. Wu, Z.Y.,
Wang, X.M.*
, Turnipseed, A.A., Chen, F., Zhang, L.M., Guenther, A., Karl, T., Huey, L.G., Niyogi, D., Xia, B.C., Alapaty, K., 2012. Evaluation and improvements of two community models in simulating dry deposition velocities for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) over a coniferous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D04310, doi:10.1029/2011JD016751.11. Zhang, Y.N., Zhang, Z.S., Chan, C.Y., Engling, G., Sang, X.F., Shi, S.,
Wang, X.M
., 2012.Levoglucosan and carbonaceous species in the background aerosol of coastal southeast China: case study on transport of biomass burning smoke from the Philippines. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(1), 244-255.2000--2006年发表论文
2. David G. Streets, Carolyne Yu, Michael H. Bergin, Xuemei Wang,Gregory R. Carmichael. Air Pollution due to the Manufacture of Export Goods in China’s Pearl River Delta. Environmental Science and technology, 2006,40(5)DOI: 10.1021/es051275n.
3. Wang T.J.,Lam K.S., Xie M.,Wang X.M. et al., Integrated studies of photochemical smog episodes in Hongkong and regional transport in the Pearl River Delta of China. Tellus B,2006,58(1),31-40.
4. 王雪梅,杨龙元,秦伯强,林文实,太湖流域春季降水化学组成及其来源研究,海洋与湖沼,2006,37(3),271-276。
5. Xuemei Wang, Gregory Carmichael, Deliang Chen,Youhua Tang. Impacts of different emission sources on air quality during March 2001 in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. Atmospheric Environment, 2005, 39(29) : 5227–5241.
6. Xuemei Wang , Youhua Tang , Gregory Carmichael .A modeling study on regional air quality and transport patterns over Pearl River Delta of china in fall season. Modern Physics Letters B, 2005, 19(28/29), 1735-1738.
7. 王雪梅,韩志伟,气象条件对广州市地面O3浓度分布的影响,热带气象报,2004,20(5),571-578。
8. 王雪梅,韩志伟,雷孝恩,广州地区臭氧浓度变化规律研究,中山大学学报,2003,42(4),106-109。
9. 邓儒儒,田国良,王雪梅,陈晓翔,大气污染定量遥感方法及其在长江三角洲的应用,红外与毫米波学报,2003,22(3),181-185。
10. 王雪梅,广州地区局地环流的数值模拟,高原气象,2003,22(2),197-201。
11. 王雪梅,邓儒儒,何执兼,遥感技术在大气监测中的应用,中山大学学报,2001,40(6),95-98。
12. 王雪梅,大涡模拟模式研究对流边界层湍流,气候与环境研究,2001,6(4),473-477。
13. 王雪梅,符春,梁桂雄,城市区域臭氧浓度变化的研究,环境科学研究,2001,14(5), 1-3,19。
14. 王雪梅,雷孝恩,洪钟祥,对流层大涡模拟模式的建立与调试,大气科学研究与应用, 2001, 1(20),26-33。
15. 王雪梅,大涡模拟模式研究对流层湍流,热带气象学报,2001,17(3),281-286。
16. 王雪梅,韩志伟,重庆市不同天气型下地面SO2浓度分布,中山大学学报, 2000,39(5),91-96。
2014-至今:国际大气环境主流SCI期刊Atmospheric Environment的编辑指导委员会委员(Editorial Advisory Board)
2011-至今:SCI期刊Asian Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science副编委(Associate Editor)
2013-至今:GEIA (Global Emissions InitiAtive)全球源排放研究中国工作组成员;