
时间:2023-10-10 00:42:21编辑:莆田seo君


2003-09至2004-09法国卡桑高等师范学院(ENS Cachan)硕士

2004-09至2007-12法国国立高等电信学院(ENST Paris)博士

2008-03至2010-09法国格勒诺布尔综合理工大学(INP Grenoble)博士后




1. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing,论文集主编,2009 - 2013

2. IEEE MLSP 2009,论文集副主编,







(1)Bin Luo, Liangpei Zhang, “Robust Autodual Morphological Profiles for the Classification of High-Resolution Satellite Images”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 52, No. 2, pp 1451-1462, 2014.

(2)Bin Luo, Shujing Jiang, Liangpei Zhang, “Indexing of remote sensing images with different resolutions by multiple features” , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 6, No. 4, pp 1899-1912, 2013.

(3)Bin Luo, Chanussot Jocelyn, Doute Sylvain, Liangpei Zhang, “Empirical automatic estimation of the number of endmembers in hyperspectral images”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 10, No. 1, pp 24-28, 2013.

(4)Bin Luo, Chenghai Yang, Chanussot Jocelyn, Liangpei Zhang, “Crop yield estimation based on unsupervised linear unmixing of multidate hyperspectral imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 51, No. 1, pp 162-173, 2013.

(5)Bin Luo, Khan Muhammad Murtaza, Bienvenu Thibaut, Chanussot Jocelyn, Liangpei Zhang, “Decision-based fusion for pansharpening of remote sensing images”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 10, No. 1, 2013.

(6)Bin Luo, Jean-Fran?ois Aujol and Yann Gousseau, “Local scale measure from the topographic map and application to remote sensing images”, SIAM Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 1-29, September, 2009

(7)Bin Luo, Jean-Fran?ois Aujol, Yann Gousseau and Said Ladjal, “Indexing of satellite images with different resolutions by wavelet features”, IEEE Trans. Image Processing Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1465-1572, August, 2008

(8)Bin Luo, Jean-Fran?ois Aujol, Yann Gousseau, Said Ladjal and Henri Maitre,“Resolution independent characteristic scale dedicated to satellite images”, IEEE Trans. Image Processing Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 2503-2514, October, 2007

(9)Bin Luo, Douté Sylvain, Ceamanos Xavier, Chanussot Jocelyn, Liangpei Zhang, “Extraction of minerals on the south pole of the planet Mars by unsupervised linear unmixing of hyperspectral images”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp 3050-3053, 2012.

(10)Bin Luo, Chanussot Jocelyn, “Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Spectral Unmixing and Geometrical Features”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol 65, No. 3, pp 457-468, December 2011.

(11)Chenghai Yang, Everitt James H., Qian Du, “Using High-Resolution Airborne and Satellite Imagery to Assess Crop Growth and Yield Variability for Precision Agriculture”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, Vol 101, No. 3, pp 582-592, 2013.

(12)Bin Luo, Chenghai Yang, Chanussot Jocelyn, ” Linear unmixing of multidate hyperspectral imagery for crop yield estimation”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp 1573-1576, 2011.

(13)Bin Luo, Khan Muhammad Murtaza, Bienvenu Thibaut, Chanussot Jocelyn, “Pansharpening with a decision fusion based on the local size information”, Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, pp 1977-1980, 2010.

(14)Douté Sylvain, Ceamanos Xavier, Bin Luo, Schmidt Frédéric, Jouannic Gwena?l, Chanussot Jocelyn, “Validation of spectral unmixing algorithms applied on CRISM/MRO hyperspectral images”, Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing, (WHISPERS) 2011.

(15)Xavier Ceamanos, Sylvain Doute , Bin Luo, Frederic Schmidt , Gwenail Jouannic and Jocelyn Chanussot, Intercomparison and validation of techniques for spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images: a planetary case study, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011

(16)Bin Luo, Jocelyn Chanussot, Sylvain Douté: Unsupervised endmember extraction: Application to hyperspectral images from Mars. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP2009) pp. 2869-2872, 2009, Cairo, Egypt

(17)Bin Luo, Jocelyn Chanussot: Unsupervised classification of hyperspectral images by using linear unmixing algorithm. IEEE Int. Conf. On Image Processing (ICIP2009) pp. 2877-2880, 2009, Cairo, Egypt

(18)Bin Luo, Jocelyn Chanussot: Geometrical features for the classification of very high resolution multispectral remote-sensing images. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP2010), pp. 1045-1048, 2010, Honkong, China

(19)Bin Luo, Muhammad Murtaza Khan, Thibaut Bienvenu, Jocelyn Chanussot: Pansharpening with a decision fusion based on the local size information. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP2010), pp. 1977-1980, 2010, Honkong, China

(20)Bin Luo, J-F. Aujol and Y. Gousseau , "Local scale measure for remote sensing images", 2nd Int. Conf. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM09), 2009, Voss, Norway[1]

