
时间:2023-10-02 19:34:59编辑:莆田seo君

(Education & Working Experience)

· 博士后,香港城市大学

· 博士,法国巴黎中央理工大学

· 硕士,西安交通大学

· 学士,西安交通大学

· Postdoctoral Fellow at Dept of SEEM, City University of Hong Kong

· PhD in Industrial Engineering, Ecole Centrale Paris, France

· M.S. in Systems Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

· B.S. in Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

研究领域 (Research Areas)

· 项目与工程管理 (Engineering and project management)

· 风险分析与管理 (Risk analysis and management)

· 复杂网络系统建模与优化 (Modeling and analysis of complex systems)

· 运筹与管理优化 (Operations research & management)

部分学术研究成果 (Publications)

国际期刊 (International Journals) :

【1】C. Fang, F. Marle, E. Zio, M. Xie, “An integrated framework for project risk response planning under resource constraints in large engineering projects”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(3), 627-639. (2013) (SCI/SSCI)

【2】C. Fang, F. Marle, “Dealing with project complexity by matrix -based propagation modelling for project risk analysis”, Journal of Engineering Design, 24(4), 239-256. (2013) (indexed by SCI & SSCI)

【3】C. Fang, F. Marle, “A simulation-based risk network model for decision support in project risk management”, Decision Support Systems, 52(3), 635-644. (2012) (indexed by SCI & SSCI)

【4】C. Fang, F. Marle, E. Zio, J-C. Bocquet, “Network theory-based analysis of risk interactions in large engineering projects”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 106, 1-10. (2012) (indexed by SCI & SSCI)

专著章节 (Book Chapters):

【1】C. Fang and F. Marle, “A Framework for the Modeling and Management of Project Risks and Risk Interactions”, Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling, Information Systems Series, Springer, 2013. (已被Springer特邀编辑接收,即将出版 Forthcoming)


国际会议 (International Conferences):

【1】C. Fang, “Complexity Modeling-Based Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Infrastructures”, 2013 Spring Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science(SRC-SEMS’13), May 2013, Shenzhen, China.

【2】C. Fang, M. Xie, “Sustainability and Risk Management for Critical Infrastructures”, the 4th POMS-HK International Conference, Jan 2013, Hong Kong.

【3】C. Fang, X. Xiao, XY. Zhu, “Accounting for risk interactions and using importance measures for risk prioritization in project management”, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM’ 2012), December 2012, Hong Kong.

【4】C. Fang, F. Marle, E. Zio, “An integrated framework for the optimization of project risk response plan under resource constraints with genetic algorithm”, The IEEE conference in Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, June 2011, Xi’an, China.

【5】C. Fang, F. Marle, L-A Vidal, “Modelling risk interactions to re-evaluate risks in project management”, the 12th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, DSM’10, July 2010, Cambridge University, UK.

【6】C. Fang, F. Marle, “Interactions-based risk network simulation for project risk prioritization”, the PMI (Project Management Institute) Research and Education Conference, July 2010, Washington D.C., USA.

【7】C. Fang, F. Marle, “Un modèle de simulation des interactions entre risques pour assister le management des risques projet”, Congrès Lambda Mu 17 Innovation et Maitrise des Risques, Oct. 2010, La Rochelle, France.

【8】C. Fang, F. Marle, “Modeling and simulation of risk interactions in project management”, the conference Confere’09, July 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.

主持的科研项目 (Research Projects as PI)

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:《复杂性建模下项目风险管理的研究》 71301123,项目主持人。(在研)

2. 武汉大学引进人才科研启动支持项目:《项目复杂性建模与风险管理方面的研究》,项目主持人。(在研)

3. 武汉大学经济与管理学院青年教师资助项目:《基于关联性和重要性度量的风险分析与排序》,项目主持人。(在研)


作为会议委员会或主办方成员参与了若干国际学术会议的组织工作,包括在香港会展中心举办的国际会议The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM’2012,Hong Kong)担任会议程序委员及分会主席;在2013年泰国曼谷举办的IEEM大会上继续担任会议程序委员;在2014年在美国旧金山举办的INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014上担任分会主席;在2015年即将武汉大学举办的InternationalResearch Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science (IRC-SEMS 2015)上担任大会组织委员会主席等。

同时担任多个重要国际学术期刊和国际会议的受邀审稿人,其中SCI和SSCI国际期刊包括: 《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》,《Decision Support Systems》,《Information Sciences》,《International Journal of Production Research》,《Journal of Risk and Reliability》,《Journal of Engineering Design》,《Transportation Research: Part E》等。






