
时间:2025-01-16 10:40:53编辑:莆田seo君

matlab中step() 这个是什么意思啊

step Step response of dynamic systems. [Y,T] = step(SYS) computes the step response Y of the dynamic system SYS. The time vector T is expressed in the time units of SYS and the time step and final time are chosen automatically. For multi-input systems, independent step commands are applied to each input channel. If SYS has NY outputs and NU inputs, Y is an array of size [LENGTH(T) NY NU] where Y(:,:,j) contains the step response of the j-th input channel.

opencv中int step = (int)img.step1()怎么理解?

规整化的step,值为step / elemSize1。 定义如下:
inline size_t Mat::step1(int i) const { return step.p[i]/elemSize1(); }

img(3*4)的type是CV_16UC4,step[0]是其一行所占的数据字节数4 *4 * 16 / 8 = 32.
step[1] 是一个元素所占的字节数,img的一个元素具有4个通道,故:4 * 16 / 8 = 2
step1 = step / elemSize1,elemSize1是元素的每个通道所占的字节数。

