marvel heroes

时间:2025-01-14 03:52:47编辑:莆田seo君

惊奇队长是漫威最强吗 惊奇队长有什么特殊超能力






对于这个问题,我们先从惊奇队长的英文名来看Captain Marvel,直接翻译过来就是“漫威队长”,请问如果惊奇队长的能力一般般的话,敢用这个名字吗?钢铁侠够牛逼了吧?雷神够牛逼了吧?他们都不敢叫这个名字,而惊奇队长就敢用这个名字,所以从名字本身上来看,惊奇队长在漫威英雄里面,就是一个领袖人物的存在。其次,对于此前已经上映的《复仇者联盟3》来看,在结尾的时候,惊奇队长作为彩蛋出现,这个已经在暗示着,惊奇队长将出现在《复仇者联盟4》里面,而在《复仇者联盟3》里面,灭霸一个响指就可以让一半的超级英雄消失了,这时候增加多一位超级英雄进来,肯定不是打酱油的角色,否则增加的意义在哪里?所以,由此可以得知,惊奇队长的能力超乎了现在的复仇者联盟里面任意一位超级英雄。最后,惊奇队长拥有的能力,更是一个BUG的存在,可以感知到危险和未来,这说明了什么呢?一个可以感知危险和未来的超级英雄,注定就是要改写历史的超级英雄,因为这对她来讲易如反掌。而且她还拥有了60倍超音速的飞行,这速度已经无法用语言来形容了,并且还可以吸收和控制各种能量,同时抗击打能力一流,估计灭霸一拳打过去,对她来说,就只是挠挠痒痒吧。所以综上所述,惊奇队长在现有的漫威超级英雄里面,绝对是NO1,她的出现就是要来改变MCU的未来。


第五元素的 其他的再等会
Every five thousand years, a door opens between the dimensions. In one dimension lies the universe and all of its multitude of varied life forms. In another exists an element made not of earth, air, fire or water, but of anti-energy, anti-life. This "thing," this darkness, waits patiently at the threshold of the universe for an opportunity to extinguish all life and all light.

Every five thousand years, the universe needs a hero, and in New York City of the 23rd Century, a good hero is hard to find.

One of today's most provocative and acclaimed filmmakers, director Luc Besson's works have captured the imaginations of filmgoers worldwide. His visually innovative style has marked the critically-acclaimed thriller The Professional, the exotic undersea adventure The Big Blue, the new wave thriller Subway and the seminal action film La Femme Nikita, the first major French blockbuster. Now, Besson teams with Bruce Willis, one of the most dynamic and successful actors of his generation, to take the science fiction film in a new and exciting direction.

Columbia Pictures presents The Fifth Element, a timeless story about love and survival, heroes and villains, good and evil, set in a strangely familiar yet intoxicatingly different 23rd Century.
The title of The Fifth Element refers to the four elements of alchemic Greek tradition -earth, air, fire, and water. Four elements gathered together to create the fifth one: life. Besson conceived of this energy -- the energy used to talk, to engage in sports, even to think -- as an actual, living thing that never disappears, but spreads throughout the universe and beyond.

Though the acclaimed writer/director conceived of the story while still a teenager, he was unaware that the concept of a fifth element -- known in Moorish traditions as "Akasha" -- is deeply rooted in ancient mythology. Besson remembers: "When my father came across Plato's writings on the subject, he came to me with the book and said, 'Do you know that your movie is a remake?' I read it, and was amazed to see the similarities between what Plato had written and what I had put into the script."

In The Fifth Element, Besson posits the question: what if an opposite form of life existed in another dimension -- one not made up of life-energy, but a dark, cancerous embodiment of all that is evil? "The energy of life, and this other, evil life-form, are opposites, like fire and ice," Besson explains, "and the more of this life-energy we create, the more it irritates and provokes this other."

In the 23rd century of The Fiffh Element, humanity has wandered out among the stars, spreading this life-energy, and further agitating the dark being. "It feels as if we are asphyxiating it," Besson notes. "It is dying because of us. It wants to fight back, and extinguish every source of energy or light --animal, vegetable, human. But it has its own limitations: it is isolated in another dimension."

The dark being's time to strike back occurs only once every 5,000 years when a doorway between the parallel dimensions briefly opens. "At the very beginning of the movie," says Besson, "we show that a way was once found to fight this entity, but the years have passed, and the way is forgotten. When our story begins, he is back, and no one knows how to defeat him."

The setting in which this heroic quest drama unfolds is among the most fully-realized fantasy worlds ever committed to film, and certainly one of the most unique. "We looked at all of human history," says Besson, "in order to come up with what we think is a very possible scenario for humanity in the year 2259, which is when the story takes place -- to be very precise, the story begins on March 18, 2259, at 2 a.m. What will the evolution be? How will people live, and think? And how will that be reflected in the world? It seemed very important to me to create for this story a world that people can accept as a real possibility for the future."

The result is a menagerie of weirdly exotic aliens: hulking, armored creatures with incongruously small heads called the Mondoshawan who, despite their imposing presence, work on the side of good; and huge, doglike Mangalores -- an army of mercenaries in the service of Zorg (Gary Oldman), the agent of all that is evil. The filmmakers also created imagery of a brave, new Earth that has never been seen before, along with an array of fantastically-imagined vistas on other planets and our own.
In the future, the polar ice caps have melted, the world is covered by water, and everyone is left to fend for themselves as scavengers in a grim reality. This is Waterworld, and you'll be glad to know: even in this harsh realm, the women still shave their legs.

The most expensive movie ever made (the final word is $172 million), Waterworld will be a true monument in Kevin Costner's career. Unfortunately, this film isn't going to have quite the effect something like Dances with Wolves had. The bottom line is Waterworld is a marginal film: always extravagant, sometimes entertaining, often preachy and dull--a pure formula picture.

The story is time-tested and painfully simple. Costner plays The Mariner, a lone drifter on the watery surface of the earth who talks about his boat more than Forrest Gump. Jeanne Tripplehorn (The Firm) plays Helen, the love interest and the protector of Enola (Tina Majorino), a child with a strange tattoo which just may show the way to the mythical paradise of Dryland. The obligatory bad guy is The Deacon (Dennis Hopper), a slave driver/preacher with heavy artillery that acts a lot like, well, Dennis Hopper. I won't be the only one to say, "It's Mad Max on water."

Of course, The Deacon wants the kid. The Mariner wants to protect her and falls in love with Helen. So for 134 minutes, The Deacon chases the trio, turning up over and over and over, always out of nowhere (ever try to hide on the ocean?), and always being thwarted by The Mariner. Basically, it's Costner trying to be a superhero, swinging around on a lot of ropes and blowing up everything else.

This gets pretty old after awhile, especially since Costner looks more concerned with what's for dinner than what's on the screen. The other problems are innumerable: it's hard to figure out where the story is headed, the bad guys act like members of a bumbling Keystone Coast Guard, and a number of effects are obvious digital fakes. There are a few bright spots, but it ends up being a passable story with lackluster execution.

All the hype surrounding this film has really spoiled what there was to enjoy. If you see it, you'll probably be trying to figure out where all that money went, too (I only counted about $100 million). It's too bad; you'll need that brainpower just to figure out what's going on.

超级英雄 人物介绍 DC公司 和 MARVEL

DC:(英雄)超人 绿灯侠 蝙蝠侠 闪电侠(三代) 罗宾(3代) 蝙蝠女(2代)(反派)小丑
双面人 红帽魔(二代罗宾) 猫女 毒藤女 忍者大师 稻草人 卢瑟 Bane
MARVEL:(英雄)钢铁侠 浩克 雷神 美国队长 蜘蛛侠 蜘蛛女侠 恶灵骑士 黑豹 蚁人 黄衫侠
金刚狼 镭射眼 X教授 小淘气 X23 铁拳 神力侠 白虎 新星 黑猫 黑寡妇 鹰眼 血清
(反派)万磁王 停电 魔形女 红坦克 洛基 蜥蜴人 绿恶魔 犀牛 满大人 铁霸王 灭霸 毒液 屠杀


以下的都是出过电影和电视的,大部分仔细找下都能看到!属于DC公司的超级英雄有nbsp;超人(英文名:SUPERMAN)nbsp;介绍:超人是Justicenbsp;League正义联盟的代表人物和精神领袖。这里先介绍一下,属于DC漫画公司的超级英雄中,最具代表性的七人为了共同维护世界和平,组成了团体Justicenbsp;Leaguenbsp;ofnbsp;America,简称JLA,译为美国正义联盟。(当然,这是漫画中的情节)nbsp;超人的双亲Jor-El和Laranbsp;把他送来地球,主要是为了拯救他的生命和他们那个已经毁灭的行星,Krypton(氪行星)。当超人的飞船坠落在地球小镇Smallville时,被路经的肯特夫妇发现,并把他抚养长大。Clark的外星人血统给了他强大的超能力,并且可以吸收利用太阳的能量。为了掩饰身份,克拉克在大都市星球日报工作,并结识了女记者露易斯。一旦有人陷入危机,他就换装出现在人们面前。超人不喜暴力,永远为了世界的和平而无私奉献,属于超级英雄里人品和威望都相当高的一个。nbsp;超能力:力量,速度,飞行,X光眼,钢筋铁骨,超常恢复,热视力,超听力,超级呼吸nbsp;评价:毫无疑问,超级英雄之中的王者,同时也最深入人心。无论过了多久都是最经典的代表,人们在绝望和痛苦的时候总是能想到他。在《超人归来》成为超人系列电影的第五部的时候,人们终于可以等到这个内裤外穿的家伙回来了。nbsp;PS:由于其形象良好且经典,附上超人小资料:nbsp;姓名:克拉克nbsp;肯特(地球名)Kal-El(氪星名)nbsp;身高:2.1米nbsp;体重:110公斤nbsp;眼睛:蓝色nbsp;头发:黑色nbsp;职业:渴望得到普利策奖的记者,星球日报的展览记者和驻外通信员/超人nbsp;家庭关系:Jor-Elnbsp;(生父,已故)Lara(生母,已故)nbsp;乔纳森nbsp;肯特nbsp;(养父)玛撒nbsp;肯特nbsp;(养母)nbsp;路易斯nbsp;莱恩(妻子)nbsp;婚姻情况:已婚,配偶nbsp;路易斯nbsp;莱恩nbsp;所属团体:美国正义同盟nbsp;家庭住址:1938nbsp;Sullivannbsp;Place,nbsp;Metropolisnbsp;[克拉克先前的住址:nbsp;Apartmentnbsp;3-D,nbsp;344nbsp;Clintonnbsp;Street,nbsp;Metropolis]nbsp;[路易斯先前的住址:nbsp;55nbsp;Broomenbsp;Street,nbsp;Metropolis]nbsp;生日:2月29日nbsp;超人之父:nbsp;Jerrynbsp;Siegelnbsp;(作者),Joenbsp;Shusternbsp;(绘制者)nbsp;超人形象首次出现是在1938年6月年杂志《ACTIONnbsp;COMICS》第一期nbsp;蝙蝠侠(英文名:BATMAN)nbsp;首次出现于1939年5月杂志《DETECTIVEnbsp;COMICS》第27期nbsp;介绍:原名布鲁斯威恩,出身于高森城,小时候和父母看舞台剧佐罗,散场后父母被歹徒所杀,因而变成孤儿,幸好家庭富裕,由管家抚养长大,因小时曾失足跌入蝙蝠洞,更加上受佐罗的影响,于是决定用蝙蝠侠的身份对抗罪恶。nbsp;超能力:无。在所有著名的漫画英雄中,蝙蝠侠是惟一一个毫无超能力、就肉体而言纯属凡人的角色。他依靠的是自己巨大的财富、聪明的头脑和“蝙蝠车”、“蝙蝠衣”、“蝙蝠镖”以及各种高科技手段,他有着惊人的搜集和分析资料的能力,还拥有出色的体能和技击能力。nbsp;评价:和超人地位并驾齐驱的另一位英雄。只是他总是出没在暗夜之中,用自己的方式和手段打击罪恶。超人是阳光之子,他则是暗夜骑士。蝙蝠侠属于英雄里面比较孤单的一个,也许来自于童年时候的阴影永远无法在他内心抹去,因此我们看到了蝙蝠侠与众多JLA超级英雄曾经的不和。其实正因如此蝙蝠侠才更加像一个真正的人。蝙蝠侠系列电影至今为止比较为人熟知的也有6部之多了。nbsp;神奇女侠(英文名:WONDERnbsp;WOMAN)nbsp;介绍:可能大家对这个角色并不熟悉,实际上她的名气也是相当大。神奇女侠形象首次出现于1941年,与超人、蝙蝠侠并称DC三大巨头,同时,他们三人也是正义联盟的主要领导人员。神奇女侠是一位亚马逊族公主,从泥土中诞生,同时也被赐于神的力量。她实际上是奥林匹斯山众神决定派出保护地球的使者,也叫戴安娜女神。(竟然和希腊神话都联系上了,无语……)nbsp;超能力:力大能飞,反应灵敏,精通所有徒手与冷兵器格斗术,护腕可抵挡和反弹子弹,真言套索可以无限延长、不可挣脱、不会断裂,并可以令人说真话,还原所有真实。另外还有全套盔甲和武器。nbsp;评价: 查看原帖>>




惊奇队长电影剧情 是谁主演的




