狗的英文有几种:Dog 狗、Puppy 小狗、Mans best friend 人类最好的朋友、Pooch 狗、Canine 犬 扩展资料 Dog 狗 单词dog是“狗”最常见的说法。人们在口中也常用“doggy”来指狗。 例句: I walk my dog every morning. 我每天早晨遛狗。 Sit, Max! Good doggy. 蹲下来,麦克斯!真是条乖狗狗。 Puppy 小狗 Puppy也是一个和“狗”有关的词语,它特指“小狗,幼犬”。比如,我们会用“puppy love”来比喻“青少年不成熟,青涩的.恋爱”,而搭配“puppy fat”则用来形容“婴儿时期的肥胖”。 例句: My dad bought me a puppy on my 15th birthday. 我爸爸在我十五岁生日那天买给我一只小狗。 Man's best friend 人类最好的朋友 俗话说,狗是人类最好的朋友,很多人会把这类小动物当成宠物,甚至是家庭中不可缺少的成员。英语表达“man's best friend”就是对“狗”的爱称。 例句: Man's best friend can be trained to assist visually impaired people. 狗可以接受相关训练,以协助有视力障碍的人。 Pooch 狗 Pooch是“狗”的口语说法,它的复数形式是pooches。 例句: We'll meet all kinds of pooches at the dog expo. 我们会在犬展上看到很多品种的狗。 Canine 犬 Canine做名词时的意思是“犬类,犬”,这是较为正式的说法。除此之外,canine还可以用作形容词,指“和狗有关的,犬类的”。与之相对应的表示“猫科动物,猫类的”等意思的英语单词是“feline”,它也可以当作名词或形容词来使用。 例句: Canines are known for their amazing sense of smell.
[名词]dog;读音:英[d_ɡ],美[d__ɡ]。n.狗;家伙;卑鄙的人;没用的东西vt.(灾难等)缠住;跟踪。词汇搭配:straydog走失的狗。breeddogs饲养狗。littledog小狗。wilddog野狗。常见句型:Thehouseisguardedbyafiercedog.这所房子由一条猛犬看守。2、Aclumsydogknockedthecupover.莽撞笨拙的狗把杯子弄翻了。3、Agoodhuntingdogisalerttoeverysoundandmovementinthefield.好猎犬对田野里任何响动都很警觉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com
dogs的意思:作为名词,dogs的中文意思为“狗”、“公狐”、“赛狗”;作为动词,dogs的中文意思为“困扰”、“纠缠”、“跟踪”、“尾随”。dogs造句:They bought a dog to prevent any burglaries .他们买了条狗以防盗贼。The singular form of "dogs" is "dog" .“dogs”的单数形式是“dog”。Our dog has had puppies twice already .我们的狗已经生了两窝小狗了。She combed the mud out of the dog 's fur .她梳去狗的皮毛中的泥土。
dog是什么意思 dog的中文意思
英音 [dɔg] ;,美音 [dɔg] ;,名词 狗,犬;家伙 v. 1. 跟踪,追踪 2. 困扰;折磨;纠缠,informal term for a man,a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman,someone who is morally reprehensible,a *** ooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually *** oked; often served on a bread roll,go after with the intent to catch,a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward,a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the mon wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds,metal supports for logs in a fireplace,dog it (在比赛, 演出, 工作中)吊儿郎当, 敷衍了事 ,dog eat dog 1. 人吃人,各人顾各人2. 自相残杀3. 残酷无情的竞争 ,dog cheap 贱价,一钱不值 ,dog catch 卡子,擒纵器 ,driving dog 传动挡块,传动夹头,传动止块,桃子夹头 ,gate dog 闸门钩 ,dog watch 大话;奇闻怪事;荒诞不经的故事 ,sled dog phr. 雪橇狗,被训练来拉雪橇的狗 ,Beware of Dog 谨防恶狗 ,pariah dog phr. 流浪犬 ,DOG =Data Output Gate 数据输出门,dog n. 狗,犬;家伙v. 1. 跟踪,追踪2. 困扰;折磨;纠缠,dog eat dog n. 自相残杀adj.自相残杀的, 竞争激烈的,dog's eared a. 页角弄折了的,dog violet n. 无香味的野生紫缴兰,dog end 菸头,dog hole 流液洞,fog dog 雾峯中明亮部分,dog headed a. 头部似狗的,dog ears [ dog-ear ]的第三人称单数;[ dog-eared ]的第三人称单数