
时间:2024-12-18 07:39:31编辑:莆田seo君


elder(长辈、年长者)这个单词的读音是[ˈɛldər]。el的读音是/ˈɛl/,类似于单词elk中的音素。der的读音是/dər/,类似于单词duh中的音素。将两个音节组合在一起,即可得到完整的单词“elder”的读音[ˈɛldər]或者可以用国际音标表示为/ˈɛldər/。拓展知识1、My elder brother just started college this year.(我哥哥今年刚开始上大学。)2、The elder members of the family gave valuable advice to the younger ones.(家族中年长的成员给年轻人提供了宝贵的建议。)3、She is the elder of the two sisters.(她是两个姐妹中的大姐。)4、The council sought the guidance of the village elder in making important decisions.(村庄的长者在做重要决策时提供了指导。)5、In some cultures, it is customary to show respect to elders by greeting them first.(在某些文化中,向长者先行问候是一种传统。)6、The community turned to the village elder for wisdom and leadership in times of crisis.(在危机时期,社区寻求村庄长者的智慧和领导。)7、The elder generation often shares stories about the past with the younger ones.(年长一代经常与年轻人分享关于过去的故事。)


elder的读音:英[ˈeldər]、美[ˈeldər]。释义:adj. 年龄较大的;(用于人名前或后,指同名者中)年龄较大的一个;资格老的。n. 长辈,年长者;(基督教会中的)长老;(部落等群体的)头人,族长;接骨木。n. (Elder) (美)埃德(人名)。变形:复数elders。elder造句。1、The elder sister is older than the other sisters.姐姐比其他妹妹们年长。2、He is her elder by several years.他比她年长几岁。3、The elder girl tried to encourage her small companion.年长的女孩试图鼓励她的小伙伴。


家庭成员的英文单词有:guandmother 奶奶、grendfather 爷爷、mother 妈妈、father爸爸、son 儿子、sister 姐姐、daughter 女儿、brother 兄弟、sister 姐妹 等。mother英 ['mʌðə]美 ['mʌðɚ]n.母亲;妈妈adj.母亲的;母体的;本源的vt.生育;像母亲一样关爱[例句]I'm here, Mother.妈,我在这儿。father英 ['fɑːðə]美 ['fɑðɚ]n.父亲;神父;祖先;创始人v.创造;当 ... 的父亲[例句]My father and mother went for a walk.爸爸妈妈去散步了。son英 [sʌn]美 [sʌn]n. 儿子;孩子(对年轻人的称呼);男性后裔n. (Son)人名;(土、老、柬)松;(法、罗)索恩;(日)存(名);(日)孙(姓);(越)山[例句]Don't be frightened, son.别害怕,孩子。1、grandmother英 ['græn(d)mʌðə]美 ['ɡrænmʌðɚ]n. 祖母;女祖先vt. 当…的祖母vi. 当祖母[例句]The grandmother seems to be an anchorage for the rest of the family.奶奶似乎是一家人的精神支柱。2、grandfather英 ['græn(d)fɑːðə]美 ['græn'fɑðɚ]n. 祖父;始祖vt. 不受新规定限制[例句]Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather.查尔斯从不掩饰他对祖父的景仰。




  老年人,按照国际规定,65周岁以上的人确定为老年;在中国,60周岁以上的公民为老年人。随着社会老龄化的日益加重,中国的老年人越来越多,所占人口比例也越来越高。老年人面临着养老、医疗以及精神赡养等诸多社会问题,值得各界关注。那么你知道老年人用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    老年人英语说法1   old people    老年人英语说法2   the aged    老年人的相关短语:   中老年人 middle-aged and aged people ; middle-aged and elderly ;   老老年人 old people ; 80 years of age or older   中国的老年人 Chinese Senior Citizen   老年人颅内压增高 senile intracranial hypertension   老年人慢性胃炎 senile chronic gastritis   老年人高脂血症 senile hyperlipidemia ; elderly patients with hyperlipidemia   老年人高血压危象 senile hypertensive crisis    老年人的英语例句:   1. As a group, today's old people are still relatively deprived.   总的来说,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。   2. We usually think of a victim of mugging as being someone elderly.   我们通常以为被拦路抢劫的受害者是老年人。   3. More and more old people have capital tied up in a house.   越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。   4. Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.   老年人渴望有一个更稳定、更可预见的未来。   5. His hair was snow white like an old man's.   他的头发像老年人的头发一样,雪白雪白的。   6. It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process.   这种情况出现在老年人当中,显然是衰老过程的一部分。   7. The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies.   老年人组织向各自的会员寄送了邮件。   8. Many older people cannot get along on just their Social Security checks.   许多老年人仅靠社会保障金无法生活。   9. Old bones break easily.   老年人容易骨折。   10. Many of the elderly are on medication.   许多老年人都需按时服药。   11. Old people fear to leave their homes.   老年人都不愿背井离乡。   12. the innate conservatism of older people   老年人固有的保守性   13. Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.   老年人常常想方设法节约用暖气,结果损害了他们的健康。   14. the costs of health care for the elderly   老年人的医疗费用   15. Older people should not be treated as second-class citizens .   不应把老年人当二等公民对待。


the old代表老人意思的还有:old man or woman; the aged;; one's aged parents or grandparents; old people; aged parents or grandparents; oldster; old boy; elderly; oldie;old-timer; golden ager; mzee; fossil习语:aged parents or grandparents 上了年纪的父母或祖父母双语例句:1、老人靠在垫子上躺着。The old man lay propped up on cushions.2、那个老人在教她弹弦乐器。The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments.3、你要仔细听才能听见老人的呼吸声You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe4、老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side5、他几乎打记事起就认识这个老人。He'd known the old man practically all his lifeold的反义词:young英 [jʌŋ] 美 [jʌŋ] adj.幼小的;未成熟的;年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的;年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的;由年轻人(或儿童)构成的n.(统称)年轻人,青年人;幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟复数: youngs比较级: younger最高级: youngest

