
时间:2024-12-17 22:28:31编辑:莆田seo君


  泡泡是由于水的表面张力而形成的,是很常见的一种物理存在现象。那么,你知道泡泡的英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于泡泡的英语知识吧。   泡泡的英文释义   hubble-bubble   泡泡的英文例句   孩子们识破了杰克喜欢吃泡泡糖的秘密。   The boys got wise to Jack's fondness for bubble gum.   温泉正冒着泡泡。   That hot spring was effervescing with bubbles.   天太热了,柏油路面上都被晒起了泡泡。   It is so hot that the asphalt roads are bubbling.   泡泡是为了清除井内在工作中出现的钻粉。   The foam is used to remove the cuttings in the well during drilling.   泡泡油桶封口均采用自动化装置封口技术。   Bubble sealed oil drums are the use of automation in sealing technology.   一只大闸蟹在水中悠然自得地吐著泡泡。   A hairy crab is leisurely making bubbles in the water.   我们知道这只狗生病了因为它开始在嘴边吐泡泡。   We knew the dog was sick because it started to foam at the mouth.   泡泡们以共生互利的方式与老建筑一同存在着。   They exist in symbiosis with the old housing.   这个孩子喜欢用麦秆吸管往水里吹泡泡。   The child likes to blow bubbles into water through a straw.   人口是由泡泡的大小所代表。   The size of the bubble here is the population.   虽然不是一种严重的受伤,水泡--那些你脚上的充满流体的皮泡泡--可能会很痛,从而阻止你跑步。   While not a serious injury, blisters -- those fluid-filled bubbles of skin on your feet-- can be painful and keep you from running.   总之,这些引擎建立一个我们每个人独特的全域性资讯——这就是我称之为“过滤器泡泡”的东西——这从根本上改变了我们以前遇到的想法和资讯的方式。   Together, these engines create a unique universe of rmation for each of us --what I've e to call a filter bubble -- which fundamentally alters the way weencounter ideas and rmation.   个人空间就是你的“泡泡”,就是你把自己跟他人隔开的空间。   Personal space is your "bubble" - the space you place between yourself andothers.   这些高速电子与银河晕的光子相互作用,将它们中的一些激发,使之成为泡泡中观测到的伽马射线。   These speedy electrons interact with photons in the galactic halo, boosting someof them up to the gamma-ray energies observed in the bubbles.   或者你也可以把傻瓜看成一个泡泡。   Or you can envision the idiot in a bubble.   在过滤器中的泡泡,有很少的空间遇到能带来的洞察力和学习的机会。   In the filter bubble, there's less room for the chance encounters that bring insightand learning.   只有当有人试图进入你的泡泡时,这看不见的屏障才会变得明显。   This invisible boundary bees apparent only when someone bumps or tries toenter your bubble.   泡泡的英语句子带翻译   来个长时间的热水浴-让整个浴盆充满泡泡-或把头伸进与盆里。   Take a long hot bath – with lots of bubbles – or soak in a hot tub.   鲸鱼会吹泡泡来警告对方,或者用身体击打或者直击对手,他说,有时候会打到出血。   The whales will blow bubbles to warn each other and body slam or strike rivals, hesays, occasionally drawing blood.   但是,如果这两个泡泡不是来自于黑洞的稳定的拨出,而是出于近期黑洞的一次喷发呢?   But what if the bubbles came not from the black hole's steady exhalation, but froma relatively recent black hole belch?   游玩者爬进这个塑料大泡泡类似于一个巨大的仓鼠球,然后站起来。   A rider climbs inside the plastic bubble, similar to a giant hamster ball , and standsup.   接着,我们将地球和讲话泡泡两种想法结合起来。但是使用者认为它是被刺穿的汽球。   We then bined the idea of a world with the idea of a speech bubble, but usersthought it was a punctured balloon.   就算你在那个泡泡里,你也无法幸免。   And even in the bubble you're not immune.   有很多种制造共同感觉和意义的方式。最通常的做法就是把大量零散的资讯整理成“子整体”或是让泡泡聚焦成点点。   There are many ways of making sense and meaning – the general idea is to gofrom loads of bits of rmation to “holons” or from bubbles to dots.   当你使用萤幕下方的聊天工具讲话时,你的话会以聊天泡泡的形式出现在你角色的的头顶上。   When you talk by using the chat box at the bottom, your words appear as speechbubble above your character.   他解释说:“当太阳风释放出等离子体时,它也会制造出一个泡泡:日光层。”   "When the solar wind blows out pla *** a it too causes a bubble: the heliosphere,"he explains.   婴儿恒星所发出的酷热辐射不仅将周围区域照亮,而且在周围的氢气中划分出许多泡泡,这说明了NGC604的复杂构成。   Blistering radiation from the infant stars not only lights up the neighborhood but also carves out bubbles in the surrounding hydrogen gas, giving NGC 604 itsplex structure.   第二,过滤器泡泡是无形的。   Second, the filter bubble is invisible.   在学会如何吹出光环状的泡泡后,这头白鲸很快成为了水族馆的名人。   This whale has bee a sensation at an aquarium after learning how to blowhalo-shaped bubbles.   例如,你可以把自己看做一个密闭的泡泡,完全没有东西能伤害到你。   For example, you could visualize yourself in a bubble, where absolutely nothingcan hurt you. 1.口袋的英语单词 2.雨伞的英文怎么读 3.迷彩用英语怎么说 4.采访用英语怎么说 5.热情用英语怎么说


泡泡的英文是Bubble,作名词时意为“气泡,泡沫,泡泡,泡状物,透明圆形罩,圆形顶”。作及物动词时意为“使冒泡,滔滔不绝地说”。作不及物动词时意为“沸腾,冒泡,发出气泡声”。短语搭配:economic bubble 泡沫经济,经济泡沫。Bubble Bath 泡泡浴,泡沫浴,气泡浴,泡泡浴液。双语例句:1、鲍勃装成一条吐泡泡的鱼。Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles. 2、崔茜卡能感觉到自己的脑袋冒起了一点点泡泡。Tricia could feel her brain beginning to bubble very slightly.


泡泡的英文是Bubble,作名词时意为“气泡,泡沫,泡泡,泡状物,透明圆形罩,圆形顶”。作及物动词时意为“使冒泡,滔滔不绝地说”。作不及物动词时意为“沸腾,冒泡,发出气泡声”。短语搭配:economic bubble 泡沫经济,经济泡沫。Bubble Bath 泡泡浴,泡沫浴,气泡浴,泡泡浴液。双语例句:1、鲍勃装成一条吐泡泡的鱼。Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles. 2、崔茜卡能感觉到自己的脑袋冒起了一点点泡泡。Tricia could feel her brain beginning to bubble very slightly.

