curtain的意思是窗帘。双语例句:1、He was itching for the curtain to rise.他巴不得马上开演。2、The acoustic curtain belongs to the porous organic-fiber acoustic material.吸声帘幕属于多孔有机纤维吸声材料。3、His wife hung a beautiful curtain over the window他的妻子把漂亮的窗帘挂在窗户上。4、The curtain fell on this once thriving Belgian cinema in the 1980s.这家曾经在比利时风光无限的剧院于1980年代落下大幕。5、The couple decide to bring down the curtain on their marriage after 5 year.那对夫妇决定结束五年的婚姻关系。
curtain的意思是窗帘。英 ['kɜːtn] 美 ['kɜːrtn] n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)vt. (用帘)装饰,(以帘)遮蔽例句:The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.翻译:突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。短语:pull down a curtain 把幕拉下来近义词drape 扩展词汇 英 [dreɪp] 美 [dreɪp] n. 布帘,褶皱v. 用布帘覆盖,(使)呈褶裥状,悬挂例句:He is draping the banner from the balcony.翻译:他使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下。短语:surgical drape 手术单