
时间:2024-10-20 14:10:36编辑:莆田seo君


joker的意思是爱开玩笑的人,小丑。1、Joker的原意指的是那些搞笑的人(多含贬义)或者是会讲笑话的人。可后来joker这个词被拿来代指jester,就是扑克牌上画的那个形象了。2、短语搭配:The Joker Is Wild啼笑泪痕;艺海奇人。little joker小王;小鬼;红鼻子;大王。big joker大王;大鬼;年日王;年夜王。Mobile Joker Store王牌手机通信店;王牌手机通讯店;手机通讯店;王牌手机。The Joker小丑;玩笑者;唱片名。Men's Joker潮男系日本原版杂志;日本时尚杂志潮男系列;现货。joker的双语例句:1、The 8-year-old is the joker of the class.这个8岁的孩子是班上爱开玩笑的人。2、And he was so engrossed in the Kabuki of his work that it occurred to me how easy a mark he might make for a practical joker tying shoelaces together.他是如此地专注自己的工作,这让我突然想到把鞋带绑到一起的恶作剧者要想成功会是多么简单。3、The British publication, Radio Times, reports that "Sherlock" make-up artist Claire Pritchard-Jones spilled the news on Cumberbatch's brief Joker-style 'do at a recent Sherlock Holmes convention in Vienna, Austria.英国报纸《Radio Times》报道,《神探夏洛克》化妆师Clair Pritchard-Jones在近日在奥地利维也纳举行的《神探夏洛克》活动上就跟大家分享了这样一件轶事。4、Are you a joker? A teaser? A clown? How you deploy your sense of humor says a lot about how you relate to others and to yourself.你喜欢开玩笑吗?喜欢戏弄人吗?喜欢恶作剧吗?一个人怎么表现出他的幽默感很大程度上反映了他怎么定位自己与其他人的关系。


1、意思:n. 诙谐者;家伙;(纸牌)百搭;伏笔2、发音:英 ['dʒəʊkə(r)]     美 ['dʒoʊkər] 3、短语practical joke 恶作剧、扩展资料:近义词:comic1、意思:n. 连环图画;喜剧演员adj. 滑稽的;有趣的;喜剧的2、发音:英 ['kɒmɪk]     美 ['kɑːmɪk]   3、词源解说:

