世博会 英文

时间:2024-10-14 10:00:31编辑:莆田seo君


  简单版简介(英文):World Exposition (World Exhibition or Exposition, called World Expo), also known as the International Exposition and World's Fair, called Expo, Expo, is a government organization or by the host country commissioned by the Government departments concerned have held great influence and a long history of international Expo activities. Exhibitors demonstrate to the world of contemporary culture, technology and industry on all areas of life in a positive impact on the outcome.
  世界博览会(World Exhibition or Exposition,简称World Expo)又称国际博览会及世界博览会,简称世博会、世博,是一项由主办国政府组织或政府委托有关部门举办的有较大影响和悠久历史的国际性博览活动.参展者向世界各国展示当代的文化、科技和产业上正面影响各种生活范畴的成果.
  详细版简介(英文):World Expo (Universal Expo, Expo is the Exposition of abbreviations; also known as World Fair or World's Fair) which is a characteristic of the forum, it encourages human creativity and active participation, it also encourages the man to the scientific and emotional combined will all contribute to human development, new concepts, new ideas, new technology show in the world. Therefore, the Expo will be praised as the world economy, science and technology, culture, the "Olympic" event.
  World Expo is a government organization or by the host country commissioned by the Government departments concerned have a more organized [1] big impact and a long history of international Expo activities. It has gone through over a hundred years of history, the original artwork and traditional crafts to the main display, then gradually turned into meta-science and technology
  And industrial technology exhibition, a breeding industry professionals and the general public a rare initial education establishments. Exhibition venue in the world not only to demonstrate technology and products, and accompanied by colorful performances, spectacular scenery and charming, set in daily life can not experience full of festive atmosphere of the room, as the general public an ideal place for entertainment and consumption .
  World Expo is a gathering of human beings, people from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, praise their hometown and motherland. Expo set the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make you feel surging. Such gatherings can be traced back to ancient times, as early as the fifth century, Persian organized the first exhibition features beyond the market. Eighteenth century, people gradually organized and market similar to the thought of development is not only selling exhibition. The Expo is the modern sense originated in the mid-19th century industrial revolution in embryonic occasion. So far, the Expo has been held more than 40 sessions,
  Gone through four stages of development.
  详细版简介(汉语): 世界博览会(Universal Expo,Expo 是Exposition的缩写; 也称World Fair或World's Fair)它是一个富有特色的讲坛,它鼓励人类发挥创造性和主动参与性,它更鼓励人类把科学性和情感结合起来,将种种有助于人类发展的新概念、新观念、新技术展现在世人面前.因此,世博会被誉为世界经济、科技、文化的 “奥林匹克”盛会.


世界博览会的英文名称是Universal Exposition或World's Fair,又称国际博览会及万国博览会,简称世博会、世博、万博,是一个具国际规模的集会。参展者向世界各国展示当代的文化、科技和产业上正面影响各种生活范畴的成果。举办世界博览会的目的,是透过一个国际性的展览平台,使参与的国家在主题上得到广泛的联络与交流。世界博览会是对当时社会文明的智慧的一种记录,和对未来的前瞻。世博会可分为两类,一类是展期较久,通常为时半年的“注册类世博会”,需要主办单位准备综合所有方面的成果来展出,从2000年起五年一次的展览;另一类则是穿插在两届注册类世博会之间,展期长达三个月的“认可类世博会”,主题取向也变得比较偏向专业,所以大概全球2-3年就会有一次世界博览会。扩展资料世博会的历史世博会的起源是中世纪欧洲商人定期的市集,市集起初只牵涉到经济贸易。到了19世纪,商界在欧洲地位提升,市集的规模渐渐扩大,商品交易的种类和参与的人员愈来愈多,影响范围愈来愈大,从经济到生活艺术到生活理想哲学??等等。而到了20年代,这种具规模的大型市集便称为博览会。第一届世界博览会是在1851年于英国伦敦举行。当时英国是最早工业革命的强国,因此英国便计划透过一个大型的展览,以展示其国力及工业生产力。发起人是维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王。英国人自豪地把这次大型市集会称为“伟大的博览会”(Great Exhibition)。在展出的约1万3千多件展品中,蒸汽机、农业机械、织布机等推动工业革命的机械引人瞩目;而这些当时崭新的展品,会后便成为两个新博物馆的展品基础:包括在1852年成立的维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆,和1853年成立的坎星顿科学技术博物馆。

关于世博会 英语

Shanghai Expo/ The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010上海世博会
Expo garden 世博园
China pavilion 中国馆
theme pavilion 主题馆
foreign national pavilion 外国馆
stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆
corporate joint pavilion 企业联合馆
African Joint Pavilion 非洲联合馆
trial opening/operation/run 试运行
exhibition hall 展台
booth 展会上隔开的小间
four pavilions along the central axis 一轴四馆
emblem and mascot 会徽与吉祥物
official mascot 官方吉祥物
Expo centre 世博中心
Expo performance centre 世博演艺中心
Expo Shanghai online 网上世博会
designated day 指定日
Peak Day ticket 指定日门票
standard day 平日
standard day ticket 平日门票
designated/peak day special ticket 指定日优惠票
standard day special ticket 平日优惠票
universal ticket system 一票通用制度
reservation service 预约服务
one-day travel card/one-day ticket 一日票
multi-day travel card 多日门票
multiple-use travel card 多次门票
airport terminal 航站楼
Expo host 世博会主办方
host city 主办城市
Expo-themed souvenir 世博会纪念品
franchised/licensed product 特许商品
Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐
mobile toilet 移动厕所
passenger flow/human flow 客流
snack bar 快餐柜/小吃店
barrier-free elevator 无障碍电梯
security check 安检
emergency assistance facility 紧急服务设施
water bus 水上巴士
Expo village 世博村
Expo dining center 世博餐饮中心
Expo first-aid center 世博急救中心
volunteer 志愿者
shuttle bus 专线车
Park & Ride site P+R停车场(广 角辑)

