
时间:2024-09-30 07:24:38编辑:莆田seo君

谁有歌曲rocket man的中文歌词?

Elton John-艾尔顿.约翰

Rocket Man(火箭队队歌)歌词
She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much, I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

*And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man



rocket man的歌词是什么意思?

宇航员(Rocket man)
她昨晚包装我包预航班的开始时刻上午9 点,

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man

Rockets man
She packed my bags last night pre-flight昨晚在发射前她收拾了我的行装
Zero hour nine a.m.零时九分
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then而我像风筝一样飞走
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我像想念我妻子一样想念着地球
It's lonely out in space 在寂寞太空中遨游
On such a timeless flight 这种永恒飞行

And i think it's gonna be a long long time而我认为这是一个漫长的旅行
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到再次降落的时候I'm not the man they think i am at home 我不是那个他们以为的只会在家里待着的男人
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,我是个火箭男人
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一个孤独燃烧着他的导火索的火箭人

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids火星不是一个能养育你孩子的地方
In fact it's cold as hell其实它冷如地狱
And there's no one there to raise them if you did而那儿没有一块地方能抚育他们
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切道理,我没能明白
It's just my job five days a week这只是我的工作,每周五天
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭人,火箭人
She packed my bags last night pre-flight火箭队员昨晚整理行李准备打客场
Zero hour nine a.m.9分钟之前是午夜12点
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then我象风筝那样跟向前
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我曾错过这么多客场随队旅行的机会我错过了亲眼目睹火箭多次客场大翻盘
It's lonely out in space火箭和姚明在全联盟独孤求败
On such a timeless flight尽管威尔士无止境地偷懒

And i think it's gonna be a long long time上次夺得冠军离现在已很久远
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到面对大好现状,我们才得以继续寻找希望
I'm not the man they think i am at home我们火箭队绝不仅仅只会打主场
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,其实我们是NBA总冠
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一支在联盟随时准备击败对手的火箭队!

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids客场虽然很难再看到小球迷的叫喊
In fact it's cold as hell事实上客场我们面临严寒
And there's no one there to raise them if you did在那我们会受到主场球迷无情的摧残
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切,我其实并不懈怠
It's just my job five days a week因为我们是职业球员
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭队,NBA总冠!

5月9日 中午火箭 中场休息时播放的NBA背景歌曲时什么?



[00:00.07]纵贯线 - 亡命之徒
[00:20.16]听我说 我原来有个梦
[00:22.59]跟你高飞远走 跟你一起走到白头
[00:25.13]但是我 拥有化为乌有
[00:27.20]忘记我们承诺 忘记曾经爱你爱的那么浓
[00:30.51]我不能带你走 我犯了大错
[00:32.86]必须一个人走 必须扛下所有罪过
[00:35.83]必须离开熟悉的街口 请你不要忘记我
[00:41.15]当我扣板机的瞬间 灵魂早已卖给魔鬼
[00:44.36]可笑的是 我好想求主帮我赎回
[00:49.38]想起妈妈的脸 对不起这几年
[00:53.88]妈妈我犯了错 你会原谅我吗?
[00:58.39]别人眼中的亡命之徒 哪里还有我的藏身处?
[01:01.89]我的兄弟 离我远去 我还傻呼呼的相信道义
[01:17.55]出发啦 不要问那路在哪?
[01:21.36]迎风向前 是唯一的方法
[01:26.36]出发啦 不想问那路在哪?
[01:30.86]运命哎呀 什么关卡?
[01:35.65]当车声隆隆 梦开始阵痛
[01:40.33]它卷起了风 重新雕塑每个面孔
[01:45.32]夜雾那么浓 开阔也汹涌
[01:50.00]有一种预感 路的终点是迷宫
[01:54.47]喂 小子 我想我大概明白你的意思
[02:00.03]曾经以不同的面貌 也在我生命里出现过好几次
[02:04.17]对此 我并无更高明的解释
[02:11.99]用擅长的方式 给人生我们的
[02:20.59]这道理再简单不过 接不接受是另外一回事
[02:23.92]真爱并非不来 它只是被无预警的恶意的延迟
[02:32.69]为什么 该有的都有还是觉得不够
[02:35.61]天呀 该不会是贪心的念头
[02:37.71]为什么 拼了命地工作 拼了命地追梦
[02:42.63]为什么 万里晴空下的面孔
[02:44.62]庸庸碌碌不开心地锁着眉头 要向谁哭诉
[02:47.35]为什么 想去看场电影
[02:52.20]为什么 这个世界上 就是有人穷得发疯
[02:55.24]有人富有 把钞票当作了枕头
[02:57.53]为什么 新闻里 鼻酸故事 只为了
[02:59.78]偷面包给妈妈 充饥的小偷
[03:02.37]为什么 一百个为什么
[03:04.11]变成一千个 一万个 十万个 为什么
[03:06.87]为什么 我想破头写不出个鸟 念念念
[03:32.43]像是精神病患写的诗 或是烟花绽放的节日
[03:36.55]随它去吧 我们都只活一次
[03:39.44]呼吸呼吸呼吸 呼 一切曳然而止
[03:45.51]真理在荒谬被证实以前 都只是暗室里的装饰
[03:52.21]才有机会彰显它的价值 不是谁能决定的
[03:59.48]我们都在海里 我觉得我们像沙子
[04:03.50]你说的亡命之徒 是不是大概就是这个意思
[04:44.61][04:06.99]出发啦 不要问那路在哪(亡命之徒 可会全力以赴)
[04:48.43][04:10.70]迎风向前 是唯一的方法(是不是穷途末路 有没有藏身之处)
[04:53.49][04:16.44]出发啦 不想问那路在哪(亡命之徒 逃亡要全力以赴)
[04:57.97][04:20.36]运命哎啊 什么关卡(喘息在穷途末路 给我个藏身之处)
[05:03.24][04:25.53]当车声隆隆 梦开始阵痛(亡命之徒 可会全力以赴)
[05:07.44][04:29.96]它卷起了风 重新雕塑每个面孔(是不是穷途末路 有没有藏身之处)
[05:12.46][04:34.95]夜雾那么浓 开阔也汹涌(亡命之徒 逃亡要全力以赴)
[05:17.03][04:39.38]有一种预感 路的终点是迷宫(喘息在穷途末路 给我个藏身之处)


Rocket man(火箭人)
Music by elton john音乐•艾尔敦约翰
Lyrics by bernie taupin歌词艾柏斯taupin
Available on the album honky château可在专辑honkychâteau

She packed my bags last night pre-flight昨晚在发射前她收拾了我的行装
Zero hour nine a.m.零时九分
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then而我像风筝一样飞走
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我像想念我妻子一样想念着地球
It's lonely out in space 在寂寞太空中遨游
On such a timeless flight 这种永恒飞行

And i think it's gonna be a long long time而我认为这是一个漫长的旅行
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到再次降落的时候I'm not the man they think i am at home 我不是那个他们以为的只会在家里待着的男人
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,我是个火箭男人
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一个孤独燃烧着他的导火索的火箭人

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids火星不是一个能养育你孩子的地方
In fact it's cold as hell其实它冷如地狱
And there's no one there to raise them if you did而那儿没有一块地方能抚育他们
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切道理,我没能明白
It's just my job five days a week这只是我的工作,每周五天
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭人,火箭人

She packed my bags last night pre-flight火箭队员昨晚整理行李准备打客场
Zero hour nine a.m.9分钟之前是午夜12点
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then我象风筝那样跟向前
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我曾错过这么多客场随队旅行的机会我错过了亲眼目睹火箭多次客场大翻盘
It's lonely out in space火箭和姚明在全联盟独孤求败
On such a timeless flight尽管威尔士无止境地偷懒

And i think it's gonna be a long long time上次夺得冠军离现在已很久远
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到面对大好现状,我们才得以继续寻找希望
I'm not the man they think i am at home我们火箭队绝不仅仅只会打主场
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,其实我们是NBA总冠
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一支在联盟随时准备击败对手的火箭队!

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids客场虽然很难再看到小球迷的叫喊
In fact it's cold as hell事实上客场我们面临严寒
And there's no one there to raise them if you did在那我们会受到主场球迷无情的摧残
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切,我其实并不懈怠
It's just my job five days a week因为我们是职业球员
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭队,NBA总冠!

这是什么歌?歌名好像是rocking man

应该是《Rocket man》其实是火箭队的宣传曲

Rocket man(火箭人)
Music by elton john音乐•艾尔敦约翰
Lyrics by bernie taupin歌词艾柏斯taupin
Available on the album honky château可在专辑honkychâteau

She packed my bags last night pre-flight昨晚在发射前她收拾了我的行装
Zero hour nine a.m.零时九分
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then而我像风筝一样飞走
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我像想念我妻子一样想念着地球
It's lonely out in space 在寂寞太空中遨游
On such a timeless flight 这种永恒飞行

And i think it's gonna be a long long time而我认为这是一个漫长的旅行
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到再次降落的时候I'm not the man they think i am at home 我不是那个他们以为的只会在家里待着的男人
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,我是个火箭男人
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一个孤独燃烧着他的导火索的火箭人

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids火星不是一个能养育你孩子的地方
In fact it's cold as hell其实它冷如地狱
And there's no one there to raise them if you did而那儿没有一块地方能抚育他们
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切道理,我没能明白
It's just my job five days a week这只是我的工作,每周五天
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭人,火箭人

She packed my bags last night pre-flight火箭队员昨晚整理行李准备打客场
Zero hour nine a.m.9分钟之前是午夜12点
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then我象风筝那样跟向前
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我曾错过这么多客场随队旅行的机会我错过了亲眼目睹火箭多次客场大翻盘
It's lonely out in space火箭和姚明在全联盟独孤求败
On such a timeless flight尽管威尔士无止境地偷懒

And i think it's gonna be a long long time上次夺得冠军离现在已很久远
Till touch down brings me round again to find直到面对大好现状,我们才得以继续寻找希望
I'm not the man they think i am at home我们火箭队绝不仅仅只会打主场
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,其实我们是NBA总冠
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone一支在联盟随时准备击败对手的火箭队!

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids客场虽然很难再看到小球迷的叫喊
In fact it's cold as hell事实上客场我们面临严寒
And there's no one there to raise them if you did在那我们会受到主场球迷无情的摧残
And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切,我其实并不懈怠
It's just my job five days a week因为我们是职业球员
A rocket man, a rocket man火箭队,NBA总冠军!

