
时间:2024-09-28 05:39:32编辑:莆田seo君


仁爱英语七年级上册同步课文的内容分为四个单元:Unit 1 Getting to Know you;Unit 2 Looking Different;Unit 3 Getting Together;Unit 4 Amazing Science。仁爱英语七年级上册同步课文的内容:一、48个国际音标及26个英文字母的正确书写;二、be动词的用法;三、人称及人称代词的不同形式(主格和宾格);四、基数词(表示数量多少的词,大致相当于代数里的自然数);五、一般疑问句及特殊疑问句;六、可数名词变复数;七、简单句的成分及主谓一致原则;八、冠词的用法(名词前面必须要有冠词);九、助动词(do, does )的用法;十、名词所有格。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。由于在历史上曾和多种民族语言接触,它的词汇从一元变为多元,语法从“多屈折”变为“少屈折”,语音也发生了规律性根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言。如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,使英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一


七年级的英语并不是很难,但是要从基开始学习。我为大家整理的仁爱版七年级上册英语课件,希望大家喜欢。 仁爱版七年级上册英语课件1 一、教材分析: 这一话题进一步谈论人的相貌特征,从谈论头发、眼睛的色彩,到服装的色彩进而谈到各种色彩。而本Section主要让学生了解并掌握12种不同的颜色,会用What color is…? / What color are …? 这一句型和同伴进行交谈,能谈论头发、眼睛的色彩。 二、教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1.(1) Learn some words about the colors: black, blue, brown, pink, white, purple, red, green, yellow. (2) Learn some other useful words and expressions: look the same, both, color, their. 2. (1) Continue to talk about the people’s appearances: ① We both have black hair and black eyes. ② I have blond hair and blue eyes. ③ short black hair, long blond hair. (2) Talk about the colors: ① —What color is it? —It is pink. ② —What color is his hair? —It is black. ③ —What color are his eyes? —They are brown. 语言技能目标: 能听懂并识别各种不同的颜色,并能用英语描述各种颜色。 情感态度目标: 通过学习不同的色彩,培养学生热爱生活、热爱美的情感,并培养他们的观察能力和概括能力。 学习策略目标: 本Section主要谈论色彩,在教学时联系学生的实际,利用他们身边的实物等进行描述。从而让学生形成把学习和生活实际联系起来的学习习惯,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。 三、教学重、难点: 1a and 3 四、教学方法 : 任务型教学法、自主探究法、小组讨论法。体现“导学——自悟”新课程教学模式的套路和特色。 五、课时安排: 1课时 六、教具准备: 录音机、课件、实物、图片 七、教学过 程: 第一步:营造课堂氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。 1. Sing the song with motions: Head and Shoulders, legs and Feet. 2. Greetings between the students and me. 第二步:复习(幻灯片3、4) 1. Review some new words with cards.(单词竞赛) 2. (One by one练习,对Does she/he have…?句型进行复习) Example: T: Does she have long hair? S1: Yes, she does. Does he have short hair? S2: No, he doesn’t. Does she have a big nose? Etc. 3. (1)(拿出彩笔,通过师生互动来学习新句型。) T: OK. Now look here, I bring some pens today. They have different colors. (呈现出一支白色的笔) T: What color is it? (学生第一次不懂,马上用汉语解释,学生此时也会用汉语回答:白色。然后我再用英语重复。) T: Yes. It’s white. (再次对同样的笔重复提问。) T: What color is it? Ss: It’s white. (然后呈现不同颜色的彩笔。) T: Good. What color is it? Ss: 红色。 T: Yes. It’s red. What color is it? Ss: It’s red. (板书新句型和新单词。领读,并让学生熟读。) What color is it? It’s white/ black / blue / brown / gray / pink / purple / red / green / yellow / orange. (2) (句型与单词读完后,把全班分成男女两大组,根据我所指的图片进行问答。)(幻灯片5、6) T: Boys and girls, listen carefully. Boys ask and girls answer. Example: Boys: What color is it? Girls: It’s black. T: Change please. Girls ask and boys answer this time. Girls: What color is it? Boys: It’s red. 4. Let students look at the picture. Ask and answer in pairs. (幻灯片7) 第三步:操练 用幻灯片展示各国国旗,学生看着国旗进行四人小组活动:讨论各国旗的颜色及所属国家。巩固 What color is …? It is … .这一句型及对颜色的识别。(完成4a)(幻灯片8) 第四步:呈现 1. (挂出1a的图片进行问答。) T: Now look here. Who is this boy? Ss: He is Michael. T: Does he have long hair? Ss: No, he doesn’t. T: What colcor is it? Ss: It’s yellow. T: Yes, he has yellow hair. What colcor are his eyes? Ss: They are blue. 2. T: Good. Now please look, listen and answer my questions. (幻灯片9、10) ①T: Who is that boy? Ss: He is Yukio. ②T: Where is he from? Ss: He is from Japan. ③T: Does he have black hair and blue eyes? Ss: No, he doesn’t. He has black hair and black eyes. T: Well done! Now look at the blackboard and pay attention to the sentences. That’s right. We both have black hair and black eyes. We have different looks. 3. Read 1a. Find out the difficult points.Explain and stress: look the same, both. 第五步:巩固 1. T: Listen to 1a and repeat, then act it out in pairs. 2. T: Work alone: Finish 1b according to 1a. (师生互动问答,巩固新句型和新单词。) T: Where is Yukio from? Ss: He’s from Japan. T: What color is his hair? Ss: It’s black. T: What color are his eyes? Ss: They are black. 3. T: Finish 2. Draw pictures and then color them. Then look at the pictures in 2 and talk about them. Example: What color is his hair? It’s black.. What color are his eyes? They are brown. (幻灯片11) 第六步:练习 (幻灯片11) 1. T: Now look at the pictures in 4b. Here are some people. They have different looks. Let’s talk about them together. Let’s begin with Picture 1. T: What color is his hair? Ss: It’s black. T: What color are his eyes? Ss: They are brown. T: Very good. (以同样的方式练习Picture 2, Picture 3和Picture 4。) 2. (把全班同学分成两大组,进行问答操练。) T: Now Group 1 and Group 2 ask, Group 3 and Group 4 answer. Then exchange the roles. G1、2: What color is his hair? G3、4: It is black. Etc. 3. T: Let me check your homework.(检查学生“预习导纲”完成情况,给任务完成好的小组加分。) 第七步:综合探究活动 1. 让学生在纸上分别画一幅人物头部画,然后根据我的描述给画中的人头涂颜色。Example: Color his / her nose red. Color his / her eyes blue. Color his / her ears yellow. Etc. 2. 让学生用本节课所学知识将自己手中涂好颜色的人物头部画介绍给同学。(两人小组活动)Example: This is my friend. His/ Her name is … .His / Her nose is … . His / Her eyes are … Etc. 3. Sum up (1) The key points in this lesson. (2) The competition result. 4. Homework: (1) Review the words of the colors. (2) Make a similar dialog according to Section A 1a. (3) Find how many colors in our classroom. (4) Preview Section B(见Section B预习导纲) 仁爱版七年级上册英语课件2 【教学思路】 先复习Topic1的见面问候语,接着导入“excuse me”, “What’s your name?” 和“My name is----- ”,呈现“I’m from---”, “Are you from---”and “Where are you from?”,巩固1a和1b, 练习2a和2b,小结,最后布置家庭作业。 【教材分析】 本教材以学生为中心,倡导语言教学的交互性和实用性。它为学生提供了自然而有意义的语言环境。教材提供的对话不是让学生机械地背诵,而是将其作为学生进行活动的范例,学生在活动中要根据语言使用的情况进行改编,从而培养学生的语言运用能力。 本节课内容以介绍为中心,了解他人信息,如姓名、国籍等。 【教学对象分析】 由于我们学校在城镇的边缘地带(农村),学习成绩好点的大多数到城里就读了。留下的大多数要么不爱学习,要么基础差,整个英语学习氛围差。对习惯汉语交流的初中生来说,面对新教材感到很不适应,难以进入学习角色,觉得学习任务重、负担重。特别是对一些需要强化记忆的英语学习内容,如单词记忆和短文背诵等,学生会感到枯燥无味,虽硬着头皮去学,但效果往往比较差。 I. Teaching aims and demands ●Learn some personal pronouns and possessive pronouns: me, your, she, he, ●Learn some country names: Canada, the U.S.A , Japan. ●Learn other new words and phrases: excuse, excuse me, what, name, where, from, be from, the ●Talk about people’s names and where they are from: (1)—Excuse me, are you Jane? —Yes, I am. (2)—What’s your name? —My name is Sally. (3)—Where are you from? —I’m from Canada. (4)—Is he/she …? —Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t. Ⅱ. Teaching aids A projector, a recorder Ⅲ. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Review(8mins) Review greetings in Topic 1 by making conversations 1. (T: Good morning, everyone! Before learning the new lesson, I will ask a new student(Zhang Lu) to introduce herself. Then choose one student to greet the new comer and introduce the classmates to her .) Model: S1:Good morning! I am Zhang Lu. Nice to meet you. (To the whole class) Ss: Nice to meet you., too. S2:Hi, Zhang Lu. I’m Wang Qiaoli. Nice to meet you. S1: Hi, Wang Qiaoli. Nice to meet you., too. S2: Zhang Lu, this is Shen Cui. Shen Cui, this is Zhang Lu. (T: Good! Come back to your seat. Thank you!) 2. The teacher stands beside a student, asking the questions to lead to “excuse me”. Model: T: Excuse me, are you Li Fen? S1: Yes, I am. (Write down “Excuse me” on the blackboard) Then the teacher stands beside another student, asking the questions with “excuse me”. T: Excuse me, are you Zou Lei? S2: No, I am not. I am Li Jun. Let Ss practice the patterns over and over again, understand and grasp the meaning of Excuse me Step 2 Presentation(10mins) 1. (T: Now, I will introduce myself.) Lead to “My name is----- ” and “What’s your name?” T: My name is Huang Xiaohong. What’s your name?(Write it down on the blackboard) S: My name is Zheng Qinhui. (Write it down on the blackboard) (T: Please read after me together.) 2. (T: OK, please look at the screen.)The teacher makes self-introduction with different names by showing different pictures. Lead to sentence pattern of “I’m from--”(showing flashcards)For example: Picture1 T: My name is Jane. I’m from Canada. (Show Jane’s picture) Picture2 T: My name is Sally. I’m from the U.S.A. (Show Sally’s picture) Picture3 T: My name is Yukio. I’m from Japan . (Show Yukio’s picture) Use this way repeatedly to consolidate and master the structure of “I’m from---”,and write it down on the blackboard. (T: Please read after me together.) Ask students to learn and master the new words : Canada, the U.S.A., Japan. 3. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to “Are you from---”and “Where are you from?” Model: T: Are you from Canada? S1:No,I’m not.. T: Where are you from? (Write it down on the blackboard) S1:I’m from China. Ask more students to help them understand the structure better. (T: Please read after me together.) Step 3 Consolidation(10mins) 1. (T: Now let’s listen to 1a and answer the following questions. But you only listen without looking at the book.. Are you ready?) (1) Where is Jane from?(Teacher translates.) (2)Where is Sally from? ( Teacher translates.) Tape script Sally: Excuse me, are you Jane? Jane: Yes, I am. What’s your name? Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from? Jane: I’m from Canada. Are you from Canada, too? Sally: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A. 2. (T: Open your books and turn to page 9.Listen to 1a again and follow it.. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.) 3. (T:OK,I will divide the whole class into two groups of boys and girls to read 1a.Boys are Sally and girls are Jane .One ,two, start.----- Exchange!) 4. Finish the flashcards in 1b. T: Now ,please make your own conversations in pairs according to 1a,using “What’s----?”and “Where-----?. I will choose some pairs to act them out . You can practice like this: S1:What’s your name? S2: My name is--- S1:Where are you from? S2: I’m from---


百度电子课本网,进入后可以下载到人教版七年级上册英语听力。1、语音是一门语言的基础,只有会正确读出口来才会听懂。那么如何正确的发音?发音不标准的考生可以从平时开始注意矫正发音,应多进行听读,模仿练习,在对各个音标能正确发音的基础上,矫正每个单词的发音,逐步使所有单词都能读正确。2、加强听力训练最有效的方式是精听。就是集中精力听一段录音,逐词逐句抠,搞深搞透。首先听之前千万不能看文字材料,先完整地听一遍,了解其大意,再一句一句听。3、听懂一句 过一句,实在听不懂再看一眼文字材料,然后再听这一句,要反复多听几遍。过几天再完整听一遍。到完全听懂才罢手。4、在精听为主的基础上,也要注意泛听。泛昕比较灵活,可以在任意的时间地点听,泛听同样有利于增强语感,而且由于泛听的内容比较广泛,有利于掌握更多的背景知识,这对听力考试也是非常有用的。


百度电子课本网,进入后可以下载到人教版七年级上册英语听力。1、语音是一门语言的基础,只有会正确读出口来才会听懂。那么如何正确的发音?发音不标准的考生可以从平时开始注意矫正发音,应多进行听读,模仿练习,在对各个音标能正确发音的基础上,矫正每个单词的发音,逐步使所有单词都能读正确。2、加强听力训练最有效的方式是精听。就是集中精力听一段录音,逐词逐句抠,搞深搞透。首先听之前千万不能看文字材料,先完整地听一遍,了解其大意,再一句一句听。3、听懂一句 过一句,实在听不懂再看一眼文字材料,然后再听这一句,要反复多听几遍。过几天再完整听一遍。到完全听懂才罢手。4、在精听为主的基础上,也要注意泛听。泛昕比较灵活,可以在任意的时间地点听,泛听同样有利于增强语感,而且由于泛听的内容比较广泛,有利于掌握更多的背景知识,这对听力考试也是非常有用的。

