
时间:2024-09-27 18:46:10编辑:莆田seo君


一个夏天的午后,爱丽丝和姐姐正在一棵大树下乘凉。One summer afternoon, Alice and her sister were enjoying the cool under a big tree。突然,一只穿着礼服、拿着怀表的兔子从爱丽丝面前跑了过去。兔子一边跑,一边看着怀表说:“要迟到了,要迟到了!”Suddenly, a rabbit in a dress and a pocket watch ran past Alice. As the rabbit ran, he looked at his pocket watch and said, "Late, late!"爱丽丝感到很好奇,连忙起身去追那只奇怪的兔子。 Curious, Alice got up to chase the strange rabbit。爱丽丝跟着兔子钻进了一个树洞里。在树洞里的一张桌子上,爱丽丝看到了一个瓶子。瓶子上贴着一张“喝我”的标签。Alice followed the rabbit into a hole in the tree. On a table in the tree hole, Alice saw a bottle. There is a label "Drink Me" on the bottle。于是,爱丽丝把瓶子里的东西喝了下去。令人惊讶的是,她开始越变越小。So Alice drank down the bottle. Surprisingly, she began to get smaller and smaller。变小的爱丽丝在桌底发现了一块蛋糕,她又吃了下去。The smaller Alice found a cake under the table, and she ate it again。吃完蛋糕后,爱丽丝竟然慢慢变大!她吓得哭了起来,巨大的泪珠不停地往下掉。不一会儿,地面就成了一个池塘。After eating the cake, Alice slowly grew bigger! She cried in horror, and huge tears kept falling. Soon the ground became a pond。这时,那只奇怪的兔子又出现了。他看到爱丽丝,吓得扔下手中的扇子跑了。Then the strange rabbit appeared again. When he saw Alice, he threw down his fan and ran away。爱丽丝捡起扇子扇了两下,没想到,她又开始变小,而且越变越小,最后居然掉进了眼泪池塘里。Alice picked up the fan and fanned it twice. Unexpectedly, she began to get smaller and smaller again. Finally, she fell into the tear pond。爱丽丝在池塘里遇到了许多小动物,他们一起游到了岸边。Alice met many small animals in the pond. They swam to the shore together。这时,那只兔子又出现了。他说:“爱丽丝,去我家把我的手套拿来!”Then the rabbit appeared again. He said, "Alice, go to my house and get my gloves!"爱丽丝跑到兔子家,看到桌上有一瓶水。她好奇地把水喝了下去,没想到她的身子又开始变大,最后大得把房子都撑破了。Alice ran to the rabbit's house and saw a bottle of water on the table. She drank the water curiously, but she didn't realize that her body began to grow bigger again, and eventually the house was so big that it burst。“天哪!看你做的好事!”兔子气坏了,一边大叫,一边让动物们往爱丽丝身上丢石头。"Good heavens! Look at what you've done!" The rabbit was so angry that he shouted and asked the animals to throw stones at Alice。奇怪的是,石头砸到爱丽丝身上,竟然变成了蛋糕。Strangely, the stone hit Alice and turned into a cake。爱丽丝捡起蛋糕吃了下去,没想到,她的身体又奇迹般地变小了。于是,她赶紧溜出房子,向森林跑去。Alice picked up the cake and ate it. Unexpectedly, her body was miraculously smaller. So she quickly slipped out of the house and ran to the forest。在森林里,爱丽丝遇到了一只毛毛虫。In the forest, Alice met a caterpillar。“您好,毛毛虫先生!请问您知道我怎样才能变回原来的样子吗?”爱丽丝问。"Hello, Mr. Caterpillar! Do you know how I can get back to where I was? Alice asked。“吃蘑菇的这边就变大,吃那边就变小。”毛毛虫说。"This side of eating mushrooms gets bigger, and the other side gets smaller." The caterpillar said。爱丽丝试着咬了好几口蘑菇,终于变回了原来的样子。Alice tried to bite several mouthfuls of mushrooms and finally returned to her original appearance。爱丽丝摘下那朵蘑菇继续走。突然,她发现了一扇小门。Alice took off the mushroom and went on. Suddenly, she found a small door。爱丽丝咬了一口蘑菇让自己变小,然后走了进去。Alice took a bite of the mushroom to make herself smaller and went in。这时,她看到里面有几张长着头和四肢的奇怪的扑克牌。他们正忙着把白玫瑰涂成红色。Then she saw some strange cards with heads and limbs. They are busy painting white roses red。“嗯?他们这是在干什么?”爱丽丝感到很惊讶。 "Well? What are they doing? Alice was surprised。这时,红心王后来了。“怎么还有白色的玫瑰?”她大声吼道,“把他们的头全部给我砍掉!”At this time, the King of Hearts came later. "How come there are white roses?" She shouted, "Cut off all their heads for me!"“你不可以这样对他们!”爱丽丝不满地说。"You can't do that to them!" Alice said discontentedly。“你是谁?”红心王后说,“来人,把她带走!我要让她陪我玩槌球游戏!” "Who are you?" The Queen of Hearts said, "Come on, take her away! I want her to play croquet with me!"爱丽丝被带到了一个花园里。Alice was taken to a garden。花园里有很多扑克牌士兵,他们用火烈鸟当球棍,把刺猬当球,不停地打来打去。原来这就是槌球游戏!There are many poker soldiers in the garden. They use flamingos as bats, hedgehogs as balls, and they keep beating around. So this is croquet!“哼,我才不玩这么愚蠢的游戏!”爱丽丝扭头说。"Well, I'm not playing such a silly game!" Alice turned her head and said。红心王后听了很生气,命令士兵把爱丽丝带上法庭。The Queen of Hearts was very angry and ordered the soldiers to bring Alice to court。“爱丽丝没有参加游戏,我宣判她有罪!”红心王后说。"Alice didn't play the game. I convicted her!" Said the Queen of Hearts。“拿刺猬当球,这太愚蠢了!”爱丽丝叫道。"It's foolish to use hedgehogs as balls!" Cried Alice。“砍掉她的头!”红心王后气坏了。"Cut off her head!" The Queen of Hearts was angry。这时,爱丽丝发现自己竟然开始变大,渐渐地恢复到了原来的大小。At that moment, Alice found herself growing bigger and gradually returning to her original size。突然,空中落下许许多多的纸牌。爱丽丝快被纸牌淹没了。她拼命地挥舞双手,大声叫道:“救命啊——”Suddenly, a lot of cards fell in the air. Alice is drowning in cards. She waved her hands desperately and cried out, "Help——"突然,一只手轻轻抚了抚爱丽丝的脸。爱丽丝睁开眼,发现是姐姐。她们还在那棵树下。Suddenly, one hand caressed Alice's face gently. Alice opened her eyes and found it was her sister. They are still under that tree。“我做了个梦。我想,我去了仙境!”爱丽丝说。"I had a dream. I think I went to Wonderland!" Alice said。这时,不远处的树洞里,一只奇怪的兔子笑了。他穿着礼服,戴着怀表……At that moment, a strange rabbit laughed in a hole in the tree not far away. He was wearing a dress and pocket watch......扩展资料这则故事改编自儿童文学作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。故事讲述了小姑娘爱丽丝追赶一只揣着怀表、会说话的白兔,掉进了一个兔子洞,由此坠入了神奇的地下世界的故事。在这里,她遇到了渡渡鸟、蜥蜴比尔、柴郡猫、疯帽匠、三月野兔、红白皇后等等。爱丽丝在探险的同时不断认识自我,不断成长,终于成长为一个“大”姑娘的时候,猛然惊醒,才发现原来这一切都是自己的一个梦境……《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。


9岁的爱丽丝曾经来到过奇境,但她一直怀疑真实性并老做噩梦,只有父亲一直鼓励爱丽丝。距离那一次历险奇遇已经过去了十年。曾经漫游奇境的爱丽丝(米娅·华希科沃斯卡饰),已经19岁的她生活在一个华丽富庶的大庄园里,衣食无忧,生活奢靡,在社会风气的带动下,渐渐的成长为家庭心目中所冀望的那种贵族女子,却早已忘却自己在9岁时的那些奇妙无比的经历。时光荏苒,在家族为她举办的19岁的生日宴会上,一位富豪的儿子向他求婚,对方是哈米什·爱斯科特(利奥·比尔饰),哈米什虽然家财万贯,性格却愚笨而木讷,跟爱丽丝根本不是一路人。爱丽丝发觉到自己并不想要这样的生活,渴望改变现状的她在小白兔的带领下,爱丽丝再次步入仙境。这里依然是她童年来过的地方,一切都没有发生太大的变化,有着奇妙的黄色瞳孔的疯帽子先生(约翰尼·德普饰)率先欢迎了爱丽丝的到来,而专断凶狠的红桃皇后(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特饰)依然尖叫着要砍掉其他人的头。甚至连自己的妹妹白皇后(安妮·海瑟薇饰)也不放过。在双胞胎兄弟(马特·卢卡斯饰)等朋友的帮助下,爱丽丝逐渐地恢复了记忆,她将在这个童话般的奇妙世界里重新审视自己。 角色介绍1、爱丽丝·金斯利演员米娅·华希科沃斯卡已经19岁的爱丽丝受困于维多利亚时代上流社会妇女们的浅见,于是跟着兔子一起跌进兔子洞,爱丽丝又一次遇到了童年的朋友们,直到“地下世界”对她并十分不友善的居民请求她保卫奇幻家园,爱丽丝的挑战来了。2、红皇后演员海伦娜·伯翰·卡特“地下世界”的暴君,白皇后的姐姐。她的脑袋大得与身体不成比例,性格跋扈,成天叫嚷着要砍掉人们的脑袋,地下世界处于她的残暴统治之下。最后,爱丽丝和白皇后等人推翻了红皇后的统治。

