
时间:2024-09-25 20:35:17编辑:莆田seo君


基督歌曲最好听的歌曲有很多,如:主啊,求你来到我们中间,主耶稣永远陪伴我,光芒,相约在主里,诗篇二十三篇,跨越时空的爱,一个有信心的人,我将你铭刻在掌上,靠近十字。还有主,我相信;每当我想起你,我的天堂,陪我,没有人能与你相比,求赐复兴之火,离了你,我不能做什么,挣扎,展开属天翅膀,人都需要主,葡萄树,良人唯一的宝贵,你的微笑,灯台,天上人间,在宇宙中有一个宝,心灵的诗歌,活出意义等。1、《Joy To The World》:这首歌讲述的是耶稣降生后天堂和人间是如何欢欣鼓舞地庆贺的,和《Hark, The Herald Angels Sing》以及《Angels We Have Heard on High》唱的意思差不多。2、《The First Noel》:“Noel”是“圣诞颂歌”的意思,它讲述了天使指引牧羊人迎接耶稣降生的故事。3、《God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen》:这个也是说耶稣降生了,给人类带来福音,但是大家更熟悉的是它的旋律,张韶涵《寓言》的副歌部分,“我才发现梦想与现实间的差别”直接借用了这首圣诞歌。4、《We Three Kings》:这首歌说的典故是“东方三博士”,他们在耶稣出生后前来恭贺,分别送上了黄金、乳香、没药三个礼物。5、《Silent Night》:这首是讲述玛利亚生了耶稣之后的温馨圣洁的景象。基督歌曲为感恩上帝、赞美祝福1、哈利路亚。2、爱的真谛。3、赞美之泉。4、耶和华是爱。5、我今天为你祝福。6、这一生最美的祝福。7、爱使我们相聚在一起。8、耶稣爱你。9、圣母颂。10、欢乐颂。11、爱的钟声。12、婚礼进行曲。13、最珍贵的角落。14、盟约。





"Sunglasses At Night"

I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, So I can
Watch you weave then breathe your story lines
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, So I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes

While, she's deceiving me,
It cuts my security (has)
she got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades; oh no
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades;
(oh no) (I can't believe it)
You got it made with the guy in shades; oh no

I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, So I can
Forget my name while you collect your claim
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, So I can
See the light that's right before my eyes

While she's deceiving me,
she cuts my security (has)
She got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades (oh no)
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades
(oh no) (I can't believe it)
(cuz) You got it made with the guy in shades (oh no)

While she's deceiving me,
she cuts my security (has)
She got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades (oh no)
Don't masquerade with the guy in shades
(oh no) (I can't believe it)
don't be afraid of the guy in shades
(oh No) (It can't escape you)
(cus) You got it made with the guy in shades (oh no)

I said
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night

I say to ya now
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night

I cry to you
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
像这样的83年的歌呢 在中国不是很出名 找歌词不能用百度 得用谷歌

