
时间:2024-09-23 18:14:34编辑:莆田seo君


【单曲】2012年伦敦奥运会的主题曲——Heather Small的《Proud》
歌曲: Proud >^Zyls
歌手: Heather Small 8v)PDO~D}A
专辑 :Queer as Folk 第一季原声带 E'g2<k
I look into the window of my mind 8VwByk8
Reflections of the fears I know I’ve left behind jBvZ>H+w~
I step out of the ordinary * 1L;%u| [
I can feel my soul ascending YJO,"7+
I am on my way C(-bh]J
Can’t stop me now =~&Fq $$
And you can do the same }xl @:Qo
What have you done today to make you feel proud? HHbkR2H1
It’s never too late to try SR#%gR_SC
What have you done today to make you feel proud? z/7H/~d
You could be so many people \jdpL1
If you make that break for freedom Fc;)p88[
What have you done today to make you feel proud? 8KpG0DC
Still so many answers I don’t know K5Fzmo a
Realise that to question is how we grow x C'>W"pY
So I step out of the ordinary _4z>I/R>Z
I can feel my soul ascending V #W(c_g
I am on my way @:i>q$aF
Can’t stop me now VGBL<X
And you can do the same d]h[]Su/?
What have you done today to make you feel proud? nX>k}&^L
It’s never too late to try 7/(C1II.Q
What have you done today to make you feel proud? G7C9FV bR
You could be so many people W"|89\p}
If you make that break for freedom Lm'Ony^F
What have you done today to make you feel proud? <"CG%RGP
We need a change ? Z8_(e0U
Do it today <H)h+?&~d
I can feel my spirit rising _}`iLA!$I
We need a change 5nqj
So do it today o?^j1\^
‘Cause I can see a clear horizon sKjg)3Sl
What have you done today to make you feel proud? )1J&tV*U
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? 8!me$k&
‘Cause you could be so many people r6 ,5&`&
If you make that break for freedom lh~!cOm\=E
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? h{J2CWJ
What have you done today to make you feel proud? n`0}g_\q
What have you done today tQz-tQg
You could be so many people? }I,]"0b
Just make that break for freedom :%xiH%C>
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? OPBnU@=R


2012年伦敦奥运会主题曲:Survival1、Muse - Survival☆★【缪斯-生存】2、Race, life's a race 【前行,人生就是一场赛跑比赛!】3、And I am gonna win 【而我,注定是最终的王者】4、Yes, I am gonna win【是的,我会是最终的王者】5、And I'll light the fuse 【我将要点燃导火索】6、And I'll never lose 【我将不会输靡】7、And I choose to survive 【我选择生存】 Whatever it takes【 无论他们怎么费尽心机想成为我的路障 】8、You won't pull ahead 【但这一程,我才是唯一的领跑者】9、I'll keep up the pace 【你们只能我身后的追随者】10、And i'll give you my strenght【 我将赐给你我的力量】11、To the whole human race 【来幻化为你历经全程的信念】12、Yes i am prepared 【是的,我已准备好了】13、To stay alive 【准备好为永生的荣耀而战】14、And i won't fogive, vengeance is mine【 我将不会去原谅,报复是我的】15、And i won't give in 【我将不会去退却16、Because i choose to thrive 【只因我的荣耀注定蔓延】17、I'm gonna win 【我注定是最终的王者】18、Race, it's a race 【前行,这是一场荣耀之战】19、But i'm gonna win 【而且,我注定是最终的王者】20、Yes i'm gonna win 【是的,我是王者】21、And will light the fuse 【将要点燃导火索】22、I'll never lose 【我永远不会输】23、And i choose to survive 【我选择生存作为我的道路】24、Whatever it takes 【无论他们怎么费尽心机想成为我的路障】25、You won't ull ahead 【这一程,我才是唯一的领跑者】26、I'll keep up the pace 【你们只能我身后的追随者】27、And i'll refill my strenght 【而我会脱胎换骨】28、To the whole human race 【让这力量激荡,直到终结】29、Yes i am the man 【我是男人!】30、Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! 【拼搏!拼搏!拼搏!】31、Win! Win! Win! Win! 【胜利!胜利!胜利】扩展资料伦敦奥运筹备委员会公布官方主题曲,率先登场的是由英国摇滚乐团谬斯(Muse)合唱团演唱的《Survival》,将在开幕及颁奖场合播放。谬斯夺下多项重要音乐奖项,包括英国音乐奖、MTV欧洲音乐大奖等,还曾获得美国葛莱美奖提名,并将在今年9月发行新专辑《The2ndLaw》。英国奥运筹委会表示,为了这次伦敦奥运,特别筹划「摇滚赛事」音乐祭活动,包括有多场现场音乐会及由众多歌手录制的奥运主题曲。这次伦敦奥运共有5首官方主题曲,除了谬斯(Muse)的《Survival》外,另外还4首分别由有老牌歌手艾尔顿强及普瑙(EltonJohnvsPnau)、德尔菲(Delphic)、化学兄弟(ChemicalBrothers)以及嘻哈团DizzeeRascal演出。英国摇滚三人组合缪斯的新单曲被钦定为2012年伦敦奥运会的官方歌曲,这首五首主题曲第一首。这首激越的摇滚主题曲《Survival》于当地时间星期三在英国广播之声首次亮相。在7月27日至8月12日的比赛期间,这首歌会在运动员入场以及奖牌颁发仪式上播放。这首歌在创作室融汇了奥利匹克精神,传达出一种必胜的信念和决心。参考资料来源:百度百科--2012年英国伦敦奥运会主题曲


伦敦奥运会的主题曲已经被定名为《Welcome Song》,由英国艺术慈善机构达廷顿霍尔信托集团(Dartington Hall Trust)负责制作。酷玩乐队的主唱克里斯·马丁是演唱这首歌曲的头号人选。一位知情人告诉英国《每日镜报》:“在这件官方制作的主唱人选名单上,克里斯排在第一位。他是巨星,英国的音乐偶像,享有国际知名度。我们会克服一切困难抓住他,酷玩乐队的其他成员最好也能加入。”


【单曲】2012年伦敦奥运会的主题曲——Heather Small的《Proud》
歌曲: Proud >^Zyls
歌手: Heather Small 8v)PDO~D}A
专辑 :Queer as Folk 第一季原声带 E'g2<k
I look into the window of my mind 8VwByk8
Reflections of the fears I know I’ve left behind jBvZ>H+w~
I step out of the ordinary * 1L;%u| [
I can feel my soul ascending YJO,"7+
I am on my way C(-bh]J
Can’t stop me now =~&Fq $$
And you can do the same }xl @:Qo
What have you done today to make you feel proud? HHbkR2H1
It’s never too late to try SR#%gR_SC
What have you done today to make you feel proud? z/7H/~d
You could be so many people \jdpL1
If you make that break for freedom Fc;)p88[
What have you done today to make you feel proud? 8KpG0DC
Still so many answers I don’t know K5Fzmo a
Realise that to question is how we grow x C'>W"pY
So I step out of the ordinary _4z>I/R>Z
I can feel my soul ascending V #W(c_g
I am on my way @:i>q$aF
Can’t stop me now VGBL<X
And you can do the same d]h[]Su/?
What have you done today to make you feel proud? nX>k}&^L
It’s never too late to try 7/(C1II.Q
What have you done today to make you feel proud? G7C9FV bR
You could be so many people W"|89\p}
If you make that break for freedom Lm'Ony^F
What have you done today to make you feel proud? <"CG%RGP
We need a change ? Z8_(e0U
Do it today <H)h+?&~d
I can feel my spirit rising _}`iLA!$I
We need a change 5nqj
So do it today o?^j1\^
‘Cause I can see a clear horizon sKjg)3Sl
What have you done today to make you feel proud? )1J&tV*U
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? 8!me$k&
‘Cause you could be so many people r6 ,5&`&
If you make that break for freedom lh~!cOm\=E
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? h{J2CWJ
What have you done today to make you feel proud? n`0}g_\q
What have you done today tQz-tQg
You could be so many people? }I,]"0b
Just make that break for freedom :%xiH%C>
So what have you done today to make you feel proud? OPBnU@=R


下一篇:holy cow