
时间:2024-09-12 04:22:44编辑:莆田seo君


windy意思:当风的。windy,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“多风的,有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的”。风,是由空气流动引起的一种自然现象,它是由太阳辐射热引起的。太阳光照射在地球表面上,使地表温度升高,地表的空气受热膨胀变轻而往上升。热空气上升后,低温的冷空气横向流入,上升的空气因逐渐冷却变重而降落,由于地表温度较高又会加热空气使之上升,这种空气的流动就产生了风。短语搭配1、Windy City风城;风之城;多风城。2、Windy Zero零风园。3、Windy Street风居住的街道。4、windy outfit洞洞装;通风装。5、get windy有风。双语例句1、And I like windy weather,too.我也喜欢有风的天气。2、I like the windy day in spring.我喜欢春天的有风的日子。3、For me,Christmas always began in the middle of the cold,windy month of November.在我的记忆中,圣诞节总是从寒冷多风的十一月中旬就开始了


一、windy释义:1、英 [ˈwɪndi] 美 [ˈwɪndi] 2、adj. 多风的,有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的二、短语1、Windy City 风城 ; 风之城 ; 多风城 ; 芝加哥2、Windy Zero 零风园3、Windy Street 风居住的街道4、windy outfit 洞洞装 ; 通风装扩展资料一、windy近义词;blowy1、英 ['bləʊɪ] 美 ['bloi] 2、adj. 刮大风的;受大风影响的(等于 windy)二、短语1、Blowy Fish 河豚先生 ; 吹风的鱼2、Blowy Allotment 挟裹3、Blowy Glove 手套式吹风机4、Blowy Weather 刮风天气5、a blowy day 刮风天6、automatic and blowy molding 自动吹塑机


windy的意思是多风的。一、读音英[ˈwɪndi],美[ˈwɪndi]。二、释义多风的,风大的;当风的;受大风吹的;浮夸的,夸夸其谈的,空话连篇的;空洞无物的。三、词性作形容词:多风的,风大的;当风的;受大风吹的;浮夸的,夸夸其谈的,空话连篇的;空洞无物的。(英)肠胃气胀的;(英俚)害怕的,担心的;(古)上风的,上风侧的;(公路或河流)蜿蜒迂回的。作名词:(女名)女子名。四、同义词blustery adj.狂风大作的;大风的;风特别大的;狂暴的。blowy adj.刮风的;风吹过的;被风吹来吹去的。五、近义词still adj.静止的,不动的;平静的;安静的,寂静的;无风的;(酒等)不含碳酸气的,不起泡的;(摄)静止的,定格的,呆照的;(古)坐着的,久坐的。windy的例句:1、It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Milland.那天风雨交加,我开车翻过小山去米兰德。2、Being stationed in Antarctica involves adapting to life on the planet's driest,windiest and coldest continent,yet each nation manages to make itself at home.驻扎在南极洲涉及到适应地球上最干、风最大及最寒冷的大洲,然而每个国家都设法使自己感觉在家一样。3、The mirrors are controlled by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weather.镜子是由电脑控制的,电脑引导它们随太阳转动,并在大风天气时关闭。4、If this year will be windy,it will move its nest from tall trees to a low crotch of a tree.如果这年多风,它就会把自己的巢从很高的大树顶上搬下来,移到低矮的树杈上。5、Study of the model to compute crop water requirements in windy and sandy region.风沙区参考作物需水量计算模式的研究。


windy意思是:多风的。双语例句1.Low air pressure and windy conditions were also linked to painful days.低气压和多风的天气环境也与疼痛的程度有关。2.It's cloudy and windy today.今天是多云多风的天气。3.It was a cold, windy, overcast afternoon in Washington.这是华盛顿一个寒风料峭、天空阴沉的下午。4.It was windy and Jake felt cold.风很大,杰克觉得很冷。5.It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Milland.那天风雨交加,我开车翻过小山去米兰德。6.It's been very windy these last few days.这几天净刮大风。7.The north of China, unlike the south, is windy in spring.北方不比南方,春天老刮风。8.One spring it was very windy and dusty here.有一年春天这里风沙很大。9.It's very windy and dusty here in winter.这里冬天风沙很大。10.It is a windy day today.今天风很大。


windy的意思:多风的。风,是由空气流动引起的一种自然现象,它是由太阳辐射热引起的。太阳光照射在地球表面上,使地表温度升高,地表的空气受热膨胀变轻而往上升。热空气上升后,低温的冷空气横向流入,上升的空气因逐渐冷却变重而降落,由于地表温度较高又会加热空气使之上升,这种空气的流动就产生了风。从科学的角度来看,风常指空气的水平运动分量,包括方向和大小,即风向和风速,但对于飞行来说,还包括垂直运动分量,即所谓垂直或升降气流。大风可移动物体与物体(物质质量)方向。风的速度很快。风的强度用风速表示,一般采用蒲风级或多少米/秒来衡量,分十三级。双语例句:1、Low air pressure and windy conditions were also linked to painful days. 低气压和多风的天气环境也与疼痛的程度有关。2、It's cloudy and windy today. 今天是多云多风的天气。3、It was a cold, windy, overcast afternoon in Washington. 这是华盛顿一个寒风料峭、天空阴沉的下午。4、It was windy and Jake felt cold. 风很大,杰克觉得很冷。

