
时间:2024-09-09 03:31:06编辑:莆田seo君


notifications短信铃声;通告消息双语例句1. There have been no more notifications of cholera cases in the last week.上星期已没有霍乱病例的报告.2. Number of notifications happened that are pending ( i . e . to be polled ).处于挂起状态 ( 例如要被轮询 ) 的通知数.3. A shell application can use the WH _ SHELL hook to receive important notifications.加壳程序可以使用WH_SHELL钩子来接收重要的通知.4. To date, China has issued more than 800 notifications through this organization.至今为止, 中国通过国际刑警组织发布的红色通报已达800多份.5. Whether or not to play sound notifications when away or busy.当登出网路时是否播放音效.


notification:英 [ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] ; 美 [ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n:通知;通知;告示词组短语:1、event notification:事件通知;事件通告;展会通知2、change notification:更改通知;变更通知例句:1、Up until now, we've received no official notification. 直到现在我们还没有接到正式通知。2、Configure one or more delivery protocols for notification delivery. 为通知传递配置一个或多个传递协议。扩展资料近义词辨析:1、announcement英 [əˈnaʊnsmənt] ; 美 [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n:(一项)公告,布告,通告;(指行动)宣布,宣告例句:There has been no official announcement of the arrests. 还没有正式发布逮捕这些人的消息。2、information英 [ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] ; 美 [ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn] n:信息;消息;情报;资料;资讯;通知例句:I'll pass this information on to the users and let you know the results. 我会把这个消息通知用户,然后把结果告诉您。3、advice英 [ədˈvaɪs] ; 美 [ədˈvaɪs] n:劝告;忠告;建议;意见;通知例句:We are looking forward to receiving your shipping advice. 我们期待着收到你方的装船通知。


您好,notice 和 notification 两个单词都是由字根 note 而来的,所以这3个的较大区别在于:1)note(动词)= write;note(名词)= 写下的东西My teacher is talking, and I am noting/taking note.2)notice(动词)= see;notice(名词)= 可以看得到的公告,布告(尤其是贴在布告栏)Did you see the notice on the bulletin board?I notice you have a new haircut.3)notify(动词)= tell;notification(名词)= 需要通过讲、说,或是转述的通知,告知Please notify your parents to come to school tomorrow.My parents sent a notification to the school that they can't come to the meeting.notification 通常用在正式场合,替代 notice(名词)

notice 和note的区别

1、意思不同notice:通知,布告;注意;公告;通知;注意到;留心note:笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便笺2、用法不同notice作名词时指用以宣传某事的发生或传达某种指示的通知。也可指“预告,通知”,即告诉某人某事即将发生。notice用作动词的意思是“注意”,指将精力全部集中在某一个人或事上。例句:Her appearance attracted my notice.她的外表引起了我的注意。note的基本意思是“笔记,摘记”,指用来记录平时一些需要记住的事情的短小记录;note用作动词时指“将某事写在纸上”,以便于以后查找,即“记录”。Students should take notes during the lectures.学生们上课应该做笔记。3、侧重点不同notice主要用作动词,用来通知别人,指提醒某人对某事引起“注意”。note多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式。

