
时间:2024-08-31 01:31:04编辑:莆田seo君


写作思路:可以写出看手机有哪些不正确的看法,然后再给出合理看手机的建议,语言要通顺,避免语法使用错误。正文:Now many people are addicted to mobile phones. Mobile phones can affect students' learning, reduce their eyesight, and cause eye pain after watching for a long time.现在有许多人都沉迷于手机,手机会影响学生的学习,能让视力下降,看时间长了还会眼睛疼。Because looking at mobile phones, some people cross the road and are hit by a car, some people run into a power pole, some people fall into the sewer, some people drive to play with mobile phones and can rear end. Children like to wear headphones and ride bicycles, so that they can't hear others honking. We should not look at mobile phones in meetings, subways, parties and meals.因为看手机,有人过马路被车撞了,有人碰到了电线杆,有人掉进了下水道里,有人开车玩手机,会追尾,小孩子喜欢带着耳机,骑着自行车,这样,别人按喇叭他也听不到。开会看手机,地铁看手机,聚会、吃饭看手机,这些现象都不应该。My aunt loves to play very much. On Sunday, we went out for dinner and came back at nine o'clock. I told her to go to bed, but she didn't listen. She went to the toilet, and I secretly looked at it. It was hairy and played mahjong! Two out of three! At this moment, still playing mobile phone!我的姑姑特别爱玩,星期日,我们去外面吃了饭,回来就九点了,我叫姑姑睡觉,她却不听,她上了一个厕所,我就偷偷看了看,上面发着,打麻将啦!三局两胜!都这会儿啦,还玩手机!I have a suggestion:我有一个建议:1、Do not play mobile phones, insomnia, myopia, the best set a good time, never more than 30 minutes.1、不要玩手机,眼睛失眠、近视,最好定好时间,绝不超过三十分钟。2、If you have something urgent, just look at your mobile phone. If you don't, try not to look at it.2、大家有急事就看看手机,没有的话就尽量不要看。3、It's said that some people still jump from the building to watch mobile phones. Mobile phones give us a great shake. Try not to watch them.3、听说看手机有的人还跳楼,手机给我们的动摇很大,尽量不要看。Such a small mobile phone, can have so much harm, we must set a time to see the mobile phone, so it is not dangerous.这么一个小小的手机,能有这么多的危害,大家要定时间看手机,这样不危险。


How can we use mobile phones properly? First of all, we should put an end to browsing on the network, watching bad information, browsing uncivilized documents and other behaviors. The information on the Internet is mixed and can lead us astray if we are not careful.Therefore, we should establish a correct concept of right and wrong and choose to read some information beneficial to our physical and mental health development, such as news facts, elegant entertainment newspapers and so on.Secondly, we do: moderate use of mobile phones, mobile phone use time can not exceed an hour a day. After using the mobile phone, you should have eye massage to relax your eyes so that you can protect your eyes and finish your work and study tasks with more energy.The correct use of smart phone, is a kind of technology, but also an art, learn, by the "machine" benefit for life; Can't learn, by a "machine" harm life.Let us start from ourselves, together to create a good social atmosphere, so that smartphones can give us the greatest benefits they can give!我们该如何正确使用手机呢?首先我们要杜绝在网络上浏览,观看不良的信息、浏览不文明文件等行为。网络上的信息良莠不齐,稍不注意就会使我们误入歧途。因此,我们要树立正确的是非观念,选看一些有利于我们身心健康发展的信息,如新闻事实,高雅的娱乐报刊等。其次我们做到的是:有节制的使用手机,使用手机的时间一天不能超过一个小时。使用完手机后,要做眼部按摩,使眼睛放松,以便保护眼睛并且用更充沛的精力去完成工作学习任务。正确使用智能手机,是一种技术,也是一门艺术,学会了,就受“机”益终身;学不会,就受一“机”害一生。让我们从自身做起,共同营造良好的社会氛围,让智能手机给予我们它们所能给予的最大益处!写作文注意事项确定作文的中心很关键,一篇作文一定要有一个明确、有意义的中心,写的内容始终要围绕着你确定的这个中心去写,不要写散。中心最好要新颖,不要别人写什么,我也写什么,这样的作文太多,不容易得高分。

