
时间:2024-08-25 08:10:06编辑:莆田seo君

有一首英文歌 其中有一句是“i wonder how......blue blue sky”

苏慧伦的《柠檬树》 原版`
Lemon tree/Fool's Garden

I'm sitting here in a boring noon
It's just another rainy sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I get nothing to do
I'm hanging around
And I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder

I'm driving a run in my car
I'm driving too fast
And I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely
I'm waiting for you
But nothing have happened and I wonder

I wonder how,I wonder why
Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
And all that I can see
It's just a yellow lemon tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning,turning,turning,turning, turning around
And all that I can see
It's just another lemon tree

I'm sitting here and I miss the power
I'd like to go out taking a shower
but there is a heavy cloud inside my head
I feel so tired
I put myself to bed
but nothing have happened and I wonder

Isolation,it's not good for me
Isolation,I don't want to sit on the lemon tree
I'm stepping around in the desert of joy
Baby,anyhow I gain another toy
and everything will happen and you wonder

I wonder how,I wonder why
Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
and all that I can see
It's just a yellow lemon tree

急求AKB48 Blue Rose 的中文翻译和罗马音....谢了

  do ko ka de a na ta wo da i ta ki ga shi te ta
  どこかで 贵方を抱いた気がしてた (我总觉得 在哪个地方曾抱过你)
  sa ko tsu no ka ta chi wo shi tte ru
  锁骨のかたちを知ってる (因为我对你锁骨的形状很熟悉)
  shi ro i shi i tsu de sho u ne n no yo-u ni
  白いシーツで少年のように (穿着白色衬衫 如少年一般)
  na ni ka ni o bi e i no tte
  何かに怯え 祈って (像是怯怕什么的祈祷着)
  a i wo mo to me ta
  爱を求めた (索求着爱)
  a ri e na i
  ありえない (怎么可能)
  a o i ba ra mi ta i na
  青いバラみたいな (如同蓝玫瑰的)
  i tsu ka no yo ru
  いつかの夜 (曾几何时的一夜)
  ki se ki na ra
  奇迹なら (那若是奇迹)
  i chi do da ke yo
  一度だけよ (也只能发生一次)
  Blue rose
  a ri e na i
  ありえない (怎么可能)
  ka mi no shi wa za ni ko i no a ya ma chi
  神の仕业に 恋の过ち (上天的作弄 让我们爱错)
  bo u kya ku wa i to shi sa no de gu chi
  忘却は 爱しさの出口 (忘却是爱的唯一出口)
  Blue rose is love
  Blue rose is love
  a ri e na i
  ありえない (怎么可能)
  a o i ba ra mi ta i na
  青いバラみたいな (如同蓝玫瑰的)
  i tsu ka no yo ru
  いつかの夜 (曾几何时的一夜)
  ki se ki na ra
  奇迹なら (那若是奇迹)
  i chi do da ke yo
  一度だけよ (也只能发生一次)
  Blue rose
  a ri e na i
  ありえない (怎么可能)
  ka mi no shi wa za ni ko i no a ya ma chi
  神の仕业に 恋の过ち (上天的作弄 让我们爱错)
  bo u kya ku wa i to shi sa no de gu chi
  忘却は 爱しさの出口 (忘却是爱的唯一出口)
  Blue rose is love
  wa su re te yo
  忘れてよ (忘记了吧)
  ao i ba ra na n te yu me ka ma bo ro shi
  青いバラなんて 梦か幻 (蓝玫瑰只是梦中幻影)
  ki se ki na n te
  奇迹なんて (奇迹什么的)
  o ki te na i wa
  起きてないわ (根本不会发生)
  Blue rose
  wa su re te yo
  忘れてよ (忘记了吧)
  wa ta shi no ko to wo a i shi ta no wa
  私のことを 爱したのは (若是你已经 沉沦在爱的怀里)
  i sshu n no ho n no u no ma yo i
  一瞬の本能の迷い (只是一瞬的本能迷失)
  Blue rose is cool!
  Blue rose is cool!
  Blue rose is cool!
  Blue rose is cool!

BLue SKies 什么意思

BLue SKies 蓝色的天空歌词 e:baby girl 我知你想 放低原则做乜都得只有理想 净系想同你过每个浪漫晚上 而家开始好唔妥我系个偶像 我都好想提起劲感情关系抽象 每次见到你令我加倍紧张 我努力向上向上你有你理想理想 我想你同我试试打开哩个窗 其实我同你既关系我唔系好识得分 因为我一系你身边我就啰啰乱咁 其实一直以黎我真系好傻 日日当初捱生捱死去行过左 如果你肯同我一对一见下面 其实你会发现我既真意其实就好似你手链 抱住你"cool"住你爱护你捱生捱死 都只有我同你

