
时间:2024-08-19 04:07:18编辑:莆田seo君




  韩国媒体对100名已婚女性进行了“能否和丈夫之外的男人发生性关系”的问卷调查,结果显示被调查者中有23%表示可以。另一项调查结果显示,在接受调查的16947名已婚女性中有16.3%表示有保持关系的情人。导演说曾经听到有种论调说如今没有婚外恋的女人是跟不上时代的女人,因此拍摄该片探讨这种现象。导演设计了一个拥有英俊相貌,体格完美,带着可爱的笑容,幽默,年轻的事业家这样的角色,而且那个男人还是 48小时后要去非洲的自由人和这样的男人拥有为期2日的恋爱契约大概是很多女人幻想的浪漫的事,但美梦之后将是无尽的空虚。为了强调这种反差,导演将这段艳遇压缩到短短2天,并且将电影的场景安排在多种多样的 文化 空间,艺术村,美术馆,博物馆等空间构架出最美丽的泡沫。






Sons and Lovers was the first of Lawrence’s major works, and is still considered to be one of his best. The 1913 novel was partly autobiographical and was set in the coalmining village of Bestwood. The parents of the central character, Paul, are Mr and Mrs Morel who are a vigorous and heavy-drinking miner and a well-educated, pretty intellectual respectively. We learn of Paul’s successful brother and sister, William and Annie, but are soon drawn into Paul’s world. He is still in his teens but works in a factory producing surgical appliances but becomes sick and spends his time with Miriam Leivers who he falls in love with. Their love is made difficult by Miriam’s intense and religious nature and the fondness Paul’s mother has for him that is protective to the point of dependence. As Paul reaches his early twenties he becomes passionate and makes love to Miriam but this ecstasy spells the end for their relationship. The latter stages of the novel concern Paul’s next passion - Mrs Clara Dawes - and her vengeful husband. In the end, with Mrs Morel’s slow death, we find that the closest and most meaningful bond is held between mother and son. The novel is notable for being the first English novel to be genuinely working-class in origin and focus.
David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Nottinghamshire, England where his father was a miner. His experience growing up in a coal-mining family provided much of the inspiration for Sons and Lovers. Lawrence had many affairs with women in his life, including a longstanding relationship with Jessie Chambers (on whom the character of Miriam is based), an engagement to Louie Burrows, and an eventual elopement to Germany with Frieda Weekley. Sons and Lovers was written in 1913, and contains many autobiographical details. Many of Lawrence's novels were very controversial because of their frank treatment of sex, and both The Rainbow and Lady Chatterley's Lover were banned during his lifetime. This controversial treatment of sex is evident as well in Sons and Lovers; Lawrence’s fear of negative public opinion may have been one reason for his vague use of language and the obscure treatment of sex in the novel.
Perhaps Sigmund Freud's most celebrated theory of sexuality, the Oedipus complex takes its name from the title character of the Greek play Oedipus Rex. In the story, Oedipus is prophesied to murder his father and have sex with his mother (and he does, though unwittingly). Freud argued that these repressed desires are present in most young boys. (The female version is called the Electra complex.)
D.H. Lawrence was aware of Freud's theory, and Sons and Lovers famously uses the Oedipus complex as its base for exploring Paul's relationship with his mother. Paul is hopelessly devoted to his mother, and that love often borders on romantic desire. Lawrence writes many scenes between the two that go beyond the bounds of conventional mother-son love. Completing the Oedipal equation, Paul murderously hates his father and often fantasizes about his death.
Paul assuages his guilty, incestuous feelings by transferring them elsewhere, and the greatest receivers are Miriam and Clara (note that transference is another Freudian term). However, Paul cannot love either woman nearly as much as he does his mother, though he does not always realize that this is an impediment to his romantic life. The older, independent Clara, especially, is a failed maternal substitute for Paul. In this setup, Baxter Dawes can be seen as an imposing father figure; his savage beating of Paul, then, can be viewed as Paul's unconsciously desired punishment for his guilt. Paul's eagerness to befriend Dawes once he is ill (which makes him something like the murdered father) further reveals his guilt over the situation.
But Lawrence adds a twist to the Oedipus complex: Mrs. Morel is saddled with it as well. She desires both William and Paul in near-romantic ways, and she despises all their girlfriends. She, too, engages in transference, projecting her dissatisfaction with her marriage onto her smothering love for her sons. At the end of the novel, Paul takes a major step in releasing himself from his Oedipus complex. He intentionally overdoses his dying mother with morphia, an act that reduces her suffering but also subverts his Oedipal fate, since he does not kill his father, but his mother.
Initially, I was not sure that I would like this book, but with each page that I read, I became more and more involved in the story. It was an excellent read and shows how manipulative a mother can be in controlling her children. The psychological hold that she had on her sons was something that they were not able to break. It also shows how influenced we can be by the interaction between our own parents.

