
时间:2024-08-17 21:09:34编辑:莆田seo君


链接: 提取码: 7kqi我的小确幸导演:杨龙编剧:刘飞、刘辰光、施适主演:邢菲、唐晓天、黄一琳、李川、邓郁立、付伟伦、昌隆、杨安琪、野红梅、洛晨舒、刘畅、潘时七、崔奕、王晴、刘丕东、于慧、张天舒类型:爱情制片国家/地区:中国大陆语言:汉语普通话首播:2021-01-13(中国大陆)集数:28又名:你是我的小确幸丛容被妈妈安排去国外念经济学,定居国外是丛母对丛容的最终要求。但一心想当律师的丛容,却自学悄悄潜回国内考取证书,并瞒着妈妈回国就业。没想到实习期遇到的第一个难关就是温少卿!为了能够顺利度过实习期,丛容与温少卿“斗智斗勇”。命运的红绳将两人越绑越紧,温少卿不仅是丛容的房东,还是对门邻居。当一切真相大白,丛容才发觉自己早已爱上温少卿。


链接:提取码: vbrc 《实习期 インターン!》导演: 吉田秋生编剧: 太田善也主演: 新木优子、冈本杏理、佐野岳、青木玄德、栗原类、铃木友菜、泉はる、风间彻、中村龙、上野夏妃、もちろー、小西吻类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 日本语言: 日语上映日期: 2016-11-05(日本)片长: 103分钟又名: 实习生、Intern!大学三年级的川仓晴香(新木优子 饰)在好友浜崎真希(冈本杏理 饰)的邀请下参加了某企业的实习生招募说明会,听取了企业CEO牧野正幸(风间トオル 饰)的演讲后,晴香感觉自己兴趣不大,正想放弃时,真希却帮她提交了申请。在回家路上,晴香差点遇到交通事故,又是牧野救了她。 在病床上醒来的牧野,遇到一个自称死神(佐野岳 饰)的人,并且看到了自己出窍的灵魂。死神告诉他,由于他救了本该因为交通事故而死去的晴香,因此他的命运就变成了代替晴香死去。想要两个人都活下去的方法只有一个,就是要改变晴香的未来。牧野认为只要让晴香在实习期获得优异成绩,顺利入社的话就能改变未来,于是便附在真希身上,全力支援晴香的实习生活。 但晴香却不领情,反而自说自话只想靠自己的力量,结果成绩相当糟糕。她到底能不能顺利取得入社资格呢?


Last night, I watched an interesting movie. It is called Intern,
which are played by the famous beautiful girl Anny Hathaway and an old
but skilled man. The story tells about a retired man finds his own place
again by being an intern in garment company. The old man helps his boss
who is acted by Anny come back her family life again. Though the man is
aged, his is really young in mind. He keeps studying the constant news
and learn the newest technology. Unlike the people who are in the same
age and have no idea about the Internet, this old man is full of passion
and he lives the wonderful life. So age is not the excuse to stop
moving on, it is never too old to learn. Everyone can choose the life
they live, no matter how old they are.



Even wanted to travel to the center of the earth? I am sure not many would have even thought of this. If it is travelling to a different country especially a popular tourist destination then I am sure all people will be willing. Even if it is a popular shopping destination for example like the Dubai Shopping Festival or the Malaysia Mega Sale I am sure you will find many takers. Even space travel will fascinate most of us and you will find lots of takers on making a trip to outer space. However, going to the center of the earth, no way would be most people’s first thought. Well you can make this journey quite safely with the new movie “Journey To The Center Of The Earth” with Brendan Fraser for company. What’s exciting about this movie is that it’s in 3D and while it is based on Jules Verne popular book there are deviations in it with creatures like dinosaurs, piranhas, man eating plants (yeah like Peter Jackson’s King Kong) and most will leap out at you this being a 3D movie. The storyline/plot is weak, but the 3D special effects will certainly get the ball rolling. Being in India I will have to wait a while before being able to catch the movie, but if you can then do watch it and let me know how it turns out. I remember as a kid my mom telling me that people dug the earth to get to its center, but then stopped and gave up when they heard screams emanating from below and they were convinced they had stumbled upon hell and the screams were of the tormented inhabitants of hell. Later on I learnt that the Russians had indeed started to dig during the cold war to get to the center of the earth and even here there were rumors about screams being heard and the Russians giving up on the dig because they too believed they had stumbled onto hell, but the truth it turns out was that the rocks were so hot they kept melting and fusing the holes so the dig could not progress and the Russians had to call it a day. The latest news is that the Japanese are planning to dig to the center of the earth and they are planning to do it at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean since the area there is only about 6 miles thick. Let’s see what comes of their dig. Till then we have to rely on Brendan Fraser taking us on a Journey To The Center Of The Earth.记得采纳啊

