
时间:2024-07-27 13:16:32编辑:莆田seo君


使用说明。每日一粒胶囊,与饭同服或根据你的专业保健医生的指示。Beverry Omega-3 系列深海鱼油富含EPA与DHA。可暂时缓解关节炎疼痛,并可能改善外周循环。


China is the world's largest coal production and consumption Country,and is also one of the few countries which regard coal as the main sources of energy ,the coal energy rates was very high among energy consumption structure rates in our country.Among them, most of the coal combustion for power generation and heating industry.For large coal-fired power station and boiler,Pulverized coal combustion is the main way of combustion.However, It's one of the most important factors which has restricted the sustainable development that the use of pulverized coal combustion efficiency is not high and the environmental pollution caused by burning of our country one of the most important factors. Based on the coal combustion efficiency and low pollution comprehensive consideration," corona charged pulverized coal combustion mechanism and experiment research" is put forward.By means of high voltage electrostatic field on the solid particles and gas can produce electric charge effect,On one hand, the gas atoms or ions moving kinetic energy is very high,and when contact with the pulverized coal particles,it'll transferred part of energy to the coal particle surface, and lead to Particles in an unstable high-energy state , increased the particle surface activity; On the other hand, oxygen, carbon monoxide, corona methane gas ion, electron, has high energy, those make accelerate coal particle combustion reaction rate, reduce combustion reaction temperature become possible. However, in the actual production process of coal, coal is usually in a flow state. From theoretic analysis, the flow of pulverized coal combustion efficiency of pulverized coal is greater than under the static state, Therefore,the pulverized coal flow in charge of combustion enhancement is possible. In this paper,on the basis of pulverized coal particles are charged successfully, through using of the original cyclone electrostatic charge system to build the pulverized coal flow injection charge combustion system. using a photographic record and analysis of its ignition and combustion state, using sampling thermal analysis method of burnout to exploring Charged pulverized coal flow combustion status. Key words: corona discharge, the pulverized coal flow, combustion, thermal analysis 翻译了一会,还挺累,不说百分百准确,但是基本没什么大的语法错误,望采纳。



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