
时间:2024-07-22 02:29:44编辑:莆田seo君


固态硬盘: 1.采用闪存存储,读取速度比普通机械硬盘更快没有磁头等问题 2.其实对于使用固态硬盘来说,品牌 无所谓哪个都一样,只要质保好就可以了。因为固态盘质保非常不太好。 3.系统最好装在固态里面,其他大容量的数据最好放在普通硬盘里面。因为固态硬盘与优盘存储介质都是由芯片自称的。使用寿命决定于使用次数,大概120g固态硬盘 使用寿命在20年左右吧。Flash不建议存储大容量的数据。会降低使用寿命的,也就是品牌读写会浪费寿命次数 4.虽然防震抗摔,但是真的摔到点子上了,也是一种损失还是小心些。 5.使用过程中也不会出现机械硬盘的工作声音,比较静音,也没有机械硬盘那么耗电,硬盘芯片工作温度在-40-85度都是正常的。 关于接口: 分为:SATA串口(SATA2.0和SATA3.0),PCI-E,LIF,mSATA、CFast 等 4K对齐: 条件:支持高级格式化的固态硬盘(2011年以后都可以) 1.可以下载paragon alignment:安装运行可以看到显示绿色就证明是对齐了,黄色的就没有对其可以对齐,红色就表示盘不支持也无法对齐。或者下载硬盘检测工具 AS SSD benbhmark 安装后可以看到提示,同上。 2.对于新盘,win7安装过程中,格式化工具进行格式化,这样分区就直接开始4k对齐,如果分区有系统分区,必须选择主磁盘分区,分区大小选择自己想要的大小,不要太小了。 3.已使用的硬盘,在不破坏自己硬盘里面数据的前提下。也可以试试 如有问题可以追问,希望能帮助大家 愿采纳,网上有很多支持的软件,也可以试试~~~~


镁光m4型号:CT128M4SSD2容量:128G 缓存容量:128M 硬盘尺寸:2.5英寸硬盘 接口类型:SATA III 闪存类型:MLC

镁光 M4 ssd 128G 无法升级固件到070H?现为040H



因为你用的非主板芯片组原生 硬盘控制器, 不是原生的 SATA接口 ,原生的SATA2 接口速度也比非原生 SATA3 要好; 这个固件官网有介绍 Release Date: 04/02/2013Firmware 070H is recommended for anyone currently running 040H or previous firmware releases. It includes incremental improvements and refinements over these versions which may improve the overall user experience. Like recent firmware versions, version 070H has improvements over versions 000F which are specific for Windows 8 and new UltraBook systems, although systems running Windows 7 and other operating systems may also see improvements. Any m4 firmware version will function normally in Windows 8, even without these performance improvements. The following is a summary of changes between 040H and 070H, which are independent of operating system: Resolved a power-up timing issue that could result in a drive hang, resulting in an inability to communicate with the host computer. The hang condition would typically occur during power-up or resume from Sleep or Hibernate. Most often, a new power cycle will clear the condition and allow normal operations to continue. The failure mode has only been observed in factory test. The failure mode is believed to have been contained to the factory. This fix is being implemented for all new builds, for all form factors, as a precautionary measure. The fix may be implemented in the field, as desired, to prevent occurrence of this boot-time failure. To date, no known field returns have been shown to be related to this issue. A failure of this type would typically be recoverable by a system reset.Additional details can be found in the firmware guide 你这个我觉得 接上原生SATA2 速度会好很多;

