mandy moore

时间:2024-06-02 19:07:55编辑:莆田seo君


父亲Don是个民航驾驶员,母亲Stacy曾是新闻记者。2009年,瑞恩-亚当斯与曼迪-摩尔在佐治亚的Savannah举办婚礼,2014年,他们还在洛杉矶举办了一场结婚五周年婚庆,而在婚庆上亚当斯还举杯感谢妻子多年来对于他的容忍和照顾。2014年1月23日,在经历了六年的婚姻之后,瑞恩-亚当斯(Ryan Adams)和曼迪-摩尔的婚姻走到尽头,二人已经正式离婚,并发表了一份离婚声明。

[create_time]2016-05-10 23:39:42[/create_time]2016-05-25 19:37:15[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]童年系列349[uname][avatar]超过50用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]119[view_count]


在看了音乐剧《俄克拉荷马!》之后,她下定决心要从事演唱事业。童年时,她经常在家乡佛罗里达奥兰多附近举办的体育活动中演唱国歌而变得小有名气,被人们称为“国歌女孩”。14岁那年,有一次她在奥兰多的一间录音棚录音时,一名碰巧经过的联邦快递员工听到她的声音并为她的天分吸引。这个员工又碰巧在Sony唱片有熟人。于是,摩尔送去了一份示范唱片,随后便和Sony 550 Music公司签了合约。15岁时,她发行了第一张唱片“So Real”。她首次巡回演出的伙伴是后街男孩乐队。由于发片和巡回演出需要很多时间,摩尔从奥兰多的天主教高中退学,选择家庭辅导继续学习。她了解学习的重要,并表明了她想要上大学的愿望激励她要继续学习下去。尽管摩尔的唱片销量比不上布兰妮·斯皮尔斯和克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉,但她证明了自己在唱歌和表演方面都具有极高的天赋。她在首部电影长片“A Walk to Remember”(2002)中扮演的角色为她得到了2002年6月的MTV电影奖提名,接下来一年中她还将参演两部电影。她最大的梦想,是能够有一天在百老汇表演。

[create_time]2016-05-10 23:39:42[/create_time]2016-05-25 19:37:16[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小锋635[uname][avatar]超过68用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]145[view_count]


Mandy的意思是:值得爱的,备受称赞的。中文音译:曼迪名字性别:女孩英文名来源语种:拉丁语、古英语名字寓意:慷慨的,圆融,自己的价值观非常牢固。名字印象:安全意识很强,有时略显保守但善于管理,非常细心。独立,友善可亲,平易近人,慷慨大度。能言会道,表达力强。脾气温和,但有时会有些尖刻。创造力强,有艺术细胞。做事无计划。情侣英文名Colin配对理由:Colin和Mandy取自影片《春天的希望》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。影片信息:片名《春天的希望》,英文名《Hope Springs》,2003年上映。主要演员:Colin柯林,由Colin Firth科林·费斯饰演。Mandy曼迪,由Heather Graham海瑟·格拉汉姆饰演。

[create_time]2021-10-11 18:49:42[/create_time]2021-10-23 10:31:48[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]芊芊和你说民生[uname][avatar]芊芊说民生,专注解决民生问题[slogan]芊芊说民生,专注解决民生问题[intro]5830[view_count]


值得爱的,备受称赞的,Amanda的昵称值得爱的AMANDA的缩影。mandy1、读音:[ˈmændi]2、名字性别:女孩英文名。3、来源语种:拉丁语、古英语。4、名字寓意:慷慨的,圆融,自己的价值观非常牢固。扩展资料情侣名:Colin1、配对理由:Colin和 Mandy取自影片《春天的希望》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。片名《春天的希望》。2、读音:['kɔlin]3、名字性别:男孩英文名。4、来源语种:英语。5、名字寓意:小孩或婴儿,正直,诚信,不善变。6、名字含义:胜利者,人民的的胜利,Nicholas的简写。

[create_time]2021-02-04 11:24:37[/create_time]2021-02-17 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]达兴老师聊教育[uname][avatar]我是教育小达人,专注于教育知识分享。[slogan]我是教育小达人,专注于教育知识分享。[intro]5801[view_count]


◎译 名 插画情缘◎片 名 Dedication◎年 代 2007-01-22◎国 家 美国◎类 别 喜剧/剧情◎语 言 英语◎字 幕 N/A◎IMDB评分 7.3/10 (293 votes)◎文件格式 XviD + MP3◎视频尺寸 624x352◎文件大小 700.16 MB◎片 长 95 min ◎导 演 贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 Justin Theroux◎主 演 鲍勃·巴拉班 Bob Balaban .....Arthur Planck曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore .....Lucy艾米·塞德丽丝 Amy Sedaris .....Cassidy's MomCharlene Biton .....Belle Dancer彼得·博格丹诺维奇 Peter Bogdanovich .....Roger SpadeBobby Cannavale .....Don Meyers比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup .....Henry马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman .....JeremyCassidy Hinkle .....CassidyChristopher Grey Misa .....Boy In DinerAntonio Parisi .....Young boyJicky Schnee .....MandyJeremy Shamos克里斯蒂娜·泰勒 Christine Taylor .....AllisonSteven Wargo .....Photo Double: Billy Crudup黛安娜维斯特 Dianne Wiest .....Carol汤姆·威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson .....Rudy Holt

[create_time]2016-05-30 13:27:46[/create_time]2016-06-14 11:47:38[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]葬魂v5o滕[uname][avatar]超过53用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]136[view_count]


姓名:Lindsay Lohan



出生地:美国 纽约




因为出演《贱女孩》(Mean Girls)而一炮打红的18岁的美国偶像歌手林赛-罗韩,自从踏入歌坛后更是人气飙升,炙手可热。这使得她当之无愧地赢得了风靡全世界的“芭比娃娃”一般的待遇,目前,美国著名的“My Scene”公司已经推出与她形象酷似的玩偶娃娃。



偶像新星罗韩曾经主演《Freaky Friday》,最近还完成了新片《疯狂金车(Herbie: Fully Loaded)》的拍摄,该片改编自关于一辆勇敢的大众小汽车的迪斯尼童话故事。



全名:Hilary Erhard Duff
◆诞生地:休斯敦, 得克萨斯州
◆前男友:Joel Madden(2004—2006),Aaron Carter(2003)
◆最好的朋友:Taylor Hoover与Haylie Duff
◆最喜欢的颜色: 粉红色
◆最喜欢的动物: 狗
◆最喜欢的科目: 数学和历史
◆最喜欢的运动: 游泳
◆音乐: Pop dance,Hip-Hop, Pop, Rap, Rock
◆歌手: Lil' Romeo, Pink, John Mayer, Van Morrison, Vanessa Carlton, Michelle Branch, R Kelly, Nas, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Kid Rock, Bow Wow, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Mandy Moore, Dream, Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, Macy Gray, Jessica Simpson

Casper meets Wendy (1998)
Cadet Kelly (2002)
Agent Cody Banks (2003)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003)
Cheaper By the Dozen (2003)
A Cinderella Story (2004)
Raise you voice (2004)
The Perfect Man (2005)
Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (2005)
Material Girls (2006)
FOOD FIGHT! (2007) (配音)
War.Inc (2007)

Hilary是个很聪明的女孩儿,她清楚自己的特点,知道自己擅长做什么,不该做什么,她的嗓音很甜美,有些像另一位美少女歌手Mandy Moore,亲自演唱的两首主创作品也很好的展示了她在唱歌方面的天赋,《Why Not》的歌词简单上口,而慢版的《What Dreams Are Made Of》,则是一首耐听的好歌。由于当红英国少女组合Atomic Kitten的《The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling)》以及Jump5翻唱的著名的70年代R&B名作《Shinging Star》的加入,为这张略显平淡唱片增色不少。值得一提的是唱片第12首歌曲Girl In The Band是由Hilary的姐姐Haylie Duff所演唱,细细品来发现Haylie的声音要比Hilary更出色!


希拉莉达夫(Hilary Duff),10岁开始演戏,1999年以《The Soul Collector》赢得一座「年轻演员最佳女配角(Young Artist Awards)」奖。2001年迪士尼频道的电视剧《Lizzie McGuire》,由希拉莉当女主角,开播以来深受美国年轻观众的欢迎,使希拉莉成了迪士尼的当家花旦,今年更拍成「罗马假期」式义大利风情的电影版,轻松拿下4千200万(1亿6千800万零吉)的票房成绩。 一部典型的好莱坞少女电影,青春期少女遭遇的尴尬,幼稚,挫折等被以一种轻松诙谐的方式表现出来,出生于1987年9月28日的女主角Hilary Duff目前已是全美最炙手可热的童星,而在这部电影的原声带中,Hilary更是亲自动笔写下了两首歌曲,并由自己演唱完成,与其说这是一张电影原声不如说这是Hilary Duff的个人宣传品。

就在大家认为希拉莉鸿运当头、影视皆得意时,却爆出她与东家迪士尼出现嫌隙。原来希拉莉的妈妈认为迪士尼亏待她女儿,拍《Lizzie McGuire》电视剧每集3万5千美元(14万零吉),电影版只收100万美元(400万零吉),可是她在拍另一部电影《Agent Cody Banks》时,却可获得超过400百万美元(约1千600万零吉)的片酬。最后是演变成双方决裂不再续约的终局,迪士尼更考虑另找人接演《Lizzie McGuire》。

虽然与东家翻脸,希拉莉依旧有接不完的功作,她目前正在灌录个人首张专辑,预计今年尾会面市。电影方面,她已接下华纳电影公司的新片《A Cinderella Kelly Clarkson,1982年4月24日出生在德克萨死州的Burleson,在成为歌手之前,Kelly Clarkson最大的愿望是能够成为一名海洋生物学家,Kelly Clarkson唱歌的天赋在她上7年级的时候就被当时学校的合唱队领队所发现,于是Kelly就加入了学校的唱诗班,高中时Kelly把大部分的时光都用在了唱歌上,同时由于在音乐剧《Brigadoon》中的演出,而成为了德克萨斯州立唱诗班中的一员。在之后Kelly遇到了挫折,唱片公司连一张试音唱片都不愿为她出,更不要说签约了。于是Kelly决定去洛杉矶碰碰运气。

在那里,她参加了著名音乐创作人Gerry Goffin的录音工作,但是随后Gerry Goffin的生病,使她再次失去了机会,这还不是最遭的。不久她的房子着了火,而她的汽车也被警局拖走,Kelly的精神和经济都受到了极大的打击。终于,在好友Jessica的鼓励下,Kelly参加了American Idol大赛,2002年9月4日对于她来说是一个值得纪念的日子,Kelly获得了American Idol的冠军,随后她的事业发展顺利,2003年4月15日首张录音室专辑《Thankful》发表。

歌坛女歌手们大部份都是相互对打,从不卖弄外型和身材,完全以歌声成为新生代排行天后的Kelly Clarkson却打破这个生态!连续创下许多歌坛纪录的凯莉除了出道后就有前辈Mariah Carey相挺,造成“凯莉惜凯莉”的佳话,就连经常在媒体对其他女歌手呛声的克莉丝汀与艾薇儿也相继贡献歌曲给KellyClarkson,这位第一届“美国偶像”选秀冠军歌手最近在排行榜上呼风唤雨,是唯一一位有畅销专辑又有两首歌曲同时打入排行十大的火红女艺人.

新专辑《Breakaway》美国打败许多新生代女歌手,但凯莉并不像一般年轻女歌手总是和竞争对手结仇。第一张冠军专辑《谢谢你的爱》就收录克莉丝汀写的Miss Independen,还夺下英国榜第六名,一开始也曾让向来直言不讳的克莉丝汀不爽,因为制作人并未得到克莉丝汀同意就让凯莉录歌,让克莉丝汀很闷,还好克莉丝汀听到了成品后相当喜爱,改口称赞凯莉的版本,还上电视向凯莉喊话,“如果这首歌不是给你那才不妙,因为你将它唱的很好”,凯莉得到克莉丝汀赞美,在大胆直言的克莉丝汀身上相当罕见。而新专辑《Breakaway》的同名曲则出自艾薇儿的创作,原来有天她听到一个女生唱的demo歌曲,觉的这首歌根本就是自己的故事,后来才知道那是艾薇儿的!在制作人安排下,她演唱这首歌,还被《麻雀变公主2:皇家有约》选为主题曲,夺下流行电台榜冠军,两人也因这首歌感情更好,同样个性直率的艾薇儿也因此和凯莉结缘,能同时搞定克莉丝汀、艾薇儿两位率性天后,又能先后唱到她俩创作的歌曲,而Kelly Clarkson也成为克莉丝汀与艾薇儿第一次写给的幸运儿。
St原名:Amanda Leigh Moore
出生地:Nashua, New Hampshire ,不过在她只有7周大的时候就搬去了奥兰多。
专辑:《So Real》《I Wanna Be With You》《Mandy Moore》……
最喜欢的书:《A Land Remembered》



So Real - Release Date: December 7, 1999

1. So Real
2. Candy
3. What You Want
4. Walk Me Home
5. Lock Me in Your Heart
6. Telephone (Interlude)
7. Quit Breaking My Heart
8. Let Me Be the One
9. Not Too Young
10. Love Shot
11. I Like It
12. Love You for Always
13. Quit Breaking My Heart (Reprise)


Center Stage Soundtrack - Release Date: April 18, 2000

1. I Wanna Be With You - Mandy Moore
2. First Kiss - International Five
3. Don't Get Lost In The Crowd - Ashley Ballard
4. We're Dancing - P.Y.T.
5. Friends Forever - Thunderbugs
6. Get Used To This - Cyrena
7. A Girl Can Dream - P.Y.T.
8. Cosmic Girl - Jamiroquai
9. Higher Ground - Red Hot Chili Peppers
10. Come Baby Come - Elvis Crespo And Gizelle D'Cole
11. The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
12. If I Was The One - Ruff Endz
13. Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
14. I Wanna Be With You (Soul Solution Remix) - Mandy Moore


Candy Single - Release Date : May 9, 2000

1. Candy
2. Candy (George Calle Radio Remix)
3. Candy (Hex Hector Radio Mix)
4. Candy (Santana Radio)
5. Album Snippets
6. Multimedia

Candy Pt.2 - Single(IMPORT) - Release Date: May 1, 2000

1. Candy
2. Candy (Rhythm Masters Club Mix)
3. Candy (Richie Santana Club Mix)

I Wanna Be With You(Special Edition) - Release Date: May 9, 2000

1. I Wanna Be with You
2. Everything My Heart Desires
3. Want You Back
4. The Way To My Heart
5. So Real - (Wade Robson Remix)
6. Lock Me In Your Heart
7. Walk Me Home
8. I Like It
9. So Real
10. Candy - (Wade Robson Remix)
11. Your Face
12. I Wanna Be With You - (Soul Solution Remix)

So Real - Single(IMPORT) - Release Date: June 9, 2000

1. So Real
2. Candy (Wade Robson Remix)
3. Not Too Young
4. So Real (Wade Robson Remix)
5. So Real (Video Clip)

I Wanna Be With You(IMPORT) - Release Date: July 14, 2000

1. I Wanna Be With You
2. Candy
3. What You Want
4. So Real
5. Everything My Heart Desires
6. Want You Back
7. The Way To My Heart
8. Lock Me In Your Heart
9. Telephone (Interlude)/Quit Breaking My Heart
10. Walk Me Home
11. Love You For Always
12. I Like It
13. Your Face
14. Candy (Video Clip)
15. Walk Me Home (video Clip)
16. Interview Footage

I Wanna Be With You Pt.1(IMPORT) - Release Date: 2000

1. I Wanna Be With You
2. Let Me Be The One
3. Love Shot

I Wanna Be With You - Single(IMPORT) - Release Date: November 28, 2000


Mandy Moore - Release Date: June 19, 2001

1. In My Pocket
2. You Remind Me
3. Saturate Me
4. One Sided Love
5. 17
6. Cry
7. Crush
8. Only Took A Minute
9. Turn The Clock Around
10. Yo Yo
11. From Loving You
12. Split Chick
13. When I Talk To You


In My Pocket - Single([IMPORT) - Release Date: June 26, 2001

1. In My Pocket [Album Version]
2. In My Pocket [Live on MTV]
3. In My Pocket [Hex Hector Main 7" Mix]
4. In My Pocket [Thunderpuss Club Mix]


The Princess Diaries Soundtrack - Release Date: July 24, 2001

1. SuperGirl - Krystal Harris
2. Little Bitty Pretty One - Aaron Carter
3. Miss You More - BB Mak
4. Crush - 3G's
5. What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful) - Backstreet Boys
6. Miracles Happen - Myra
7. Always Tomorrow - Nobody's Angel
8. Away With The Summer Days - Youngstown
9. Stupid Cupid - Mandy Moore
10. Wake Up - Hanson
11. Happy Go Lucky - Steps
12. I Love Life - Melissa Lefton
13. Ain't Nuthin' But A She Thing - Lil' J featuring Nobody's Angel and
14. Hold On - B'Witched
15. The Journey - Mpulz

Crush - Single(IMPORT) - Release Date: September 17, 2001

1. Crush (Remix)
2. Crush (Album Version)
3. In My Pocket (Brand New Remix)
4. Mandy Moore (Album Mix Tape)


A Walk to Remember Soundtrack - Release Date: January 15, 2002

1. I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
2. Cry - Mandy Moore
3. Someday We'll Know - Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman
4. Dancing In The Moonlight (2001 Remix) - Toploader
5. Learning To Breathe - Switchfoot
6. Only Hope - Mandy Moore
7. It's Gonna Be Love - Mandy Moore
8. You - Switchfoot
9. If You Believe - Rachael Lampa
10. No One - Cold
11. So What Does It All Mean? - West, Gould & Fitzgerald
12. Mother, We Just Can't Get Enough - New Radicals
13. Only Hope - Switchfoot


Coverage - (W/Dvd, SPECIAL EDITION) - Release Date: October 21, 2003

1. Senses Working Overtime
2. Whole of the Moon
3. Can We Still Be Friends?
4. I Feel the Earth Move
5. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
6. Drop the Pilot
7. Moonshadow
8. One Way or Another
9. Breaking Us in Two
10. Anticipation
11. Help Me
12. Have a Little Faith in Me


Coverage - Release Date: October 21, 2003

1. Senses Working Overtime
2. The Whole Of The Moon
3. Can We Still Be Friends
4. I Feel The Earth Move
5. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
6. Drop The Pilot
7. Moonshadow
8. One Way Or Another
9. Breaking Us In Two
10. Anticipation
11. Help Me
12. Have A Little Faith In Me


Walk to Remember Soundtrack(LIMITED EDITION) - Release Date: October 21, 2003

1. I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
2. Cry - Mandy Moore
3. Someday We'll Know - Mandy Moore,Jonathan Foreman
4. Dancing in The Moonlight - 2001 Remix Toploader
5. Learning To Breathe - Switchfoot
6. Only Hope - Mandy Moore
7. It's Gonna Be Love - Mandy Moore
8. You - Switchfoot
9. If You Believe - Rachael Lampa
10. No One - Cold
11. So What Does It All Mean? - West, Gould & Fitzgerald
12. Mother, We Just Can't Get Enough - New Radicals
13. Cannonball - The Breeders
14. Friday On My Mind - Noogie
15. Empty Spaces - Fuel
16. Only Hope - Switchfoot


Mona Lisa Smile Soundtrack - Release Date: November 21, 2003

1. Mona Lisa Smile - Seal
2. You Belong To Me - Tori Amos
3. Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered - Celine Dion
4. The Heart Of Every Girl - Elton John
5. Santa Baby - Macy Gray
6. Murder, He Says - Tori Amos
7. Beseme Mucho - Chris Isaak
8. Secret Love - Mandy Moore
9. What'll I Do - Alison Krauss
10. Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Trevor Horn Orchestra
11. Sh Boom - Trevor Horn Orchestra
12. I'm Beginning To See The Light - Kelly Rowland
13. I've Got The World On A String - Lisa Stansfield
14. Smile - Barbra Streisand


Senses Working Overtime Single - Release Date: March 23, 2004

1) Senses Working Overtime


The Best of Mandy Moore - Release Date: November 16, 2004

1. Candy
2. Walk Me Home
3. So Real
4. I Wanna Be With You
5. In My Pocket
6. Crush
7. Cry
8. Only Hope
9. Have A Little Faith In Me
10. Can We Still Be Friends
11. Senses Working Overtime
12. I Feel The Earth Move
13. Top Of The World
14. Secret Love
姓名:Britney Jean Spears



父母:Jamie Spears;Lynne Spears

兄妹:Bryan Spears(哥哥);Jamie Lynn Spears(妹妹)

丈夫:Kevin Federline

儿子:Sean Preston Federline









最爱的演员:Brad Pitt

最爱的歌手:Mariah Carey、Madonna、Michael Jackson...

这是一个令人诧异的惊人事实:自从布兰妮的歌坛处女专辑《爱的初告白...Baby One More Time》发行至今,不过短短五年又六个月的时间,在这还不到2000个日子之中,布兰妮已经创造了五千五百万张的专辑销售成绩,如果仔细算起来的话,大约每天销售可达三千张专辑,真的很难想象,如果当初没有布兰妮,现在的流行音乐及文化的样貌,不知道会演变成什么样子?如果当初布兰妮决定不往流行乐坛发展,而是要去当医生、律师、或是老师的话,今天的流行音乐新世代,真难以想象不知道会变成什么样子? 当年的布兰妮,穿着淘气的学生制服,首度在MTV音乐频道中曝光,正式出道。当初没有人预见布兰妮会对现今流行音乐有着如此巨大的影响!从略带腼腆的布兰妮,一边嚼着口香糖、一边唱着「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」,到今天布兰妮的举手投足,充满巨星魅力的唱着冠军单曲「中你的毒Toxic」,这张精选辑,充分展现了布兰妮邻家女孩初长成、出落成一个成熟小女人的过程,并且布兰妮慑人的巨星风采,一举一动都备受世人的瞩目。


故事要从1998年说起,当年布兰妮「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」这支音乐录像带造成全球立即的轰动及影响,带领起一股青少年的流行风潮。在《爱的初告白...Baby One More Time》专辑封面,布兰妮跪在粉红色的背景前,带着她充满天真甜美的笑容摆出迷人的姿态,那时的她,看起来便是一副初生之犊不畏虎的样势。不过,这个形象跟她在音乐录像带中,将学校制服衬衫绑在腰上,一副超有自信的小女人模样,实在不太一样。从来没有一个明星的肚脐,能像她造成如此大的骚动及引起世人如此剧烈的反应及讨论,而现在,只要有小女孩露出自己的肚脐,但却红着脸、一副超级保守书呆子的样子,那你就知道应该要怪罪布兰妮了!但是,布兰妮本人,却说这一切没有那么复杂深奥。那些骚动及讨论,带来的其实是广大的欢迎及回响。「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」这支单曲迅速获得冠军,而同名专辑在发行后六周,便已销售超过一百万张。接下来推出的单曲「有焙?/span>Sometimes」以及「(你让我)神魂颠倒(You Drive Me) Crazy」依然表现锐利,让布兰妮的处女作,在排行榜上停留了超过103周的惊人时间。

在首张专辑还没退烧之际,2000年布兰妮又推出新作《爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again》。这张专辑制作人,麦克斯马汀Max Martin为布兰妮量身订作的首支单曲,与先前的代表作「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」非常神似,完全延续她的音乐风格。布兰妮嘟起小嘴,唱着I think I did it again!布兰妮的少女宣言,强烈而清楚,让大家无法忘怀。布兰妮又成功了一次!不同于「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」,这支新的冠军单曲「爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again」充满顽皮淘气的感觉及挑逗煽情的味道,还带有一些倔强,布兰妮唱着:「糟糕…你以为我爱上了你 / 以为我是天上掉下来的礼物 / 但我没那么天真 Oops!...You think I'm in love / That I'm sent from above / I'm not that innocent)」。如果布兰妮的首张专辑,暗示我们她还有更多我们并不

[create_time]2007-09-05 11:07:13[/create_time]2007-09-16 13:07:59[finished_time]4[reply_count]3[alue_good]百度网友9b478f28e[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1949[view_count]

哪里有Mandy Moore的电影下载或是她有什么电影

因为我这么说Ben sana söylemistim(2007)
结婚证书 License to Wed (2007)
爱得过火 Because I Said So (2007)
南方传奇Southland Tales(2006)
美国梦 American Dreamz (2006)
爱情和香烟 Romance & Cigarettes (2005)
被拯救者 Saved! (2004)
总统千金欧游记 Chasing Liberty (2004)
千头万绪 How to Deal (2003)
尽欲穷欢Try Seventeen(2002)
青涩年代 Walk to Remember, A (2002)
公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001)

你上 输入电影名字就能搜索到电影了

[create_time]2008-01-06 23:27:54[/create_time]2008-01-10 17:13:15[finished_time]4[reply_count]1[alue_good]冬季的鼠喝9158[uname][avatar]TA获得超过2900个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1350[view_count]

求mandy moore的一首歌曲~~~~

这是Rachael Lampa的If You Believe
I close my eyes,
And even when I'm sleeping
I'm alright,
'Cause You were, in my life.

Once upon a time,
I only imagined this
And now You're mine.
Wished for you so hard
Prayed that You'd find me;
Maybe your here today,
Here to remind me:

If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
That it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe, oh oh...

Everybody said
That I was a fool to think
That we'd connect
But I couldn't get my heart out of my head,
And they just didn't see;
No, they just couldnt know
The feeling that You get,
The places that You go...

If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That when you want something enough,
Thren it can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be...
If you believe.

Never wished for material things;
Never needed wind in my wings.
I never wished for anything but You...oh!
I can't explain it,
Someone just told me,
"Go where your heart is,
You'll never be lonely."

If you believe that dreams come true,
There's One that's waiting there for you.
'Cause I believed when I saw You
That (when you believe) when You want Someone enough,
Then they can't escape Your love.
There is nothing in the world that cannot be,
If you believe.
Believe, believe, believe, ooh...

[create_time]2008-02-04 21:18:20[/create_time]2008-02-04 21:28:20[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]rdpwts[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1.3万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1284[view_count]

mandy moore的crush歌词翻译






[create_time]2012-08-13 11:08:38[/create_time]2013-06-15 22:17:36[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]R空落单形[uname][avatar]TA获得超过180个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]351[view_count]

Mandy Moore的《Crush》 歌词

歌曲名:Crush歌手:Mandy Moore专辑:The Best Of Mandy MooreArtist/Band Moore MandySong title CrushAlbum Mandy Mooreohhhhhhh, yeah yeah yeah,ohhhhhhhYou know everything that I'm afraid ofYou do everything I wish I didEverybody wants you, everybody loves youI know I should tell you how I feelI wish everyone would disappearEvery time you call me, I'm too scared to be meAnd I'm too shy to sayOoh, I got a crush on youI hope you feel the way that I doI get a rushWhen I'm with youOoh, I've got a crush on youA crush on youYou know, I'm the one that you can talk toSometimes you tell me things that I don't wanna knowI just want to hold youYou say exactly how you feel about herI wonder, could you ever think of me that wayOoh, I got a crush on youI hope you feel the way that I doI get a rushWhen I'm with youOoh, I've got a crush on youA crush on youOoh, I wish I could tell somebodyBut there's no one to talk to, nobody knowsI've got a crush on youA crush on you, I got a crushHeeeyyyI got a crush, I got a crush on youYou say everything that no one saysBut I feel everything that you're afraid to feelI will always want you, I will always love youI got a crush on youI hope you feel the way that I doI get a rushWhen I'm with youOoh, I've got a crush on youA crush on youI got a crush on youI hope you feel the way that I doI get a rushWhen I'm with youOoh, I've got a crush on youA crush on youI got a crush, I got a crush on you

[create_time]2013-08-16 19:55:29[/create_time]2013-08-16 20:00:31[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]丛刻[uname][avatar]超过57用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]30[view_count]


  主题曲I see the light。
  这首歌曲由片中主角配音曼蒂摩尔(Mandy Moore)和扎克李维(Zachary Levi)献声演唱,也是影片男女主角的一见钟情曲,颇有迪斯尼的怀旧风潮。
  All those days watching from the windows
  All those years outside looking in
  All that time never even knowing
  Just how blind I ve been
  Now I’m here blinking in the starlight
  Now I‘m here suddenly I see
  Standing here it s all so clear
  I m where I m meant to be
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the fog has lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the sky is new
  And it s warm and real and bright
  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once everything looks different
  Now that I see you
  All those days chasing down a daydream
  All those years living in a blur
  All that time never truly seeing
  Things the way they were
  Now she s here shining in the starlight
  Now she s here suddenly I know
  If she s here it s crystal clear
  I‘m where I ’m meant to go
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the fog is lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the sky is new
  And it s warm and real and bright

  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once everything is different
  Now that I see you
  now that I see you

[create_time]2017-09-16 15:45:13[/create_time]2011-03-04 00:32:48[finished_time]2[reply_count]9[alue_good]qzhanlu[uname][avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6049[view_count]


长发公主是一部音乐和电影元素融合的迪士尼动画电影。以下是其中一些著名的音乐:1. \"I See the Light\" – Rapunzel 和 Flynn's 的爱情歌曲,由 Mandy Moore 和 Zachary Levi 演唱。2. \"Mother Knows Best\" – 由 Donna Murphy 扮演的他的继母上演了这首反讽的曲目。3. \"When Will My Life Begin?\" – Rapunzel 单独生活时唱的歌曲。4. \"I've Got a Dream\" – 由各种各样的罪犯组成的一支失落的罪犯团队唱的歌曲。5. \"Healing Incantation\" – 魔法之声能够治愈伤口的歌曲。6. \"Something That I Want\" – 最终电影的结束歌曲,由 Grace Potter 演唱。这些音乐和纷繁复杂的情节使得电影成为一部备受喜爱的迪士尼经典。

[create_time]2023-05-09 19:25:13[/create_time]2012-04-21 11:25:12[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6659[view_count]

Only Hope—Mandy Moore歌词

  there's a song that's inside of my soul
  it's the one that i've tried to write
  over and over again
  i'm awake in the infinite cold
  would you sing to me
  over and over and over again?
  so i lay my head back down
  and i lift my hands and pray
  to be only yours
  i pray to be only yours
  i know now you're my only hope
  sing to me the song of the stars
  of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
  when it feels like my dreams are so far
  sing to me all the plans that you have for me
  over again
  so i lay my head back down
  and i lift my hands and pray
  to be only yours
  i pray to be only yours
  i know now you're my only hope
  i gave my destiny
  i'll give you all of me
  i want your symphony
  singing in all that i am
  at the top of my lungs
  i'm giving it love
  so i lay my head back down
  and i lift my hands and pray
  to be only yours
  i pray to be only yours
  i pray to be only yours
  i know now you're my only hope

































[create_time]2016-12-02 02:45:29[/create_time]2011-12-06 11:07:32[finished_time]1[reply_count]21[alue_good]小二逛超市[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5235[view_count]

Mandy Moore的《Candy》 歌词

歌曲名:Candy歌手:Mandy Moore专辑:I Wanna Be With YouI'm so addicted*To the lovin that you're feeding to meCan't do without itThis feeling's got me weak in the kneesBody's in withdrawalEverytime you take it awayCan't you hear me callin'Begging you to come out and play?So baby come to meShow me who you areSweet to meLike sugar to my heartI'm cravin' for youI'm missin' you like candySweet, sweet lovin'Got me going to the extremeWon't go without itThis vibe has got a hold on meSatisfying, babyLet me show you what I'm made ofNo doubt about it boyGot me feeling crazyCan't get enoughBaby, baby, baby, won't you come to meShow me who you areSweet to meLike sugar to my heartI'm cravin' for youI'm missin' you like candySo baby come to meShow me who you areSweet to meLike sugar to my heartI'm cravin' for youI'm missin' you like candyYou know who you areYour love's as sweet as candyI'll be forever yoursLove always, MandyBoy I'm cravin'Missin' you like candySo baby come to meShow me who you areSweet to meLike sugar to my heartI'm cravin' for youI'm missin' you like candySo baby come to meShow me who you areSweet to meLike sugar to my heartI'm cravin' for youI'm missin' you like candy

[create_time]2013-08-16 12:37:04[/create_time]2013-08-16 12:41:49[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]345343228[uname][avatar]TA获得超过252个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]59[view_count]

In Your Face的歌词

in your face -P-type

-type - In Your Face
(feat. 샛별, 가리온, sean2slow)

샛별 hook> any nobody can't block me (wo)
any nobody can't stop me (wo)
(fake! turn! jump shot! 이번

