true religion

时间:2024-05-18 02:27:27编辑:莆田seo君

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基本介绍 中文名称 :“真实信仰”牛仔 英文名称 :True Religion 所属行业 :牛仔裤 来自 :加州 品牌故事,产品系列,与明星, 品牌故事 True Religion Jeans (“真实信仰”牛仔) 品牌故事: 来自加州的Jeffery和Kym,在充满阳光的美国西岸,牛仔裤与音乐占了他们人生大半的位置,这对夫妻档案钟情于牛仔裤的设计,更着迷于摇滚乐的爆发力,两年前创立的牛仔品牌True Religion,将两者做了巧妙的结合,logo上一手竖起大拇指、一手抱着吉他的弥勒佛,传递出的正是两人将牛仔与摇滚视为这辈子最忠实的信仰。 「东有Chip&Pepper,西有True Religion」,美国的牛仔市场非常独特,每一个品牌的热潮有明显的周期弧线,只要热度和话题性一有消褪,设计师们就会重新包装、端出新菜,推出全新的品牌和想法,True Religion虽然在市场只有两年,但背后负责设计的这对夫妻档,早在之前就有自创品牌问世,设计牛仔裤对他们而言,就是个可以不断玩出新把戏的挑战。 True Religion的创办人兼设计师Jeffery Lubell,曾在2002年获选为最佳男性牛仔裤设计师,他曾说:「Denim is the staple of the American wardrobe」(美国人的衣橱里,一定少不了牛仔裤),他与他的妻子Kym对于True Religion的期望,就是希望能够建立起一个兼顾视觉与感官的牛仔品牌,而实穿中透露出性感,则是他们赋予牛仔装束的表情,从True Religion的忠实顾客名单中-Cameron Diaz(卡麦蓉狄亚)、Jessica Simpson(洁西卡辛普森)、George Clooney(乔治库隆尼)…等,不难看出好莱坞的众多艺人也以「实际行动」支持着Lubell夫妻的「牛仔梦」。而不管是走在星光大道的红地毯或是充满阳光的海边,你都可以穿着牛仔裤,True Religion想要传递的就是穿著者自我个性的表露。 贵的理由 理由1:百分百的Made in America:坚持所有的制造程式皆在美国完成,人工的成本自然增加,但为了保持制作的水准,依旧不将代工东移。 理由2:手工取代机器的装饰处理:不管是裤面的抽须抓破线条、缝线的装饰处理,甚是在秋冬款式上,还出现了大面积的刺绣图腾,皆以手工完成,因此其细腻繁复的作工,是无法用机器取代的。 True Religion 牛仔是美国的高端牛仔裤,以追求细节的卓越著名:从引领时尚的启缝,到精美的绣花,到革命性的 vintage 水洗感觉的手工做旧,True Religion 牛仔在高端牛仔领域独领 *** 。 True Religion 最抢手的款式有 Joey Jeans、Bobby Jeans,和近期查理兹·塞隆 (Charlize Theron)、珍妮弗·洛佩兹 (Jennifer Lopez)、麦当娜 (Madonna) 频频穿着亮相的 Sammy Jeans,另外曝光率没那么高的 Johnny Jeans 也是要价不低,如果是遇到特殊的绣花、破洞等款式,更是价格不菲。 究竟 True Religion 凭什么敢开天价呢?True Religion 在剪裁上的用心,相信穿上它便一目了然了,神奇的提臀瘦腿功力真的会让人舍不得脱下!True Religion 的裤档大部份在7寸和7寸以下,搭高跟鞋穿,你绝对是臀翘、腿长,身材一流!True Religion 舒适好搭的特性真可让人一条裤子走天下!而 *** 的绣线花纹和部份款式盖扣口袋的设计,可以让臀部有缩小和变翘的视觉效果。要说让人有变身为明星名模的特殊感受,True Religion 的虚荣指数绝对名列第一名! 产品系列 男士牛仔、女士牛仔和儿童牛仔系列,包括:帽衫、Tee、夹克衫、衬衫、裙等。 还有男士、女士的灯芯绒系列。 与明星 好莱坞明星查理兹·塞隆 (Charlize Theron)、珍妮弗·洛佩兹 (Jennifer Lopez)、麦当娜 (Madonna) 等的最爱,国人熟悉的李玟、蓝心湄等以身材姣好闻名的艺人,也穿过 True Religion 亮相。

[create_time]2022-11-10 21:25:47[/create_time]2022-11-25 16:27:15[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]温屿17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过9467个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3[view_count]

true religion是什么牌子?红得发紫的高端牛仔品牌

true religion是美国特别受欢迎的一个牛仔裤的品牌,这个牌子的牛仔裤设计的非常人性化,每一款穿上都像是量身定做,特别贴合腿型。下面我给大家讲讲true religion是什么牌子?
true religion是什么牌子
true religion是一个来自美国加州的牛仔裤品牌。

True Religion的创办人兼设计师Jeffery Lubell,曾在2002年获选为最佳男性牛仔裤设计师,他曾说:「Denim is the staple of the American wardrobe」(美国人的衣橱里,一定少不了牛仔裤),他与他的妻子Kym对于True Religion的期望,就是希望能够建立起一个兼顾视觉与感官的牛仔品牌,而实穿中透露出性感,则是他们赋予牛仔装束的表情,从True Religion的忠实顾客名单中-Cameron Diaz(卡麦蓉狄亚)、Jessica Simpson(洁西卡辛普森)、George Clooney(乔治库隆尼)…等,不难看出好莱坞的众多艺人也以「实际行动」支持着Lubell夫妻的「牛仔梦」。而不管是走在星光大道的红地毯或是充满阳光的海边,你都可以穿著牛仔裤,True Religion想要传递的就是穿著者自我个性的表露。

true religion怎么样
True religion牛仔裤,年轻那会迷牛仔裤,长草真实信仰好久,碰上老公追我,去逛了南京西路,这家店正在打折,部分款打五折,我这款25码断码,穿着稍大,七折后两千五百加,要是他不帮我付款,我就准备自己掏钱,结果他给我买了好感动,直到现在,这都是我最贵的一条牛仔裤,超级好穿啊。

True Religion Jeans,us本土牛仔品牌,来自加州,Logo是一手竖起大拇指。这条牛仔裤去年年初购于LA Ontario mill,店里几乎没人,品牌很低调,专做牛仔,价位比较高,基本都是三位数(美元)。这款牛仔裤应该是店里最便宜的了,原价好像是一百三四十刀,折后大概是70刀左右的样子,麻麻和我一人一条,不过这牌子的裤子长度都很长,感觉不太适合亚洲人的腿,而且喇叭裤较多,很有西部风格,Skinny的款式很少。裤子走线和绣花都非常独一无二,穿这么多年牛仔裤,细节处真的是做得最好的,而且穿出去逼格高!舒适感也被棒,跟Levis和CK比有过之而无不及。

true religion为什么火
True Religion 成立于 2002 年,曾因为售卖一系列的中高端牛仔裤而出名。公司现在网站上的牛仔裤价格仍然保持在 199 美元以上,最贵的有 319 美元。坚持所有的制造程序皆在美国完成,人工的成本自然增加,但为了保持制作的水准,依旧不将代工东移。不管是裤面的抽须抓破线条、缝线的装饰处理,甚是在秋冬款式上,还出现了大面积的刺绣图腾,皆以手工完成,因此其细腻繁复的作工,是无法用机器取代的。





[create_time]2022-10-08 18:23:36[/create_time]2022-10-18 19:27:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]抛下思念17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过8878个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]125[view_count]

他们说只要是阿迪达斯上面写着中国制造都是假的 ??? 是真的吗?。


[create_time]2015-04-24 11:24:13[/create_time]2015-05-09 11:18:59[finished_time]14[reply_count]100[alue_good]风雨511feeling[uname][avatar]TA获得超过344个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]91690[view_count]

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌

有一首英文歌节奏很快 歌词是嘛哈嘛哈 请问这是什么歌


歌名:My Humps

组合:Black Eyed Peas


What you gon’ do with all that junk?

All that junk inside your trunk?

I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,

Get you love drunk off my hump.

My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,

My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps. (Check it out)

I drive these brothers crazy,

I do it on the daily,

They treat me really nicely,

They buy me all these ice-ys.

Dolce & Gabbana,

Fendi and then Donna

Karan, they be sharin’

All their money got me wearin' fly

But I ain’t askin,

They say they love my ass ‘n,

Seven Jeans, True Religion's,

I say no, but they keep givin’

So I keep on takin’

And no I ain’t taken

We can keep on datin’

I keep on demonstrating.

My love, my love, my love, my love

You love my lady lumps,

My hump, my hump, my hump,

My humps they got u,

She’s got me spending.

(Oh) Spendin’ all your money on me and spending time on me.

She’s got me spendin’.

(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me

What you gon’ do with all that junk?

All that junk inside that trunk?

I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,

Get you love drunk off my hump.

What u gon’ do with all that ass?

All that ass inside them jeans?

I’m a make, make, make, make you scream

Make u scream, make you scream.

Cos of my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump.

My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps. (Check it out)

I met a girl down at the disco.

She said hey, hey, hey yea let’s go.

I could be your baby, you can be my honey

Lets spend time not money.

I mix your milk wit my cocoa puff,

Milky, milky cocoa,

Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky riiiiiiight.

They say I’m really sexy,

The boys they wanna sex me.

They always standing next to me,

Always dancing next to me,

Tryin’ a feel my hump, hump.

Lookin’ at my lump, lump.

U can look but you can’t touch it,

If you touch it I'ma start some drama,

You don’t want no drama,

No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama

So don’t pull on my hand boy,

You ain’t my man, boy,

I’m just tryn’a dance boy,

And move my hump.

My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,

My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump.

My lovely lady lumps [x3]

In the back and in the front.

My lovin’ got u,

She’s got me spendin’.

(Oh) Spendin’ all your money on me and spending time on me.

She’s got me spendin’.

(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me.

What you gon’ do with all that junk?

All that junk inside that trunk?

I’ma get, get, get, get you drunk,

Get you love drunk off my hump.

What you gon’ do with all that ass?

All that ass inside them jeans?

I’ma make, make, make, make you scream

Make you scream, make you scream.

What you gon do with all that junk?

All that junk inside that trunk?

I’ma get, get, get, get you drunk,

Get you love drunk off this hump.

What you gon’ do wit all that breast?

All that breast inside that shirt?

I’ma make, make, make, make you work

Make you work, work, make you work.

She’s got me spendin’.

Spendin all your money on me and spendin’ time on me

She’s got me spendin’.

Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me.

[create_time]2022-11-25 04:40:32[/create_time]2022-12-03 07:53:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]八卦达人17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4727个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]67[view_count]

My Humps 中文歌词

MY HUMPS - 中文连英文歌词 My Humps [] Whatcha gonna do with all that junk 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 all junk inside your trunk 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 [Fergie] I'ma get get get get you drunk 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 get you love drunk off my hump 让你迷上我的双峰 my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 my hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我可爱的小双峰 Check it out 看过来 I drive these brothers crazy 我另这些小子疯狂 I do it on the daily 我每天都会 they treat me really nicely 他们对我很好 They buy me all these ice 他们买给我一堆东西 Dolce and Gabbana Dolce and Gabbana (D&G牌子) Fendi and then Donna Fendi 还有 Donna (牌子) Caring they be sharing 他们跟我分享就是关心我 All their money got me wearing fly 他们的钱让我穿的一身名牌 Whether I aint askin 每次我问起 They say they love mah ass in 他们都说他们喜欢看我穿 Se7en Je Se7en Je (牌子) 的尻 True religion 他们真的为我疯狂 I say no 我说不 but they keep givin 但他们一直给 So I keep on takin 所以我一直拿 And no I aint takin 还有我没有死会 We can keep on datein 我们可以继续交往 I keep on demonstratin 我现在继续示范 My love my love my love my love 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 you love my lady lumps 我知道你爱我女性的双峰 my hump my hump my hump 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 my humps they got you.. 我的双峰吸引着你 [] Shes got me spending.. 它让我为他花钱 [Fergie] Ohh..Spending all your money on me..and spending time on me.. 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 [] Shes got me spending.. 它让我为他花钱 [Fergie] Ohh..Spending all your money on me..uh on me on me.. 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 [] Whatcha gonna do with all that junk 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 all that junk inside that trunk.. 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 [Fergie] I'ma get get get get you drunk 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 get you love drunk off my hump 让你迷上我的双峰 [] Whatcha gonna do with all that ass 你要拿那些尻干麻 all that ass inside your je 在你牛仔裤里的尻 [Fergie] I'ma make make make make you scream 我要让让让让你尖叫 make you scream make you scream 让你尖叫 让你尖叫 Coz of my humps my hump my hump my hump 因为我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我可爱的女性的双峰 Check it out 看过来 [] I met a girl down at the disco 我在舞池遇到了一个女孩 She said hey hey hey ya lets go 他说..嘿嘿嘿..我们走吧 I can be ya baby
you could be my honey 我可以是你的宝贝..你可以当我的甜心 Lets spend time not money 我们一起杀时间不是钱 And mix your milk with my coco puff 把你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起 milky milky coco mix 奶味的可可 your milk with my coco puff 你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起 Milky milky 牛奶牛奶 Riiiiight... 是的 2007-12-29 22:24:55 补充: 其实仲有一半既歌词嫁不过呢到post唔到咁多所以我比返个网址你呀上面会有埋个一半既歌词pop-mo/archiver/tid-6906

[create_time]2022-11-15 18:56:03[/create_time]2022-11-30 01:38:25[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]欢乐颂1718[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4554个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]703[view_count]

my humps 的歌词翻译

My Humps—我的线条

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk 你要拿那些垃圾干麻
all junk inside your trunk 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾
I'ma get get get get you drunk 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉
get you love drunk off my hump 让你迷上我的线条
my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条my hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我可爱的小线条

Check it out 看过来
I drive these brothers crazy 我另这些小子疯狂
I do it on the daily 我每天都会
they treat me really nicely 他们对我很好
They buy me all these ice 他们买给我一堆东西
Dolce and Gabbana (Dolce and Gabbana 著名品牌D&G)
Fendi and then Donna (Fendi 还有Donna 著名品牌)
Caring they be sharin 他们跟我分享就是关心我
All their money got me wearing fly 他们的钱让我穿的一身名牌
Whether I aint askin 每次我问起
They say they love mah ass in 他们都说他们喜欢看我穿
Seven Jeans (Seven Jeans 著名品牌)
True religion 他们真的为我疯狂
I say no 我说不
but they keep givin但他们一直给
So I keep on takin 所以我一直拿
And no I aint takin 还有我没有死
We can keep on takin 我们可以继续交往
Now keep on demonstratin 我现在继续示范
My love my love my love my love 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱
you love my lady lumps 我知道你爱我女性的线条
my hump my hump my hump 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条
my humps they got you..我的线条吸引著你

Shes got me spending.. 它让我为他花钱
Ohh..Spending all your money on me.. 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...
and spending time on me.. 把你的时间都花在我身上
Shes got me spending.. 它让我为他花钱
Ohh..Spending all your money on me.. 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...

Whatcha gonna do with all that ass 你要拿那些*干麻
all that ass inside your jeans在你牛仔裤里的*
I'ma make make make make you scream 我要让让让让你尖叫
make you scream make you scream 让你尖叫 让你尖叫
Coz of my humps my hump my hump my hump 因为我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条
my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我可爱的小线条

Check it out 看过来
I met a girl down at the disco 我在舞池遇到了一个女孩
She said hey hey hey ya lets go 他说..嘿嘿嘿..我们走吧
I can be ya baby, you could be my honey 我可以是你的宝贝..你可以当我的甜心
Lets spend time not money 我们一起杀时间不是钱
And mix your milk with my coco puff 把你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起
milky milky coco mix奶味的可可
your milk with my coco puff 你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起
Milky milky 牛奶牛奶
Riiiiight... 是的

They say I'm really sexy 他们说我很性感
The boys they wanna sex me 那些男孩麼都想* 我
They always standin next to me 他们永远都站在我身边
Always dancin next to me永远都在我身边跳舞
tryna feel my hump hump 试著抚摸我的线条 线条
Lookin at my lump lump 看著我的线条 线条
you can look but you can't touch it 你可以看但你不能摸
if you touch it 你如果摸了
I'ma start some drama 我就会开始生气
you don't want no drama 你不想要我生气
No no drama no no no no drama 不不要我生气 不不不不要我生气
So don't 所以不要

Pull on my hand boy 拉著我的手
you aint my man boy 你不是我的男人
I'm just tryna dance boy我只是想要跳舞
And move my hump 还有动我的线条
my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump my hump 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条
my hump my hump my hump my hump my lovely lady lumps我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我的线条 我可爱的女性线条
my lovely lady lumps my lovely lady lumps 我可爱的女性线条 我可爱的女性线条
In the back and in the front 前面跟后面
my loving got you.. 你被我的爱迷住

Whatcha gonna do with all that breasts 你要拿那些胸部干麻
all that breast inside that shirt 那些在你上衣里的胸部
I'ma make make make make you work 我要让让让让你工作
make you work work make you work 让你工作 工作 让你工作

So reeeal..
so real.... So reeeal...So reeeal..
So real..
So reeeal..(echoes and fades out)

[create_time]2017-11-29 01:50:44[/create_time]2013-11-22 14:30:03[finished_time]3[reply_count]109[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]73528[view_count]


Uh huh, this my shit
All the girls stomp your feet like this

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl

Oooh, this my shit, this my shit

I heard that you were talking shit
And you didn t think that I would hear it
People hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired up
So I m ready to attack, gonna lead the pack
Gonna get a touchdown, gonna take you out
That s right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl

Oooh, this my shit, this my shit

So that s right dude, meet me at the bleachers
No principals, no student-teachers
All the boys want to be the winner, but there can only be one
So I m gonna fight, gonna give it my all
Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you
That s right, I m the last one standing, another one bites the dust

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl
Oooh, this my shit, this my shit
Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas

A few times I ve been around that track
So it s not just goin to happen like that
Because I ain t no hollaback girl
I ain t no hollaback girl

[create_time]2016-08-01 20:31:32[/create_time]2016-08-16 18:26:42[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]ahcc08[uname][avatar]知道合伙人软件行家[slogan]拥有丰富的软件开发经验。[intro]919[view_count]

有一首英文歌的歌词里有my love

《My Love》歌词中英对照:An empty street 空旷的大街An empty house 空荡的房子A hole inside my heart 空洞的心I'm all alone 我是如此寂寞And the rooms are getting smaller 无边的孤寂包围着我I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里The days we had 那些我们共度的日子The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲Oh,yeahAnd oh my love 我的爱I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空To see you once again,my love在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱Over seas from coast to coast 翻越大海,从此岸到达彼岸To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见

[create_time]2022-10-18 11:19:10[/create_time]2022-08-29 12:17:25[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]凉凉浅微风[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]90[view_count]

有首英文歌歌词里有“say you love me”。不是MYMP的。知道说说下

My friends say I’m a fool to think
that you’re the one for me
I guess I’m just a sucker for love
Cuz honestly the truth is
That you know I’m never leavin
Cuz you’re my angel sent from above
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I’ll put nothin above ya, above ya
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
People try to tell me
But I still refuse to listen
Cuz they don’t get to spend time with you
A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love, oh your love
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I’ll put nothin above ya, above ya
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
My heart is blind but I don’t care
Cuz when I’m with you everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go, oh
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me
贾斯汀·比伯的《love me》

[create_time]2016-11-08 10:16:17[/create_time]2011-02-12 15:20:59[finished_time]4[reply_count]4[alue_good]舞色雪[uname][avatar]TA获得超过220个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5274[view_count]


Macklemore & Ryan Lewis的 Thrift Shop
Thrift Shop(中文译名旧货店)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (feat. Wanz)
Hey Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping?
嘿,Macklemore! 我们要去趟二手店吗?
What, what, what , what, what, what, what... [x20]
I'm gonna pop some tags,
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
哎哟我擦 口袋里只有20美元
I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up,
我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送来好货色
this is fucking awesome
[Verse 1]
Walk into the club like what up? I got a big cock
走进夜店 哥就像个大鸡巴 神气十足
I'm just pumped up off some shit from the thrift shop
哥这么拽 是因为刚从旧货店淘了了几件宝贝
Ice on the fringe is so damn frosty
衣边还镶了钻 他妈的酷毙了
The people like "Damn, that's a cold ass honky"
见到我的人都说 哇靠 这白屌真酷
Rolling in hella deep, headed to the mezzanine
我穿过人群 走向包厢
Dressed in all pink except my gator shoes, those are green
除了我的鳄鱼皮是绿色的 全身粉红
Draped in a leopard mink, girl standing next to me
我披着貂皮大衣 身边美女如云
Probably shoulda washed this, smells like R.Kelly sheets, piss
不过这件衣服应该哪去洗洗 闻起来就像是R.Kelly的床单
But shit, it was 99 cents, buy it,
但是我擦 这件只要99美分 买鸟
Coppin' it, washin' it, 'bout to go and get some compliments
洗洗再熨下 走出去大家就以为你是个阔佬
passing up on those moccasins Someone else has been walking in,
那鹿皮皮鞋就算了 不知被什么人穿过
bummy and grudgy, fucking it
又脏又臭 我勒个去
I am stunting and plus it is
saving money and I'm hella happy That's a bargain bitch,
省了不少钱又称心 太特么机智了
I'mma take your grandpa style I'mma take your grandpa style,
我就像你大爷 我就像你大爷
no for real, ask your grandpa
真的 去问下你爷爷
Can i have his hand–me–downs? Thank u
他的旧衣物可不可以送我 先谢了
Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers
Dookie Brown leather jacket that I found digging
棕色皮夹克 这些都是我的菜
They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard
这旧货店还有个电子琴 我买下了
I bought a skeet blanket, then I bought a knee board
Hello, hello, my ace man, my Miller
哈喽 我的上帝
John Wayne ain't got nothing on my fringe game, hell no
I could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those
我可以买下这些Pro Wing鞋 翻新后高价卖出
The sneaker heads would be like "Ah, he got the Velcros"
屌丝们都赞叹不已 哇 他的鞋真牛逼奥
[Hook x2]
I'm gonna pop some tags,
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up,
我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送来好货色
this is fucking awesome
[Verse 2]
What you know about rocking a wolf on your noggin?
What you knowing about wearing a fur fox skin?
I'm digging, I'm digging, I'm searching right through that luggage
我淘 我淘 我把那箱子翻了个遍
One man's trash, that's another man's come up
有钱人丢弃的垃圾 就是穷人们的宝贝

Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button up shirt
'Cause right now, I'm up in here stunting
I'm at the Goodwill, you can find me in the Uptons
我在慈善旧货店 你可以在旧货摊找到我
I'm that sucker, sucker searching in the section
我就是那二货 正在二手区淘货
Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy
感谢你的奶奶 你的姑姑 你的妈妈
I'll take those flannel zebra jammies, second hand and
I'll rock that motherfucker
干他娘的 我穿着它到处显摆
They built a onsie with the socks on the motherfucker
干他娘的 还是那种从头到脚的连体睡衣
I hit the party and they stop in that motherfucker
干他娘的 我现身夜店 他们都盯着我的睡衣
They be like "Oh that Gucci, that's hella tight"

他们都说 古驰的噢 真心不错
I'm like "Yo, that's only fifty dollars for a t–shirt"
我说 哈 这衬衫就花了50美刀
Limited edition, let's do some simple addition
绝对限量版 让我们来算算
Fifty dollars for a t–shirt, that's just some ignorant bitch shit
50刀一件的T恤 尼玛坑粗翔 我擦
I call that getting swindled and pimped, shit
我说他们纯属欺诈 我操
I call that getting tricked by business,
that shirt's hella dough
And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don't
Peep game, come take a look through my telescope
提高眼光 学习我的眼光淘货
Trying to get girls from a brand? Then you hella won't,
你还想用名牌勾搭妹子 那你大错特错
then you hella won't
哥们 你大错特错
(Goodwill... poppin' tags... yeah!)
做慈善 穿名牌 太棒了
I'm gonna pop some tags,
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up,
我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送来好货色
this is fucking awesome
I wear your granddad's clothes,
I look incredible
[Bridge x2]
I wear your granddad's clothes,
I look incredible
I'm in this big ass coat
from that thrift shop down the road
I'm gonna pop some tags,
only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up,
我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送来好货色
this is fucking awesome
Is that your grandma's coat?

[create_time]2017-10-05 00:48:06[/create_time]2014-09-07 01:30:11[finished_time]23[reply_count]62[alue_good]xiaochar2[uname][avatar]TA获得超过162个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]33930[view_count]


  Paul McCartney(保罗·麦卡特尼)------《Hey Jude》

  Hey Jude, don't make it bad 嘿朱迪!别沮丧
  Take a sad song 找一首哀伤的歌 And make it better 把它唱得更快乐
  Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田
  Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转
  Hey Jude, don't be afraid 嘿朱迪!别害怕
  You were made to go out and get her 你天生就要勇於克服恐惧
  The minute You let her under your skin 当你将它身埋於心底那一刻
  Then you begin 世界就 To make it better 开始好转
  And anytime you feel the pain 当你感受痛苦的滋味
  Hey Jude, refrain 嘿朱迪!要忍耐
  Don't carry the world upon your shoulders 别把世界的重担都往肩上扛
  For well you know that it's a fool 你知道那些愚蠢的人
  Who plays it cool 总是装做不在乎
  By making his world a little colder 把自己的世界弄得很冷酷
  Hey Jude, don't let me down 嘿朱迪!别让我失望
  You have found her now go and get her 既然找到真爱就要勇敢追求
  Remember (Hey Jude) to let her into your heart 记住(嘿朱迪!)要将她揽入你的心房
  Then you can start to make it better 那样世界就能开始好转
  So let it out and let it in 所以啊,让你的爱自由来去
  Hey Jude, begin 嘿朱迪!开始啊
  You're waiting for someone to perform with 你期待有个人与你同台表演
  And don't you know that it's just you 你不知道那个人就是你自己吗
  Hey Jude, you'll do 嘿朱迪!你会办到
  The movement you need is on your shoulder 下一步该怎麼做就全看你自己
  Hey Jude don't make it bad 嘿朱迪!别丧气
  Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐
  Remember to let her under your skin 记得将它深藏於心
  Then you'll begin 世界就能 To make it better 开始好转
  Na na na, na na na na, na na na

[create_time]2017-11-25 12:26:52[/create_time]2012-08-13 23:26:43[finished_time]3[reply_count]16[alue_good]呵呵人生888[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4257个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2947[view_count]

歌词里有check out 这首歌曲叫什么

彭靖惠的check out 务必要请你先Check Out
务必要请你先Check Out
务必要请你先Check Out
务必要请你先Check Out

[create_time]2016-07-13 03:25:43[/create_time]2014-08-08 17:56:27[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友8a876953[uname][avatar]TA获得超过112个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]585[view_count]

