
时间:2024-05-17 23:19:16编辑:莆田seo君

strike out是什么意思

简明英汉词典查词历史暂无strike out
打, 击, 冲压成, 勾销, 产生, 做成


柯林斯英语大词典查词历史暂无strike out
to remove or erase

to start out or begin

to strike out on one's own
to put out or be put out on strikes

to fail utterly


WordNetstrike out
1. remove from a list; "Cross the name of the dead person off the list"

(synonym) cross off, cross out, strike off, mark

(hypernym) take away, take out

2. put out or be put out by a strikeout; "Oral struck out three batters to close the inning"

(hypernym) fail, neglect

(hyponym) fan

(classification) baseball, baseball game, ball

3. be unsuccessful in an endeavor; "The candidate struck out with his health care plan"

(hypernym) fail, go wrong, miscarry

4. cause to retire; "The pitcher retired three batters"; "the runner was put out at third base"

(synonym) retire

(cause) move over, give way, give, ease up, yield

(derivation) strikeout

(classification) baseball, baseball game, ball

5. set out on a course of action; "He struck out on his own"

(hypernym) get down, begin, get, start out, start, set about, set out, commence

We agree to comply with the copyright notice and statements mentioned in WordNet license. 百科strike out
狠打, 冲压成, 产生, 勾掉
【法】 打击, 搞出, 设计出
go out on strike strike Strike sympathy strike Nuclear Strike bird strike token strike strike soundings unofficial strike rent strike strike from strike out pleadings come out on strike strike-overlap strike plating strike fault strike plate rolling strike strike-on
该解释由词友提供,仅供参考。 免责声明
与 strike out 相关的例句To go out on strike.
During the strike the Party brought out a daily strike bulletin.
To strike out(a batter).
To strike out(something written).
strike out a batter, in baseball.
The dockers have come out on strike.
The union call for an all-out strike.
The union call its member out strike.
I thought he was going to strike out.
Strike out on foot for the distant hills

[create_time]2009-03-13 15:36:09[/create_time]2009-03-25 15:31:56[finished_time]4[reply_count]4[alue_good]sunpe1234[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4187[view_count]

lightning strike是什么意思

lightning strike

n. 雷击(等于lightning stroke);闪电式罢工

双语例句 权威例句
Again, that lightning strike seems more likely.
This occurs, for example, as a result of a lightning strike.

[create_time]2017-09-18 00:16:19[/create_time]2016-03-09 12:51:57[finished_time]5[reply_count]1[alue_good]主页君来了[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1.5万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1269[view_count]



[create_time]2022-09-29 15:36:53[/create_time]2022-10-14 15:36:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]乾莱信息咨询[uname][avatar]百度认证:内蒙古乾莱科技官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3007[view_count]


就是他给了你三次机会,你都没有把握.在爱情里大概是分手的意思.三振出局是棒球术语源自棒球运动,在两击之后的情况。 投球手投出第三个球,有以下三种情况: 1.投球手投出第三个球为好球,击球员没有挥棒,球在落地之前直接被捕手接到; 2.投球手投出第三个球,击球员挥棒落空,球在落地之前直接被捕手接到; 3.投球手投出第三个球,击球员挥棒成擦棒球,球在落地之前直接被捕手接到。 以上三种情况击球员即被判三振出局,或者说三击不中,接杀出局。“三振出局”作为一个完整的成语来自宝岛,是台湾媒体把“Strike”译为“振”。《当代港台用语辞典》(上海辞书出版社,1994年)收录了这个成语:棒球运动起源于美国,而台湾的棒球运动盛行,于是“三振出局”“封杀”等棒球术语逐渐进入普通词汇,应用于体育比赛以外的其他领域。随着改革开放,境内外、国内外交往日益频繁,近年来,“三振出局”也在大陆悄悄流行。根据《体育词典》(上海辞书出版社出版,1983年)解释,“出局”为棒垒球运动术语,指的是:击球员或跑垒员在进攻中犯规,或因被对方队员接杀、封杀、触杀和投杀等,被判退离球场,失去继续进攻机会。《现代汉语词典》2002年版收进了“出局”,但只作体育术语。2005年版在此基础上增加了两个义项:①泛指在体育比赛中因失利而不能继续参加下一阶段的比赛;②比喻人或事物因不能适应形势或不能达到某种要求而无法在其领域继续存在下去。

[create_time]2018-03-31 07:46:11[/create_time]2012-07-28 17:47:59[finished_time]5[reply_count]35[alue_good]zqxzqx0120[uname][avatar]TA获得超过9229个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]69177[view_count]



[create_time]2020-12-17 08:38:04[/create_time]2013-12-27 15:50:18[finished_time]5[reply_count]7[alue_good]社会暖暖风[uname],m_lfit,w_450,h_600,limit_1[avatar]为你解答问题的热心市民[slogan]为你解答问题的热心市民[intro]14858[view_count]

maybe与may be的用法区别是什么?

maybe是副词,相当于“perhaps”,意思是“也许,大概”,常常放于句首,在句子中作状语。may be其实是情态动词+动词原形be(be是系动词原形),意思是“可能是,大概是”,在句子中做谓语,后面加表语(可以是形容词,介词短语或者名词)。例句:Maybe she is right.She may be right.她可能是对的。在表示猜测某事大概会发生时,如果其中的动作是实义动词,则要用may+动词原形。maybe还是放于句首作状语就可以。例句:She may come tomorrow.Maybe she will come tomorrow.她也许明天来。

[create_time]2021-11-26 18:04:44[/create_time]2021-10-25 18:35:11[finished_time]7[reply_count]6[alue_good]青岛科技大学馨语学姐[uname][avatar]关注我学习会变得更厉害哦[slogan]温暖予你,四季如春[intro]3096[view_count]

maybe与may be的用法区别是什么?

这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 maybe与may be 的区别:"Maybe" 是副词,表示可能性;"may be" 则是 "may" 和 "be" 的组合,表示某事物可能发生或处于某种状态。根据语境和句子结构,选择正确的表达方式。在通过一个表格来了解一下 maybe与may be 吧😎:欧克,最后再来一波 maybe与may be 的具体区别🤞:区别1:- maybe:是一个副词,表示"可能,也许",用于表达对某事的推测或不确定性。* 例子1: Maybe it will rain later, so you should bring an umbrella. (可能一会儿会下雨,所以你应该带把雨伞。)* 例子2: I'm not sure if she will come to the party, but maybe she will. (我不确定她会不会来参加派对,但也许她会来。)- may be:由动词 may(可能)和动词 be(是)组成,用于表示可能性或假设的情况。常常出现在条件从句中。* 例子1: If he studies hard, he may be able to pass the exam. (如果他努力学习,他可能能够通过考试。)* 例子2: The weather forecast says it may be sunny tomorrow. (天气预报说明天可能会是晴天。)区别2:- maybe 强调的是对某事的不确定性,表示可能但不确定。* 例子1: Maybe we will meet again someday. (也许我们某天会再见面。)* 例子2: I'm not sure when she will arrive, maybe in the evening. (我不确定她什么时候会到达,也许是在晚上。)- may be 强调的是在特定条件或情况下可能发生的情况。* 例子1: If you finish your work early, there may be time for a short break. (如果你早点完成工作,可能会有时间休息一下。)* 例子2: Depending on the weather, the event may be held indoors or outdoors. (根据天气情况,活动可能在室内或室外举行。)区别3:- maybe 是一个独立的副词,可以单独使用。* 例子1: Maybe I will go to the concert tonight. (也许我今晚会去音乐会。)* 例子2: Maybe she forgot about the appointment. (可能她忘了这个约会。)- may be 是动词 may 和动词 be 的组合,常常用在句子中作为一个动词短语。* 例子1: He may be running late for the meeting. (他可能会因为开会迟到。)* 例子2: The train may be delayed due to the weather. (由于天气原因,火车可能会延误。)区别4:- maybe 表示对未来的预测或对现实情况的猜测,不涉及假设或条件。* 例子1: Maybe she will get a promotion at work. (也许她会在工作中得到晋升。)* 例子2: Maybe we can go to the beach this weekend if the weather is nice. (如果天气好的话,也许我们这个周末可以去海滩。)- may be 表示可能发生的情况,通常与条件或假设相关。* 例子1: If he arrives on time, he may be able to catch the last train. (如果他按时到达,他可能还能赶上最后一班火车。)* 例子2: Depending on the availability, there may be some seats left for the concert. (根据可用情况,音乐会可能还有一些座位。)

[create_time]2023-07-27 00:17:07[/create_time]2021-04-15 00:00:00[finished_time]5[reply_count]1[alue_good]生活小达人南弘雅[uname],3405717502&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1696473739&size=b200,200[avatar]超过382用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]53109[view_count]


问题一:英文版word中空白下划线怎么打,或者怎么设置 英文模式下,按住shift同时按住减号键(-)即可打出空白下划线。或者按ctrl+U快捷键,再按空格,也可打出下划线

问题二:电子邮箱地址的下划线怎么打出来 电子邮箱地址的下划线,有两种解释,分别说明:

问题三:键盘上数字下划线怎么打?不是英文下划线! 按住Shift键 再按上面的―号 ___键盘必须切换到英文输入状态下。

问题四:请问下划线怎么打出来? ____________英文输入法下面,按shift+- 即可

问题五:下划线用英语怎么说 名词,动词:underscore
1. Please underline the important items.请在重要事项的下面划线。
2. In writing you should underline titles of books.写作时你该在书名下画线
3. These different roles underline the importance of these cells.这些不同的作用强调了这些细胞的重要性。
4. They must begin with a letter or the underscore character开始部分必须为一个字母或是下划线
5.Please underscore the word three times for emphasis.为了强调起见,请在该词下面划三条线。

问题六:下划线符号怎么打 _ shift加上键盘上面的0的右边的加的左边的 就是[上面的好像只能用普通没有打字法时才有用

问题七:谁能告诉我下划线怎么打? “_”为下划线。键盘上“0”数字后边的按键,英文输入状态下用SHIFT+- 就可以在键盘上打出。   下划线大家经常接触到的一般用在名字的输入中,(只可以入数字,字母,下划线)而在一些文档(如WORD)中,下划线常被用作增强注意。而在网页中,可以连接的文字(超链接)下面一般都有下划线。   下划线一般分为单下划线、双下划线、加粗下划线、下划虚线等等。

问题八:英语题里面的下划线怎么输 用带下划线的字体打空格,在word里面,加粗,斜体和下划在一起的,选下划,然后打空格就可以了

问题九:打字下划线怎么打 你是只要下划线就是英文状态下SHIFT+加号左边的那个-,如果你要在文字下面加,就先选中要加的文字,再点击下划线图标好了。或选中文字后按CTRL+U。

[create_time]2022-11-10 19:33:32[/create_time]2022-11-24 19:45:17[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]正香教育[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4456个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]635[view_count]



[create_time]2022-09-20 15:38:00[/create_time]2022-09-23 13:11:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]jiojio聊生活[uname][avatar]繁杂信息太多,你要学会辨别[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]178[view_count]


缩写词 abbr.
1. =seller's option 【商】卖主选举权 2. =strikeout
副词 ad.
1. 这么,那么;【口】多么,非常
I'm so pleased to see you.
看到你我真高兴。 2. 就那样,像这样;如此
Hold the fork so.
要这样拿叉子。 3. (so后用倒装结构)也如此,也一样
I was tired, and so were the others.
I like dancing; so does my wife.
我喜欢跳舞,我太太也喜欢。 4. (so置于句首)确是如此,正是那样 5. 因此,所以
He is sturdy and so fit for the job.
他很健壮,所以适合担任这个工作。 6. 如此看来
So you'll quit school?
连接词 conj.
1. 因此,所以
The manager was ill so I went in her place.
经理病了所以我代她去。 2. 因而,从而
Mum told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.
感叹词 int.
1. (表示惊讶等)啊,哦
So! You've kept me in the dark all the time.
哦!原来你一直把我蒙在鼓里。 2. (表示同意等)好,行 so.
缩写词 abbr.
1. =seller's option 卖主选择权 2. =senior officer 高级军官,校级以上军官;高级船员 3. =sex offender性罪犯 4. =shipping order 装货单 5. =ship's option 承运船选择权(用尺码吨和重量吨计算运费),船舶选择权 6. =shop order 工作单,派工单;工厂定单 7. =south(ern) 8. =standing order【军】现行命令;长期定单;标准作业程序 9. =supply office(r) (英国)补给军官;后勤处长

[create_time]2013-10-16 20:37:49[/create_time]2013-10-31 15:59:55[finished_time]1[reply_count]4[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4662[view_count]


对托运人而言,装货单是办妥货物托运的证明。对船公司或其代理而言,装货单是通知船方接受装运该批货物的指示文件。装货单(Shipping order,简称S/O),是指船公司或其代理人在接受托运人提出托运申请后,发给托运人的单证,同时也是命令船长将单上货物装船的凭证[1]。通常情况下,只有经海关签章后的装货单,船方(或陆路运输单位)才能收货装船、装车等。因此,实际业务中,装货单又称为关单。  按国际一般惯例,装货单一般是一式三联。第一联留底,为船方缮制装货清单之用;第二联是装货单;第三联为收货单,即大副收据。[1]目前,由于海关管理方式有所变化,出口企业一般难以取得海关签章的出口货物装货单,出口货物装货单也可不需要海关签章。装货单的主要作用[1]  1、是承运人确认承认货物的证明。承运人签发装货单,即表明已办妥托运手续,承运人已同意承运单上所列货物,装货单一经签订,运输合同即告成立。  2、是海关对出口货物进行监管的单证。托运人凭装货单及其它有关单证,办理出口报关手续,海关核准出口,即在装货单上加盖海关放行章。  3、是承运人通知码头仓库或装运船舶接货装船的命令。托运人将装货苹连同货物送交承运人指定的仓库或船舶,理货人员按积载计划由装卸工人分票装船后,即将实装货物数量、装舱部位及装船日期项写在装货单上,交船方留存备查。

[create_time]2016-12-01 16:37:18[/create_time]2013-11-05 05:02:09[finished_time]1[reply_count]11[alue_good]恶少649[uname][avatar]超过78用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4252[view_count]

烟雾弥漫 歌词

歌曲名:烟雾弥漫歌手:梁咏琪专辑:Funny Face 2003演唱会怀疑你从来都知道为何你从来不倾诉如路灯长夜不引路如十指同遇一秒便逃难以去证明无意去说明凭呼吸都能肯定从两个眼神培养了爱情言语里却无记认抬头是明月但觉烟雾弥漫时刮风时也天蓝然后续渐缓慢微雨中容我的眼在你脸上游览然后你若微笑天气便回暖在眉头之间沿路里烟雾弥漫时刺激时也心烦期待中没停站如最终和你失散就衬有限时间如流莺夜里飞想给你一生小一晚为何要容颜都苍老为何要长裙的花布陪伴这零乱的舞步从未可来认真的拥抱由目光和目光相拥抱

[create_time]2016-12-01 23:01:10[/create_time]2013-08-23 20:09:39[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]血刺卑微诿17[uname][avatar]超过70用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]745[view_count]


英文:There are 9 players in each team,and the two teams take turns to attack and defend。每队有9名队员,两队轮流攻防。The attacker will hit the ball thrown by the guard pitcher with the stick at home base in turn, and take the opportunity to run。进攻方将依次用球棒击中后卫投手投出的球,并趁机跑动。The attacker who can step over 1, 2 and 3 bases in turn and return to home base safely will get one point。依次跨过1、2、3垒,安全返回本垒的进攻方得1分。The defending team can touch the base runner of the attacking team or hold the ball to step on the base to "block" the base runner after intercepting and receiving the ball。防守队截球接球后,可触碰到进攻队的跑垒手或持球踏在跑垒手上“拦网”跑垒手。If the defending team catches the ball before the ball lands, it is called "the base runner is intercepted"。如果防守队在球落地前接住球,则称为“拦截垒跑者”。If the pitcher throws three "good" balls to the batter, the base runner is "three strikes out"。如果投手向击球手投出三个“好”球,那么跑垒手就是“三击出局”。When three attackers are "killed" out of the attack team, the two sides will exchange attack and defense。当三名袭击者被“击毙”出攻击队时,双方将进行攻防交锋。Two teams attack and defend once for a set, the official game for 9 sets, to score more wins。两队攻守一局,正式比赛为9局,取得更多胜利。The names of the defenders according to their defensive positions and responsibilities are as follows:根据防守位置和职责,防守队员名单如下:pitcher, catcher, 1 softer, 2 softer, 3 softer, shortstop, left fielder, center fielder and right fielder。投手,接球手,1软,2软,3软,游击手,左外野手,中外野手和右外野手。The attacking team is called the batter。When the ball is legally hit out of the boundary and has not been intercepted by the defenders on the field。进攻队被称为击球手。当球被合法地打出界外,并且没有被在场上的防守队员截住时。the batter shall be called the "batter"。击球手应称为“击球手”。When the pitcher throws four bad balls or lets the ball touch the runner's body。当投手投出四个坏球或让球碰到运动员的身体时。the runner "guarantees" the last base ("good" ball means that the pitcher puts the ball into the good area and the batter fails to hit the ball, "wipes the baseball"。跑步者“保证”最后一个垒(“好”球意味着投手把球投到好的区域,击球手没有击中球,“擦掉棒球”。"out of the boundary ball" and swings the bat in the air also belong to "good" ”In the ball category。“界外球”和在空中挥棒也属于“好球”范畴。"bad" means that the pitcher throws the ball out of the good zone and the batter does not swing the bat)。“坏”是指投手把球扔出好区,击球手不挥棒)。When a batter enters first base safely, he is called a base runner。当击球手安全进入一垒时,他被称为跑垒手。扩展资料棒球原则上是9打9的游戏(企业活动可以更多人参与),分成AB两队。跟足球篮球两队球员都是均等人数同时在场上不同,棒球是这样的:分为进攻局与防守局。A队进攻时B队防守;此时防守的B队所有队员上场守备,A队则是一个一个轮流上场进攻(打棒)。同样的,当轮到B队进攻时则是A队防守,此时防守的A队所有队员上场守备,B队则是一个一个轮流上场进攻(打棒)。听起来就类似于9打一,好像感觉乱不公平的。比赛中你会很清楚的看见,赛场上8个人穿同一件队服,1个人这穿着这种队服但是外面戴满了护具还蹲着;剩下一个别队队服的,手拿球棒。参考资料来源:百度百科-棒球

[create_time]2022-12-22 11:08:19[/create_time]2023-01-06 11:08:19[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]OfferComing留学[uname][avatar]OfferComing一站式留学攻略[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]20[view_count]

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