
时间:2024-05-17 16:43:02编辑:莆田seo君


pull意思是拉。pull拉,音标:美/pʊl/,英/pʊl/。vt.拉;拔;拖。vi.拉,拖;拔。n.拉,拉绳;拉力,牵引力;拖。n.(Pull)人名;(法)皮尔;(德、瑞典)普尔。过去式pulled;过去分词pulled;现在分词pulling;第三人称单数pulls;复数pulls。造句:1、He took another pull of juice and burped with satisfaction.他又喝了一大口果汁,然后满意地打了一个嗝。2、Fortunately, the player pulled in time and the game was tied.幸亏这位选手及时扑球,比赛打成了平局。3、I was pulled by the fragrance of this restaurant.我被这家饭店的香味吸引住了。4、I'll pull the door.我去把门拉开。5、You push and I will pull.你推我会拉。

[create_time]2022-11-14 15:52:02[/create_time]2022-11-18 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小李说教育TM[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a5acb998.s3Xl_VK8yZVnSBLIW2KPUQ.jpg?time=8517&tieba_portrait_time=8517[avatar]TA获得超过314个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]101[view_count]

pull in的意思是什么,可以直接用吗?

1、“pull in ”原来的意思是”吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留“。在供应链管理中,”Pull in“表示要求提前交货。2、“push out“原来的意思是“推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人”。在供应链管理中,”Push out“表示延期交货。例如:We will expedite to open the L/C would you please pull-in delivery. Thanks you.我们会加快开出信用证的,希望你能够确认船到岸的日期,谢谢!We will push out delivery.我们将延迟交货。扩展资料:1、I be get push out of the train. 我快被挤出(火)车外了。2、Companies sometimes do this to be able to push out program updates every few weeks. 有时,这些公司这样做是为了能每隔几周就能将其程序升级一次。3、Every day is a new day and a new chance to improve, push out boundaries andgrow. 每天都是新的一天,是提高自我、打破界限并获得成长的新机会。4、He pulled in at the side of the road 他靠边停了车。5、You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy. 如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。6、I order to pull in to shore. 我命令靠岸,全体下船。

[create_time]2023-04-28 20:51:24[/create_time]2023-05-09 21:36:04[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友35aa3b6[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.9d202218.ax7pEMdW9PESiFejxwD6iQ.jpg?time=4228&tieba_portrait_time=4228[avatar]TA获得超过8725个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]59[view_count]

公司中一般说的pull in、push out 是什么意思呢?谢谢

1、“pull in ”原来的意思是”吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留“。在供应链管理中,”Pull in“表示要求提前交货。2、“push out“原来的意思是“推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人”。在供应链管理中,”Push out“表示延期交货。例如:We will expedite to open the L/C would you please pull-in delivery. Thanks you.我们会加快开出信用证的,希望你能够确认船到岸的日期,谢谢!We will push out delivery.我们将延迟交货。扩展资料:1、I be get push out of the train. 我快被挤出(火)车外了。2、Companies sometimes do this to be able to push out program updates every few weeks. 有时,这些公司这样做是为了能每隔几周就能将其程序升级一次。3、Every day is a new day and a new chance to improve, push out boundaries andgrow. 每天都是新的一天,是提高自我、打破界限并获得成长的新机会。4、He pulled in at the side of the road 他靠边停了车。5、You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy. 如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。6、I order to pull in to shore. 我命令靠岸,全体下船。

[create_time]2022-11-23 15:51:59[/create_time]2022-12-08 15:51:59[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]OfferComing留学[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/30b319a5d7b8e046f2178b0aa0b750bb.jpeg[avatar]OfferComing一站式留学攻略[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2175[view_count]

pull in/ push out是什么意思,在公司中的含义?

pull in原意有吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留等意思,公司中一般说这个短语,可能有节省开支、需求提前、提前(交货日期)等意思。push out原意有推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人等意思,公司中一般说这个短语的话,可能有适当挥霍、需求推后、延后(交货日期)等意思。扩展资料:pull invi1. ( to kerb ) [ car, driver+ ] 靠边停下The van pulled in and waited.厢式货车靠边停下来等候。2. ( arrive and stop ) [ train, vehicle, driver+ ] 进站停车to pull in at sth到达某处停车They pulled in at a roadside café.他们开到路边一家咖啡店,停了下来。vt sep1. ( attract )to pull in sb/sth | to pull sb/sth in[ +visitors, audience, crowd ] 吸引;招徕The festival pulls in a lot of tourists.这个节日吸引了大量游客。2. ( arrest )to pull in sb | to pull sb in[ +criminal, suspect ] 拘留;逮捕The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘捕审问。3. ( earn )to pull in sth | to pull sth in[ +money ] 赚;挣push outvi[ roots, branches, shoots+ ] 长出来vt sep1. ( drive out )to push sb/sth out | to push out sb/sth赶走;驱逐Youngsters are pushed out into the world so early nowadays.如今年轻人早早地就从家里被推到了社会上。to push sb out of sth.把某人赶出某地They had pushed the Iraqis out of Kuwait.他们将伊拉克人从科威特赶了出去。2. ( force to leave )to push sb out | to push out sb[ +employee, officeholder ] 逼走;迫使…离职He denies he's been pushed out by colleagues.他否认自己是被同事撵走的。3. ( reject )to push sb out | to push out sb避开;排斥Your daughter may feel pushed out now you have a new man.你现在找了个新男人,你女儿可能会觉得自己被抛弃了。4. 【 植 】to push sth out | to push out sth[ +roots, shoots ] 抽出;长出In the springtime it pushed out fresh shoots.它在春天抽出了新枝。5. ( produce )to push sth out | to push out sth[ +information, products ] 生产,炮制(劣质产品或内容)This was just another media channel, a way of pushing content out to people.这不过是又一个媒体渠道,向受众提供一些粗制滥造的东西。

[create_time]2023-04-28 10:51:50[/create_time]2023-05-12 16:42:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友389bd4a[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6fe01dfb._AituA-JcyxdsZEK0yk7YQ.jpg?time=3612&tieba_portrait_time=3612[avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]26[view_count]

pull out是什么意思

离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康;折叠的大张插页;飞机进场重新飞起。1、I like the pop you get when you pull out a cork.我喜欢你拔出瓶塞时弄出的那“砰”的一声。2、France was going to pull out of NATO.法国准备退出北大西洋公约组织。3、The World Bank should pull out of the project.世界银行应该退出这个项目。

[create_time]2022-10-10 15:43:04[/create_time]2022-10-15 10:47:03[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]嗯嗯生活解答[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.9f1fbbda.n6fZi1cOe58DSbCeTH55gg.jpg?time=661&tieba_portrait_time=661[avatar]TA获得超过1343个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]41[view_count]

pull out是什么意思

pull out的意思为:使)退出;驶离路边,驶出;拔出;离开,撤出(协议、比赛或组织);改出俯冲;(使)摆脱(经济衰退);(使)恢复健康例句:1.France was going to pull out of NATO 法国打算退出北约。2.A racing injury forced Stephen Roche to pull out. 一次比赛中的受伤使斯蒂芬·罗奇不得不退出。3.The World Bank should pull out of the project 世界银行应从该项目中撤出。4.For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out. 由于某些无法说明的原因,投资商们决定撤出投资。5.Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession 经济未能走出衰退,英镑因此受到了打击。6.The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out 在预定交易就要结束的前一周,15家日本银行采取行动撤离。7.Carefully pull out the centre pages 小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。8.He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him. 他正要驶离车流超前面那人的车。

[create_time]2022-12-07 13:11:05[/create_time]2022-11-30 14:06:45[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]Aynigar0918[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f0649b32.-CHdvyyQC01vexjto_AqXA.jpg?time=7357&tieba_portrait_time=7357[avatar]超过58用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]63[view_count]


pull的意思如下可供参考:一、读音,释义及形式1、/pʊl/,v.拉;拔出;抽出;拖;吸引;扯;拽;(使车辆)转向,打斜;扳动;拉上;取消,撤销(活动、广告等);拉伤;划;扭转;(耍手腕)得逞;将…拖在身后;吸引异性;吃力地运转,n.拉;力;影响;扯;拽;拉手;引力;吸引力;拉伤;磁力;诱惑;深吸;艰难攀登。2、第三人称单数:pulls,现在分词:pulling,过去式:pulled,过去分词:pulled。二、例句1、Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。2、Pull gently on the free end of the rope.轻拉绳索松开的一端。3、She pulled the car to the right to avoid the dog.她把汽车向右一闪,好躲开那条狗。4、She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away.她拔起塞子放掉了水。5、The house was pulled down long ago.那栋房子很久以前就被拆掉了。6、I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened.我猛地一拉,门开了。7、They are pulling their troops out of the war zone.他们正从战区撤出军队。8、He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.他拉掉了盖在尸体上的塑料布。

[create_time]2023-08-12 17:29:38[/create_time]2023-08-24 14:43:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]SVT十七carat[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.881db1a5.SzouHCiup74swzCZZa-UIA.jpg?time=1081&tieba_portrait_time=1081[avatar]超过1972用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]16[view_count]

公司中一般说的pull in、push out 是什么意思呢?谢谢

1、“pull in ”原来的意思是”吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留“。在供应链管理中,”Pull in“表示要求提前交货。2、“push out“原来的意思是“推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人”。在供应链管理中,”Push out“表示延期交货。例如:We will expedite to open the L/C would you please pull-in delivery. Thanks you.我们会加快开出信用证的,希望你能够确认船到岸的日期,谢谢!We will push out delivery.我们将延迟交货。扩展资料:1、I be get push out of the train. 我快被挤出(火)车外了。2、Companies sometimes do this to be able to push out program updates every few weeks. 有时,这些公司这样做是为了能每隔几周就能将其程序升级一次。3、Every day is a new day and a new chance to improve, push out boundaries andgrow. 每天都是新的一天,是提高自我、打破界限并获得成长的新机会。4、He pulled in at the side of the road 他靠边停了车。5、You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy. 如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。6、I order to pull in to shore. 我命令靠岸,全体下船。

[create_time]2022-12-21 10:18:57[/create_time]2018-10-30 02:38:17[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]OfferComing留学[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/30b319a5d7b8e046f2178b0aa0b750bb.jpeg[avatar]OfferComing一站式留学攻略[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3254[view_count]


pull 英[pʊl] 美[pʊl]vt. 拉; 扯; 拉过来; 划(船)。vt. 赢得; 吸引异性; 取消; (耍手腕) 得逞。n. 拖; 爬; 影响力。[例句]They have pulled out patients 'teeth unnecessarily他们毫无必要地拔掉了病人的牙。用法pull用作名词时的基本意思是“拉,拉力”“拖”“拔”,没有复数形式,前面可以加不定冠词,后常接表示接触点或面的介词at或on。有时还可表示“抽(一口烟),喝(一口酒)”。pull引申可表示“某人处于由此处向〔到〕某处移动的状态”,可作“爬,攀登”解,这时往往与介词to搭配,作此解时常用单数形式。pull还可表示“影响力,吸引力”,但有时也可加不定冠词。常与介词with, of搭配。

[create_time]2021-08-31 16:40:55[/create_time]2016-04-30 15:16:11[finished_time]5[reply_count]0[alue_good]我爱学习112[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=164761072,572425246&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1660578685&size=b200,200[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3616[view_count]

pull in和push out分别是什么意思?

pull in原意有吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留等意思,公司中一般说这个短语,可能有节省开支、需求提前、提前(交货日期)等意思。push out原意有推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人等意思,公司中一般说这个短语的话,可能有适当挥霍、需求推后、延后(交货日期)等意思。扩展资料:pull invi1. ( to kerb ) [ car, driver+ ] 靠边停下The van pulled in and waited.厢式货车靠边停下来等候。2. ( arrive and stop ) [ train, vehicle, driver+ ] 进站停车to pull in at sth到达某处停车They pulled in at a roadside café.他们开到路边一家咖啡店,停了下来。vt sep1. ( attract )to pull in sb/sth | to pull sb/sth in[ +visitors, audience, crowd ] 吸引;招徕The festival pulls in a lot of tourists.这个节日吸引了大量游客。2. ( arrest )to pull in sb | to pull sb in[ +criminal, suspect ] 拘留;逮捕The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘捕审问。3. ( earn )to pull in sth | to pull sth in[ +money ] 赚;挣push outvi[ roots, branches, shoots+ ] 长出来vt sep1. ( drive out )to push sb/sth out | to push out sb/sth赶走;驱逐Youngsters are pushed out into the world so early nowadays.如今年轻人早早地就从家里被推到了社会上。to push sb out of sth.把某人赶出某地They had pushed the Iraqis out of Kuwait.他们将伊拉克人从科威特赶了出去。2. ( force to leave )to push sb out | to push out sb[ +employee, officeholder ] 逼走;迫使…离职He denies he's been pushed out by colleagues.他否认自己是被同事撵走的。3. ( reject )to push sb out | to push out sb避开;排斥Your daughter may feel pushed out now you have a new man.你现在找了个新男人,你女儿可能会觉得自己被抛弃了。4. 【 植 】to push sth out | to push out sth[ +roots, shoots ] 抽出;长出In the springtime it pushed out fresh shoots.它在春天抽出了新枝。5. ( produce )to push sth out | to push out sth[ +information, products ] 生产,炮制(劣质产品或内容)This was just another media channel, a way of pushing content out to people.这不过是又一个媒体渠道,向受众提供一些粗制滥造的东西。

[create_time]2023-04-28 06:08:08[/create_time]2023-05-08 21:49:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友389bd4a[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6fe01dfb._AituA-JcyxdsZEK0yk7YQ.jpg?time=3612&tieba_portrait_time=3612[avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]24[view_count]

pull in和push out各有什么意思?

pull in原意有吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留等意思,公司中一般说这个短语,可能有节省开支、需求提前、提前(交货日期)等意思。push out原意有推出; 长出;开除; 除掉某人等意思,公司中一般说这个短语的话,可能有适当挥霍、需求推后、延后(交货日期)等意思。扩展资料:pull invi1. ( to kerb ) [ car, driver+ ] 靠边停下The van pulled in and waited.厢式货车靠边停下来等候。2. ( arrive and stop ) [ train, vehicle, driver+ ] 进站停车to pull in at sth到达某处停车They pulled in at a roadside café.他们开到路边一家咖啡店,停了下来。vt sep1. ( attract )to pull in sb/sth | to pull sb/sth in[ +visitors, audience, crowd ] 吸引;招徕The festival pulls in a lot of tourists.这个节日吸引了大量游客。2. ( arrest )to pull in sb | to pull sb in[ +criminal, suspect ] 拘留;逮捕The police pulled him in for questioning.警察把他拘捕审问。3. ( earn )to pull in sth | to pull sth in[ +money ] 赚;挣push outvi[ roots, branches, shoots+ ] 长出来vt sep1. ( drive out )to push sb/sth out | to push out sb/sth赶走;驱逐Youngsters are pushed out into the world so early nowadays.如今年轻人早早地就从家里被推到了社会上。to push sb out of sth.把某人赶出某地They had pushed the Iraqis out of Kuwait.他们将伊拉克人从科威特赶了出去。2. ( force to leave )to push sb out | to push out sb[ +employee, officeholder ] 逼走;迫使…离职He denies he's been pushed out by colleagues.他否认自己是被同事撵走的。3. ( reject )to push sb out | to push out sb避开;排斥Your daughter may feel pushed out now you have a new man.你现在找了个新男人,你女儿可能会觉得自己被抛弃了。4. 【 植 】to push sth out | to push out sth[ +roots, shoots ] 抽出;长出In the springtime it pushed out fresh shoots.它在春天抽出了新枝。5. ( produce )to push sth out | to push out sth[ +information, products ] 生产,炮制(劣质产品或内容)This was just another media channel, a way of pushing content out to people.这不过是又一个媒体渠道,向受众提供一些粗制滥造的东西。

[create_time]2023-04-27 18:53:18[/create_time]2023-05-09 22:34:16[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友389bd4a[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6fe01dfb._AituA-JcyxdsZEK0yk7YQ.jpg?time=3612&tieba_portrait_time=3612[avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]150[view_count]

pull in与draw in的区别是什么?

pull in

He pulled in for gas.
The lorry driver pulled in to the side of the road.
I must pull in, or my letter will never end.
We'd better pull in before the money's all gone.
The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.
They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.
The police pulled him in for questioning.
Your horse is trying to go too fast,so you must pull him in.
He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.

draw in

to draw in a deep breath
to draw in the nets full of fish
Hours passed and the evening is drawing in.
The autumn evenings are drawing in.
In autumn the days begin to draw in.
The overcoat has to be drawn in to fit him.
The film drew in large crowds.
The other players were drawn in.
We must drawn in a bit;we're spending too much.
to draw in all of the money the bank has lent
The train drew in.
The car drew in to let the buses pass.

[create_time]2016-06-24 15:55:30[/create_time]2016-07-09 15:50:09[finished_time]3[reply_count]4[alue_good]mist_y[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d408a51f.49vh0BG6kc9uHdamcp-TeQ.jpg?time=3860&tieba_portrait_time=3860[avatar]TA获得超过1.3万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2370[view_count]

pull in是什么意思

1、 pull in the data 的意思就是拉入数据
2、 pull  v.拉;拖;牵;拔;吸引
例句:Don't pull my hair!
Do not pull the chairs about, boys!
data   n.数据;资料
The data should be updated once a week.

[create_time]2018-07-25 21:57:11[/create_time]2011-10-18 05:18:08[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]智课[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/2b70708ebef09785a38366331982fad0.jpeg[avatar]智课名师课-名师好课学到爽[slogan]智课以先进的翻转课堂教学模式及智能学习系统为学员提供陪伴式的教学,帮助学员实现“同样的时间,更高的分数,更好的录取”。线上注册学员超过600万,线下学习中心遍布北上广深等30个城市。[intro]25201[view_count]


pull-in 英 ['pʊlɪn] 美 ['pʊlˌɪn] n. 开车进入用餐的餐厅,沿路休息处; 引入; [例句]Analysis and measurement of pull-in voltage of grating moving light modulator based on MOEMSMOEMS光栅平动式光调制器的吸合电压分析与实验中文翻译英文,把句子分成几个词语,先分段翻译出来,再用句式连起来,最主要的是要掌握扎实的语法。英文翻译中文,把意思搞懂,但是要翻译成中文常用的表达方式和顺序,只要意思达到就可以。

[create_time]2018-05-22 11:15:57[/create_time]2015-12-25 18:47:20[finished_time]4[reply_count]2[alue_good]果儿可儿0601[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.2b6869a5.jP_tazI8yd7ltiuAgXxx7g.jpg?time=8561&tieba_portrait_time=8561[avatar]TA获得超过1.9万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2825[view_count]

