
时间:2024-05-17 09:54:37编辑:莆田seo君

merry go round是什么意思

merry go round
merry go round
[英][ˈmeri ɡəu raund][美][ˈmɛri ɡo raʊnd]


Families enjoy the merry go round at a fun fair as the national day holidays wind downin beijing china wednesday oct. 7 2009.

[create_time]2016-03-03 23:45:12[/create_time]2015-02-16 13:05:54[finished_time]3[reply_count]2[alue_good]智能机器人61ed9e[uname][avatar]知道合伙人教育行家[slogan]环球语言交流中心;医疗卫生业内人士;周易五行八字起名;[intro]667[view_count]


Merry go round, getting on the ride is fun and makes kids happy, another word for happy is merry especially in the old days. The ride goes around and around so a perfect name would be "merry go round".

--From WebAnswers

[create_time]2013-08-08 17:23:30[/create_time]2013-08-23 17:20:54[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]知書達人[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1464个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]595[view_count]

Merry Go Round 歌词

歌曲名:Merry Go Round歌手:Terri Clark专辑:The Long Way Home-BareTrack/CapitolTerri Clark - Merry Go RoundI've been dreamin' & drivin' so fast for so longFallin' & climbin', fallin' & carryin' onHell bent on stayin' one step aheadSo caught up in the game,I can't catch my breathLivin' too bright to soak up the sunMissin' the miles for the races I've runBut I'm slowly slowin' me downKnowin' this world will go roundIt'll keep goin' round even when I stop spinnin'I'm figurin' out it ain't all about winnin'You ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundWhen the ride leaves you dizzy and life's such a blurThere's no difference betweenwhere you are & where you wereIt's movin' too fast, and God knows it willSometimes you need some time sittin' stillAnd I'm slowly slowin' me downKnowin' this world will go roundIt'll keep goin' round even when I stop spinnin'I'm figurin' out it ain't all about winnin'You ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundYou ride like the wind Smile like a childLand with both feet on the groundThe trick is to know when to let goThe trick is to knowwhen to let go of the merry go roundOh this merry go round

[create_time]2016-12-01 21:40:52[/create_time]2013-08-16 14:18:05[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]睿智且俊俏的大熊猫9285[uname][avatar]TA获得超过166个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1085[view_count]


各位朋友,学习外国语言光凭热情是不够的,必须对你所要学的语种有一个初步概念,选择最适合你的外国语言。由于英、德、日、法、西为人们常选的外国语言,下面我就简要说说这五种语言,并谈谈自己的一些体会。(各人看法不同,请高手们各抒已见。) 1、英语:较难学的一种外语,发音的规则性不是很强,同时句子顺序比较灵活,即经常可象汉语那样,把句子中的某一成分放在句子中间的不同的位置。英语是一种具有很强灵活性的语言,并且英语的句子结构和汉语结构具有不少相似性。(当然是相对而言)具有流畅柔和之特点,适合于DISCO,抒情歌曲等。 建议:可作为首选外国语言。(因为使用范围广,使用人群多,并且接触其机会多。) 2、德语:发音比较有规则性,并且发音规则不繁杂,由于几乎每个字母都要发音,使得说德语听起来似乎是咬牙切齿,比较生硬,但这正是德语语音的特点。由于有四个格及三性(阴、中、阳),并且句子结构和汉语相差较大,如动语的放置于汉语习惯完全不同,所以比较难学。具有严谨深沉之特点,适合于正规演讲及一些学术讨论会等。 建议:适合于比较严谨之人。 3、日语:发音比较容易,大多数人只需一二次即可学会,发音规则也不是很多。语法结构和汉语也不尽相同,但由于日语中有上千个“当用汉字”(尤其在书面语中用得较多),而这些“当用汉字”和汉语中的同样的字意思相同或基本相近,这就造成了日语较容易理解。(许多学过的人说即使有些字不认识,但照着汉字猜,也能猜个八九不离十。)日语具有谦卑恭敬的特点,适合于做工作汇报等。 建议:适合于比较中规中矩、善解人意之人。 4、法语:发音规则也有规则性,但发音非常复杂,规则很多,由于不是每个字母都发音,且唇齿音很多,所以法语听起来较柔和,但这些都增强了其语音难度。语法体系也极其复杂,句子结构和汉语相差较大,法语比较讲究音韵和谐,有时为了使句子优美,往往在语音上做些变动,比如说在某些诗歌中为了压韵,经常省去或添加某些发音音素。法语读起来有浪漫如诗之感。法语的特点是浪漫绚丽,适合于一般演讲及情人细语及一些浪漫抒情曲。 建议:适合于想象力丰富且具有浪漫色彩之人。 5、西语:西语发音也有很强规则性,但规则不多,并且每个音素发起来都很清晰,元音响亮,辅音不拖泥带水,节奏明快,听起来非常动听。(被喻为和上帝交谈的语言)西语语法不是很难,而且句子也尽量追求简洁,同时,听西语或说西语你会有一种激情奔放的感觉。适合于煽情演讲及抒情摇滚及抒情曲。 建议:适合于激情奔放且感情细腻之人。 我觉得相对来说,女性选日语和法语更佳,而男性可选德语。西语则对两种性别都适合。参考:上面五种语言的普及程度------仅在五种语言范围内,不含如俄语等。〈参考上海及外地多所大学专业所设语言专业及参考他人言论〉 1、英语:学得人太多了,老大之位不可动摇。 2、德语:人数为第三位,但近两年有强大的上升势头。(可能国内德国企业较多,且想到德语国家留学的原因。) 3、日语:人数为第二位,但近两年有下降势头。(由于其比较易学,因此还是会被广大学子和自学者所选用,所有老二之位暂时不会变动。) 4、法语:人数为第四位,但近两年有上升势头。(由于其在国际语言上具有一定地位等原因,越来越多的学子和自学者选用,但又由于其较难学,因此许多人转而选学日语等。) 5、西语:人数为第五位:近两年没有什么变化。(不知是何原因,在欧美大陆上被广泛使用的语言------欧洲大陆最流行语种,居然许多大学都不设这一语种,并且似乎也没多少人感兴趣,看来还是现实主义思想占了上风。)

[create_time]2014-02-14 19:40:24[/create_time]2014-03-01 13:14:53[finished_time]12[reply_count]167[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]64049[view_count]


merry-go-round是旋转木马的意思。一、读音,释义及形式英/ˈmeri ɡəʊ raʊnd/,美/ˈmeri ɡoʊ raʊnd/;旋转木马;走马灯似的更迭;一连串的繁忙活动;复数:merry-go-rounds;二、例句1、The phantom of the merry-go-round is just a local superstition.旋转木马的幽灵只不过是当地的迷信说法。2、If I had to push that merry-go-round one more time.如果我一直去推那个旋转木马。3、He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down.他厌倦了没完没了的风流韵事,渴望安定下来。4、Personnel constantly shifted like on a running-horse lantern(or a merry-go-round).人员不断更换,就像走马灯似的。5、Merry-go-round of government,business,and media.忙着周旋政府生意和媒体。6、Take your turn,take a ride on the merry-go-round.轮到你,骑上去玩一玩,旋转木马的游戏7、In other words,the global merry-go-round is at full tilt already.换句话说,全球的旋转木马已经在高速旋转了。

[create_time]2023-08-01 13:57:26[/create_time]2023-08-09 18:41:57[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]SVT十七carat[uname][avatar]超过1956用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]47[view_count]



YUI - Merry·Go·Round
★ VAN制作

歩いた Can I come back?

Crazy passion / Easy action
受け止めて 欲しかったのに

涙のMerry·Go·Round 辉きに戸惑う
I'm just a baby Oh! mind
feeling is the Merry·Go·Round

たちどまる交差点 振り向けないの
优しさに Can I come back?

どうしたの? Is this all?
追いかけて 欲しかったのに
I'm just a baby Oh! Mind
feeling is the Merry·Go·Round

I'm just a baby Oh! Mind
消さないで そう愿うだけ
feeling is the Merry·Go·Round

Mary take me to the merry-go-round...
with this beautiful sound ,sing my song for you
乘著白色木马 往四周望去
假如这样的心 就是所谓的爱情
那我不会贪心到 要你也要珍惜我这样坏坏的个性

我的merry-go-round 记忆仍犹新
就像现在 不管何时在我身边..
He's like merry-go-round

你现在到哪了 我等了好久
从远处看到 洒在你肩膀上的光芒 感觉好温暖
假如这样的心 就是所谓的爱情
希望不要说对不起 只要不发一语的抱紧我就好

我的merry-go-round 记忆仍犹新
就像现在 不管何时在我身边..
He's like merry-go-round

要走多久 才能抓住呢
我想随著小时候的梦想前进 和你一起

我的merry-go-round 记忆仍犹新
就像现在 不管何时在我身边..
He's like merry-go-round
我的merry-go-round 记忆仍犹新
就像现在 不管何时在我身边..
He's like merry-go-round

[create_time]2013-12-04 17:27:40[/create_time]2013-12-17 19:31:58[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]721[view_count]

kacey的merry go 'round中英歌词

Merry Go 'Round
Kacey Musgraves

If you ain't got two kids by 21,
You're probably gonna die alone
At least that's what tradition told you.

And it don't matter if you don't believe,
Come Sunday morning you best be there
In the front row, like you're s'posed to.

Same hurt in every heart.
Same trailer, different park.

Mamas hooked on Mary Kay
Brothers hooked on Mary Jane
And Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down.

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We get bored so we get married
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,
Where it stops nobody knows...
And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...

We think the first time's good enough,
So we hold on to high school love,
Say we won't end up like our parents.

Tiny little boxes in a row,
Ain't want you want it's what you know,
Just happy in the shoes you're wearin'.

Same checks we're always cashin',
To buy a little more distraction.

Cause Mamas hooked on Mary Kay
Brothers hooked on Mary Jane
Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down.

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We get bored so we get married
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,
Where we stop nobody knows...
And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We're so bored until we're buried.
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round...
Merry go 'round...

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Jack burned out on booze and pills,
And Mary had a little lamb,
Mary just don't give a damn no more.

[create_time]2013-10-30 19:37:54[/create_time]2013-11-14 19:31:22[finished_time]1[reply_count]4[alue_good]抗元绿0CD[uname][avatar]TA获得超过405个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]231[view_count]


旋转木马的英文:carrouselmerry-go-roundwhirligig参考例句:But that roundabout has stopped.但是,旋转木马已经停止。Children riding the merry-go-round.骑着旋转木马的孩子们。Ride a merry-go-round。骑旋转木马。Riding on a carousel makes you feel dizzy.乘旋转木马使你头晕。I want to try the merry-go-round.我要坐旋转木马。I'd give anything to have a go on that merry-go-round.我很想坐坐那个旋转木马。The kid was happy when he saw the whirligig going round.那小孩看到不停转动的旋转木马非常高兴。carrousel是什么意思:n. 旋转木马,(尤指机场的)旋转式行李传送带.merry是什么意思:adj. 快乐的,愉快的,嬉戏作乐的。A merry heart has a continual feast.一颗愉快的心会享受到接连不断的节日。Merry is he that has nought to lose。人无所失,不亦乐乎。It is good to be merry at meal。席间心情愉快是为上策。

[create_time]2023-01-29 17:45:54[/create_time]2023-01-27 19:01:57[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]甜筒第二支免单[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1605个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]366[view_count]


旋转木马在英语中可以读作 “Carousel”。包括了旋转平台、木马、零件和轴、控制系统、灯光和音乐、安全措施等。1、旋转平台:旋转木马的核心部分是一个平台或圆盘,它可以水平旋转,使木马绕着中心轴旋转。2、木马:在旋转平台上固定有多个木制马匹或其他动物形象。这些马匹经过精心的雕刻和装饰,具有不同的造型和颜色,吸引乘客的注意。3、零件和轴:旋转木马的运动机制主要由零件和轴组成,它们使旋转平台和木马能够旋转和上下运动。4、控制系统:旋转木马通常配备一个控制系统,可以控制旋转速度和方向,以及木马的上下运动。5、灯光和音乐:为增加娱乐氛围,旋转木马通常装饰有彩色的灯光和播放欢快的音乐。灯光效果可以在夜晚创造出迷人的氛围。6、安全措施:为了确保乘客的安全,旋转木马通常配备安全栏、安全带和其他防护措施。这些措施可以防止乘客在旋转过程中意外滑落或受伤。最大的旋转木马的介绍1、目前世界上被认为是最大的旋转木马位于韩国的南部海滩城市釜山(Busan)。这个旋转木马被称为"Haeundae Carousel",位于釜山海云台Haeundae海滩附近的巴克山Baekyang Mountain上。它是一座室外旋转木马,高度超过30米,拥有48匹装饰精美的木制马匹。2、Haeundae Carousel 的设计灵感来自于古代的木雕艺术,木匠们精心制作了这些华丽的马匹,每一匹马都有独特的细节和特色。它被广泛认为是世界上最大、最华丽的旋转木马之一,吸引了许多游客前来欣赏和体验。

[create_time]2023-08-10 22:17:32[/create_time]2023-08-09 18:41:57[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]Iphonet2[uname][avatar]超过668用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]48[view_count]

