
时间:2024-05-16 15:10:29编辑:莆田seo君


density的意思是:密度。density的意思为:密度。读音为:美:/ˈdensəti/;英:/ˈdensəti/。复数:densities。例句:1、The population density of this city is rather large.这个城市的人口密度相当大。2、The density of the substance exceeds our previous assumptions.该物质的密度超过了我们之前的设想。3、The meaning of information density is multifaceted.信息密度的意义是多方面的。4、Aluminium is low in density.铝的密度小。5、The region has a very high population density.这一地区人口密度很高。6、Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.木星的卫星木卫一全是岩石,其密度为每立方厘米3.5克。

[create_time]2022-11-15 14:13:04[/create_time]2022-11-18 00:00:01[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]教育小尾巴[uname],92979705&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1689777903&size=b200,200[avatar]TA获得超过1069个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]96[view_count]


解释:n. 神;神性deity读法:英 [ˈdeɪəti; ˈdiːəti] 美 [ˈdeɪəti; ˈdiːəti] 短语:solar deity 太阳神lunar deity 月神nine-deity mandala 九尊坛城近义词:demon读法:英 [ˈdiːmən] 美 [ˈdiːmən] 解释:n. 恶魔;魔鬼;精力充沛的人;邪恶的事物n. (Demon)人名;(塞)德蒙短语:Maxwell's demon 麦克斯韦妖 ; 马克士威精灵Demon Hunter 恶魔猎人 ; 猎魔人 ; 魔狩人Game Demon 游戏悍将 ; 娓告垙镇嶅皢 ; 游戏悍就

[create_time]2021-10-06 14:28:23[/create_time]2012-05-08 04:27:29[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]风刘才子爱生活[uname],m_lfit,w_450,h_600,limit_1[avatar]我是生活小能手,乐于助人欢乐多[slogan]我是生活小能手,乐于助人欢乐多[intro]7327[view_count]


神或女神,神性。他的复数形式是:deities。举例:1、In ancient Rome at that time, the cross figure emblems the deity of the sun god。在当时的古罗马,十字图形象征着太阳神的神性。2、What are we to make of the incredible similarity of Israel's deity and cult to those of her neighbors。我们要怎么样理解以色列的神和祭礼与它邻国的神和祭礼极大的相似性。3、There are strata within the Bible that are clearly polemicizing against a certain kind of mythological presentation of the deity。圣经中有些阶层显然与某种神话形式的神存在矛盾。根据词根可以助记:dei 神的 + ty 构成名词,表性质 -> deity 神。还可以联想:ability n. 能力。amnesty n. 赦免,赦免期。anxiety n. 焦虑;令人焦虑的事,渴望,焦虑症。deify v. 将尊奉为神,崇拜。divine adj. 神圣的;非凡的,天赐的。 v. 占卜,预言,用占卜勘探。 n. 牧师,神学家。

[create_time]2022-05-07 10:16:09[/create_time]2022-05-22 10:16:09[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]天府TV[uname][avatar]百度认证:天府TV官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]24[view_count]

密度 英语

“密度”英语中为 density; thickness;,通常用于描述物质的紧密程度,即单位体积内的质量。在物理学、化学、地学等领域中,密度常常被用来描述物质的性质、状态和变化等。密度的计算公式为:密度 = 质量 / 体积,单位通常为千克/立方米(kg/m³)。例如,一块质量为10克,体积为1立方厘米的铁块的密度为7800千克/立方米,而同样体积的水的密度为1000千克/立方米。密度在各个领域中都有着广泛的应用和意义。在物理学中,密度是描述物体性质的重要参量,可以用来计算物体的体积、质量、重力等。在化学中,密度可以用来描述物质的状态和纯度,也是一些化学反应中的重要参数。在地学中,密度可以用来推测地球内部的结构和物质组成等。

[create_time]2023-04-30 11:55:08[/create_time]2023-05-10 20:07:19[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]白给先生叫吉尔[uname][avatar]TA获得超过120个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]36[view_count]


densityn.密度,稠密,浓厚;[物]浓度,比重;愚钝。复数: densities例句:The region has a very high population density. 该地区的人口密度很高。Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density.天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。Mercury has a much greater density than water. 水银的密度比水大得多。

[create_time]2022-10-18 17:11:42[/create_time]2022-10-15 10:32:41[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]熊熊小老师[uname][avatar]很高兴为您解答,您的认可是对我最大的鼓励[slogan]很高兴为您解答,您的认可是对我最大的鼓励[intro]35[view_count]

谁能把never say goodbye (mario & nesty)这首歌的中文翻译给我?

Yea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, brand new classic, ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, yo keep it up keep it up, two step with me, come on, lets do it do it do it like this 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again Let me hear u say wut wut its my story the ghetto never say goodbye so get up if you go away you will see me cry don't you let me go baby don't you let me down don't you let me go baby don't you let me down you never say good bye don't you let me go baby don't you let me down (Mario) And we the best aint no need to stress Mario and nasty aint no need to impress ()Yo! (Mario)Call it a fling or a love thing I don't care I can handle any drama that you bring. (Mario)with out u im better no one could do it better hello cute nasty best mc Mario right tight errnight that's right. I am still in love with you hey I'm still in love with you hey Let me hear you say hey hey hey Yo check it only u only u baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check if you go away you will see me cry don't you let me go baby don't you let me down don't you let me go baby don't you let me down you never say good bye don't you let me go baby don't you let me down (one more time now) you never say good bye (come on come on) (wana ride with the homie right?) (Wana get right then get high ) (ride with me ill ride with you) (you go down on me ill go down on you) (yeah~) (just me and you come on) (One more time now) don't you let me go (Say what) don't you let me down (One more time now) 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again Let me hear u say hey hey hey Ill logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonic hetero sexual the kids flow is incredible yea~ 下面是中文的~ 如果我可以把这刻永远停留 把我们的思维翻向新的一页 到另外一个时间和空间去 我们就永远不会说再见 如果我能找到适合的语言我会说出来 那么当我看着你的眼神的时候 我就不会感觉到口吃 我们就永远不会说再见 如果我可以阻止月亮升起 白天就不会来临 我内心就不会感觉这么冷 我们就永远不会说再见 我希望我们的梦想都冻结 那我们的心就不会破碎 当我们让对方离开的时候。。。 如果我能永远的偷走这刻 画一张完美的笑脸 那我们的故事就不会死去 我们就永远不会说再见

[create_time]2014-09-16 19:47:34[/create_time]2014-09-16 12:58:01[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]手机用户59634[uname][avatar]超过61用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]456[view_count]

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