get into

时间:2024-05-12 22:29:30编辑:莆田seo君

get into的中文意思是什么?

进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于。get 表示“完全达到…的位置或状态”,get into 的基本意思是“全部进入到…之内”,可以引申为“陷入到…之中”或“因接触而受到…影响”,get into在语法上是来表示的是一种状态,一种兴趣而言。如:例句:How did you get into the industry? 你是怎样进入这个行业的?扩展资料近义词:go into意思:进入;加入;变得;探究,go into 在句子中通常用来表示主动的含义,是某件事情主动吸引,并因此产生了兴趣。短语1、go off into 开始 ; 进入 ; 爆发出2、Go Off Into Ecstasies 神魂飘荡 ; 神魂飞越例句:It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.那是一段私人谈话,我不想详述所谈内容。

get into怎么读

get into的读法为:英[ɡet ˈɪntə]、美[ɡet ˈɪntə]双语例句:1.You have to do well academically to get into medical school. 你得学习成绩优良才能进入医学院。2.She failed to get into art college. 她未能进入艺术学院。学习英语的小技巧:1.学习英语是随时随地的。例如,当买一个新东西,会仔细研究包装或说明书。当然,并不是在研究产品本身,而是想要阅读英语笔记,想要更地道的英语表达。2.做笔记。英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,就是在和别人说英语的时候,会突然有一句话不知道该怎么表达,或者知道一点,但是长时间都挤不出这句话来,不知道自己说的对不对。在这种情况下应该怎么做?建议找一个专门的笔记本把它们都记录下来,然后有目的地解决这些问题,英语水平就会一天比一天提高。3.养成理解阅读英语意思的习惯,温妮英语指出,练英语是在练习思维和表达的同步,所以要养成“口”与“脑”同步的习惯。4.每天练习说一两个小时,培养说英语的肌肉习惯。5.养成大声朗读英语的习惯,然后用腹部一口气练习,英语口语会更自信、更流利。

get into和get in有什么不一样

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)
get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)
1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。
2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。
3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。
4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。
5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?
6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。
7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get on和get into的区别是什么?

get on和get into的区别为:一、指代不同1、get on:登上。2、get into:进入。二、侧重点不同1、get on:侧重于表示各种密闭的可移动空间,例如飞机、汽车、火车等。2、get into:侧重于表示进入狭小的密闭空间,例如电梯等。三、引证用法不同1、get on:on表示“在物体的表面上”,而in表示“在其中”。2、get into:into介词,它引导介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示“进入...之中”或“变成”之意。


getinto读音发音:美 /ɡet ˈɪntuː/。一、意思:进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于。可作为get into的近义词有put in ,set foot,find ones way to,to move into,run into,be cought into,be lost in,fall into,slip into,plunge into,get stuck in,come down with。二、例句:1、He's started to get into trouble at school.他开始在学校惹麻烦了。2、She failed to get into art college.她未能进入艺术学院。3、What's the best way to get into journalism?进入新闻界的最佳途径是什么?4、I want you to get into a whole new state of mind.我想让你进入一种全新的心态。5、They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到拒绝。6、It's not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved.进入这栋大楼而不被发现很不容易。


getinto与gointo的区别:1.两者在含义上不同:go into意思是指进入(某处)、住进(医院等)、进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资、开始某一职业;身着(丧服等);get into是指产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等);2.两者在语法上不同:go into在语法上是用来表达某人采取的一个动作或者是做的某件事情而言的;但是get into在语法上是来表示的是一种状态,一种兴趣而言。3.两者在句子中充当的成分不同:get into在句子中通常是用来表示有被动的含义,是发生的某件事因此促使了某种的行为的发生;而go into 在句子中通常用来表示主动的含义,是某件事情主动吸引,并因此产生了兴趣。扩展资料:I can't get into these shoes; they're too small. 这双鞋太小了, 我穿不进去. How did she get into (ie start taking) drugs? 她是怎麽吸起毒来的? I don't know what's got into him recently; he's become very bad-tempered. 不知道他最近怎麽了, 脾气变得坏极了. The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice. 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了.

get into什么意思

"get into" 是一个常见的短语,具有多种意思,取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的解释:1. 进入: "get into" 可以指进入或进入某个地方或位置。 例句: "He got into the car and drove away."(他上了车然后开走了。)2. 深入研究或理解: 在某个特定主题、领域或活动方面获得更多的知识、经验或理解。 例句: "She decided to get into photography and started taking classes."(她决定学习摄影并开始上课。)3. 开始从事某项活动或拥抱某个兴趣爱好: 开始参与或投身于某项活动、职业或兴趣爱好中。 例句: "He got into playing the guitar when he was a teenager."(他十几岁时开始弹吉他。)4. 陷入困境或麻烦: 意味着陷入或卷入某种复杂或困难的情况。 例句: "She got into trouble for not completing her assignment."(她因为没有完成作业而陷入麻烦。)5. 喜欢或变得流行: 指对某事或某物产生兴趣、喜欢或赢得广泛接受。 例句: "That new song is really catchy. It's getting into everyone's head."(那首新歌真的很好听。它正流行开来。)需要根据具体的语境来确定 "get into" 的确切含义。


getinto读音是:英[ɡetˈɪntə],美[ɡetˈɪntə]。一、短语释义get into是一个短语,意思是:进入;陷入;养成二、短语搭配get into a habit学会,养成…习惯;get into trouble(给…)找麻烦,(使)陷入困境,被警察传讯;get into a bother陷入麻烦;get into something做点什么;get into hot water陷入困境;get into difficulty陷入困境;get into one's head进入一个人的头脑;get into a bad habit养成坏习惯;get into one's stride开始走上轨道三、例句1、Get into the cable car, it can get you up.(上索道车,它可以带你上山。)2、Do not get nosy, or you'll get into troubl!(别好管闲事,不然你会惹麻烦的!)3、It's easier to get into debt get out of it again!(负债容易还债难!)4、Almost anything is easier to get into than to get out of.(几乎所有事情都是进去容易退出难。)


get into的意思是进入。get into的例句:He had seen them come out and get into the unmarked police car(他看见他们走出来上了一辆没有标志的警车)。 扩展资料 get into的例句:He will have his work cut out to get into the team(他要进入该队困难重重);At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters(到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处)。

go into是什么意思?

go into
1. 进入(某空间、建筑物等):
Go into the garden and pick some pears, will you?


2. 进入,住进(通常为短时期内):
She had to go into hospital for her lumbar operation.


3. 调查,研究,了解:
The police are going into the murder case.


4. 讨论,(细)谈,涉及:
Now, if you will allow me, I'll go into the matter briefly.


5. 加入,投入;从事(某一行业):
The mayor went into politics as a very young man.


6. 进入…状态:
The sick man went into a coma.


7. 撞上:
The car went into a pole and was severely damaged.


8. 穿上:
It's so nice to go into summer dresses again.


9. (小数)除(大数):
Three goes into fifteen five times.


希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...


go into
1. 进入(某空间、建筑物等):
Go into the garden and pick some pears, will you?


2. 进入,住进(通常为短时期内):
She had to go into hospital for her lumbar operation.


3. 调查,研究,了解:
The police are going into the murder case.


4. 讨论,(细)谈,涉及:
Now, if you will allow me, I'll go into the matter briefly.


5. 加入,投入;从事(某一行业):
The mayor went into politics as a very young man.


6. 进入…状态:
The sick man went into a coma.


7. 撞上:
The car went into a pole and was severely damaged.


8. 穿上:
It's so nice to go into summer dresses again.


9. (小数)除(大数):
Three goes into fifteen five times.



get into造句?

go into进入(某处);住进(医院等);进入(某种状况或情况);调查;(指资源等)被投资;开始某一职业;身着(丧服等)
get into产生对某事的爱好个兴趣;进入;陷入;染上(习惯);穿上(衣、鞋等)
1、We had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。
2、I must reduce to get into that fine dress. 要想穿上那件好衣服,我就得减肥。
3、He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他因偷车而麻烦缠身。
4、He got into gourmet cooking. 他对烹饪有了兴趣。
5、Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?
6、The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律将于明日午夜生效。
7、She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday. 她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产。

get into造句简单一点

进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于。get 表示“完全达到…的位置或状态”,get into 的基本意思是“全部进入到…之内”,可以引申为“陷入到…之中”或“因接触而受到…影响”,get into在语法上是来表示的是一种状态,一种兴趣而言。如:例句:How did you get into the industry? 你是怎样进入这个行业的?扩展资料近义词:go into意思:进入;加入;变得;探究,go into 在句子中通常用来表示主动的含义,是某件事情主动吸引,并因此产生了兴趣。短语1、go off into 开始 ; 进入 ; 爆发出2、Go Off Into Ecstasies 神魂飘荡 ; 神魂飞越例句:It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.那是一段私人谈话,我不想详述所谈内容。

