
时间:2024-05-12 09:43:08编辑:莆田seo君


椅子英语是chair。chair英[tʃeə]美[tʃer]。n.椅子;会议主持人;会长租信;主席;教授职位;轨座;轿子;职位。v.担任…主席;主持;监管;用椅子把…高高抬起。复数:chairs第三人称单链世数:chairs现在分词:chairing。过去式 chaired过去分词:chaired。网络释义:椅子 ; 主席 ; 椅 ; 主持。短语搭配:rocking chair摇椅;high chair高脚椅;take the chair担任主席;主持;easy chair安乐椅;swivel chair转椅。双语例句:1、He got out of his chair to rescue his cup of coffee.他起身离开坐椅去取回他那杯咖啡。2、The chair's modernity struck a discordant note in a room full of eighteenth-century furniture.在满屋子的18世纪家具中,这把充满现代感的椅子很是刺目。3、James slumped back into his chair, making it groan and bulge.詹姆士重重坐回椅子上,椅子被压得吱嘎作响。4、The low upholstered chair was one of the room's few comforts.那只矮脚软椅是这个弊唤轮房间里为数不多的舒适用品之一。5、He tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry.他力促捐资设立一个精神病学的教授职位。


1、stool英文发音:[stuːl]中文释义:n.凳子;粪便;厕所vi.长新枝;分檗vt.引诱,诱捕例句:O'Brien sat on a bar stool and leaned his elbows on the counter.奥布赖恩坐在酒吧凳上,肘部依在柜台上。2、bench英文发音:[bentʃ]中文释义:n.长凳;工作台;替补队员vt.给…以席位;为…设置条凳例句:He sat down on a park bench.他在一条公园的长凳上坐下来。3、Small campstool马扎属于中国传统手工工艺制品。是一种小型的坐具。腿交叉作为支架,上面绷帆布或麻绳等,可以合拢,便于携带。“马扎”俗名称板凳、杌扎,以其工艺独特、外形美观、坚固耐用、携带方便而著称。4、小木墩:Small plancon一种粗锯成或砍成的八边形硬材的墩,相对材面之间的厚度不小于10英寸。5、椅子:chair英 [tʃeə(r)] 美 [tʃer] n.椅子;(主持会议或委员会的)主席席位;委员长职位;(会议或委员会的)主席;委员长;(大学的)系主任v.担任(会议、讨论等的)主席;主持(会议、讨论等)We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think. 我看我们需要大约20把椅子。


椅子的英语单词是chair。作为名词的意思是椅子;讲座;(会议的)主席位;大学教授的职位。作为动词的意思是担任(会议的)主席;使……入座;使就任要职。词根助记:解析:sid 坐 -> 坐的东西 -> chair 椅子。联想:assiduous adj. 勤勉的。besiege v. 包围;团团围住;使...应接不暇。cathedral n. 大教堂。常用搭配:1、office chairn. 办公椅。2、in the chair处在主席地位;担任主席。3、rocking chair摇椅,安乐椅。句子:1、We need another chair, thank you.我们还需要一把椅子,谢谢。2、This pastor chaired a holy wedding.这位牧师主持了一场神圣的婚礼。3、The chair of the board of directors is currently vacant.董事会的主席位目前是空着的。4、Sit on your chair!坐在你的椅子上。5、We need four chairs.我们需要四把椅子。


椅子的英语单词是:chair. 例句:海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。 Helen sat upright in her chair. 扩展资料   梅格在她椅子上不安地动来动去。   Meg shifted uneasily on her chair.   他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。   Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair.   唐纳德仓促离开时撞翻了一把椅子。   Donald had overturned a chair in his hasty departure.   麦克抓紧了那把椅子的一对扶手。   Mack gripped the arms of the chair.


椅子[词典]chair;[例句]杯子放在椅子边上。The cup was poised on the edge of the chair.【回答】


椅子的英语翻译是:chair ; table chair.重点词汇:chair英 [tʃeə] 美 [tʃer]释义:n.椅子;会议主持人;会长;主席;教授职位;轨座;轿子;职位v.担任…主席;主持;监管;用椅子把…高高抬起table英 [ˈteɪbl] 美 [ˈteɪbl]释义:n.桌子;列表;一览表;表格;平面;谈判桌;饭菜;乘法表;名次表v.正式提交讨论;暂缓考虑;用宽贴边加固 短语:郁金香椅子 Tulip Side Chair ; Tulip Chair布尔诺椅子 Brno Flat Chair ; Brno Chair桌子和椅子 Table and chair舒适的椅子 comfortable chair ; a cozy chair词语辨析:armchair, chair, bench, stool这组词都有“椅子”的意思,其区别是:armchair 指有扶手的椅子。chair 通常指带有靠背的椅子,有时也指有靠背有扶手的椅子。bench 指可供两人或更多人坐的长凳或石凳,多置于公园或划艇中。stool 多指方的或圆的无靠背无扶手一人坐的凳子。例句:你可以调节椅子的高度。You can adjust the height of the chair. 《牛津词典》海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。Helen sat upright in her chair.


椅子英语是chair。chair英[tʃeə]美[tʃer]。n.椅子;会议主持人;会长租信;主席;教授职位;轨座;轿子;职位。v.担任…主席;主持;监管;用椅子把…高高抬起。复数:chairs第三人称单链世数:chairs现在分词:chairing。过去式 chaired过去分词:chaired。网络释义:椅子 ; 主席 ; 椅 ; 主持。短弊唤轮语搭配:rocking chair摇椅;high chair高脚椅;take the chair担任主弊唤轮席;主持;easy chair安乐椅;swivel chair转椅。双语例句:1、He got out of his chair to rescue his cup of coffee.他链世起身离开坐椅去取回租信他那杯咖啡。2、The chair's modernity struck a discordant note in a room full of eighteenth-century furniture.在满屋子的18世纪家具中,这把充满现代感租信的椅子很是刺目。3、James slumped back into his chair, making it groan and bulge.詹姆士重重坐回椅子上,椅子被压得吱嘎作响。4、The low upholstered chair was one of the room's few comforts.那只矮脚软椅是这个弊唤轮房间里为数不多的舒适用品之一。5、He tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry.他力促捐资设立一个精神病学的教链世授职位。


椅子英文是chair。例句:1、杯子放在椅子边上。The cup was poised on the edge of the chair.2、那只猫在抓挠椅子腿。The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.重点词汇:cup 杯子 ; 一杯 ; 杯 ; 量杯 ; 杯状物 ; 奖杯 ; 优胜杯赛 ; 罩杯 ; 混合饮料 ; 球洞 ; 护杯 ; 使窝成杯状 ; 使成圆状托起。poised 摆好姿势准备行动的 ; 蓄势待发 ; 处于准备状态 ; 平衡,稳固 ; 有充分准备 ; 准备好 ; 泰然自若的 ; 保持 ; 抓紧 ; 使稳定 ; poise的过去分词和过去式。on the edge of 濒于,几乎,在边缘。


椅子的英文:chair发音:英 [tʃeə(r)] 美 [tʃer] 释义:n.椅子;大学教授职位;主持会议的主席(的席位或职位);讲座vt.主持;使…入座;使就任要职例句:1、He sat penitently in his chair by the window.他懊悔地坐在靠窗的椅子上。2、Megan will chair the meeting.梅根将担任该会议的主席。3、Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.鲍勃从椅子上滑下来,趴在了地板上。4、Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair.利用午饭时间坐在椅子上打个盹吧。


  椅子是一种有靠背、有的还有扶手的坐具,“椅”即“梓”,是一种树木的名称。大家知道椅子的英文是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于椅子的英语知识吧。   椅子的英文释义   chair ; tablet chair   网 络chair;the chair;Chairs;Office chair   椅子的英文例句   那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。   The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.   两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。   Neither chair is fortable.   他把椅子从窗户中丢掷。   He hove a chair through the window.   她把椅子从餐桌向后挪了挪,再也吃不下了。   She pushed her chair back from the table, satiated.   我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?   May I bring my chair next to yours?   在他重压下,椅子断了。   The chair fragmented under his weight.   伊莎贝尔猛得把她的椅子往后一推,差点把椅子弄倒。   Isabel shoved her chair back so quickly that it almost toppled over.   他猛然坐到一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱作响。   He crashed down on a protesting chair.   他们总是背靠著椅子,把脚放在前排的椅子上。   They always lean back and put their feet up on the seat in front of them.   椅子的英语句子带翻译   1. He sat penitently in his chair by the window. 他懊悔地坐在靠窗的椅子上。   2. Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor. 鲍勃从椅子上滑下来,趴在了地板上。   3. Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair. 利用午饭时间坐在椅子上打个盹吧。   4. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair. 阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。   5. I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support. 我踉踉跄跄地,不得不抓住一把椅子稳住自己。   6. We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair. 我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。   7. He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。   8. Spencer waded through the debris of broken chairs and beer bottles. 斯潘塞艰难地迈过一堆破椅子和碎啤酒瓶。   9. Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath. 看看椅子的下面,检查一下它的实际构造。   10. Her voice was shockingly loud. "Put the chair down," she brayed. 她的声音大得吓人。“放下椅子,”她粗声说道。   11. He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit. 他指著一把椅子,示意她坐下。   12. She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn. 她把椅子转过来,向外凝视著屋后的草坪。   13. The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong. 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。   14. He pulled up a chair and sat down across from Michael. 他拉过一把椅子,坐在了迈克尔的对面。   15. She came towards me so quickly that she knocked a chair over. 她飞快地朝我这边走来,把一张椅子都撞翻了。   16. Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen. 妈妈坐在厨房里的椅子上。   17. He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk. 他挥手指了指一把椅子,自己在书桌旁坐了下来。   18. He gradually relaxed his grip on the arms of the chair. 他紧握椅子扶手的手逐渐松开了。   19. Eva pulled over a chair and sat beside her hu *** and. 伊娃拽过一把椅子,坐到丈夫的身边。   20. She sat on a chair in the flagged yard. 她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一把椅子上。 1.英语童话故事及翻译 2.英语教学的方法 3.书桌用英语怎么说 4.面料的英文翻译是什么的相关英语知识 5.医药专业英语翻译 6.叉子的英文单词



