second floor

时间:2024-05-12 06:03:24编辑:莆田seo君

second floor怎么读

second floor英 [ˈsekənd flɔ:] 美 [ˈsɛkənd flɔr] n. 二楼,三楼拓展资料1、There are three bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. 二楼有三个卧室和一个浴室。2、On second floor there are bedrooms, storage and playroom. 二楼有卧室,储藏间和娱乐室。3、You can sit on the second floor. 你可以坐在第二层上。4、We ll use the conference room on the second floor for the meeting. 我们将使用二楼的会议室开会。5、The second floor gave way under the weight of the machines. 三楼地板在机器的重压下坍了下去。


二楼用英语是second floor。一、读音1、英[ˈsekənd flɔː(r)]。2、美[ˈsekənd flɔːr]。二、释义在这个词组中,second是一个形容词,起修饰作用,它的意思是第二的,第二个的,居第二位的;floor是一个英语名词,它的意思是地板,地面,楼层。三、相似短语:1、on the floor phr:在发言;在讨论中;在拍摄中。2、be on the floor:正在发言中(影片)正在拍摄中。3、second to:次于,不如。3、to second:赞成。4、be second to:仅次于。5、floor to floor time:时间间断。四、表达习惯美式表达中一层就是“一层”,二层就是“二层”,所以second floor在美式英语中是指二楼。而英式会认为一层是ground Floor,与地面ground平齐,而二层才是first Floor,所以second floor在英式英语中则是三楼的意思。Second floor的例句:1、Her office is on the second floor.她的办公室在三楼。2、She rented the second floor of the city hall for two months.她租用市政厅大会堂的二楼,为期两个月。3、The surge emptied out most of the apartments on the second floor.巨浪已经把公寓二层楼上几乎所有的房间洗劫一空。4、Haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where i was standing.他傲然跨出电梯,走到二楼,我刚好站在那儿。5、You need to go to the shoe department on the second floor.您得上二楼的鞋靴部。6、Reaching the antique market, straight up to second floor.到了古玩城,直奔二楼。7、It's on the second floor, the third room on the right.在第二层,右边第三个房间。8、The second floor held a performance hall and stage.而它的二楼则是表演厅及舞台。9、The room was on the second floor, facing the street.房间在第二层楼,面对着大街。10、The business centre is on the second floor of the hotel.商务中心在宾馆的第二层。

on the second floor是什么意思

on the second floor。从字面意思上讲,为“在第二层”,即楼房的二层。也可以根据文章中的意思进行自己的判断,常见的有:话语中的言外之意,事物更上一层楼,进一步进行下一个动作。on the second floor 句型分析:on 作为方位介词表示在??之上,作为词组的开始。the 特殊修饰词,在序数词second之前,进行修饰,有序数词必有the。floor地板,作为整个词组的名词,前面的都是定义它的特殊之处,为中心。


second floor 英[ˈsekənd flɔ:] 美[ˈsɛkənd flɔr]n. 二楼,三楼;[网络] 第二层; 二楼; 二层;[例句]Stop in our health clinic on the second floor.到二楼的健康门诊。扩展资料second英[ˈsekənd]美[ˈsekənd]n.秒; 瞬间; 次货; 第二份食物;adj.第二的; 次要的; 居第二位的; 另外的;adv.第二; 其次; 以第二位;词组1.second stage 第二级2.for a second 一会儿,片刻3.second generation 第二代;改进型4.per second 每秒5.second floor (美)二楼;(英)三楼造句1.J.f maston seconded him to the best of his ability .梅斯顿尽力帮助他。2.I only heard the news at second hand .我只是间接听到这个消息的。3.The second line was far more ambitious .第二条防线是更加伟大的。4.You will meet none of them a second time .以后您不会再看见他们。5.The team recovered its lead in the second half .该队在下半场重新领先。

