apart from

时间:2024-05-12 05:28:04编辑:莆田seo君

apart from是什么意思

apart from的意思是除了。apart:adv.分开地;分开;分离,相隔;相距,不在一起,成碎片;adj.与众不同的。from:prep.从……起,始于;从……开始;寄自,得自;来自,源于,出自,从……来;由制成;表示两者之间的距离;表示幅度或范围从到;表示原因由于,因为。except for和apart from的区别except for意思是“除了……之外,别无”,表示排除意义,除外的部分和论述的部分通常不是同一类事物。apart from既有“除……之外,别无”的意思,又有“除……之外,还有”的意思,既表示排除意义,又可以表示补充意义。Apart from的用法举例1、表示除……之外,别无。Apart from other considerations, time is also a factor. 除了别的考虑之外,时间也是一个因素。2、撇开……来说(表示除……以外尚有),此外,加之。Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错。

apart from的用法是什么?

apart from : 强调除此之外,其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.例如:Apart from the coat, the hat doesn't suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。apart from 在同类或不同类都能用。She lives in seclusion apart from her friend.她远离朋友,过隐居生活。Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.他除了脸部和双手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.除了英语以外,我们还学俄语及西班牙语。

apart from , besides到底有什么区别?

你好,apart from和besides的区别 一、“apart from”也有“除了”的意思,它和“except、except for”的区别是,“apart from”不仅可以表示“除去……以外”,还指“除了……以外还有……”。来看几个例句。 Examples Apart from English, he has a good command of Russian and French. 除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语。(= besides) Apart from the coat, the hat doesn't suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。 He has no interests, apart from his work. 他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好。(= except ) Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes. 除了这件连衣裙以外,我还买了一顶帽子和一双鞋。 Sally is a nice person apart from being a bit short-tempered. 莎莉除了有点爱发脾气,人还不错。 Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes.除了这件连衣裙以外,我还买了一顶帽子和一双鞋。 二、单词besides。besides的意思是“除了……之外还有(=in addition to)”。 比如,上面的第一个例句Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes,我们可以用besides替换里面的apart from,句意不发生变化:Besides this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes. 再来看一个包含单词besides的例句。 Example Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。 She can speak French and Japanese besides English. 除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语【摘要】
apart from , besides到底有什么区别?【提问】
你好,apart from和besides的区别 一、“apart from”也有“除了”的意思,它和“except、except for”的区别是,“apart from”不仅可以表示“除去……以外”,还指“除了……以外还有……”。来看几个例句。 Examples Apart from English, he has a good command of Russian and French. 除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语。(= besides) Apart from the coat, the hat doesn't suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。 He has no interests, apart from his work. 他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好。(= except ) Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes. 除了这件连衣裙以外,我还买了一顶帽子和一双鞋。 Sally is a nice person apart from being a bit short-tempered. 莎莉除了有点爱发脾气,人还不错。 Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes.除了这件连衣裙以外,我还买了一顶帽子和一双鞋。 二、单词besides。besides的意思是“除了……之外还有(=in addition to)”。 比如,上面的第一个例句Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes,我们可以用besides替换里面的apart from,句意不发生变化:Besides this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes. 再来看一个包含单词besides的例句。 Example Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。 She can speak French and Japanese besides English. 除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语【回答】

apart from和besides的区别是什么?

区别如下:apart from有两个意思,一个意思相当于besides,意为“除此之外,还有……”,另一个意思相当于except for,意为“除了……”,是对主句意思的修正。例如:Apart from Mary,there are three people in the room.(此句中apart from=besides)除了玛丽以外,房间里还有三个人。Apart from the old lady,there is nobody on the bus.(此句中apart from=except for)除了一个老奶奶,公交车上一个人也没有。besides:强调“除此之外,还包括”。apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides。besides是一个英语单词,副词、介词,作副词时意思是“况且,再说;此外,以及”,作介词时意思是“除……之外(还)”。短语搭配Besides You除祢以外 ; 除了你Besides tomorrow除了明天Besides English除了英语之外 双语例句1、We have no other tools besides these.除这些工具外,我没有别的工具。2、Do you have any other discomfort besides this?除了头痛你还有其他的不舒服吗?。3、Besides this, I have no other relationship with her.除了这些,我和她没有任何关系。



apart from和except的区别是什么?

apart from 和except的区别有:1、排除的含义不同except (for)表示排除意义,即“除了…别无”,而apart from 则既表示排除意义,又可以表示补充意义。2、后接词语词性不同apart from后常接名词,但是except后除了名词或代词还有副词、介词、状语从句、不动式等结构。3、词性不同except作为单词可以是介词、连词和动词,而apart from是动词短语。扩展资料一、apart from英 [əˈpɑ:t frɔm] 美 [əˈpɑrt frʌm] 除去;脱离;除此之外;撇开…来说例句1、Apart from clothes and bedding, I have nothing. 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。2、Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there 除了主人外,那里的人我一个也不认识。3、Apart from [ Except for] a few grammatical mistakes, thiscomposition of yours is well written. 除了几处语法错误之外,你这篇作文写得不错。二、except英 [ɪkˈsept] 美 [ɪkˈsɛpt] vt.把…除外;不计prep.除…外conj.除非;[口语]要不是;除…以外vi.反对,表示异议例句1、We all went except him. 除他以外,我们都去了。2、All the tractors except this are good in quality. 除了这台拖拉机,所有其他的拖拉机质量都很好。3、There's nothing except sport and repeats on TV. 除了体育节目和重播节目外,电视上没什么新鲜内容。

apart from和except的区别是什么?

区别如下:apart from有两个意思,一个意思相当于besides,意为“除此之外,还有……”,另一个意思相当于except for,意为“除了……”,是对主句意思的修正。例如:Apart from Mary,there are three people in the room.(此句中apart from=besides)除了玛丽以外,房间里还有三个人。Apart from the old lady,there is nobody on the bus.(此句中apart from=except for)除了一个老奶奶,公交车上一个人也没有。besides:强调“除此之外,还包括”。apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides。besides是一个英语单词,副词、介词,作副词时意思是“况且,再说;此外,以及”,作介词时意思是“除……之外(还)”。短语搭配Besides You除祢以外 ; 除了你Besides tomorrow除了明天Besides English除了英语之外 双语例句1、We have no other tools besides these.除这些工具外,我没有别的工具。2、Do you have any other discomfort besides this?除了头痛你还有其他的不舒服吗?。3、Besides this, I have no other relationship with her.除了这些,我和她没有任何关系。

except, aside from, apart from, except, besides有什么区别呢?

aside from,apart from,except,besides在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别:"Aside from":表示除了某个事物或人以外,还有其他事物或人存在。"Apart from":也表示除了某个事物或人以外,还有其他事物或人存在。"Except":表示排除或不包括某个事物或人。"Besides":除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在。例句:"Aside from English, he can also speak French and Spanish."(除了英语,他还会说法语和西班牙语。)"Apart from the blue shirt, all the others are red."(除了蓝色的衬衫,其他都是红色的。)"Everyone is here except John."(除了约翰,每个人都在这里。)"Besides the cake, there are also cookies and ice cream."(除了蛋糕,还有饼干和冰淇淋。)2. 语法区别:"Aside from":通常用作介词。"Apart from":也通常用作介词。"Except":既可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。"Besides":可以用作介词或副词。例句:"Aside from English, she is also learning Chinese."(除了英语,她还在学习中文。)(介词)"Apart from his job, he enjoys playing the guitar."(除了工作,他喜欢弹吉他。)(介词)"He likes all fruits except bananas."(他喜欢所有水果,除了香蕉。)(介词)"Besides being a talented singer, she is also a skilled dancer."(除了是一位才华横溢的歌手,她还是一位熟练的舞者。)(介词)3. 用法区别:"Aside from" 和 "Apart from":强调除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在,表达的意思相似,可以互换使用。"Except":强调排除或不包括某个事物或人,与其他选项略有不同。"Besides":强调除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在,但更常用于列举多个选项。例句:"Aside from his regular job, he also does freelance work."(除了他的正式工作,他也做自由职业。)"Apart from studying, she enjoys playing tennis."(除了学习,她喜欢打网球。)"I invited everyone except Peter to the party."(我邀请了每个人,除了彼得。)"Besides English, she can also speak German and Italian."(除了英语,她还会说德语和意大利语。)4. 使用环境区别:"Aside from" 和 "Apart from":常用于表达除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在的情况,可以用于各种语境。"Except":通常用于排除或限定某个事物或人的情况,表达更强调例外的概念。"Besides":常用于列举多个选项或陈述其他补充信息的情况,稍微更通用一些。例句:"Aside from the rainy weather, the trip was enjoyable."(除了下雨的天气,这次旅行很愉快。)"They all passed the test apart from Tim."(除了蒂姆,他们都通过了考试。)"She likes all fruits except for apples."(她喜欢所有水果,除了苹果。)"Besides English, he is also fluent in French and German."(除了英语,他还能流利地说法语和德语。)

apart from, except, besides有什么区别呢?

  apart from 、except和besides 都表示除开的意思
  (1) besides 与 except 前者表示”除.. . 以外,还有.. 后者表示”从整体中除去.. 这 . ”; .” 个大家都知道,就不举例子了.

  ( 2)except 与 except for a. 除去的和非除去的是同类事物,except eg:All the essays are well written except Nelson's.用 Nelson 的文章(除去的)和 All the essays(非除去的)是同类事物,所以用 except. b.除去的和非除去的不是同类事物,用 except for,并且从语气上通常表示遗憾. eg:His essay is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.a few spelling mistakes(除去的)和 His essay(非除去的)是不同类的事物.

    (3) apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示 besides,也可以表示 exept 或 exept for,还可以 表示 without 的意思 eg:Apart from the cost,it will take a lot of time.(=besides) The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.(=except) He has done good work,apart from a few slight faults.(=except for) There can be no knowledge apart from practice.实践出真知. (=without)





上一篇:adobe premiere 6.5
