the following

时间:2024-05-11 23:36:57编辑:莆田seo君


following:adj.(时间上)接着的;下述的;下列的; n.(统称)拥护者,追随者; v.跟随;跟着; 扩展资料   The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake.   地震发生后政府已宣布进入紧急状态。   I looked back, half expecting to see someone following me.   我回过头去,想着可能看到有人跟着我。   Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident.   早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。




the following Sunday:

2楼的牛津高阶英语词典 是盗版的吗

1.the following

2.following ['fɔləuiŋ]
adj. 下面的;其次的,接着的
n. 下列事物;一批追随者
v. 跟随;沿行(follow的ing形式)

在此做 形容词

1.Did millie and amy go to sunshine park the following sunday ?


2.The following Sunday, the five rescuers were honored at a morning church service.


The following 请帮忙翻译一下

按照对话经常听到母亲和孩子之间。了解在这段对话中的母亲和孩子可以什么杰克:好的,妈妈,我现在去上学。玛丽:好吧,亲爱的。你什么时候回家?杰克:哦,我不知道。我可能去波林的。关于过去四年半,我想。玛丽好的。过马路的时候要小心你如何。车下来,希尔非常快。杰克:妈妈,不要像一个孩子一样对待我。我可不傻,你知道的。无论如何,别担心。我会小心的。哪里是我的棒球帽?玛丽在这儿。等等,外面在下雨。穿上你的雨衣。问题:1你认为杰克的妈妈是担心?2 2。你认为杰克是多少岁?3杰克对他母亲的谈话的态度是什么?


1. 本句是祈使句。祈使句的主语you(第二人称,也可以指听话人)通常省略。本句用了宾语后置,即把动词宾语置于介词短语in mind 之后,其原因往往是宾语较长,这样做是为了保持句子平衡。例如:
(You) Feed the cat. (你)把猫喂一下。
Don't (you) be late again. (你)不要再迟到了。(否定祈使句的主语通常置于don't之后)
Don't anybody touch the wet paint.谁都不要触摸未干的油漆。
2. 在英语中,主句可以单独成句,而从句则否。因为主句的句意是完整的,而从句则是依附于主句,失去主句,其句意是不完整的。试比较:
When I arrived there, the train had left.


  一。I am a student in campus and my major is music. It has been three years since i entered this university. Here I get more closer to my dream the music
  since I was in high school I have been preoccupied with the music It provided me many inspirations and passion
  Now I can afford time enjoy many kinds of musics. After class i always play basketball.Except eatting and sleeping I spend most of my time learning the music history and listening every kinds of musics .It includes not only the classic the pop but also the jazz the blues and the hip-hop .When i am listening music my heart is serene ,everything fades away in my mind, only the nature remains.In order to find a job related with music I have many things to do. I will spare no efforts to enhance my music taste and if possible i want to become a musician.
  I am aware that it is not easy job but i like challenge.
  二。I was so excited when i entered the college. For so many years, I worked hard to achieve this dream and finally i made it. Everything seemed fresh and curious to me. I was so pleased that I would enjoy my college life soon.
  when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldn't play with my friends a lot, which I couldn't stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.
  However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.
  I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.




My ideal is a reporter (我的理想是当记者)

Ideal is the beacon life navigation. Every person should have his own ideal. Some people have become scientists or the astronomers yes I would, some people just want to do an ordinary workers, people's teacher. My ideal is to be a reporter.

Whenever I see TV wars, the true love scene, I naturally think of war reporter of the credit. With their lives bets, unarmed in the battlefield to wander, just to win people the feeling of peace. In television, sports games was in full swing, in addition to the athletes, who has the same hard? It is a reporter. The dog, they in the camera busy trying, but people in the big shout "wonderful" at the same time, see the glory of the athletes, forget the reporters sweat. They also is tired. In fact, most of the time not people forget to reporters, but reporters to firmly "hidden" rise. I admire the reporter's silent and selfless, at the same time, a ideal seed germination in my heart. I think: the reporter, is a glorious career.

Since the childhood, my ideal has been changed: scientists, the police, the driver...... But it only in "reporter" two words make on for several years. If I become a reporter, I will do everything in my power to the latest news for the audience. Maybe I can't become a famous journalists, but I will still be in only on the position of the struggle. Where there is news, I rushed to where, for the first time as the audience brought the events. I want to let only lens stopped at the great river north and south. If there are conditions, I'll be out of an autobiography, to let everyone know that's journalist is not easy. There were no press, people cannot understand quickly national and international affairs, also do not have the slang is the talk of after-dinner speaking, that way of life how disappointing!

The parents said to me, the reporter is eat rice of youth, wait old you have is place. And, I also know as a journalist, will be rejected by many people, don't understand. But no matter what, I love the media business. In order to achieve my ideal, I should as a child study well, strive for the goal of from I step closer!




My ideal would like and occupational
Everyone has their own ideals, their dreams, I am certainly no exception myself, that is ----- When a teacher
A co-teacher is the ideal of childhood, I must grow up, but to achieve this ideal is also a very easy thing. I must learn to primary school middle and high schools must Shanghao to fight admitted to a graduate teacher university, because the only way to achieve my ideal of childhood.
Every one of our teachers are very good, especially our class teacher Zhao, her homeroom teacher a sense of responsibility is very strong, their classes are often disobedient, Zhao teachers get very angry but, Zhao is calm tell them truth, I have to work out one after Zhao learning, when a qualified teacher of the people.
This is my ideal and my career.


following的用法:可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。following意思: 追随者。following侧重点:的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。例句:Her books aren't bestsellers, but they have a certain cult following.她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者。


英文的电子邮件时常会涉及到“具体情况/列表/名单如下”这样的表达法。这其实就是as follows 与following 的用法。总的来说是多用as
follows,少用following 就好。

as follows与following 的区别

"As follows" is often used to introduce a list (of things, etc.)

E.g. The 75 students are divided into five groups as follows: group 1 - group 5

We may also say:
1. The 75 students are divided into the following five groups:
2. The five groups of 75 students can be found in the following list:
简单来说As follows (不是as follow )是惯用语的构成形式,而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式.

some regular examples as follows:
The method I use is as follows.我使用的方法如下
The Procedure is as follows. 过程如下
Please contact him in the first instance,who is available via the following contact details:
The functions of the Authority are listed as follows.
Those facilities are listed as follows.
Your Company will be listed as follows.

关于following 的四个绝佳例句:

1、It rained on the day
we arrived, but the following day was sunny. 我们到达的那天正下雨, 但次日天气晴朗.

2、Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题.

3、The following is of the greatest importance. 下面一点最为重要.

4、The following are extracts from the original article.

Therefore,thus (英文较好的入)

更新1: therefore同thus后面 驶唔驶转其他时式?? 更新2: 我想问下 呢两句有d咩唔通 peter is laughed by tom;he therefore upset feeling. peter is laughed by tom;he thus upset feeling. 个he唔可以放系前面架咩? 首先 therefore同thus. 一般来说 therefore同thus都通用.但严格来说 therefore是用于logical嘅前因同后果.好像中文的(因此). thus就用在事情的始末 好像中文的(在这情形下/因为这个情形). thus是较为old English的用法. 你的例子用therefore较合适. peter is laughed by tom;he therefore upset feeling. peter is laughed by tom;he thus upset feeling. 两句都唔系好通. 先不理tense 这样较好: Peter is laughed by Tom;therefore he has upset feeling. 或 Peter is laughed by Tom; therefore he feels upset. peter is laughed by tom;Thus he was upset. 前半段是原因 后半段是结果.原因比结果更早发生 冇理由结果是past tense而原因会是present tense. 全件事已发生 所以应是past tense. Peter was laughed by Tom; therefore he was upset. 2009-12-24 23:14:03 补充: 可以 但唔系咁用.首先 你需要一个verb. upset feeling不是verb. 放开therefore he upset feeling就不对了. 如果你写成 Peter was laughed by Tom; he therefore was upset. 都可以 但一般是写成 Peter was laughed by Tom and he therefore was upset. or Peter was laughed by Tom and he therefore had upset feeling.







