生活常识 英文

时间:2024-05-11 17:32:03编辑:莆田seo君


1. 有关生活常识的英语题
有关生活常识的英语题 1.求一些(英语)生活小知识
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。 Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。

Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。 Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。

Pride goes before, and shame es after.骄傲使人落后。 Promise is debt.一诺千金。

Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。 Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。

Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。 Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。

Reading enriches the mind.开卷有益。 Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。

Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必须自重。 Rome is not built in a day冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。 Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

Seek the truth from facts.实事求是。 Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him. 智者当差,不用交代。

Set a thief to catch a thief.以贼捉贼。 Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算账。

Something is better than nothing.聊胜于无。 Soon learn, soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。

Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快。 Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。

Still water run deep.静水常深。 Strike the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。

Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。 Take things as they e.既来之,则安之。

Talking mends no holes. 空谈无补。 Talk of the devil and he will appear.说曹操,曹操就到。

Tall trees catch much wind.树大招风。 Teach others by your example.躬亲示范。

The best hearts are always the bravest.无私者无畏。 The best man stumbles.伟人也有犯错时。

The cat shuts its eyes when stealing.掩耳盗铃。 The danger past and God forgotten.过河拆桥。

The darkest hour is nearest the dawn.黎明前的黑暗。 The darkest place is under the candlestick.烛台底下最暗。

The devil knows many things because he is old.老马识途。 The devil sometimes speaks the truth魔鬼有时也会说真话。

The die is cast.木已成舟。 The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
1. Actions speak louder than words. 百说不如一干。

2. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

3. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策。

4. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

5. A burden of one's choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。

6. Adversity leads to prosperity. 逆境出人才。

7. A stitch in time saves nine. 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

8. Easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难。

9. Eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。

10. pride goes before, and shame es
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。 Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。

Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。 Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。

Pride goes before, and shame es after.骄傲使人落后。 Promise is debt.一诺千金。

Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。 Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。

Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。















nbsp;Anbsp;goodnbsp;famenbsp;isnbsp;betternbsp;thannbsp;anbsp;goodnbsp;face.美名胜过美貌。nbsp;Anbsp;goodnbsp;hu *** andnbsp;makesnbsp;anbsp;goodnbsp;wife.夫善则妻贤。




你好!这个问题问的很宽泛,只能给你举一些例子: 1.日期(如今天today、周一Monday、春天spring、假期holiday); 2.位置(前ahead、后behind、左left、右right、上up、下down、周围around); 3.行业(老师teacher、医生docter、商业bussiness、经济economy); 4.物品(电灯light、书本book、包bag、电脑puter、汽车car、桥bridge); 5.动植物(猫cat、狗dog、蜜蜂bee、蝴蝶butterfly、花flower); 总之,关于生活常识的英语太多了(学英语是日积月累的过程),如果你想了解更多,不妨买一本英汉辞典看看。

先喝一杯水。 预防结石(Woke up this morning 。

Drink a glass of water。 Prevention of stone)2、鸡 *** 含有致癌物, 不要吃较好(Chicken butt contains carcinogens , do not eat well)3、喝豆浆时不要加鸡蛋及糖。

也不要喝太多(Do not drink milk and sugar , add eggs 。 Do not drink too much)4、空腹时不要吃蕃茄, 最好饭后吃(Do not eat tomatoes fasting , the best meal to eat)5、抽烟,关系最大的是 肺癌,唇癌,舌癌,喉癌,食道癌,也与膀胱癌有关 (Smoking , the relationship is the largest lung cancer, lip cancer , tongue cancer , laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, but also with bladder cancer)6、饮酒导致肝硬化 。

引发肝癌(Drinking leading to cirrhosis。 Cause liver cancer)先给这几个,不够再给你,给我留言。
1.record of a British census and land survey in 1085-1086 ordered by William the Conqueror威廉大帝下令进行的1085-1086年间的英国人口和土地普查记录。

2.usually refers to the British House of Lancaster and York between supporters of the dynasty to the throne of England the intermittent civil war.Plantage royal family are the two branches, is a descendant of King Edward III. Wars of the Roses is not the name used at the time, it's home from the selected two royal emblem, the red roses of Lancaster and York's white rose.1455年至1487年其间,兰开斯特家族(House of Lancaster)和约克家族(House of York)的支持者为了英格兰王位而发生断续的内战,史称玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses),或蔷薇战争。两个家族都是金雀花王朝(Plantage)皇族的分支,为英王爱德华三世的后裔。


In 55 B.C. Julius Caesar, then general of the Roman armies in Gaul, decided that it would be a good move to try a little summer invasion of Britiain. The Celts in Gaul had been receiving aid from their close relations in southern England. British Celts may even have fought with related tribes in Gaul against the Romans. In 43 A.D. Claudius became Emperor of Rome. Needing a public relations coup to secure his tenuous position he decided to revive the dream of expanding the Empire to the British Isles. The pretext was conveniently provided by Caratacus, king of the Catavellauni tribe. Caratacus invaded the territories of the Atrebates, whose king, Verica, fled to Rome and appealed for help. Claudius was quite happy to respond.Vespasian's 2nd Legion marched through Sussex and Hampshire, the lands of the Atrebates, who were friendly to Rome, meeting their first real opposition from the Durotriges tribe in Dorset. They overran the hill fort of Hod Hill, and in an unusual move, built their military camp in one corner of the enclosure, where it can be seen today. Then they pushed on to present day Exeter, capturing twenty hill forts in all.The Romans followed the formula in Britain that had been so successful elsewhere; rather than try to conquer with force, they established "client kingdoms" on the borders of territory they directly controlled. Basically this meant that certain Celtic tribes, in return for not being overrun, agreed to ally themselves to Rome. Treaties with tribes in the north and in East Anglia created buffers on the frontiers while the process of mopping up resistance continued.2.The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the most famous events in British history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land, and gave it to his Norman followers. He used a strong Norman government replaced the weakSaxon government. Thus, the feudal system pletely established in England.Open relationship with the European continent, civilization and merce wereintroduced Norman - French culture, language, manners and architecture.Church closer connection with Rome, the Church and the secular court courtseparation.。


  生活常识,是指人们在日常生活中总结出来的科学知识,涵盖健康、营养、饮食、居家、生活小窍门等各方面。那么你知道吗?下面和我一起来学习一下生活常识的英语说法吧。   生活常识的英语说法1:   mon sense   生活常识的英语说法2:   Living knowledge   生活常识的相关短语:   生活常识必备 Living knowledge   一些生活小常识 Some life tips ; Some life knowledge   冬天生活常识 winter life tips   生活常识的英语例句:   1. Grandpa knows a lot of horse sense.   我祖父知道很多生活常识.   2. He doesn't have a lick of mon sense.   他一点生活常识也没有.   3. Julia: It's a book of 366 interesting questions about animals, science, culture, general knowledge, ect.   茱利亚: 它是一本包含366个关于动物 、 科学 、 文化 、 生活常识等题目的书.   4. Now can you tell me which are healthy food and which are unhealthy food . plete the.   根据生活常识,判断刚学的食品哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品.   5. Now can you tell me which are healthy foods and which are unhealthy foods pletetable below.   根据生活常识,判断刚才所学的食品哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品.   6. When there is no rain for a long time, water supplies often dwindle.   结合上下文和生活常识可知很长时间不下雨的话, “水供应”时常会减少.   7. These anti - aging secrets all involve mon sense changes in lifestyle and habits.   这些 抗老化 的秘密包括改变生活方式和习惯的许多常识.   8. mon sense really counts a lot in dealing with our everyday lives.   常识在我们的日常生活中真的很有用.   9. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology, and politics and the sane living.   处事的金科玉律、爱、卫生常识 、 生态学 、 政治学,还有健康的生活.   10. You are called on to make use of your natural abilities and mon sense.   生活需要你利用自己的天赋和常识.   11. Besides is also the case with the citizen's expenditure as education, information, traveling.   除此之外,老黎民的办事性消费,如教诲, 资讯,百句浓缩的生活小常识, 游览等消耗也会大批增加.   12. Topics: self - introduction, life in secondary school, extra - curricular activities, hobbies, picture description and current affairs etc.   主题: 自我 介绍 、 中学生活 、 课外活动 、 兴趣、时事常识 、 图片简述等.


1 common to make bulk delicious Steamed Rice, as long as the rice soakfor half an hour before the water is good. If you hurry, you can first wash with cold water meters, the water drain into the boiling water, stirring up and down evenly, and then into the rice cooker.
2 the freshness of flowers. The tap water and bleach to the ratio of 2:1 with good, with good water flower, can be a long time to maintain the beauty of the flower.
3 remove the smell of cigarette smoke. Now, whether man or woman,cigarette smoking appears to be a trend, indoor smoking, smoke, harmful to health, such as recognizing the problem, you can dip vinegar gauze wield or a candle in the room, smoke that is, except.
4 to buy a gift to give, the price tag is difficult to tear up, pull the hand willdig out the dirty black but more ugly, if using the hair dryer blowing hotagain tear, will be very easily torn off, leaving no trace! Posted on the wall of the tape or adhesive tape, if hard to open, can damage the object, steamiron, can be easily thrown off.
5 how to make candles don't cry " "? The birthday candle before using in the refrigerator freezer room freezing for 24 hours, and theninserted into the cake, lit no candle oil flow and dirty cake.
6 every girl has such trouble, and finally to the beauty salon hair, after wake up, on the deformation of the hair! In fact, this situation is preventable, as long as the bed pillows spread in a smooth texture of the scarf, so, will not clutter up the hair, but also to maintain beautiful hair!
采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢~


生活健康小常识之春季健康小常识 一、健康小常识之每日宜早卧早起,保证一定的睡眠时间。


三、健康小常识之早餐要摄取较多的热量 养成每天早餐摄取大部分热量食物的习惯,以便供给人体充足的热量。 四、健康小常识之平衡饮食。

多吃一些富含优质蛋白的食物,以满足春季因人体代谢旺盛而蛋白质需求的增加。 五、健康小常识之吃一些稍微有一些辛味的东西,如葱、生姜、韭菜、蒜苗等;饮食要清淡,油腻的菜肴可使人饭后产生疲惫现象。

六、多吃富含维生素A,具有保护和增强上呼吸道粘膜和呼吸器官上皮细胞功能的胡萝卜、菠菜、南瓜、番茄、青椒、芹菜等黄绿色蔬菜. 七、健康小常识之慢性气管炎、支气管炎也易在春季发作,健康小常识之宜多吃具有祛痰健脾补肾养肺的食物。例如枇杷、梨、核桃、蜂蜜等有助于减轻症状。


46个不可不知的生活健康小常识 1、常吃宵夜。会得胃癌。

因为胃得不到休息。 2、一个星期只能吃四颗蛋。


3、鸡 *** 含有致癌物,不要吃较好。 4、饭后吃水果是错误的观念。

应是饭前吃水果。 5、女生月经来时。


多吃可以补血的东西。 6、喝豆浆时不要加鸡蛋及糖。

也不要喝太多。 7、空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃。


预防结石。 9、睡前三小时不要吃东西。

会胖。 10、少喝奶茶。




等疾病。 11、刚出炉的面包不宜马上食用。


切忌放在床边。 13、天天喝水八大杯。





易昏昏欲睡。 18、下午五点后。

大餐少少吃,因为五点后身体不需那么多能量。 19、10种吃了会快乐的食物:深海鱼,香蕉,葡萄柚,全麦面包,菠菜,大蒜,南瓜,低脂牛奶,鸡肉,樱桃。

20、睡眠不足会变笨,一天须八小时睡眠,有午睡习惯较不会老。 21、最佳睡眠时间是在晚上10点~清晨6点。

22、每天喝酒不要超过一杯,因为酒精会抑制制造抗体的B细胞,增加细菌感染的机会。 23、服用胶囊应以冷水吞服(可以第一个吃),睡前30分先服药。

忌立即躺下。 24、酸梅具防止老化作用,青春永驻;肝火有毛病者宜多食用。



26、帮助头发生长:多食用包心菜,蛋。豆类;少吃甜食(尤其是果糖) 。


28、苹果是机车族、瘾君子、家庭主妇的常备良药,一天一颗,才能让自己有个干干净净的肺。 29、抽烟又吃维他命(B胡萝卜素-A维他命的一种),会致癌,尽早戒烟。

才是最健康的做法。 30、女性不宜喝茶的五个时期:月经来时,孕妇,临产前。

生产完后,更年期。 31、抽烟,关系最大的是肺癌,唇癌,舌癌,喉癌,食道癌,也与膀胱癌有关。


33、吃槟榔会导致口腔纤维化,口腔癌。 34、食物过于精细,缺乏纤维;含大量脂肪,尤其是胆固醇会引发胃癌。

35、食物过于粗糙,营养不足时导致食道癌,胃癌。 36、食品中的黄曲毒素。

亚硝酸类物皆具有致癌性。 37、不抽烟。

拒吸二手烟。 38、适量饮酒,不拼久。

不醉酒。 39、减少食用盐腌。

烟熏,烧烤的食物。 40、每天摄取新鲜的蔬菜与水果。

41、每天摄取富含高纤维的五谷类及豆类。 42、每天摄取均衡的饮食,不过量。


44、保持规律的生活与运动。 45、保持轻松愉快的心情。

健康生活的英语作文I think healthy living habits are very important for usIn current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit。

( 在当今社会, 人们已经知道养成健康良好生活习惯的重要性)First, we should eat plenty of fruits and meat or vegetables。 We shouldn't eat too many snack foods。

( 首先, 我们应该吃大量的水果,肉或蔬菜。 我们不应当吃太多的快餐)Second, we should drink plenty of water。

( 第二, 我们应该饮用大量的水)Third, I think more meat and fish, leexercise are bad for health。 Good rest, lemeat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health。

( 第三, 我认为太多的肉和鱼,少量的锻炼都对身体健康不好。 充足的睡眠,少吃肉和鱼,多吃蔬菜和足够的锻炼才对身体好。

)Fourth,we should get up and go to bed early。We shouldn't stay up so late。

(第四,我们应该早睡早起,不熬夜)In my oinpoin ,we should we must living habits。 (在我看来,我们应该养成良好的习惯)Do you know how to make our daily life as healthiest as possible? Now, I will discusome of the most vital knowledge to you。

In our 好munity, their are Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs。Physical Needs is that every human beings require to have air for breathing, water for drinking, shelter for living, medical attention for healing, rest for resting, and recreation for relaxing。

If you miany one from this list, that means you life is not as health as other people。 For example, there was an explorer in the ancient age and he was traveling in a gigantic forest。

One day, he got lost in this forest and he could not find any foods in there。 Two weeks after, the explorer lost his life in this dark, gloomy forest。

This example tells us that, we can not lose any of those things from the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs。 My suggestion for you is that every morning, you need to wake up early and have a great breakfast。

You also need to have some snacks during the afternoon, that can encourage you energy。 Daily sport in one thing that you can done during the afternoon or recreation time。

Remember, the best way to keep you in a good mood is to sleep early。 I suggest that you should go to bed at 9''oclock。

Overall, have a good timetable for yourself and follow the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs instructions, it will makes you in the healthiest mood everyday。



对身体不好。 3、鸡 *** 含有致癌物, 不要吃较好。





7、空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃。 8、早上醒来。



10、少喝奶茶。 因为高热量。




11、刚出炉的面包不宜马上食用。 12、远离充电座。


13、天天喝水八大杯。 14、每天十杯水。

膀胱癌不会来。 15、白天多喝水。

晚上少喝水。 16、一天不要喝两杯以上的咖啡。

喝太多易导致失眠,胃痛。 17、多油脂的食物少吃。


18、下午五点后。 大餐少少吃,因为五点后身体不需那么多能量。

19、10种吃了会快乐的食物:深海鱼,香蕉,葡萄柚,全麦面包,菠菜,大蒜,南瓜,低脂牛奶,鸡肉,樱桃。 20、睡眠不足会变笨,一天须八小时睡眠,有午睡习惯较不会老。

21、最佳睡眠时间是在晚上10点~清晨6点。 22、每天喝酒不要超过一杯,因为酒精会抑制制造抗体的B细胞,增加细菌感染的机会。


24、酸梅具防止老化作用,青春永驻;肝火有毛病者宜多食用。 25、掉发因素:熬夜,压力,烟酒,香鸡排。


调味过重的料理。 26、帮助头发生长:多食用包心菜,蛋。

豆类;少吃甜食(尤其是果糖) 。 27、每天一杯柠檬汁,柳橙汁。

不但可以美白还可以淡化黑斑。 28、苹果是机车族、瘾君子、家庭主妇的常备良药,一天一颗,才能让自己有个干干净净的肺。



31、抽烟,关系最大的是肺癌,唇癌,舌癌,喉癌,食道癌,也与膀胱癌有关。 32、饮酒导致肝硬化。

引发肝癌。 33、吃槟榔会导致口腔纤维化,口腔癌。

34、食物过于精细,缺乏纤维;含大量脂肪,尤其是胆固醇会引发胃癌。 35、食物过于粗糙,营养不足时导致食道癌,胃癌。

36、食品中的黄曲毒素。 亚硝酸类物皆具有致癌性。




40、每天摄取新鲜的蔬菜与水果。 41、每天摄取富含高纤维的五谷类及豆类。

42、每天摄取均衡的饮食,不过量。 43、维持理想体重。

不过胖。 44、保持规律的生活与运动。

45、保持轻松愉快的心情。 46、正确饮食习惯:早上吃的像皇帝,中午吃的像平民,晚上吃的像乞丐。

人们摄入脂肪不仅因为脂肪能产生诱人的香味,而且脂肪中含有人体需要的脂肪酸,在体内发挥营养作用。 其营养作用主要有(1)提供能量;(2)构成人体组织(3)形成具有生理活性的成分,调节体内生理生化反应。



如我们常常把胆固醇作为一种有害健康的物质看待,但胆固醇是合成胆汁、肾上腺皮质激素、性激素和维生素D的重要物质,只有在过量时才会对人体造成伤害;而我们认为DHA、EPA有利于降低血脂,但过量同样存在危险。 因此只有合理、均衡的摄入各种脂肪酸,才是健康的保证。

合理、均衡的摄入脂肪酸主要是指膳食脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸三者比例要适当,而且多不饱和脂肪酸中的n-6与n-3的比例也要适当。 人们摄入脂肪酸的途径主要有(1)进食动物性食物,除鱼外,动物性食品中的脂肪酸多为饱和脂肪酸(2)植物油:植物油中的脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸为主。


日常生活中,动物脂肪和其它食物中脂肪的摄入一般比较固定,而植物油脂的品种、食用量却容易改变,因此,保持脂肪酸的平衡可以依靠植物油的调整来获得。 植物油是不饱和脂肪酸的最主要来源,但每一种植物油的脂肪酸组成与比例都不一样,有的相差甚远。


Dear David, How's everything going? I heard that you had a hard time with learning Chinese。

It doesn't matter。Let me tell you some good ways to learn Chinese well。

First,you should practice speaking Chinese everyday。It can improve your Chinese speaking。

Second,you can make friends with native speakers of Chinese。 Then you will speak Chinese often。

Third,read Chinese books and watch Chinese movies can also help you with your Chinese。Maybe you will be interested in them。

If you do these all well,I think your Chinese will be much better than it is now。I believe you。

Fighting! Sincerely XXX(你的名字)。
1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开 ( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U Turn 禁止掉头 45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号 48、Hands Wanted 招聘 49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物。


Dear David, How's everything going? I heard that you had a hard time with learning Chinese。

It doesn't matter。Let me tell you some good ways to learn Chinese well。

First,you should practice speaking Chinese everyday。It can improve your Chinese speaking。

Second,you can make friends with native speakers of Chinese。 Then you will speak Chinese often。

Third,read Chinese books and watch Chinese movies can also help you with your Chinese。Maybe you will be interested in them。

If you do these all well,I think your Chinese will be much better than it is now。I believe you。

Fighting! Sincerely XXX(你的名字)。
健康生活的英语作文I think healthy living habits are very important for usIn current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit。

( 在当今社会, 人们已经知道养成健康良好生活习惯的重要性)First, we should eat plenty of fruits and meat or vegetables。 We shouldn't eat too many snack foods。

( 首先, 我们应该吃大量的水果,肉或蔬菜。 我们不应当吃太多的快餐)Second, we should drink plenty of water。

( 第二, 我们应该饮用大量的水)Third, I think more meat and fish, leexercise are bad for health。 Good rest, lemeat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health。

( 第三, 我认为太多的肉和鱼,少量的锻炼都对身体健康不好。 充足的睡眠,少吃肉和鱼,多吃蔬菜和足够的锻炼才对身体好。

)Fourth,we should get up and go to bed early。We shouldn't stay up so late。

(第四,我们应该早睡早起,不熬夜)In my oinpoin ,we should we must living habits。 (在我看来,我们应该养成良好的习惯)Do you know how to make our daily life as healthiest as possible? Now, I will discusome of the most vital knowledge to you。

In our 好munity, their are Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs。Physical Needs is that every human beings require to have air for breathing, water for drinking, shelter for living, medical attention for healing, rest for resting, and recreation for relaxing。

If you miany one from this list, that means you life is not as health as other people。 For example, there was an explorer in the ancient age and he was traveling in a gigantic forest。

One day, he got lost in this forest and he could not find any foods in there。 Two weeks after, the explorer lost his life in this dark, gloomy forest。

This example tells us that, we can not lose any of those things from the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs。 My suggestion for you is that every morning, you need to wake up early and have a great breakfast。

You also need to have some snacks during the afternoon, that can encourage you energy。 Daily sport in one thing that you can done during the afternoon or recreation time。

Remember, the best way to keep you in a good mood is to sleep early。 I suggest that you should go to bed at 9''oclock。

Overall, have a good timetable for yourself and follow the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs instructions, it will makes you in the healthiest mood everyday。
1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开 ( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U Turn 禁止掉头 45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号 48、Hands Wanted 招聘 49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物。
It's very important that to have a healthy lifestyle。

Becauae if we have a good lifestyle,we will be full of energy。But how we can have a healthy lifestyle?Well,many students always study hard until 11:00 pm every night,and they can't get enought sleep,but it's bad for their health。

I think they should go to bed earlier in order to get enough sleep and work better next day。Some students always feel bored for everything。

For these students,I think they can talk over their problems with their parents or teachers。 Also,it's very important to have enough exercise and eat healthily for good healthy lifestyle,because exercise can make us happy and healthy,and eat more junk good can bring more side effects。

So eating healthily is also very important。 After all,having a healthy lifestyle is the most important to all!。
生活健康小常识 -- 时尚生活 >> 健康 >> 1、常吃宵夜。

会得胃癌。因为胃得不到休息 2、一个星期只能吃四颗蛋。

吃太多。对身体不好 3、鸡 *** 含有致癌物,不要吃较好 4、饭后吃水果是错误的观念。

应是饭前吃水果 5、女生月经来时。 不要喝绿茶。

反正茶类不要喝就对了。多吃可以补血的东西 6、喝豆浆时不要加鸡蛋及糖。

也不要喝太多 7、空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃 8、早上醒来。先喝一杯水。

预防结石 9、睡前三小时不要吃东西。会胖 10、少喝奶茶。




等疾病 11、刚出炉的面包不宜马上食用 12、远离充电座。人体应远离30公分以上。

切忌放在床边 13、天天喝水八大杯 14、每天十杯水。膀胱癌不会来 15、白天多喝水。

晚上少喝水 16、一天不要喝两杯以上的咖啡。喝太多易导致失眠,胃痛 17、多油脂的食物少吃。

因为得花5~7小时去消化,并使脑中血液集中到肠胃。易昏 昏欲睡 18、下午五点后。

大餐少少吃,因为五点后身体不需那么多能量 19、10种吃了会快乐的食物:深海鱼,香蕉,葡萄柚,全麦面包,菠菜,大蒜,南瓜,低 脂牛奶,鸡肉,樱桃 20、睡眠不足会变笨,一天须八小时睡眠,有午睡习惯较不会老 21、最佳睡眠时间是在晚上10点~清晨6点 22、每天喝酒不要超过一杯,因为酒精会抑制制造抗体的B细胞,增加细菌感染的机会 23、服用胶囊应以冷水吞服(可以第一个吃),睡前30分先服药。 忌立即躺下 24、酸梅具防止老化作用,青春永驻;肝火有毛病者宜多食用 25、掉发因素:熬夜,压力,烟酒,香鸡排。


调味过重的料理 26、帮助头发生长:多食用包心菜,蛋。豆类;少吃甜食(尤其是果糖) 27、每天一杯柠檬汁,柳橙汁。

不但可以美白还可以淡化黑斑 28、苹果是机车族、瘾君子、家庭主妇的常备良药,一天一颗,才能让自己有个 干干净净的肺 29、抽烟又吃维他命(B胡萝卜素-A维他命的一种),会致癌,尽早戒烟。才是最健康 的做法 30、女性不宜喝茶的五个时期:月经来时,孕妇,临产前。

生产完后,更年期 31、抽烟,关系最大的是肺癌,唇癌,舌癌,喉癌,食道癌,也与膀胱癌有关 32、饮酒导致肝硬化。引发肝癌 33、吃槟榔会导致口腔纤维化,口腔癌 34、食物过于精细,缺乏纤维;含大量脂肪,尤其是胆固醇会引发胃癌 35、食物过于粗糙,营养不足时导致食道癌,胃癌 36、食品中的黄曲毒素。

亚硝酸类物皆具有致癌性 37、不抽烟。拒吸二手烟 38、适量饮酒,不拼久。

不醉酒 39、减少食用盐腌。烟熏,烧烤的食物 40、每天摄取新鲜的蔬菜与水果 41、每天摄取富含高纤维的五谷类及豆类 42、每天摄取均衡的饮食,不过量 43、维持理想体重。

不过胖 44、保持规律的生活与运动 45、保持轻松愉快的心情 46、正确饮食习惯:早上吃的像皇帝,中午吃的像平民,晚上吃的像乞丐 信息来源: 。


---7 Reasons Walking May Be The Best Exercise You Can Get---

Exercise isn’t nearly as popular or practiced as it needs to be in America, and the rest of the world isn’t faring so hot, either — especially considering that a moderate amount of daily exercise is enough to keep all sorts of debilitating diseases like diabetes and heart disease at bay. If you’re someone who knows you could use a bit more exercise in your day-to-day life, but inexperience or nerves keep you from joining a gym or enlisting the help of a personal trainer, don’t despair.
It turns out that walking — yes, that activity you’ve been engaging in since around your first birthday — may be the very best exercise you can get, and it’s something almost anyone can do without any training, at any fitness level, and with very little monetary investment. If you need your arm twisted a bit as to why walking may be the best exercise available, here are seven reasons to say, “Uncle,” and head out for a stroll.
Less Stress on the Body
Running is the most popular form of exercise in the United States, and while it undoubtedly provides excellent fitness and health benefits, it can also be hard on joints — especially in aging runners. Walking, on the other hand, is a low-impact activity that keeps joints strong and loose well into old age. Because exercise puts some stress on the body — it’s the effort that benefits us, after all — choosing an activity that’s easier on joints, muscles, and tendons makes it an excellent choice for someone who hopes to exercise and stay healthy their whole life long.
It Works for All Ages and Fitness Levels
Whether you’re 25 or 85, walking is an exercise you can do. While some precautions may need to be taken for people who are older — extra care during bad weather, walkers, canes, and the like — it’s still more than possible for even the very aged to take an afternoon walk for health benefits, and because it can be tailored to people of all fitness levels, you’ll never be too fit or too out of shape to take a walk. The athlete may need to walk longer and harder than the beginner, but walking is truly an inclusive exercise. So, grab your grandmother, and strap on your pedometers for an exercise you both can enjoy.
Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease is still the number one killer in America, and walking is an ideal way to combat it. In fact, researchers in California found that, in some cases, walking is a more effective weapon against heart disease than running. For six years, the scientists monitored people between the ages of 18 and 80, and they found that walking reduced participants’ risk of heart disease by almost 10 percent, while running reduced the risk by less than five percent.
It Strengthens Your Heart
In addition to reducing your risk for heart disease, walking is a boon to your heart’s overall strength. Blood pressure is more easily maintained within healthy levels, which can cut your risk of stroke by almost 30 percent. Also, walking helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, while it raises HDL (good) cholesterol. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other gets your heart and blood pumping more quickly and more effectively, which also benefits your entire circulatory system.
It Prevents Dementia
One in six people over 80 suffer from dementia, and regular exercise cuts the risk of developing it at all by 40 percent. Simply walking as much as six miles per week reduces brain shrinkage in the elderly and helps preserve memory. Since walking is one of the easiest exercises for the elderly to engage in, making it a part of your daily practice will make aging less disruptive mentally and physically.
It Keeps Weight at a Healthy Level
While any type of cardiovascular exercise is going to help you burn calories and trim your waistline, walking — because it’s so easy for anyone to partake in — is an ideal way to keep your weight at a healthy level. Whether you do it three times a week or every day, take a brisk walk on a regu

