草莓 英语

时间:2024-05-11 13:50:55编辑:莆田seo君


草莓的读音:[ˈstrɔːbəri]一、词汇解析strawberry英 [ˈstrɔːbəri] 美 [ˈstrɔːberi] n. 草莓;草莓色例:Then he drank strawberry juice through a straw. 然后他用吸管喝了一些草莓果汁。例:His father prepares a strawberry cake for him at the birthday party. 他的爸爸在生日聚会上给他准备了一个草莓蛋糕。二、关于strawberry的短语1、Strawberry Swing 草莓秋千2、Strawberry Tart 草莓牛奶塔3、Barren Strawberry 子草莓4、Strawberry Hill 草莓山庄5、alpine strawberry 林生草莓扩展资料近义词1、berries读音:['beriz] n.浆果例:The mother gave her son some berries.母亲给她的儿子一些浆果。2、fruit英 [fruːt] 美 [fruːt] n. 水果;产物vi. 结果实例:Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.新鲜的水果和蔬菜提供纤维素和多种维生素。


草莓的英文单词为:strawberry。读音:英 ['strɔːbəri]  美 ['strɔːberi] 释义:n.(名词)草莓,草莓色词组短语1、strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌2、wild strawberry 野草莓;泡草莓3、Strawberry Bubblegum 草莓泡泡糖相关例句:1、They grew strawberries in their garden.他们在园中种了草莓。2、I'd like some strawberry if you have any.如果有的话,我想要点草莓。部分水果的英语:1、apple英 ['æpl] 美 ['æpl]n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙例句:The apple trees are blossoming.苹果树正在开花。2、pear英 [peə]美 [pɛr]n.梨子;梨树[例句]He operated an enormous pear orchard.他经营一个大型梨园。3、banana英 [bə'nɑːnə]美 [bə'nænə]n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻[例句]Banana plants produce one stem at a time.芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头。


  汉语解释:草莓(学名:Fragaria × ananassa Duch,英文:Strawberry)。蔷薇科、草莓属多年生草本,一种红色的花果,又名红莓、洋莓、地莓等,外观呈心形,鲜美红嫩,果肉多汁,含有特殊的浓郁水果芳香。那么,你知道草莓的英语怎么说吗?    中文: 草莓    草莓的英语音标 :['strɔ:bəri]    草莓的英语释义: strawberry   草莓的英语例句:   你亲手做过巧克力脆皮草莓吗?   Have you ever made chocolate-covered strawberries? 草莓的英语怎么说   strawberry essence   草莓香精   Strawberry cannot be frozen.   草莓不能冷冻。   I 'd like some strawberry ice - cream.   我要点草莓冰淇淋   Strawberries squash easily.   草莓容易压坏。   Caramel,chocolate,strawberry,etc whip   焦糖、巧克力、草莓...奶油甜品.   1. He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake. 他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。   2. The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries. 衣领上绣着非常小的红色草莓。   3. Wash and hull the strawberries. 洗一下草莓,并摘掉花萼。   4. a bowl of strawberries with lashings of cream 一碗浇了大量奶油的草莓   5. She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries. 她在草莓上撒了点糖。   6. I think the flavor of fresh strawberries is out of this world. 我认为新鲜草莓的味道鲜美无比.   7. I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast. 我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶.   8. Strawberry is in season this month. 这个月草莓要上市了.   9. The wild strawberry is 2 cm long. 野草莓有两厘米长.   10. Strawberries grow best in a cool, moist climate. 草莓最适于在凉爽 、 潮湿的气候条件下生长.   11. Strawberries and cream are in the marquee. 大帐篷内有草莓和奶油.   12. They're collecting the ripened reddish berries. 他们正采集熟了的淡红草莓.   13. Strawberries are in season now. 草莓正在喷上.   14. The strawberries have just come in. 这是刚上市的草莓.   15. Strawberries should have a sunny place. 草莓应该种在向阳的场地.   16. Strawberries are now in. 草莓现在上市了.   17. The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation. 草莓在运输过程中要冷藏,以防止变质。   18. I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds. 我在草莓上罩了网,免得鸟歇上去.   19. You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry. 你可能会买木瓜和草莓.   20. The wild strawberry is 2cm long. 野草莓有两厘米长。


草莓的读音:[ˈstrɔːbəri]一、词汇解析strawberry英 [ˈstrɔːbəri] 美 [ˈstrɔːberi] n. 草莓;草莓色例:Then he drank strawberry juice through a straw. 然后他用吸管喝了一些草莓果汁。例:His father prepares a strawberry cake for him at the birthday party. 他的爸爸在生日聚会上给他准备了一个草莓蛋糕。二、关于strawberry的短语1、Strawberry Swing 草莓秋千2、Strawberry Tart 草莓牛奶塔3、Barren Strawberry 子草莓4、Strawberry Hill 草莓山庄5、alpine strawberry 林生草莓扩展资料近义词1、berries读音:['beriz] n.浆果例:The mother gave her son some berries.母亲给她的儿子一些浆果。2、fruit英 [fruːt] 美 [fruːt] n. 水果;产物vi. 结果实例:Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.新鲜的水果和蔬菜提供纤维素和多种维生素。


草莓的英语是:strawberry,英[ˈstrɔːbəri]美[ˈstrɔːberi]1、复数:strawberries2、英英释义:any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry(一种多年生草本植物,低矮,有许多小花,开白花,果实可食用,有许多小瘦果,散落在红色浆果的表面)3、语法:strawberry是一个可数名词的单数形式,词尾以y结尾,变复数需要把y变成i再加上es。4、用法例句:He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake. 他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。扩展资料同根词组:strawberry tree杨梅,莓实树、strawberry jam草莓酱一、strawberry tree1、读音:英 [ˈstrɔːbəri triː] 美 [ˈstrɔːberi triː] 2、语法:tree的基本意思是“树”,是木本植物的统称,尤指树干高大、主干与分枝有很明显区别的木本植物,即乔木。用于比喻,可指“树形图”“谱系图”等。二、strawberry jam1、读音:英 [ˈstrɔːbəri dʒæm] 美 [ˈstrɔːberi dʒæm] 2、语法:jam的基本意思是“夹”“挤在中间”而四方受力,从而不能活动或脱开,常指“堵塞”“挤满”,有时也指枪、机器、零件等堵塞、移位、出现故障等而阻碍运转。


草莓用英语:strawberry。短语:strawberry juice。草莓汁,草莓果茶。strawberry jam。草莓酱,草莓果酱。strawberry ice。草莓冰。strawberry ice cream。草莓冰激凌。wild strawberry。野草莓;泡草莓。strawberry的相关词语:fruit短语:canned fruit。罐装水果。fruit vinegar。果醋;水果醋。fruit fly。[昆]果蝇。kiwi frui。猕猴桃;奇异果preserved fruit。果脯,蜜饯。fruit的用法:fruit是各种水果的总称,如橘子、香蕉、葡萄、苹果、梨等都是fruit, fruit是集合名词。fruit表示各种水果时可用其复数形式fruits, fruit也可指单个的橘子、香蕉等水果,但这种用法不常见。fruit用作比喻,作“成果,结果”解时,可用单数形式,但常用其复数形式。fruit的词汇搭配:gather fruit。采果子。grow fruit。种植水果。pick fruit。摘水果。produce fruit。出产水果,产生结果。store (up) fruit。贮藏水果。



  strawberry 读法 英 [ˈstrɔ:bəri] 美 [ˈstrɔ:beri]


  1、strawberry juice 草莓汁,草莓果茶

  2、strawberry jam 草莓酱,草莓果酱

  3、strawberry ice 草莓冰

  4、strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌

  5、wild strawberry 野草莓;泡草莓


草莓的英文:strawberry 读音:英 ['strɔːbəri] 美 ['strɔːberi]词汇搭配:1、strawberry-flavoured草莓味的2、alpine strawberry 高山草莓相关例句:They grew strawberries in their garden.他们在园中种了草莓。部分水果的英语:1、apple英 ['æpl] 美 ['æpl]n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙例句:The apple trees are blossoming.苹果树正在开花。2、pear英 [peə]美 [pɛr]n.梨子;梨树[例句]He operated an enormous pear orchard.他经营一个大型梨园。3、banana英 [bə'nɑːnə]美 [bə'nænə]n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻[例句]Banana plants produce one stem at a time.芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头。4、cherry英 ['tʃerɪ]美 ['tʃɛri]n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色[例句]Over night, the cherry tree had come into bloom.樱花一夜间绽放。5、grape英 [greɪp]美 [ɡrep]英 [ɡreɪp] 美 [ɡreɪp]n. 葡萄;葡萄树;深紫色;[军]葡萄弹[例句]The natural sugars found in grape juice葡萄汁中所含的天然糖分.


您好,很高兴为您解答这个问题。草莓的英文单词是strawberry,音标发音是 [ˈstrɔˌbɛri]。它是一种小而红的水果,表面有小的棕色的种子。下面是一些例句:我喜欢吃草莓。I like strawberries.这里有一盘草莓和奶油。Here is a plate of strawberries and cream.草莓是富含维生素C的水果。Strawberries are fruits that are rich in vitamin C.希望我的回答对您有帮助。[鲜花]【摘要】
您好,很高兴为您解答这个问题。草莓的英文单词是strawberry,音标发音是 [ˈstrɔˌbɛri]。它是一种小而红的水果,表面有小的棕色的种子。下面是一些例句:我喜欢吃草莓。I like strawberries.这里有一盘草莓和奶油。Here is a plate of strawberries and cream.草莓是富含维生素C的水果。Strawberries are fruits that are rich in vitamin C.希望我的回答对您有帮助。[鲜花]【回答】


草莓的英语strawberry,说法有两种:英 [ˈstrɔːbəri],美 [ˈstrɔːberi]。例句:1、I love strawberries, but they don't agree with me. 我喜欢草莓,但吃了以后不舒服。2、Strawberries go mouldy very quickly. 草莓很容易发霉。3、She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries. 她在草莓上撒了点糖。4、Strawberries bruise easily. 草莓容易损伤。5、He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake. 他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。


亲亲[微笑],以下是我为您查询到的相关资料:拓展资料strawberry1. The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.衣领上绣着非常小的红色草莓。2. Wash and hull the strawberries.洗一下草莓,并摘掉花萼。3. a bowl of strawberries with lashings of cream一碗浇了大量奶油的草莓4. She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.她在草莓上撒了点糖。5. I think the flavor of fresh strawberries is out of this world.我认为新鲜草莓的味道鲜美无比.【摘要】
亲亲,[微笑]您好,很高兴为您解答:草莓用英语表示为:strawberry,strawberry 的英式发音为['stro:beri]美式发音为['stro:beri]。希望可以帮助到您哦~[心]【回答】
亲亲[微笑],以下是我为您查询到的相关资料:拓展资料strawberry1. The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.衣领上绣着非常小的红色草莓。2. Wash and hull the strawberries.洗一下草莓,并摘掉花萼。3. a bowl of strawberries with lashings of cream一碗浇了大量奶油的草莓4. She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.她在草莓上撒了点糖。5. I think the flavor of fresh strawberries is out of this world.我认为新鲜草莓的味道鲜美无比.【回答】


草莓的英语:strawberry读音:英 [ˈstrɔːbəri] 美 [ˈstrɔːberi] 用法:用作名词,为可数名词,复数: strawberries,如They grew strawberries in their garden. 他们在园中种了草莓。注意甜食dessert既是可数名词又是不可数名词,看情况而定 。泛指甜食为不可数名词,指几种甜食的话,是可数名词。扩展资料:strawberry的相关词语:fruit读音:英 [fruːt] 美 [frut] 意思:n. 水果、产物;vi. 结果实;vt. 使……结果实fruit的用法:1、fruit是各种水果的总称,如橘子、香蕉、葡萄、苹果、梨等都是fruit, fruit是集合名词。2、fruit表示各种水果时可用其复数形式fruits, fruit也可指单个的橘子、香蕉等水果,但这种用法不常见。


strawberry n.草莓; 复数: strawberries; 例句: She bargained with the strawberry pedlar. 她跟卖草莓的小贩讲价。 They have a common name-strawberry kids. 他们被称作“草莓族”。 扩展资料   He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.   他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。   Add the strawberry and allow the flavours to mingle.   加入草莓,把各种味道混合起来。   The bread and butter is thickly spread with strawberry jam.   在涂有奶油的面包上厚厚地抹上草莓酱。

