wait and see

时间:2024-05-07 20:52:25编辑:莆田seo君

wait and see什么意思

wait and see[英][weit ænd si:][美][wet ənd si]
等着看(情况的发展); 拭目以待; 观望; 走着瞧;
易混淆单词:Wait and See

Just you wait and see!

Let's wait and see. I would place my bet on the eastern narrative.


waited读法:英[ˈweɪtɪd]。等候;延缓;推迟;(wait的过去式和过去分词);原形:wait;第三人称单数:waits;现在分词:waiting;过去式:waited;过去分词:waited.双语例句:1、I got there at 12.30 and waited for Mark and Co. to arrive.我于12点30分到达,等待马克等人到来。2、He waited for a reply to his offer with bated breath.他焦虑地等待着对他的提议的回复。3、We waited in suspense for him to turn the cards over.我们焦虑地等他翻牌。4、I waited with beating heart, not knowing what would betide.我紧张地等待着,不知道会发生什么事。5、She waited for the water to come to the boil.她等着水开。

wait and see什么意思

wait and see的意思是观望;拭目以待;走着瞧;等着看(情况的发展)。例句:1、Well, let's wait and see 那么,让我们等着看吧。2、We'll have to wait and see what happens. 我们只好等等看将会发生什么。3、If you don't believe it, wait and see. 如若不信,请拭目以待。4、Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。5、She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings. 她是个很有谋略的战术家,懂得静观选举的结果。


1、n. 野餐;愉快的时间;猪脊肉。2、vi. 野餐。读音:英['pɪknɪk]、美['pɪknɪk]。 举例:1、Let's go for a picnic by the riverside.我们到河边野餐去吧。2、We had a lot of fun at the picnic on the beach.我们在海滩上野餐,趣味无穷。 用法1、picnic作名词的意思是“野餐”,指人们自带食物去野外吃,尤指在旅游中,是可数名词,常与不定冠词连用。2、“去野餐”常说go for a picnic或go on a picnic。3、picnic在非正式用语中还可作“轻松的工作”解,一般用于否定句中,常以固定短语be no picnic形式出现。


way发音:英 [weɪ];美 [weɪ]翻译:方式;路;道路;街道;巷;地区;地点;方面;条件;状况;船台;复数: ways短语搭配under way已经开始, 在进行中in the way妨碍, 挡路on the way在去…的路上no way不可能, 没门in a way在某种程度上双语例句We wound our way southeast. 我们向东南方向蜿蜒前行。He continued on his way. 他继续走他的路。The doctor's on his way. 医生正在路上。


走着瞧翻译成英语是wait and see。双语例句:1、All we can do now iswait and hope.我们现在所能做的就是等候和期待。2、wait and it'll all blow over.等等吧,事情总会过去的。3、Let'swait until the rain stops.咱们等雨停了吧。4、I can hardlywait for my birthday.我迫切等待着我的生日。5、'I'llwait' he said with a sigh.“我就等呗。”他叹口气说。6、It's good tosee you again.再次见到你真高兴。7、No one wishes tosee that.谁都不想看到这样。8、Did yousee what happened?你看见出什么事了吗?9、Eleanor had come tosee her.埃莉诺是来看她的。10、Bugger me! Did yousee that?好家伙!你看见了吗?走着瞧分字解释:走:走是汉语一级通用汉字(常用字) 。此字始见于商代甲骨文,其古字形像人摆动两臂跑步的样子,下部是脚("止")。走的本义是跑、奔跑,引申为趋向、走向,后指步行,现代汉语的"走"相当于古代汉语的"步"。走又由脚步的移动引申为移动、离开、改变等义。走是汉字部首之一,编号150 。用走作意符的字大多与跑或快走有关。多数是动词,如:赴、赶、超、越。瞧:瞧,汉语常用字 ,读作【qiáo】,从目、从焦。如众飞鸟之火苗所伤是焦之范式。目光所及如火苗伤众飞鸟是瞧之范式。本义为仔细看,又用作姓 。


走着瞧英文wait and see。我们走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的!Just wait and see, I won't let you get away with that! 那我们走着瞧。Well, let's wait and see. 那么,大夫说,咱们走着瞧吧。Well, said the doctor, we shall see. 能不能干好是另一回事,我们走着瞧。Whether I'll be good at it is another thing. 走着瞧,我会找到你的藏身之所。Look, I can track down your sorry hide anywhere. 把我弄出去要不我们走着瞧夫人Get me outta this or get ready, lady. 喔,很好,你给我走着瞧。I take no leave of you, Miss Bennet. 好的走着瞧在那之前呢OK. We'll see. And till then? 是啊走着瞧吧Yeah, well, we'll see I guess.你这样想?好吧,我们走着瞧。You think so? Well, we'll just see about that. 至于别的事嘛,他得表现坚强、得仔细观察,他得走着瞧了。For the rest he must be strong and watchful and he would see. 噢我们走着瞧Oh, we'll see about that. 我想他会没事的嗯,走着瞧吧I think he's gonna be okay. Well, we'll see.

just wait and see是什么意思

just wait and see
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One day I will show you ! you just wait and see !

