
时间:2024-05-07 10:16:02编辑:莆田seo君


滑雪的英语是skiing。Skiing的意思是滑雪(作为娱乐)。是ski的现在分词。词形变化:1、形容词:skiable。2、名词:skier。3、时态:skied,skiing,skis。4、复数:skis。skiing例句A weekend of interminable meetings , and no skiing .一个周末的冗长会议,连滑雪的机会也没有。Maybe you prefer biking or skiing?或者你更愿意骑单车和滑雪?Where do you go skiing?你们去哪里滑雪呢?For arms, try rowing or cross-country skiing .对胳膊来说,多从事划船和越野滑雪吧。Skiing is described as an increasingly popular sport .滑雪被认为是越来越流行的体育项目。She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing.她从帆板运动和滑雪运动中得到极大的乐趣。The skiing instructor was a tall, sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。They were all togged up in their skiing gear.他们都穿上了滑雪服。Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.机缘使我们在一个滑雪胜地相遇。Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比滑冰更激动人心。


滑雪英语介绍:Skiing is a competitive sport in which athletes mount skis on the soles of their boots and carry out speed, jumping and sliding on the snow. Skis are made of a mixture of wood, metal and plastic. Alpine skiing consists of downhill, slalom and slalom (obstacle skiing). Alpine skiing mixed project consists of the above three projects. People are in a standing posture, holding ski poles and stepping on skis to slide on the snow surface. "Standing", "snowboarding", "Snow" and "skiing" are the key elements of skiing.中文翻译:滑雪运动是运动员把滑雪板装在靴底上在雪地上进行速度、跳跃和滑降的竞赛运动。滑雪板用木材、金属材料和塑料混合制成。高山滑雪由滑降,小回转和大回转(障碍滑雪)组成。高山滑雪混合项目,由上述三个项目组成。人们成站立姿态,手持滑雪杖、足踏滑雪板在雪面上滑行的运动。“立”、“板”、“雪”、“滑”是滑雪运动的关键要素。


滑雪的英文单词是ski。 ski: n.滑雪板; adj.滑雪的; v.滑雪(运动);滑雪(作为娱乐); 第三人称单数: skis复数: skis现在分词: skiing过去式: skied过去分词: skied 扩展资料   Skiing gear can be expensive.   滑雪用具有时会很昂贵。   Is ski jumping an Olympic sport?   跳台滑雪是奥运会项目吗?   I felt exhilarated after a morning of skiing.   我滑了一上午的雪兴奋不已。   The skis should detach from the boot if you fall.   要是你跌倒了,滑雪板就该脱离靴子。

