
时间:2024-05-06 13:29:44编辑:莆田seo君


去划船用英语说是【go boating】。去:go,船:boating,去划船:go boating,乘船:by boat,去航海,去航行:go sailing。例句1、你可以去划船,也可以打网球。You can go boating or play tennis.2、我带丹尼尔去划船了。I took Daniel for a row.3、汤姆和他的表弟去划船旅行了。Tom and his cousin took a boat trip.4、这个星期天我们去划船吧。Let's go boating this Sunday.5、所以我们决定去划船。So we decided to go boating.6、我们去划船和爬山了。We went boating and climbed the mountain.7、我们明天去划船吧。Let's go boating tomorrow.8、我和彼得去划船。I went boating with Peter.9、我们去划船吧。Let us go for a row.


划船的英文是:rowing 读法 英 ['rəʊɪŋ] 美 ['roɪŋ] 1、作名词的意思是: 划船;赛艇运动2、作动词的意思:划;使成行;争吵(row的现在分词)短语:1、row spacing 行距2、row out 使划得精疲力尽3、skid row 贫民区4、row a boat 划船5、row space 行距;行空间例句:Would you like to go rowing with me? 你想要和我一起去划船吗?row的近义词:boatingboating读音:英 [ˈbəʊtɪŋ] 美 [ˈboʊtɪŋ] 释义:划船(运动或消遣)语法:作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常与副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。例句:They were killed in a boating accident. 他们死于一起划船事故。


划船的英文是:boating;rowing一、boating 读法 英 ['bəʊtɪŋ] 美 ['botɪŋ] 1、作名词的意思是:划船2、作形容词的意思是:划船的3、作动词的意思:划船(boat的ing形式)短语:go boating 去划船二、rowing 读法 英 ['rəʊɪŋ] 美 ['roɪŋ] 1、作名词的意思是: 划船;赛艇运动2、作动词的意思:划;使成行;争吵(row的现在分词)短语:1、row spacing 行距2、row out 使划得精疲力尽3、skid row 贫民区4、row a boat 划船5、row space 行距;行空间例句:Would you like to go rowing with me? 你想要和我一起去划船吗?扩展资料row的用法:1、row可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。2、row后接副词down表示“ (赛船中)赶上”; 后接副词out表示“使划得精疲力竭”; 后接副词over表示“一路领先,轻易取胜”; row against the wind意思是“逆风而划”。3、row的基本意思是“使成排; 划船,参加划船比赛”。4、row用作动词时意思是“争吵,吵闹”,主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。5、row只用作不及物动词,常与about, up, with等介、副词连用。


过去式: rowed;过去分词: rowed; row n.一排;一列;一行;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行; v.划(船);划船送(某人); n.严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音; v.吵架;大声争辩; 第三人称单数: rows; 复数: rows; 现在分词: rowing 扩展资料   The vegetables were planted in neat rows.   蔬菜一行行种得整整齐齐。   The cards need to be laid out in two rows   这些卡片需要排成两行。   A row has broken out over education.   在教育问题上出现了严重分歧。


  划船的英文过去式:went boating   1. Lily owned her own outboard motor, and she went boating on every possible occasion.   莉丽有自己的马达船,只要一有机会就出海。   2. We went to jiuyuanxi, ,we got on the little dragen bost, although we have oar in hands, but guide still asked us to competing, actually engine was installed in boat and we didnt have to boating.   去九皖溪,我们从码头上了龙舟,虽然没个人手上都有浆,景区导游还意向性地让我们划龙舟比赛,其实船尾上的发动机,让小龙舟飞驰水面。   3. A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke which she put into the refrigerator of the boat.   有一妇女星期天去划船,她带了些可乐罐头,放在小船的冰箱内。   4. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing.   我的家人参观了长城,颐和园,故宫,北海公园,太空馆等我到农村去北京划船和钓鱼。   5. One Saturday some time ago, I went boating on the Thames, in the company of two Englishmen. It was glorious.   多日前的一个星期六,我和两个英国人在泰晤士河上划船,那是十分愉快的。   6. Today is Sunday, my father and I went to the park to play boating.   小学英语作文带翻译:今天是星期天,我和爸爸去公园玩划船。   7. First, we went boating in the lake. Then, we took a lot of beautiful photos.   我们在湖里划船。接着,拍了许多漂亮的照片。然后,我们在公园里散步。   划船的英文例句   1. Calligraphers and painters went boating on Fuchunjiang River in Hangzhou, painting calligraphy and paintings.   2. 这个度假村是一个良好的住宿地点与任何季节滑雪冬季和划船和骑自行车的机会在夏季。   This resort is a good place to stay any season with skiing in the winter and boating and biking opportunities in the summer.   3. 他身体力行,自己载着皮划艇遨游卢任达河----迄今为止,他还是第一位在卢任达河上划船而行的白人,为我们编制了一个动人故事,其中既掺杂了非洲探险史,也反思了为何人类会如此痴迷于非洲辽阔的茫茫荒野以及为什么会有如此强烈的意愿去开垦未知领域等此类问题。   Peter Stark tells the physical story of his kayak trip along the Lugenda--he was the first white man to paddle the river--and weaves in the history of exploration in Africa, presenting us with a meditation on why we are so drawn to the African wilderness, why we feel we must explore the unknown.   4. 出于对屈原的爱戴,汨罗江畔的`居民匆忙划船在江内寻找屈原的尸体,并且将米投进汨罗江中,以防止江中的蛟龙吞食屈原的身体。   Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.   5. 这是一个无管辖权的增值税,并划船爱好者的流行是。。。   It is a VAT free jurisdiction, and for boating enthusiasts its popularity is...   6. 但他确实是很想划船。   But he wanted to row very much indeed.   划船的简单例句   1. Melodious folk songs enhance the experience for the guests when boating across the beautiful watery alley.   2. " Boating " is an offbeat relationship piece focusing on marginal characters among the working class, people who look with considerable fear or regret at their lives.   3. Those boating on the lake are immersed in a vista of crystal clear water and perhaps amused by the flocks of wild ducks flying by.   4. Jingyuetan is a popular destination for outdoor activities like fishing, mountaineering and boating.   5. Calligraphers and painters went boating on Fuchunjiang River in Hangzhou, painting calligraphy and paintings.   6. The work provided a welcome distraction after the 1980 death of her son in a boating accident and the 1993 death of her husband.   7. Boating is a pleasant way to explore the old town of Suzhou.   8. The best way to enjoy the scenery and the warmth of springtime is by boating, a popular pastime here that offers a fresh view of the flowering trees. 猜你喜欢:

