
时间:2024-05-05 14:41:54编辑:莆田seo君


英文是:etcetera,缩写是:etc.重点词汇:etcetera英[et'setərə]释义:n.等等;附加物;附加的人;以及其它。例句:用作名词(n.)However,other files and directories need less tight permissions in order to upload files etcetera.然而,其他的文件和目录需要严密的权限不足,以便上传文件等等。近义词:wait英[weɪt]释义:vt.等候;推迟;延缓。vi.等待;耽搁;伺候用餐。n.等待;等候。n.(Wait)人名;(英)韦特;(捷)魏特。[复数:waits;第三人称单数:waits;现在分词:waiting;过去式:waited;过去分词:waited]。短语:wait for等候;等待;等待某人;延期执行语句。


问题一:等等用英语怎么说 等一等
wait up
wait for me
弧等 (...)

问题二:等等英文怎么说,等等的英文例句 等等=etc ( et cetera ) 拉丁语; and others; and so forth; and so on;
1) we're trying to resolve problems of obtaining equipment, drugs, et cetera.
2) He had dogs, cats, guinea pigs, frogs, et cetera, as pets.

问题三:“等等…”用英文怎么说? and so on

问题四:等等英文怎么说 and so on
简写: etc.

问题五:等等 英文怎么写 wait a min畅te 等等,等一下
and so on

问题六:“再等等”翻译成英语怎么说 20分 都是些不懂装懂,没有国外生活经验的中式英语,都别装了。
这个短语也要取决于具体语境,等什么? 等人? 如果是等人,就说 ”give him another minute...如果是等事物的发展,比如在实验室等待化学反应,应该说“ not just yet 或者 ” leave it for one more moment。。。另外,等等 最常用的表达是“ hang on hang on a sec wait up! 俯.至于”hold on 这个最常用的于电话通话,或者在紧急情况下的坚持,比如在悬崖上挂着。。。呵呵。。你们应该知道,国内的中英文字典早已过时。
这个短语的翻译精髓在于 “再”, 而且,你们翻译成wait的人,都是字典害的。应试型的英语是无法知道真正英语的精髓。

问题七:等用英文怎么说????? 量 class; grade; rank
classify into three grades
second prize
first-rate goods
a world power of the first order
(种; 类) kind; sort; type
this kind of person
I'll never do this sort of thing.

(程度或数量上相同) equal
be equal in length
unequal in size
equal distance
动 (等候; 等待) wait; await
wait for a train, bus, etc.
await approval by the higher authorities
wait all day
Time and tide wait for no man.
I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts.
介 (等到) when; till
I'll tell him when he es.
Stay till I'm through.
助 and so on; and so forth; etc.
go to Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian and other places on a tour of inspection
The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten.
He bought a lot of fruit such as apples and peaches.
他买了许多水果, 如苹果、桃子等等。

问题八:等一等英文怎么说 hold on
wait a minute
wait a moment
wait a second
please hold都是等一等的意思


  如果和父亲或者哥哥走在路上跟不上他们的步伐时,可以让他们稍微等等。下面是我给大家整理的等等的英文短语,供大家参阅!   等等的英文短语篇1   1. So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you.   现如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、蓝莓酱等等。   2. "Wait for me!" Melanie squawked. "I'm not staying here alone."   “等等我!”梅拉尼粗声抗议道,“我不想一个人呆在这里。”   3. I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.   我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。   4. I was running down the hill shouting, "Michael, Michael, man, wait up".   我边往山下跑边喊:“迈克尔,迈克尔,嘿,等等我。”   5. We'll have to wait and see what happens.   我们只好等等看将会发生什么。   6. His new girlfriend is attractive, funny, smart, yada yada yada.   他新交的女朋友魅力十足,风趣,聪明等等等等。   7. I won't be hurried into a decision; you'll just have to wait!   我不会匆忙作出决定的, 你等等吧!   8. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.   她以做家务 、 看电视 、 看书等等度过一天.   9. He bought a lot of fruIt'such as apples and peaches.   他买了许多水果,如苹果、桃子等等.   10. To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.   属于这类物质的有云母 、 瓷器 、 石英 、 玻璃 、 木材等等.   11. You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc.   你慌忙挂上电话,去照料孩子, 去收拾陶器, 等等.   12. Wait for me, I have to clean up.   等等我, 我得洗洗手.   13. We had better buy tea, sugar, etc.   我们最好买些茶 、 糖等等.   14. The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc.   基数词包括1 、 2 、 3等等.   15. The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot.   女人们穿着牛仔裤、T恤、工装裤等等这类衣服在那个地方。   等等的英文短语篇2   这个食谱上说需要多少鸡蛋、多少牛奶等等。   A recipe tells you that you need so many eggs, so much milk, etc.   他天生聪明、能力强、有魅力等等。   He has a great deal of native intelligence, ability, charm, etc.   这商店卖衣服,鞋,帽子等等。   This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on.   他们真是又亲切,又热心,又好客,而且等等等等。   They are really kind and warm and hospitable and so on.   很多年轻人选择等等看。   A lot of young people make the choice to wait.   我们会等等看看他情况怎么样了。   We will wait and see how he is.   常被用来治不眠症,时差,胆固醇过高,抵抗力低等等。   Darkness stimulates the pineal gland and causes it to produce more melatonin.   目前我们只好等等再说。   At present we can only wait and see.   等等的英文短语篇3   “但是,等等,”您会说。   "But wait," you say.   属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。   To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.   英语里有些词如honour,hour,honesty等等的首字h不发音。   In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.   它也可以是关于你的宠物,喜爱的食物和衣服等等的小文章。   It can also be about your pet, favorite food or dresses and so on.   等等!看我们能做什么。   Wait!Look what we can do.   你喜欢什么颜色?等等。   Which colours do you like? etc.   火可以灼伤我们,但我们可以用它来烹饪,等等。   Fire burns us but we can cook with it, and so on.   我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来还是等等看将会怎样?   Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?   他把他所有的钱存在一个罐子里。为的是下个月他可以买一些礼物送给他的女友,一面平滑的镜子、一件外套等等。   He saved all his money in a pot, so that he could buy some gifts for his girlfriend next month, a smoonth mirror, an overcoat and so on.   哦,等等,这是对木工而言的! 没错,但是它在这里也很适用!   Oh wait, that is for carpentry, but nonetheless it works here as well!   “但是,等等,”您会说。   "But wait," you say.   属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。   To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.   英语里有些词如honour,hour,honesty等等的首字h不发音。   In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.   它也可以是关于你的宠物,喜爱的食物和衣服等等的小文章。   It can also be about your pet, favorite food or dresses and so on.   等等!看我们能做什么。   Wait!Look what we can do.   你喜欢什么颜色?等等。   Which colours do you like? etc.   火可以灼伤我们,但我们可以用它来烹饪,等等。   Fire burns us but we can cook with it, and so on.   我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来还是等等看将会怎样?   Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?   他把他所有的钱存在一个罐子里。为的是下个月他可以买一些礼物送给他的女友,一面平滑的镜子、一件外套等等。   He saved all his money in a pot, so that he could buy some gifts for his girlfriend next month, a smoonth mirror, an overcoat and so on.   哦,等等,这是对木工而言的! 没错,但是它在这里也很适用!   Oh wait, that is for carpentry, but nonetheless it works here as well!


等待的英语是“wait”,读音:英 [weɪt]、美 [weɪt] 。意思是等待;等候;(尤指长期地)希望;盼望;准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用。表达“等待”最常用的是 wait,它既可以作动词也可以作名词。作动词时,常用作不及物动词,后面常见介词或不定式,常用于搭配 wait for sb/sth 中,此时 wait 对应的另外一个正式用词且表“等待”的及物动词 await。例句I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.我走到街角等校车。I waited for her outside while she went in to see the doctor.她进去看医生时,我在外面等她。There werea lot of people waiting to use the phone.有很多人等着用电话。We had a three-hour wait before we could see the doctor.我们等了三个小时才去看医生。The long wait to see the doctor really made me anxious.等看医生的漫长时间真使我焦虑。


英 ['etk] 美 [et ˈset(ə)rə] 释义:以及其他(类似的),诸如此类。语法:拉丁语 “ét cétera”的缩写,通常用于每句话的结尾,用来表示与前文相似的分类。例句:Linux and UNIX machines have a startup script for rsync, usually in/ etc/init.d/rsync. Linux和UNIX都为rsync提供了启动脚本,通常在/etc/init.d/rsync中。相同意思的短语e.g. (例如): exempli gratia用于英语举例子。常见的缩写:1、wanna 是 "want to" 的缩写,意为“想要”“希望”。例子:Wanna grab a drink tonight?今晚喝一杯如何?2、gonna(= going to)gonna 是"going to" 的缩写,用在将来时中,一般与 be 动词连用成“be gonna”结构, 但在口语中也有省略be 的情况出现。例子:Who's gonna believe you?谁会信你呢?


英 ['etk] 美 [et ˈset(ə)rə] ect释义:以及其他(类似的),诸如此类。语法:拉丁语 “ét cétera”的缩写,通常用于每句话的结尾,用来表示与前文相似的分类。其他含义:ETC是国际上正在努力开发并推广的一种用于公路、大桥和隧道的电子自动收费系统。该技术在国外已有较长的发展历史,美国、欧洲等许多国家和地区的电子收费系统已经局部联网并逐步形成规模效益。 截至2018年10月,中国绝大多数省份ETC使用率难过半,有的省份不足三成。主要原因是办理程序繁琐,可使用场景偏少,车主办理ETC业务动力不足,导致ETC覆盖率偏低。专家建议,通过丰富使用场景,提升便利性等方式,提高ETC使用率。

