as well as

时间:2024-05-05 13:27:30编辑:莆田seo君

as well和as well as的区别是什么?

as well和as well as的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、as well:也。2、as well as:以及。二、语法不同1、as well:as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。2、as well as:as...as结构表示的是同级比较,第一个as后的形容词或副词不可用比较级,必须用原级,比较的对象亦须属同类。as...as结构表示数量或程度时,可用于“as much+(不可数名词+) as”或“as many+(可数名词复数+) as”结构。三、侧重点不同1、as well:副词短语。2、as well as:用来连接两个并列的成分。

as well as什么意思

as well as意识是也;和什么什么一样;不但,而且。用法:该词组为连词,作:同;和;也讲时,连接同等并列成分。例句:He speaks japanese as well as English and French. 他不但会说英语和法语,而且还会说日语。 Lily as well as her parents is very fond of classical music.不但莉莉的父母,而且连莉莉也非常喜欢古典音乐。She cooks as well as her mother(does).她烧菜和妈妈一样好。 aswell与aswellas的区别一、意思不同 well意思:也;还 well as意思:既什么又什么除什么之外(也);此外。二、用法不同 well用法:一般用于肯定句,有强调意味,位于主谓语之间,即实义动词之前,助动词之后。 well as用法:主要用于肯定句和疑问句。在书面语中,as well as偶可用在no,nothing或其他带有否定意义的词之前,而在否定词之后则不能用as well as,而要用either。三、侧重点不同 well侧重点:as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作也好,也行或倒不如解,用来缓和语气。 well as侧重点:as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,作也,还解,它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。

英语中“as well as ”是什么意思?用法是什么?

表示:既……又……、除此之外、此外的意思。1、强调作用as well as也可以换为and,但是as well as起到强调作用,而且A as well as B, 主要在强调A,后面介词可加,可不加。Hollywood has always been about marketing dreams to investors as well as to audiences.好莱坞总是致力于向投资者和观众推销梦想。2、有侧重的强调并列用as well as,相当于, and,但是as well as起到强调作用,而且A as well as B, 主要在强调A。Website traffic includes customers checking online prices and information, as well as those actually buying.网站流量包括消费者查询网购价格和信息,以及实际购买操作。3、避免歧义as well as 前后连接的是一个不同的整体,,and会引起歧义,as well as避免引起歧义。Gree has plants in four provinces in China as well as Brazil, Vietnam and Pakistan.格力在中国的四个省份设有工厂,另外在巴西、越南和巴基斯坦也有工厂。4、连接不同整体as well as 连接的前后都是不同的整体,前面或者后面小并列是整体,后面是独自的整体,使用,and会引起歧义。This can include practical abilities such as riding a bike and kneading dough, as well as higher-level tasks.这包括骑自行车和揉面,以及更高水平的实践能力。as well as 前后连接的是一个不同的整体,避免and使用太多,使用as well as。5、接续作用as well as作介词,后面接动词ing或原型,意为“除了„„之外,不仅,还有”,后接n or v-ingAs well as trying to master the Chinese language, Mr Zuckerberg has entertained China’s chief censor at his San Francisco home.除了努力学习中文,扎克伯格还在旧金山的家中款待中国审查机构负责人。

as well as什么意思

as well as的意思是既…又…;除…之外(也);此外。
音标:英 [æz wel æz] 美 [æz wɛl æz]
1,She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire

2,One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.
3,Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference.
4,The criticisms are founded on facts as well as on convictions
5,Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.

as well as什么意思?

as well as的意思是既…又…;除…之外(也);此外。
音标:英 [æz wel æz] 美 [æz wɛl æz]
1,She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire

2,One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.
3,Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference.
4,The criticisms are founded on facts as well as on convictions
5,Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.


as well as:既…又…;除…之外(也);此外。as well as = not only……but also,意为“不但……而且……,既……又……”,as well as 后面接动词,要用动词ing形式。例句:They visited some factories, hospitals as well as the school.他们参观了这所学校,还参观了工厂和医院。Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.弗洛伊德曾假定我们所有人都有生存本能和死亡本能。


意思:既…又…;除…之外(也);此外用法:1、A as well as B 可以用来表示A和B同等重要,即等同于and。2、在A as well as B 结构中,语义上侧重A,所以,一般翻译成“不仅B,而且A;既B,又\也A”。3、as well as既可做连词,连接相同成分;又可做介词,后面多接doing。读法:英 [æz wel æz] 美 [æz wel æz]示例:Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct. 弗洛伊德曾假定我们所有人都有生存本能和死亡本能。扩展资料well 读法 英 [wel] 美 [wel] 1、adv. 很好地;充分地;满意地;适当地2、adj. 良好的;健康的;适宜的词语用法:1、well是一个常见的副词,其基本意思是“好”,用来说明事情做得很好,达到一定的水准或程度,也可表示“对,满意地,友好地,和蔼地,彻底地,完全地,夸奖地,称赞地”,通常置于实义动词之后,若是及物动词则要放在直接宾语之后。2、well也可作“有理由地,恰当地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解,多用于can, could, may或might之后。3、well还可作“很,相当”解,指达到相当的程度。


“as well as”的意思是:adv.既…又…; 除…之外(也); 此外;发音:英 [æz wel æz] 美 [æz wɛl æz]例句:1、Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。 2、This brief article will let you know why you have bad habits as well as how you can break those bad habits. 这篇简洁的文章会让你知道,为什么你会有坏习惯,同时也让你知道如何打破那些坏习惯。 3、And then you would like me as well as your father? 那你就会喜欢我像喜欢你父亲一样了吗?4、Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit as well as a lifejacket. 除了租救生衣,水上运动爱好者还应该考虑租一套潜水服。 5、This new career doesn't pay nearly as well as the old one. 这份新工作的薪水还不如原来那份多。 扩展资料同义词:as well。as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。例句:1、Andy's face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。2、Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look.选花不仅要观其形还要闻其香。3、I'll come with you if you like. I might as well. 如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。

as well as的翻译是什么?

as well as的意思是既…又…;除…之外(也);此外。
音标:英 [æz wel æz] 美 [æz wɛl æz]
1,She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire

2,One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.
3,Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference.
4,The criticisms are founded on facts as well as on convictions
5,Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.

as well as的用法总结是什么?

as well as 在和动词连用的时候,通常译为“两者一样好”。eg;He can speak English as well as Chinese.(他英语说得跟汉语一样好)。需要注意的是,此时仍然遵循侧重点在前半部分的规律,不能翻译为“他汉语说得跟英语一样好”。在连接两个物或人的时候,侧重点通常在前者,即A as well as B 的侧重点在 as well as Lily is playing basketball.(Mary 跟 Lily一样,也正在打篮球);注意这里用的谓语动词是单数形式,因为as well as 连接的两个人和物,侧重点在前者,这里的主语只有as well as前面的部分,即Mary,因此用谓语单数形式。aswellas常用来连接两个并列的成分,作“也,还”解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用notonly。。。butalso。。。连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。如:Yourwifeaswellasyouisfriendlytome。不仅而且你的妻子也对我很友好。(=Notonlyyoubutalsoyourwifeisfriendlytome。)Electricenergycanbechangedintolightenergyaswellasintosoundenergy。电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。以上内容参考:百度百科-as well

as well as用法

as well as的用法:通常作为复合并列连词,用来连接两个并列的成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。基本用法:在英语中,as well as通常作为复合并列连词,用来连接两个并列的成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。相当于not only...but also...,表示“不但……而且……”,“既……又……”。因此,它们通常可以互换,但是值得注意的是,as well as在具体的语句中强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此在连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。而用not only...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。 以比较结构的形式出现:as well as有时并不作为一个整体的并列连词,而是一个以“”形式出现的比较结构,意思是“和……一样好”。在这个结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰well,第二个as是连词,与第一个as相呼应,引导一个比较状语从句,表示同级比较。 双语例句:1、He is a statesman as well as a scholar,He is not only a scholar but also a statesman.他不仅是一位学者,而且是一位政治家。2、She as well as I is very fond of physics.不仅我,她也非常喜欢物理。3、He has experience as well as skill.=He has not only skill but also experience.他不仅有技术,而且有经验。4、He speaks Spanish as well as English.他说西班牙语像说英语一样好。5、She doesn’t speak as well as her friend,but her writing is excellent.她没有她朋友说得好,但她的笔头很好。6、John plays football as well as,if not better than,David.约翰足球即使踢得不比大卫更好,也和他一样好。7、He can operate the machine as well as I do.他操作这台机器和我一样熟练。

