slogan goes here

时间:2024-05-04 14:08:15编辑:莆田seo君


【 #英语资源# 导语】六月一日儿童节,童心颗颗乐开花,童声高歌节日好,童谣句句赞幸福,童话生活真美妙,童年快乐似珍宝。六一国际儿童节,祝全天下小朋友节日快乐!儿童是国家的未来,是民族的希望,给所有儿童创造良好的家庭、社会和学习环境,让他们健康、快乐、幸福地成长,一直是世界各国努力的目标,一年一度的“六一国际儿童节”就是专门为儿童们设立的节日。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today, it's international children's day. There will be a party all day in the school. I also have personal book sales. I'm also the little host of the class Federation. I'm so excited that I haven't closed my eyes all night. I got up early in the morning and put on my favorite pastoral fresh little gauze skirt. I felt like a fairy.   In the morning, we sold our personal books, and I donated the money I earned. Looking at the little love on my chest, I am very proud. We also had recreational activities. What I look forward to most is the class reunion in the afternoon, because I am the host and there are programs.   In the afternoon, the class party began. I stood in the center of the stage with Hu Erya and Wu Zhuoyu. I felt very confident. Today, let's open our eyes. The talented students in our class bring us all kinds of wonderful performances! Guo Yuchen's crosstalk is fluent and humorous; Meng Xiaohang sings "take you on a trip" with a unique voice; Zhang Yaoqing's faint violin performance immersed the students in the; Zhang Ganchen and Yang's melodious bamboo flute can make the students laugh; Wang Zhixuan's "suona" is beautiful and charming; Let's shout for Yang Dongjin's fast magic cube performance. I like he Zexi's wonderful magic playing cards best. With a wave of both hands, they turn into a pile of the same playing cards, and the students can only look at each other and can't touch their heads. Magic really makes us see more and broaden our horizons! The wonderful dance performance of Wu Zhuoyu and I is also unique. It is very infectious. The cheerful music and dynamic dance posture make the students eager to try and jump with us. On June 1, I found the magic cube king, suona king, bamboo flute king, singing king, violin king and Wu Zhuoyu's dance king in our class. I love today.   This is the most memorable day of my children's day. 2.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is a holiday for children. On June 1, children's Day is full of flowers and a festival atmosphere. On this day, I had an interesting children's day outside.   At seven o'clock in the morning, I arrived downstairs early and walked to the park with joy in the golden sunshine. This time, there are many items to play in the park, including "skillfully taking dragon balls", "helping and sending beauties", "Taigong fishing"... Each item has its special meaning and game rules. I saw that every child in the park enjoyed the fun of activities, had his own wisdom and experienced the joy of success.   I first played the game of "pushing a cup across the sea". The table was covered with soap. There was a white line 30 cm away from one end of the table. On my side was a cup holding half a cup of water. I read the instructions carefully and walked to the table with confidence, but I used too much strength, so the cup flew out. The second time, I turned down the intensity, but I didn't cross the line. The third time, I pushed him out in combination with the experience of the first and second times. Unexpectedly, this time, I neither fell down nor crossed the line. I happily took out a lottery ticket from the machine. The children watching next to me looked at me with envy and applauded for me. Then I played "blind crossing the river". The staff covered my eyes with a black cloth, but I turned my hands back in place for a week, then told me to move forward and told me not to step on the white line when walking. I succeeded in this game at once, because I saw the direction and remembered where the white line was before the game, so I got another lottery ticket.   After all the games, I happily went to the podium, exchanged the lottery tickets for prizes, and reluctantly went home. 3.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is June 1. It's our children's Festival - children's day. We are all very happy. The children's cries are also very loud, with jubilant infection in their voices. The small trees in the park are particularly oily and green, and the singing of birds is very beautiful.   There were a lot of people in Nanhu Park. There was a long queue in front of each amusement project, and my mother was crowded among them. She waited for a long time before she got on the boat. My mother and I rowed the boat into the lake and pointed the gun at the torpedo. Suddenly, the torpedo spewed out a lot of water. It was like rain in the sky, and other boats hurried away.   We had a great time! 4.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today we held a "61 party" in the classroom. This program is different from before. It used to be a talent show, but this program is a great breakthrough of wisdom and courage. When it comes to breaking through the barrier, everyone is very enthusiastic. They decorate the teachers early and anxiously look forward to the beginning of the program.   In the afternoon, the program finally began. There are five levels in total. The first level is "I can do math". The host said, "are you ready?" Everyone said in unison, "all right!" When we heard the host say start! Everyone is busy answering questions. When the host said, "it's time!" I found that I had three more spaces to fill in, so I had to fill in and hand it in according to my feeling. I kept reading in my heart: "don't eliminate it at the first level!" Until the teacher said, "now let's talk about the people who entered the next level, Han Yuan, Zhou Lu and Li Sheng... When the teacher reported my name, I was surprised. Is it true that I wasn't eliminated?   The second level is the game of "stone, scissors and cloth". My opponent is Hu Yuxiang. I won seven times in a row. It's so happy that I can enter the next level.   The third level is to recite ancient poems. My opponent is Jiang Yan. We were tied several times, so we had to ask the teacher to come out. The teacher asked me down in two or three times, so I had to step down. Jiang Yan broke through the fourth level. I watched them break through while eating. I was looking forward to entering the game again. But when Fang Yuan won the Gold Award, Wang Qi won the silver award and the Bronze Award in the summer, I was a little disappointed. 5.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is "61" children's day, which is our own festival.   In the morning, the golden sunshine spread all over the earth, and the students came to the school happily in brand-new school uniforms. Walking into the school gate, I saw pictures and calligraphy works in front of me. My curiosity attracted me and I couldn't help looking at them. Suddenly, I found my painting and looked at my own work with a happy heart.   At eight o'clock in the morning, we lined up in a neat line and moved chairs to the science and technology building to watch the large-scale literary and artistic performance of "Celebrating June 1". First of all, the school chorus sang the songs "leave it to me" and "Golden Village", and the beautiful melody and cheerful songs echoed in the sky of the campus for a long time. The second program is the dance "Feiteng". Several students in Mongolian clothes danced the national dance. Their dance is light, like a spring swallow spreading its wings and beating like a drum when they are happy, which looks natural, beautiful and stretch. Only after the performance did I know that it meant herdsmen galloping on their horses.   Next, the students performed the English Fairy Tale Drama snow white, which is about a beautiful girl named Snow White who died her mother. The new queen was bad to her and hurt her. So she ran to the seven dwarfs. After the new queen knew from the magic mirror, she pretended to be a witch and ate a poisonous apple to snow white, and she died. Later, a prince saved her. From then on, they lived happily together.   Finally, the students also performed the piano solo "to Alice", solo, dance "joy", "Golden Peacock", "looking for friends", "happy Frodo", erhu ensemble "horse racing", guzheng "resonance of fishing boat", Tujia musical instrument "wild dance of Golden Snake". The wonderful program won applause from the students.   The performance is over. Although I have only described three programs in detail here, I still have the shadow of all the programs in my mind. 6.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is "61" children's day. It's our children's day. Six children from our happy team went to the underground Youth Palace of the second classroom activity base to make cakes.   We happily came to the activity base and walked into the cake shop. The enthusiastic aunt greeted us and put on inverted back clothes for each of our children. After washing our hands, we walked into the cake room. The cake room is very clean. There are eggs, butter, flour and some fruit on the table.   With the help of an aunt, we beat the eggs in the basin and put white sugar on them. Then Chen Yanlin, sun Xinye and pan Wenbin took turns to beat the eggs in the basin with an egg beater. While beating the eggs, we added flour to the basin. After beating the eggs and flour very thick, we put them on one side. On the edge, Shen Shangyi and Ding rouyin kneaded butter in the basin. After putting the kneaded butter into our basin, we kneaded the flour, eggs and butter into a ball. Aunt helped us make a round cake from the kneaded things and put it in the oven. After baking for a while, the fresh cake came out! Aunt taught us to put cream and fruit on the cake, and then squeeze cream lace. A delicious cake was made.   Aunt cut the cake into pieces and we ate it with relish! Making cakes on children's Day is our most interesting team activity. Several of our children made cakes together, which also let us know that we need to work together to do a good job. 7.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   The day before the June 1 children's day, our school held a big activity. First we had the ceremony of joining the team, then the game time, the last afternoon was self study, and of course, the teacher organized the students to play in the classroom.   The first class is the team joining ceremony. Our class lined up and went to the playground. When many people on the stage were speaking, I was wandering. Later, when I got to the shift team, I "came back". Everyone is praying that their class can judge the work team, and I am no exception. Heard director Shen say: "special praise class 226, won class 5 team." As soon as I heard this sentence, I was very excited. I thought that our class won five for the first time. It was still very powerful.   From the second class, the whole school began to enter game time. At first, Yi Yuqing took me to class 230 food street. Although this "street" is not long, seeing these food, my food began to move!   "Change quickly! I have to play!" Some people say angrily. Yes, Yi Yuqing and I are also waiting for the little boss to change. About five minutes later, the little boss finally found us 17 yuan.   Later, we went to class 222 to play the game of "eating biscuits". The rule is: put a biscuit on your forehead and eat the biscuit with your face. The first three players who eat the biscuit will win, and the rest will be rewarded with a candy. I tried my best to make an expression. Originally, the biscuit had reached the bridge of my nose. Unfortunately, my head accidentally tilted and the biscuit fell to the ground   After lunch, in the afternoon, the first class was led by science teacher Wei, who said that we could do whatever we wanted in this class, as long as we didn't leave the classroom. In the second class, Zhang Ran and I presided over the class meeting. Someone came to perform magic, someone crosstalk, and naturally someone singing   "61" is a day worthy of celebration. It celebrates our lively and lovely children. Immediately, we will not be children, and there will be no 61. 8.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is the June 1 children's day. Mr. Zeng and Miss Zhu will take us to Gaoqiao and Shimen temple.   We drove off. Along the way, we saw a lot of beautiful scenery: there were rows of tall houses, beside which there were all kinds of flowers and trees, and some flowers had just opened; Some of the petals were all unfolded, showing a bright smile; Some flowers are still flowers and bones. They look so full that they are about to burst.   Along the way, we sang and laughed, and unknowingly came to the bottom of the high bridge. The first thing that comes into view is the stone steps one by one. There is an arched gate hole on the steps, which is carved with exquisite patterns: there are two giant dragons facing each other from head to tail, and two wolf dogs roaring up to the sky on both sides of the two giant dragons. The word "Gaoqiao" is engraved directly above the door opening.   Through the door opening is a long corridor, which is divided into seven small pavilions. There are wooden guardrails on both sides of the pavilion, and the ground is paved with bluestone. When people are tired of working nearby, they can take a ride in it to enjoy the cool and rest their feet. They can also take shelter from the rain on rainy days.   The high bridge is more than 20 meters long and more than 4 meters wide. Although it looks shabby, it is strong. It was founded in 1737 and has a history of more than 200 years. Gaoqiao is also the oldest existing wind and rain bridge in Shuangfeng, integrating pavilions, corridors and bridges. Mr. Zeng told us: in the past, Gaoqiao was not only the old road to the county, but also the bridge of tall people. People who crossed it were superior, so it was called Gaoqiao.   We reluctantly left the high bridge and came to the Xianshui Hall of Shimen temple. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a huge thousand hand Guanyin in front of me. He looked very serious. He was wearing a golden Buddha robe. I said goodbye and hope I can grow up healthily and happily and make more and more progress in my study! 9.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   On June 1, children's Day is sunny, and flowers on the roadside are competing to be open. When grass is blowing in the breeze, it suddenly rises and shines. A bus was speeding along the highway, and laughter and beautiful songs were constantly heard from the bus. Who was so happy? It turns out that our school students are going to Qianshan Bainiaoyuan for spring outing! After nearly an hour's journey, we came to our destination.   As soon as I got off the bus, a spring breeze of hexu gently blew over me. The fatigue along the way immediately disappeared, and I felt very comfortable. Suddenly, a square was displayed in front of me, and then looked ahead. A large bird cage stood in the green mountains. Along the winding mountain road and stone steps, we came to the hundred birds garden. We entered the big bird cage, a bird world. The hundred birds garden covers an area of about 120 mu. There are large nets around and on the roof to prevent birds from escaping. The hundred birds garden does not have 100 kinds of birds, but describes many kinds of birds. Peacocks in Bainiaoyuan are green all over, their lower back is still shining purple, and there is a cluster of upright crown feathers on their head, which is about ten centimeters long; The ostriches there are tall and stand about 2. 5 meters, weighing up to 135 kg, it is an individual species of existing birds. In addition to some white feathers on the wing and tail, the adult male has black feathers all over the body and a beautiful flower spot on the chest. Some of our naughty male classmates squatted close to the ostrich, but the ostrich was very sensitive. As soon as we got close, they ran immediately. It ran really fast, like a gust of wind. I thought to myself: if athletes can run like ostriches, they will certainly win the world championship.   Have a good time and time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, it's time to go back to school, but I haven't had enough. In order to meet our desires, on the way back, the driver showed us a movie. In the car, we boys and girls launched a song PK. June 1 is really a happy festival! 10.有关六一儿童节的英语作文范文   Today is children's day. Once a year, the children's Day is coming. Early in the morning, I couldn't wait to get up. After washing myself, I took my parents out for breakfast. My parents promised me that they would take me to the zoo today. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time.   As soon as I got to the zoo, I saw a long banner hanging at the door to wish the children a happy holiday. Many children have come to the square. My father hurried to buy tickets and we began to visit.   First came to the carp pond. Fat carp came to the pond in groups, kept sticking out their heads, opening their mouths and swallowing the food thrown by tourists. I also broke off the steamed bread left over from breakfast and fed it to them. A red and white carp swallowed a lot of steamed bread and refused to go. I had to feed the rest of the steamed bread to this greedy guy. Then I came to the tiger. I saw a tiger lying lazily on the stone in the sun, completely ignoring our existence. No matter what we call it, it ignored us. It's really a lazy bug. After the tiger mountain, I came to the monkey forest. Many golden monkeys jumped around in the forest. It was so interesting. My mother took some photos for me and said that I was not as flexible as monkeys. Finally, I saw the beautiful peacock. Although I didn't see the scene of opening the screen, its feathers were really beautiful. The sunlight sprinkled on it and reflected silver lights. I quickly asked my mother to press the shutter to keep this beautiful moment. Animal children's day, but I have not been introduced in detail, but I really enjoy the children's day together with these lovely animal.   My parents and I agreed that next year's June 1 children's day will come again.


【 #英语资源# 导语】我盼望已久的“六一儿童节”终于来到啦!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is the long-awaited International Children's Day. With the arrival of the June day holiday, my spirit is also inspired.   In order to celebrate our own festival, the school also specially arranged a commendation meeting to enable us to spend a happy June day in the school. Therefore, when we heard the news in the morning, we were all like happy birds, talking and laughing in the classroom.   Naturally, I am also excited. At noon, I came home after lunch, put on a clean and tidy new school uniform, put on a bright red scarf, and came to the school happily.   At this time, the campus is more lively than ever before. The students are playing and jumping, so they are not happy; When we came to the classroom, some of us played cards, while others played on the side.   The commendation meeting to be held in the afternoon finally began. The students lined up and orderly came to the playground in front of the stage to watch. Because I won the prize in the live composition contest held not long ago, I was able to show it on the stage and hurried to the right side of the stage. Many people are waiting there with certificates of award. It seems that there are many winners!   "Now let's invite the students who won the prize in the on-site composition competition to show on the stage!" The host's clear voice won warm applause. The award-winning students and I stepped onto the stage in order, lined up in four rows, held the certificates above our heads, and burst into another burst of warm applause. At this moment, my heart is full of happiness, and the joy is indescribable.   Happy time is always short, happy "61" children's day in the laughter of everyone unconsciously passed. I look forward to the coming of the next "June day" as soon as possible! 2.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   In the deep and shallow dream, "61" is soft, and she comes quietly with the fragrance of Sophora japonica; In the longer and deeper memory, "61" is sweet, and she gladly keeps the appointment in our warm expectation. "June day" always exudes a fragrant flavor, decorating a colorful childhood with a red scarf   Our school is located on the Bank of the Guyun River in Qingqing. Tall locust trees are surrounded by white walls and red bricks. When we step into the classroom with our little friends carrying schoolbags full of rape flowers, the teacher always says with a smile: "I'm crazy again. Go to study." We ran back to our seats, winked, flipped the pages, shook our heads, and shouted at the top of our voices.   The happiest one is this year's "61" festival. In order to participate in the musical instrument performance competition for primary school students in the county, the school decided that the music and dance club would rehearse the Phoenix Tail Bamboo in the moonlight, which made us very happy. Under the careful guidance of Teacher Yu, we practiced carefully after school every day. Several times, it was the teacher who urged us to go home, so we broke up and left. Otherwise, we would be happy to practice until dawn! After hard work, we won the first prize of the county. The golden certificate of award has been our pride for a long time.   I will never forget this year's "61", the simple and happy "61", the forever warm "61", and the "61" that embellished my countless dreams 3.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today, we finally ushered in our own festival, "International Children's Day." All the teachers and students of grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 of our school came to the stadium in a neat line to watch the group gymnastics performance   The first thing that came to my eyes was a team in military uniforms. They were coming to us with a red hat and vigorous steps After that, young pioneers in white, yellow, red and green clothes entered the venue one after another. We cheered them along with the music. The review has begun. Some of them were holding small drums and some were carrying big drums. They were beating wonderful drums on the playground   Suddenly, the applause and drums echoed in the playground We were brought into the group gymnastics dance performance by the cheerful music. They crossed each other like the waves of the sea There are also many large-scale group gymnastics performances Everything looks great! We ended this "61" activity with happy songs and laughter   How wonderful it would be if every day were "International Children's Day"! 4.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Every festival will bring laughter and happiness; Every festival will be a beautiful memory; Every festival will reflect our memories of each other. When you face the last festival, this feeling will be very strong.   Children's day on June 1 is a happy, enjoyable and pleasant day for those primary school students. However, it is the last festival for a middle school student. It is the most missed, remembered and unforgettable Festival. For them, they are about to bid farewell to childhood, embrace youth and embark on the journey of youth; How reluctant they are to give up; For them, how meaningful it is... I believe that everyone, when you face the last festival, will never give up and will always have the deepest memory.   When you face your last 61, even if there is no grand scene, you will never forget it; When you face the last festival that belongs to you, even if there is not too much joy, you will still remember it; When you face your last favorite festival, even without dancing, you will keep it in your mind forever. 5.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Children's Day is our children's day. That day, wearing a beautiful flower skirt and a bright red scarf, I walked into our garden like Campus - dongweiqiao primary school.   On the afternoon of children's day, my parents took me to Shijiazhuang zoo. As soon as we entered the zoo, my parents and I went to the monkey's home "Dawang mountain" first. There were many tourists around the "mountain". My parents and I hurried to the "mountain". There were so many monkeys on the "mountain". I saw one of the monkeys with his feet on the chain and looked up at the distance like a scout, making everyone laugh. Then it jumped onto the rockery as if to say, "the performance is over, give me some applause!" I took out a piece of chocolate candy from my bag and threw it to it. It quickly jumped over and took the candy, skillfully wrapped the candy paper and ate it. It also made a face at me, as if it were saying "thank you" again. That day, I also saw our "national treasure" giant pandas, beautiful peacocks, bulky elephants and other animals that I had only seen in books before. I was very happy.   "61" children's Day is my most unforgettable day. How did you spend it, children? Write it down quickly and share it with you! 6.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   June 1 is our children's festival. We are looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, we are looking forward to the arrival of June 1. In order to celebrate children's day, our school decided to hold an activity to welcome children's day. When they heard that the June day celebration was going to be held, the students talked and laughed in the classroom like happy little mice. On the eve of the "June 1" festival, the school gate was filled with colorful flags on both sides.   In the morning, it was drizzling, bathing our new generation of seedlings and painting us with new colors. The flowers are nodding and smiling at us, and the birds are whispering hello to us. At ten o'clock in the morning, the school celebrated the "61" brigade. The first one was the team joining ceremony of grade one. When I saw their happy and proud expressions with red scarves, I couldn't help thinking of the scene when I first joined the team. I don't have to worry about how beautiful it was. Then, prizes and certificates of merit were presented to the outstanding students of each class. At last, there was an art performance. All the students were full of spirit and every class was well prepared. Time passed so quickly that a short half day passed, and the campus gradually calmed down. I had to leave the school reluctantly, looking forward to the next beautiful June day.   Back home at noon, my mother bought a big bag of my favorite food. There are delicious jelly, delicious potato chips, and cool drinks. My mother said it was "61" day to comfort me. How happy our children's Day is! 7.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is an exciting and unforgettable day, "International Children's Day".   I came to xiaopang cosmetics store early, regardless of the rain. I came to the cosmetics store and heard the voices of my classmates zhuweiyu and pan Enxi. I hurried into the cosmetics store. Sure enough, zhuweiyu and pan Enxi were inside. After playing three games with them, Chen Xuanyi came.   We began to make up. I made up first. My aunt painted me with liquid foundation first, and then painted me with a little thick silver powder. Then, my aunt painted eye shadow for me. Finally, I applied lipstick and makeup. The following students are like this. After all the students had melted, we took a bus to the government hall of Zeguo town.   We came to the second row below the stage. I am the reading star, sitting in the second row. I sat there and waited and waited until it was time for the awards. I felt very nervous when I walked onto the stage. Miss Jiang gave me an award. The award is over. Let's step down.   I waited and waited until I finally got to the Latin dance performance. All the students in the Latin dance performance wore beautiful clothes. They began to perform. All of their actions were well done. After the performance, many people applauded them.   I waited and waited until the song and dance performance of class 2 (4) of class 2 (3) - "losing weight for schoolbags". We little actors came onto the stage. My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking. The performance began, and the music began. Maoyiran ran ran out talking about his guitar. I came out with the music. When we jumped in the middle, I saw everyone smiling at us, and my heart calmed down. After the performance, I hope we are the first.   "61" is really a happy holiday. 8.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   International International Children's Day is a holiday for our children all over the world. Excuse me: how do you celebrate the festival? How are you? Happy? Ha ha! Let me first introduce how class 4, grade 3 of Zichuan experimental primary school came to celebrate International Children's Day!   This afternoon, we came to the school early, because today is the international International Children's Day. We want to decorate the classroom. When Mr. Han came, our classmates flocked to the school. In less than a minute, all the things on the table were delicious snacks. Then, the students were busy decorating the classroom. I and some other students were decorating the outside door. After the decoration, we were all sweating. Then I blew a balloon and gave it to the group who needed it. After the decoration, the classroom was already beautiful.   After sitting down, the host began to read the opening remarks carefully. We ate at the bottom, and then the host began to read the program. The second was that after I read "man Jiang Hong" with yuemingyang and wangboyuan, several other students performed magic, sang songs and guessed riddles. The most regrettable thing was that Mr. Tan didn't come. In the middle, wushixiao took a spray, and I and a small number of students just bought it, so we began to spray. For a while, kongziqi's face was full, because I sprayed her specifically. This time, it was really cool.   At last, the host read the closing words, and the happy International Children's Day party ended. 9.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. I am very excited to think that the hard practice a few days ago will come in handy soon.   Early in the morning, we went to the canteen to make up. When we looked in the mirror, we found that we had changed. We had a red face, curved eyebrows and pink lipstick on our mouth. It was very cute. Wuyunyan is the host. She has a little thick makeup. Everyone who saw her said she was a singer. She was unhappy. I went to comfort her. Then we all participated in our own performances. 10: We leave school. When I got home, I quickly opened the kite sent by my teacher. My father and I spelled it together. At noon, my mother came home from work. She promised me that my family would fly kites and play basketball in the afternoon. My brother and I shouted, "long live mother, long live mother!"   The afternoon is coming, and my heart has already flown to the vast fields, the blue sky and the lively basketball court. Finally, we set out. Although it is not a famous park, each of us has a smiling face. In my heart, my family is very happy doing anything together. We arrived at the destination. Dad took out the kite. Dad ran and ran. The kite flew into the sky. It was flying in the air. I also wanted to fly in the air like a kite. Although there was a line holding it, it was full of love with the line. We left again. Now we are heading for the basketball court. There are so many people on the basketball court! There are so many experts here. Every move of every basketball player is very cool.   This International Children's Day is really fun. 10.关于六一儿童节的英语作文   This year's "61" festival, we held a garden tour in our class. We had fun and had something to eat.   This is my most unforgettable "61" festival.      After giving out the prizes and

