
时间:2024-05-03 16:12:26编辑:莆田seo君


points有得分的意思。 points:n.论点;观点;见解;重点;要点 扩展资料   I don't see the point of doing it all again.   我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。   These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.   就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。   There are two points which I wanted to make.   我想要指出的有两点。


points的意思是:要点;目的;观点;重点;理由;论点;意图;见解;核心问题。points的英音是/pɔɪnts/,美音是/pɔɪnts/。含有points的双语例句1、The points you make are fine, but the whole essay lacks coherence.你提出的论点很好,但整篇文章缺乏呼应连贯。2、You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make.你需要向读者介绍你将阐述的各个论点。3、These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。4、There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.这两个观点有根本区别。5、The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.本课的目的是比较这两个国家。


point的读音是[pɔɪnt],具体释义如下:表达意思:观点,见解;具体细节;要点,核心问题;目的,意图;特点,特征;地点;罗盘(方位)点;(用手指或细的物体)指,指向;对准,瞄准;朝向,对着;为……指明方向,指路;暗示,表明;建议,指引;强调(话语或行动)。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:flash point油气,物 闪点;导火线;闪火点;引火点。例句:This last point is crucial.刚讲的这一点是关键的。近义词介绍:core表达意思:果核;中心部分;核心,要点;骨干,核心成员;地核,天体的核心;核反应堆堆芯;芯体;给……去核;核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:Core Value核心价值 ; 立典范 ; 中心价值 ; 焦点价值不雅。例句:We need to concentrate on our core business.我们需要集中在核心业务上。

point to怎么读

pointtothewindow读音:[pɔɪnt tu ðə 'wɪndəʊ] 。释义:指向窗口。例句:This extension point provides a way for plug-ins to contribute Eclipse Preference pages to the Preferences window.此扩展点提供了一种方式让插件将 Eclipse Preference 页面提供给 Preferences 窗口。pointtothewindow造句如下:1、To customize how you view your disks and volumes in the upper and lower panes of the window, point to Top or Bottom on the View menu, and then click the view that you want to use.要自定义如何在该窗口的顶端窗格和底端窗格中查看磁盘和卷,请指向查看菜单上的顶端或底端,然后单击要使用的视图。2、At one point, I mentioned to my sons that I might blog about their predictions because I thought they represented an interesting window into the future.我曾经跟孩子们提起过,要把他们的这些预测发到博客上,因为我觉得它们代表了一个有趣的看未来的窗口。3、By this point, a synthetic event needs to be sent, so the current mouse position and window position data are recorded.此时,需要发送一个合成事件,因此将记录当前的鼠标位置和窗口位置。


point的意思是:有尖,尖端,尖头等。point是一个英文单词。意思:有尖,尖端,尖头;(空间的)一点,处,地方,位置;特点,特征;时间上的一点,(特定)时刻;瞬间;分数;思想;论点等意思。在具体语境中有不同意思与用法。point既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。point的例句:1. Can you explain that point again?你能再解释一下那一点吗?2. He elucidated a point of grammar.他解释了一个语法要点。3. This last point is crucial.刚讲的这一点是关键的。4. Let's consider this point further.让我们更深入地考虑这一点。5. You may need to amplify this point.你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。


n.点;要点;得分;标点vt.(意思上)指向;削尖;加标点于;指路vi.指向;表明 一、短语point of view观点;见地;立场point out指出,指明at this point这时候,此时此刻point in有意义;在…有作用starting point出发点;起始点key point关键点;要点二、用法1.point作名词,词义非常丰富,常用词义有:表示“尖头”,如:the point of a pin 针尖表示“小数点”,如:five point one two 5.1表示“点、时刻”,如:a turning point 转折点表示“(计量度数的)点、度”,如:the freezing point 冰点表示“分数、得分”,如:score 10 points (比赛)得10分2.point作名词时的常用搭配:at the point of(就要…的时候),如:She was at the point of leaving when I arrived. 当我到达时,她正要离开。in point(适当的),如:a case in point 一个适当的事例make a point of(必定要…),如:Father makes a point of going to bed before ten. 父亲必定在十点以前睡觉。3.point作动词,有以下几个意思:表示“用手指…”,如:It’s rude to point at people. 用手指人是不礼貌的。表示“指向…、对着…”,如:point one’s finger at 用手指…表示“削尖、磨尖”,如:point a pencil 把铅笔削尖4.point作动词时的常用搭配:point out(指出),如:He pointed out my mistake to me. 他向我指出我的错误。point to(面向…),如:The house pointed to the sea. 那房子面向大海。三、例句1.The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。2.I don't see the point in it really. It's just stupid.我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。3.It got to the point where he had to leave.到了他不得不走的地步。


points,读音:英 [pɔɪnts],美 [pɔɪnts]。释义:n. 点;目的(point的复数);见解v. 指引;瞄准(point的第三人称单数)例句:Each answer is worth 20 points.每题为20分。变形:单数point,原形point短语:points of view观点;看法set of points点集action points行动点数近义词aim读音:英[eɪm],美[eɪm]释义:v. 目的在于;引导;把……对准;瞄准n. 目的;瞄准例句:Our aim is to eradicate poverty and live a rich life.我们的目标是彻底消灭贫穷,过上富裕生活。变形:过去式aimed,过去分词aimed,现在分词aiming,第三人称单数aims,复数aims


"Point" 是一个多义词,可以表示不同的意思:点数;观点;重点 ;点,位置;指针。以下是其中一些常见的用法:点数: "Point" 可以表示得分或分数。例如:"I got 100 points in the exam"(我在考试中得了100分)。观点: "Point" 也可以表示观点或看法。例如:"What's your point of view on this issue?"(你对这个问题有什么看法?)。重点: "Point" 还可以表示重点或关键。例如:"The main point of the article is that we need to take action on climate change"(这篇文章的重点是我们需要采取行动应对气候变化)。点,位置: "Point" 还可以表示点或位置。例如:"He pointed to the map and showed me where we were"(他指着地图告诉我我们在哪里)。指针: "Point" 还可以表示指针,尤其是钟表或仪表盘上的指针。例如:"The minute hand is pointing to the number 3"(分针指向数字3)。需要根据上下文来确定 "point" 的具体含义。

