
时间:2024-05-03 01:50:16编辑:莆田seo君


问题一:有可能是 也有可能是 用英语怎么说呢? A could be B, but also could be C

问题二:也许/可能用英语怎么说? perhaps

问题三:“更有可能”用英语怎么说 more likelymore possibly

问题四:请问很可能用英文怎么说(高手进) very probably/ it seemed probably that....
it could easily...

问题五:不可能用英语怎么说啊 不可能:impossible

1. 绝对不可能的!
Absolutely impossible!
2. 在无边无际的海洋中要找到他几乎是不可能的。
It's almost impossible to find him in the immense ocean.
3. 同时在两地是自然规律上不可能的事。
It's a physical impossibility to be in two places at one time.
4. 再重建这座建筑物是不可能的。
Reconstruction of that building is impossible.
5. 许多看起来不可能的伟大业绩现在已经由科学实现了。
Apparently impossible feats are now acplished by science.
6. 在这种地方保密是不可能的。
In this place privacy is impossible.
7. 雨量过多,丰收已经不可能了。
Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible.
8. 恐怕这是完全不可能的。
That's quite impossible, I'm afraid.

问题六:不太可能用英语怎么说 英语:unlikely
You will certain叮y hear it argued, but it seems unlikely in my view.

问题七:怎么可能 用英语怎么说 怎么可能:how can that be
是标准的说法哦~下面是一些有关how can that be 的例句 希望可常帮上你的忙
1. 她怎么可能连自己名字都忘了呢?
How could she have forgotten her own name?
2. 怎么可能?我有一大堆工作要做!
Are you kidding?I have lot's of work to do!
3. 这样双赢的交易怎么可能违法呢?
Surely such a win-win deal cannot be illegal?

问题八:我还能说什么 用英文怎么说 What else could I say?

问题九:能不能用英语怎么说 Could you please……?

问题十:可能 用英语怎么说 maybe(adv.):可能, 大概, 或许, 也许
Maybe he won't e.他可能不来了.
may be(这里的be可换成is、are等):
May he is at home now.他现在可能在家.
perhaps(adv.): 大概, 可能, 多半, 大半; 或许
Perhaps it was Tom. 可能是汤姆。
might(v., aux.):[表示现在或将来不太确实的可能性]也许, 或许; 可能
I'm afraid it might rain tonight.
I have roughly four kilometers to go. 我还要走大约4公里。
possible(adj.):可能的; 可能有的, 潜在的; 可能发生的; 可能是真的
He is the only possible candidate.
I'll do all I possibly can. 我会做我可能做到的事。
probably(adv.):大概, 或许
It will probably rain.
可能, 也许(aux.):
It may rain today.
by any possibility :有可能;也许
She cannot by any possibility do such a thing.她决不会做这种事。
possibility[C]: 可能的事,可能发生的事
There is a good possibilit of rain tonight.今晚很可能要下雨。
potential(adj.): 可能的
Every seed is a potential plant. 每粒种子都可能长成植物。


可能英语:may,读音:英 [meɪ]、美 [meɪ] 。may一、含义:aux. 可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能。n. [大写] 五月。二、用法:may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化。表示否定缩写为mayn't[ment] 。may可表示可能性,意为“可能,也许”。它后面可接不定式的完成时或进行时表示“或许已经,或许正在〔将要〕”等。may用在祈使句中加动词原形,可表示祝愿。That might be our taxi.那辆有可能是我们的计程车。近义词:can一、含义:aux. 可以;能。n. 罐头。v. 罐装;解雇。二、用法:can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”,可表示体力、智力能够完成一件事情或环境赋予的能力; 也可表示由于环境或其他因素而产生的可能性,用于疑问句或否定句中; 还可表示环境、条件或法律的许可。can也可表示要求、拜托、请求、惊讶等。You can count on me.你可以指望我。


  可能是包含在事物中的预示著事物的发展前途的种种趋势,是潜在的尚未实现的东西,现实是指一切实际存在的事物。那么,你知道吗?   可能的英文释义:   might   probable   probability   possible   possibility   likely   可能的英文例句:   我会尽一切可能帮助你。   I'll do everything possible to help you.   我突然意识到可能再也见不著她了。   I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.   如果明天天气好,我门可能出门。   If it is fine tomorrow, we may go out.   只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。   Wherever it is possible, he tries to help.   有这个可能。   There's a possibility.   可能的话,她想跟我们一起去。   If possible, She wants to go with us.   可能补语表示可能或不可能。有三种类型。   Probable plements indicate probability with three types.   在草拟的决议上,每一个词、每一个标点可能都暗藏玄机,每一处对早期档案的含糊引用,都可能是在为日后的行动埋下伏笔,更休说那些对看似平淡无奇的议词所做的模棱两可的解说,在几天之后都可能起到至关重要的作用。   No wonder the quibbles over seemingly innocuous phrases can go on for days.   他的基本构想是观察那些“可能”的星球译注:这里的“可能的星球”指的那些可能有条件演化出生命的星球的大气“污染物”。   His first idea is to look for pollution in the atmospheres of promising planets.   我可能去,但那要看情况而定。   I may go there, but that depends.   该政党在下次选举时可能下台。   This party may go out at next election.   他们可能会获胜,然而没有人这样认为。   They will probably win,though no one thinks so.   如果我是你,我可能会失败的。   If I were you, I would have failed.   可能如此。   It could be so.   当然那是万万不可能的。   Of course it's absolutely impossible.   他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前程。   His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.   他胜负的可能性各占一半。   He stands an even chance of winning.   把手提包抓紧,否则在人群中可能有人把它抢去。   Freeze onto that bag or someone in the crowd may snatch it.   年轻一些的人可能不喜欢这个主意。   The younger people might not like the idea.   由于缺乏良好的教育,可能使你不适合做某些工作。   The lack of a good education might disqualify you from some jobs.   消除他们的疑虑是有可能的。   It is possible to liquidate their doubts.   如果我们提高他们的货物的进口税,他们可能要对我们进行报复。   If we raise our import duties on their goods,they may retaliate against us.   这是两国关系应得到继续发展,并可能得到继续发展的基础。   This is the basis on which our bilateral relations can and should continue todevelop.   一点小小的干扰都有可能使我在计算上出错。   Any *** all interruption is likely to throw me off in my calculations.   他们已经找遍了一切可能的线索,但仍未找到这个遗失的女孩。   They have chased down all possible clues but cannot find the lost girl.   他们可能会遇到一些坏天气。   They may be in for some bad weather.   这个计划可能对朋友们有利。   The plan might make for the friends.   只有少数人可能会欣赏这部影片。   Only the few are likely to enjoy this film.   缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。   Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.


问题一:很可能的英文怎么说 likely adj.很可能的
surely adv. 当然;无疑;坚定地;稳当地
positive adj. 积极的;[数] 正的,[化学][医] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的
certainly adv. 当然;行(用于回答);必定

问题二:请问很可能用英文怎么说(高手进) very probably/ it seemed probably that....
it could easily...

问题三:也许/可能用英语怎么说? perhaps

问题四:怎么可能 用英语怎么说 怎么可能:how can that be
是标准的说法哦~下面是一些有关how can that be 的例句 希望可常帮上你的忙
1. 她怎么可能连自己名字都忘了呢?
How could she have forgotten her own name?
2. 怎么可能?我有一大堆工作要做!
Are you kidding?I have lot's of work to do!
3. 这样双赢的交易怎么可能违法呢?
Surely such a win-win deal cannot be illegal?

问题五:不太可能用英语怎么说 英语:unlikely
You will certain叮y hear it argued, but it seems unlikely in my view.

问题六:可能吗和也许吧用英语怎么说 really? well? Doesn't really 饥appen? how could it be? is it possible?
perhaps, I think so, maybe, well. whatever, anyway. 口语的东西是依场合而定,而不是千篇一律。

问题七:用英文怎么讲:这怎么可能? 如果是口语的话:
That can't be true,can it?
How could it be like this鸡
This is not happening! 不可能吧,怎么可能会这样。(即使事实发生在眼前,也可以表示惊讶至极。)

问题八:能不能用英语怎么说 Could you please……?

问题九:麦当劳好还是肯德基好? 有一个男生去肯德基面试!

问题十:很可能的英文怎么说 likely adj.很可能的
surely adv. 当然;无疑;坚定地;稳当地
positive adj. 积极的;[数] 正的,[化学][医] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的
certainly adv. 当然;行(用于回答);必定


  可能是包含在事物中的预示着事物的发展前途的种种趋势,是潜在的尚未实现的东西,现实是指一切实际存在的事物。可能性往往包含在事物的发展过程中,在一定条件下,只有一种可能会转变为现实。那么,你知道可能的英语是什么吗?    中文: 可能    可能的英文释义 :maybe; possible; probably; probable; perhaps;    可能的中文解释:   (1) [probably;maybe;perhap]∶也许。不肯定,估量   他可能不知你来   (2) [can;will]∶能够,可以(同可能 1 )   那可能是真的 可能的英语是什么    可能的英语例句:   我们最好尽可能多背句型。   We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can.   我明知得去看牙,却尽可能把这倒霉日子往後拖。   I know I need to go to the dentist but I've been putting off the evil day as long as possible.   我尽可能早来。   I will come as soon as I possibly can.   我想让这个机构办得尽可能顺利。   I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.   尽可能将每件事情做到好。做什麽事都尽可能有条不紊。   You will make every effort to be as organized as possible.   同样,尽可能对其具体要求获得尽可能多的信息。   Also get as much information as possible about their specific needs.   尽可能晚的创建资源,并且尽可能早的释放它们。   Create resources as late as possible and release them as early as possible.   这样做的目的是在尽可能短的时间内完成尽可能多的简单任务。   The goal is to cross off as many items as possible in the shortest time.   我们所提供的软件可使您的资料备份工作尽可能变得轻松。   We ve provided software that makes backing up your data as easy as possible.   尽可能多的更新你的工作目录。   Update your working folder as often as you can.   我会尽一切可能帮助你。   I'll do everything possible to help you.   我突然意识到可能再也见不着她了。   I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.   如果明天天气好,我门可能出门。   If it is fine tomorrow, we may go out.   只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。   Wherever it is possible, he tries to help.   有这个可能。   There's a possibility.   可能的话,她想跟我们一起去。   If possible, She wants to go with us.   可能补语表示可能或不可能。有三种类型。   Probable complements indicate probability with three types.   在草拟的决议上,每一个词、每一个标点可能都暗藏玄机,每一处对早期文件的含糊引用,都可能是在为日后的行动埋下伏笔,更休说那些对看似平淡无奇的议词所做的模棱两可的解说,在几天之后都可能起到至关重要的作用。   No wonder the quibbles over seemingly innocuous phrases can go on for days.   他的基本构想是观察那些“可能”的星球(译注:这里的“可能的星球”指的那些可能有条件演化出生命的星球)的大气“污染物”。   His first idea is to look for pollution in the atmospheres of promising planets.


可能 [kě néng]
might probable probability possible possibility
likely May likelihood on the cards perhaps by any possibility could it may be that be possible of be likely to chances are (that...) conceivably conceivableness aiblins I dare say peradventure
I'll do everything possible to help you.
I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.
If it is fine tomorrow,we may go out.


从客观角度来说,可能性从大到小为:probable、likely、possible、can、may一、probable:是经过查证而做出的判断。读音:英 [ˈprɒbəbl] 美 [ˈprɑːbəbl] 释义:很可能发生(或存在等)的。二、likely:是从表面现象看出可能性很大。读音:英 [ˈlaɪkli] 美 [ˈlaɪkli] 释义:可能的,有希望的。三、possible:是客观潜在的可能。读音:英 [ˈpɒsəbl] 美 [ˈpɑːsəbl] 释义:可能存在(或发生)的,合理的。四、can:表示理论上的可能性。读音:英 [kæn , kən] 美 [kæn , kən] 释义:可能。五、may:may既可表现在又可表将来的可能性。读音:英 [meɪ] 美 [meɪ] 释义:(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能。

