
时间:2024-05-02 01:39:11编辑:莆田seo君


become v.开始变得;变成;适合(某人);与…相称;使(人)显得漂亮;使好看 第三人称单数: becomes 现在分词: becoming 过去式: became 过去分词: become 扩展资料   I see he's become a family man.   我发觉他已变得很恋家。   The environment has become a very hot issue.   环境已成为很热门的话题。   He became very weak towards the end of his life.   他临终时很虚弱。


become的意思是:适合;相称。become,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“适合;相称”,作系动词时意为“成为;变得;变成”。become的例句:1. Doctors become inured to death.医生们对死亡变得习以为常。2. He has become more moralistic.他变得更喜欢说教了。3. Look how lazy we've become.瞧我们变得有多懒。


become的意思是变成。become,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“适合;相称”,作系动词时意为“成为;变得;变成”。单词发音:英[bɪˈkʌm]美[bɪˈkʌm]。短语搭配:Become rich疾速致富;迅速致富;火速致富;神速致富。become extinct灭绝;变坏;绝种。has become成长为;已经成为;已变成;已经变成。become conscious醒悟;恢复知觉。变成,汉语词汇,拼音biàn chéng,意思是从以前的状态或情况转化为现有的状态或情况。从以前的状态或情况转化为现有的状态或情况。呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为。变成例句:我要变成风,温柔的将你包围。后来我们都变成了不敢爱也爱不起的人。时间可以把残忍的事变成一个个冷冷的笑话。当孤单变成习惯也就不再奢求有人陪伴。双语例句:1、How much does it cost to become a member?要成为会员得花多少钱?2、The situation might all too easily have become a disaster.这形势本来是很可能成为一场大灾难的。3、Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.学生应该努力逐渐减少对老师的依赖。


become英[bɪˈkʌm]美[bɪˈkʌm],v. 变成,成为,开始变得; 适合,与...相称; 使(人)显得漂亮,使好看;例句:1.But how can you look at yourself? What have you become?但你怎么能面对自己? 你都已经变成什么样子了?2.I was pleased to see how peaceable the horse had become.我很高兴地看到这匹马变得这么温顺。3.She has become an awful bore since she got married to him.她自从和他结婚后,就变得令人厌烦透了。4.You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!你或许也会发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。5.The situation might all too easily have become a disaster. 这形势本来是很可能成为一场大灾难的。6.Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers. 学生应该努力逐渐减少对老师的依赖。


"become"是一个动词,意为“变成”、“成为”。“become”短语搭配:1. become aware of:意识到2. become interested in:对...感兴趣3. become friends with:和...成为朋友4. become successful:取得成功5. become famous:变得著名6. become a parent:成为父母7. become a citizen:成为公民双语例句:1. He started out as a delivery boy, but he worked hard and eventually became the CEO of the company.(他起初是个送货员,但他辛勤工作,最终成为了公司的CEO。)2. After years of neglect, the historic building had become dilapidated and was in need of major repairs.(经过多年的忽视,这座历史建筑已经破败不堪,需要进行重大维修。)3. The little girl's dream was to become a ballerina and perform on stage in front of a big audience.(那个小女孩的梦想是成为一名芭蕾舞演员,在大观众面前上演节目。)4. He suddenly became aware of the danger and quickly ran away.(他突然意识到危险,迅速逃跑了。)


一、become,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“适合;相称”,作系动词时意为“成为;变得;变成”。二、单词发音英[bɪˈkʌm]美[bɪˈkʌm]三、短语搭配Become rich疾速致富 ; 迅速致富 ; 火速致富 ; 神速致富become extinct灭绝 ; 变坏 ; 绝种has become成长为 ; 已经成为 ; 已变成 ; 已经变成become conscious醒悟 ; 恢复知觉Become weak手发软 ; 变得萎靡不振 ; 倦怠 ; 变弱become invalid作废 ; 成为无效 ; 变得无效 ; 这药已失效了become convinced确信become involved介入become impatient发急 ; 着急


become后面接形容词或者名词,例如:become adult(名词);become strong(形容词)。例句:The weather became warmer(天气变得暖和起来)。 扩展资料 became后加过去分词例句:They had just become engaged(他们刚刚订婚)。At last the truth became known to us(我们终于知道了真相)。The room soon became crowded(房间很快变得拥挤起来)。


become英 [bɪˈkʌm] 美 [bɪˈkʌm] v. 变得,变成,成为;适合,使显得漂亮。短语Live and Become 生存与适应 ; 生命国界。Become famous 一战成名 ; 一夜成名 ; 一球成名 ; 幼年成名。become debt-ridden 债台高筑 ; 债台下筑。become a Buddhist 皈依三宝 ; 缡。Can not become 成不了。become a doctor 成为一位大夫 ; 成为一名大夫 ; 成为医生。to become a scapegoat 黑锅。Become a Member 成为一名成员 ; 败替一位败员 ; 会员。become of 发生 ; 降临 ; 情况 ; 发生于。词组短语become one 成为一体,结合。become a member 成为一名成员/会员。become of 使遭遇…;…降临于;发生…情况。become a doctor 成为一名医生。become extinct 灭绝;绝种。become aware of 知道;发觉。become accustomed to 习惯于;对…变得习以为常。become used to 习惯于…;适应于…。become involved in 使卷入,使陷入。become interested in 对……感兴趣。


become作及物动词时意为“适合,相称”,作及物动词时意为“成为、变得、变成”,表示情况的开始、发展和结束的变化。1、He became more and more mature after entering the workplace.进入职场以后,他变得越来越成熟了。2、He hopes to become a doctor in the future.他希望将来能成为一名医生。3、He's always looking forward to traveling the world by himself when he becomes an adult.他总是盼望长大后能独自环游世界。4、It was becoming cold,so we lit the fire.天变冷了,所以我们点了火。5、In order to become the best pianist,you should resolve to practice every day.为了成为最好的钢琴家,你必须每天坚持练习。6、Nobody knew the book would become such a classic.当时没人知道这本书会成为经典。


become是成为、变得、变成的意思。become发音:美 [bɪˈkʌm]英 [bɪ'kʌm]linkv.成为;变成;开始变得v.适合(某人);(与…)相称;使(人)显得漂亮;使好看网络适宜过去式:became 第三人称单数:becomes 现在分词:becoming 搭配v.+n.become person,become doctor,become teacher,become President,become playeradv.+v.suddenly become,gradually become,increasingly become,apparently become,eventually become

