go on and go

时间:2024-05-01 20:36:02编辑:莆田seo君

go on 与come on 的区别?

让我这个经历过九年制义务教育的大学生来告诉你答案吧!【含义】1.go on :英[ɡəʊ ɒn] 美[ɡoʊ ɑːn] 继续(做); 进行; 发生; 继续,持续; (时间)流逝,过去; (做完某事后)进而,接着(做另一件事); 继续前往; 继续说下去; 唠叨,没完没了地说(英国英语中作go on at); 赶紧,来吧(用于劝说或鼓励别人); 凭…作出判断,以…作为判断的依据; (电器设备) 2.come on:英[ˈkʌm ɒn] 美[ˈkʌm ɑːn] (演员或运动员)出场; (表示鼓励)来吧! 干吧! 加油!; 别逗了!算了吧! 得了吧!; 快点儿; (用于挑衅对方)来呀﹗来吧﹗; (疾病、头疼)开始; 进展; 改进,完善; (机器或系统)开始工作; (新的季节或天气)到来; 【用法】1.go on :go on:有继续的意思, 通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,即后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。We can't go on like this ─ something's got to give. 我们不能继续这样了——得作一些改变。If you go on like this you'll end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。2.come on:快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生。Come on now. You know you must be hungry 好,来吧,你肯定已经饿了。Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day 来吧,比尔。给汤姆寄张卡片让他高兴高兴吧。

go on是什么意思?

意思:继续。go on一、含义v. 继续;往前走;发生二、用法有“继续”之意。go on通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,相当于后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。表示抓紧时间,意为:赶快! 快点! 表示鼓励或劝说,意为:做吧;来吧;去吧。Go on this street till you see the cinema.沿街往前走直到你看见电影院。扩展资料:近义词:continue、persist、proceed。一、continue1、含义:v. 继续;连续;维持;持续。2、举例He is to continue as manager.他要继续当经理。二、persist1、含义:v. 坚持;执意;继续;持续。2、举例I hope you'll persist in your efforts.我希望你们再接再厉。三、proceed1、含义:vi. 继续进行;开始;着手。2、举例We received sanction to proceed with our plans.我们获准继续进行我们的计划。

求:go on and go 歌词的中文翻译

求:go on and go 歌词的中文翻译 继续走 希望采纳 I really see you as my girl (我真的把你当成是我的女孩)R Coz I like you (因为我喜欢你) But I really wanna see the world (wanna do) (但我真的很想要看看这个世界) There's so many things I wanna do (我有太多太多想做的事情) And it kinda messes with my mind (hurt so bad) 把我的脑袋都弄乱(那么的痛) Don't wanna decide but you say (不想要作决定但你说) I'm running out of time (我没有时间了) I wish that we could take it slow (我多么的希望我们可以慢下来) but since I have to choose right now, baby (我多么的希望我们可以慢下来) Go on and go (去吧) I'll be alright (我会很好的)  You want me to change (你想要我改变) But this is my life (但这就是我的人生) Go on and go (去吧) You'll be okey (你会很好的) It's hurting me now (现在是我受到了伤害) Coz I want you ti stay (因为我想要你留下) But go on and go (但是去吧) Someday I'm gonna settle down (有一天我会定下来) And I thought it was wich you (我想那会是和你在一起) But I really don't need this pressure now (但我现在真的不需要这压力) Not wich what I'm trying to do (不想要与我想要做的事有冲突) Why can't you just enjoy the ride (为什么你就不可以享受这旅程) Knowing you're the only one (清除到你就是那唯一) Instead you're making me decide (相反你在让我做个了断) Well, I'm sorry but I need more time (好,很对不起我需要多一点的时间) Go on and go (去吧) I'll be alright (我会很好的) You want me to change (你想要我去改变) But this is my life (但这就是我的人生) Go on and go (去吧) You'll be okey (你会很好的) It's hurting me now (现在是我受到了伤害) Coz I want you to stay (因为我想要你留下) But go on and go (但是去吧) If there's trust, if will show (如果有信任的话,一切都会显现) If there's love, it will grow (如果有爱的话,一切都会继续) If we rush, we'll never know (如果我们那么仓促的话,我们永远都不会知道) You have to let it flow (你要让它慢慢来) If there's trust, if will show (如果有信任的话,一切都会显现) If there's love, it will grow (如果有爱的话,一切都会继续) If we rush, we'll never know (如果我们那么仓促的话,我们永远都不会知道) You have to let it flow (你要让它慢慢来) Go on and go (去吧) Go on and go (去吧) I'll be alrigh (我会很好的) You want me to change (你想要我改变) But this is my life (但这就是我的人生) Go on and go (去吧) You''ll be okey (你会很好的) It's hurting me now (现在是我受到了伤害) Coz I want you ti stay (因为我想要你留下) But go on and go (但是去吧 求“Long long way to go”歌词的中文翻译 You held my hand and then you slipped away 你握住我的手 然后离开 And I may never see your face again 我或许再也见不到你了 So tell me how to fill the emptiness inside 所以告诉我怎么填补内心的空虚 Without love, what is life? 没有爱,什么是生命? And anyone who knew us both can see 认识我们的人都知道 We always were the better part of me 我们总是比我自己还好的一部分 I never wanted to be this free 我从来都不想离开 And all this pain, when does it go away? 所以的痛苦什么时候才会离去? Then everytime I turn around 每当我转身时 And you’re nowhere to be found 我总是找不到你 I know 我知道… I gotta long long way to go 我还有很长的一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 这样我才可以跟你说再见 Oh, I gotta long long way I know 噢,我还有很长的一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye To all I ever knew, to you To you 这样我才可以跟你说再见 From memory there is no hiding place 在记忆中没有藏身之地 Turn on the TV and I see you there 开启电视,我看到你在上面 In every crowd there’s always someone with your face 在每个人群中,我总是看到别人和你在一起 Everywhere, trying not to care 任何一个地方 我试着不去在意 Then everytime I turn around 每当我转身时 And you’re nowhere to be found 我总是找不到你 I know 我知道 I gotta long long way to go 我还有很长一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 这样我才可以和你说再见 I gotta long long way I know 我知道我还有很长一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye To all I ever knew 这样我才可以和你说再见 To you I wish you everything 我祝福你和 And all the best that life can bring 所有生命带来的美好事物 I only hope you think of me sometimes 我只希望你有时候可以想我 Oh, and even though I feel the pain 噢,尽管我感到痛苦 I know that I will love again 我知道我还会再恋爱 The time will e 那天一定会到来 Oh, and I’ll move on 噢,我会继续 I gotta long long way to go 我还有很长的一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye to you 这样我才可以和你说再见 Oh, I gotta long long way I know 噢,我知道我还有很长的一段路要走 Gotta long way to go 很长的一段路要走 Before I can say goodbye 这样我才可以和你说再见 Before I say goodbye To all I ever knew To all I ever knew 这样我才可以和你说再见 I gotta long way to go 我还有很长的一段路要走 Before I say Say goodbye, say goodbye 这样我才可以 说再见 说再见 But I wish you the best girl 但愿我祝福你,女孩 Oh and all of the rest to you 噢! 还有其他的女孩们 letting go unscripted 歌词的中文翻译 Jo De La Rosa - 《Letting Go》   Gotta get myself together 必须整理自己的心情 Try to make it through tonight 一定要坚持过今晚 Tell myself the way we were never broken 要告诉自己我们从来没有分手 There are times thought I might be 有时候我觉得我在 Finding ways to make it right 寻找方法符合局面 That you walked away and opened up my eyes 但是你的离开让我睁开眼睛 Now I see that I have been wasting time 终于明白我一直在浪费时间 I had a picture of us painted in my mind 你我的照片一直被画在脑海 Now it's fading and there was nothing left to do 现在它正在淡漠,但已无法改变 Letting go, cuz I know, we were only half way there 放手, 因为我知道,我们只走了一半 Eventhough we were close 虽然我们曾经很亲密 I was holding on just long enough to know 我一直坚持到我知道 I should be letting go 我该放手了 I should be letting go 我该放手了 thinking back on when you used to 回忆起你曾经 Fill my head with fancy words 对我说出爱言 Wishing now that I refuse to listen 现在我真希望当时拒绝去听 How did I ever let it happen 我怎么会让事情发生 Never thought I would never say 永远也想不到会说出 Gotta leave this life and all the foolish pain 要放弃现在生活和傻傻的疼痛 Now I see that I have been wasting time 终于明白我一直在浪费时间 I had a picture of us painted in my mind 你我的照片一直被画在脑海 Now it's fading and there was nothing left to do 现在它正在淡漠,但已无法改变 Thinking back on when you used to 回忆起你曾经 Fill my head with fancy words 对我说出爱言 Wishing now that I refuse to listen 现在我真希望当时拒绝去听 How did I ever let it happen 我怎么会让事情发生 Never thought I would never say 永远也想不到会说出 Gotta leave this life and all the foolish pain 要放弃现在生活和傻傻的疼痛 love that lets go歌词的中文翻译 歌名:Love That Lets Go 所属专辑:《Hannah Montana Forever》 时长:3:08 歌手:Billy Ray Cyrus / Miley Cyrus 歌词: There's a gold frame that sits by the window 在我的床边有个金色的相框 And my heart breaks a little more each time I try 每当我看到那相片,回想从前 To picture the memory inside 心中总是一阵酸痛 There's an old book that's too hard to read it 记得有一本古老的书,字迹模糊难辨 But if you look 但如果你去看 you'd see how you look through my eyes 你会看到我眼中的你 But now one more chapter's gone by, and I know 但现在生命的新篇章开启了,我也知道 It's time to move on, even though I'm not ready 是时候向前走了,尽管我内心还没准备好 I've got to be strong and just where you're heading 我得变得更坚强,向着你的方向前进 Even thought it's not easy 尽管这并不容易 (It's not easy) 并不容易 Right now the right kind of love 当下,最正确的爱 Is the love that lets go 是放手 Go, oh ,oh 放手 There's an old dance 记得有一曲旧舞曲 That we've done forever 我们再也不会跳了 You gave me your hand 你向我伸出手 But let me decide when to reach 但任我决定要不要牵住它 You always let me, be me 你总是让我做真实的自我 But now's my time to take chances 但现在是时候抓住机遇了 And find my own wings 长出我自己的翅膀 And whatever happens 无论前方有什么 I know you'll be waiting for me 我都知道你会静静地等着我 It's time to move on, even though I'm not ready 是时候向前走了,尽管我内心还没准备好 I've got to be strong and just where I'm heading 我得变得更坚强,向着你的方向前进 Even thought it's not easy 尽管这并不容易 (It's not easy) 并不容易 I know the right kind of love 我知道,最正确的爱 Doesn't wanna miss the future 不愿错过前方的风景 Or stay in the past 也不愿滞留在过去 It will always hold on 过去的记忆永远都存在 But never hold you back 但它不应该阻止你前进 And even though it's not easy 尽管这并不容易 (It's not easy) 并不容易 Right now the right kind of love 当下,最正确的爱 Is the love that lets go 是放手 go, oh, oh, oh 放手 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 噢 (It's time let go now) 是时候放手了 With the love that lets go 真正的爱是会放手的 求Fort Minor《Where'd you Go》歌词的中文翻译 Fort Minor - Where'd You Go? (feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga)Where'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone.She said Some days Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit, I don't understand why you have to always be gone, I get along but the trips always feel so long, And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone, 'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone, But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call, But when I pick up I don't have much to say, So, I want you to know it's a little *** ed up, That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin', Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career, Me and the rest of the family here singing Where'd you go?I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone. Where'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone, Please e back home...You know the place where you used to live, Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs, Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile, But now, you only s by every once in a while, Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time, Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind, I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way, You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say, And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little *** ed up, That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin', Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career, Me and the rest of the family here singingWhere'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone. Where'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone, Please e back home...I want you to know it's a little *** ed up, That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin', Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses, For while you're not around, and feeling so useless, It seems one thing has been true all along, You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone, I guess I've had it with you and your career, When you e back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...Where'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone. Where'd you go? I miss you so, Seems like it's been forever, That you've been gone, Please e back home... 你在何方...? 你去了哪里?我就这么失去你 从你离开算起 永远被重复了几次? 还能不能再抱你一次 她说总会有那么一天 那天她会停驻,会有我左右陪伴 但我不知你为何一去经年 留我一人忍受长途慢慢 就这么守在电话一边 只因你的声音让我的孤单烟消云散 之后却又只能像个 *** 一般 回圈工作几周几月还是几年? 搞的我已对电话另一边的你无语无言 我盼望你明白有个人的生活已经糟成一团 我默默守候期盼 有时更想奔向你的位置 确定你也很想这样 我和所有家人都没改变 唱着你去何方 你去了哪里?我就这么失去你 从你离开算起 永远被重复了几次? 还能不能再抱你一次 还记得我们住的小屋在林间 一起烤肉一起嬉戏谈天 一起聚会在每个万圣节 更会大把大把索取糖果零钱 但如今你只片刻想念 我发现我的生活已被什么填满 不必为我担心 我已打算如此消磨此生 你还是可以打个电话回家 如果你真的有什么急于表达 我还会这么回答: 我盼望你赶快明白有个人的生活已经糟成一团 我默默守候期盼 有时更想奔向你的位置 确定你也很想这样 我和所有家人都没改变 唱着你去何方 我盼望你赶快明白有个人的生活已经糟成一团 我默默守候期盼 但再也不去争辩 厌倦了坐等著,憎恨着你的那些辩解 便捷你为何不能出现在身边 那感觉太糗 只有一件事你说的很坦然 不到离开的时候你也不知道你将去何方 可是你再回来时我未必还在 你也可以唱这首歌像我一样等待 你去了哪里?我就这么失去你 从你离开算起 永远被重复了几次? 还能不能再抱你一次 John Grant的Where dreams go to die歌词的中文翻译 Where Dreams Go To Die - John Grant 梦灭的地方 Your beauty is unspable, your confidence unspeakable 你的美无法阻挡,你的自信无法描述 I know you know I know you know, that I know that you know 我知道你知道我知道你知道,我知道你知道 I'm willing to do anything to get attention from you, dear 为了得到你的注意,我愿意做任何事 Even though I don't have anything that I could bargain with 尽管我其实没什么筹码 This is like a well-oiled machine 就像一台润滑良好的机器 Could I please see that *** ile again? 我能否再见到那微笑 It's all that makes me feel like I am living in this world 那是这世上唯一让我感到活着的事物 I see you closing all the doors 我看着你关上所有的门 I see the walls as they go up 我看着高墙筑起 I know it's what you have to do 我知道你必须这样做 I'd probably do the same thing, too, my dear 要是我很可能也会 Baby, you're where dreams go to die 宝贝,你便是梦想破灭的地方 I regret the day your lovely carcass caught my eye 我后悔那日看见了你的可爱的残影 Baby, you're where dreams go to die 宝贝,你是梦想破灭的地方 I've got to get away 我必须离开 I don't want to but I have to try, oh baby 虽然并不情愿,但我必须试一试 You have to play your part, my dear 你必须扮演好自己的角色 I've written it all down for you 我为你写下这一切 It doesn't matter if the things you say to me aren't true 你对我说的话全部是谎言,不过没有关系 Just do it then I'll let you go 欺骗我吧,我会放你走的 Just say the words and say them slowly 直说吧,一字一字地 I promise I'll tell no one 我发誓不告诉任何人 Yes, I cross my heart and hope to die 是的,我全心全意,只愿死去 【Baby, you're where dreams go to die I regret the day your lovely carcass caught my eye Baby, you're where dreams go to die I've got to get away I don't want to but I have to try, oh baby Baby, you're where dreams go to die I regret the day your lovely carcass caught my eye Baby, you're where dreams go to die I've got to get away I don't want to but I have to try, oh baby 】 重复 go deeper歌词中文翻译 If you only scratch the surface Well you'll only leave a scar And only in the darkness Can we see the stars 如果只划到表面 只会留下一道疤痕 只有在黑暗中 我们才能看到星星 Someone call the doctor 'Cause I can’t see in your eyes Oh, they're the deepest well of wonder Where the deepest secrets hide Come on we'll go 有人叫来了医生 因为我看不到你们眼睛里的东西 噢,那是好奇的深井 最深的秘密就藏在那里 快点,我们会去那里的 We'll go go go go deeper We've gotta go We'll go you know we'll go deeper And deeper still To still the waters where they lie And we'll go deeper over time 我们将会更深入 我们得走了 我们得走了,你知道的,我们将会更深入 更深 直到水流淌的地方 随之时间的流逝,我们会更加深入 Once you see the under Underneath the mask Oh, you won’t need to wonder You won’t need to ask. Oh oh you know we've got to go 你一旦看到了深藏的地下 面具之下 你就不再需要好奇 你也不再需要去问 你知道我们已经在路上 go right ahead歌词及中文翻译 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go, go, go, Go right ahead 去做吧 Down the streets in a uniform 穿着制服在街上 Find a bull and you grab the horns 找到事物最关键的本质 Go right ahead 去做吧 Scream your head off, like the day you was born 就像你出生的那一天,大声狂叫吧! Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go right ahead 去做吧 Go, go, go, Go right ahead Here's a secret keep it tight 把这件事紧紧地保密 It’s California late at night 加州的深夜 Go right ahead 去做吧 We’re gonna drink, *** and fight all night 我们要喝酒鬼混打斗一整晚 Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go Is it right, or wrong, you never know it 对或错,你一点也不知道 Soldiers e along 士兵出现 I wanna show it 我想要展现给他们看 Our god is a Zilla, our king is a Kong 我们的神是Zilla,国王是Kong The room’s about to crumble as I burst into song 因为我放声大唱这房间即将崩溃 Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead You gotta go from A-Z from when you're born until you're dead 你要走到A-Z走到你出生直到你死亡 Go right ahead Go right ahead Go, go, go Go right ahead Like a tiger breaking out of the zoo 像一只老虎一样摆脱动物园 Go right ahead 去做吧 Do anything that you wanna do 做任何你想做的事 The rumours you heard, they were all true 你听到的谣言,它们都是真的 Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go Is it right, or wrong, you never know it 对或错,你一点也不知道 Soldiers e along 士兵出现 I wanna show it 我想要展现给他们看 Our God is a Zilla, our King is a Kong 我们的神是Zilla,国王是Kong The room’s about to crumble as I burst into song 因为我放声大唱这房间即将崩溃 Go right a Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Down the streets in a ufo 坐在UFO走在街上 Find a bull and you grab the horns 找到事物最关键的本质 Go right ahead 去做吧 Scream your head off, like the day you were born 就像你出生的那一天,大声狂叫吧! Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead Go right ahead

go on and go歌词的翻译

I really see you as my girl
Coz I like you
But I really wanna see the world (wanna do)
There's so many things I wanna do
And it kinda messes with my mind (hurt so bad)
Don't wanna decide but you say
I'm running out of time
I wish that we could take it slow
but since I have to choose right now, baby
Go on and go
I'll be alright
 You want me to change
But this is my life
Go on and go
You'll be okey
It's hurting me now
Coz I want you ti stay
But go on and go
Someday I'm gonna settle down
And I thought it was wich you
But I really don't need this pressure now
Not wich what I'm trying to do
Why can't you just enjoy the ride
Knowing you're the only one
Instead you're making me decide
Well, I'm sorry but I need more time
Go on and go
I'll be alright
You want me to change
But this is my life
Go on and go
You'll be okey
It's hurting me now
Coz I want you to stay
But go on and go
If there's trust, if will show
If there's love, it will grow
If we rush, we'll never know
You have to let it flow
If there's trust, if will show
If there's love, it will grow
If we rush, we'll never know
You have to let it flow
Go on and go
Go on and go
I'll be alrigh
You want me to change
But this is my life
Go on and go
You''ll be okey
It's hurting me now
Coz I want you ti stay
But go on and go

go on的用法总结是什么?

用法:有“继续”之意。go on通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,相当于后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。表示抓紧时间,意为:赶快! 快点! 表示鼓励或劝说,意为:做吧;来吧;去吧。go on一、含义v. 继续;往前走;发生二、例句Go on this street till you see the cinema.沿街往前走直到你看见电影院。近义词:continue、persist、proceed。一、continue1、含义:v. 继续;连续;维持;持续。2、举例He is to continue as manager.他要继续当经理。二、persist1、含义:v. 坚持;执意;继续;持续。2、举例I hope you'll persist in your efforts.我希望你们再接再厉。三、proceed1、含义:vi. 继续进行;开始;着手。2、举例We received sanction to proceed with our plans.我们获准继续进行我们的计划。

go on的用法

go on的用法介绍如下:用法:有“继续”之意。go on通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,相当于后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。表示抓紧时间,意为:赶快! 快点! 表示鼓励或劝说,意为:做吧;来吧;去吧。go on一、含义v. 继续;往前走;发生二、例句Go on this street till you see the cinema.沿街往前走直到你看见电影院。近义词:continue、persist、proceed。一、continue1、含义:v. 继续;连续;维持;持续。2、举例He is to continue as manager.他要继续当经理。二、persist1、含义:v. 坚持;执意;继续;持续。2、举例I hope you'll persist in your efforts.我希望你们再接再厉。三、proceed1、含义:vi. 继续进行;开始;着手。2、举例We received sanction to proceed with our plans.我们获准继续进行我们的计划。

一首英文歌,男女对唱的,开头是男声很轻地唱dalen dalen dalen dalen dale

1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);
  2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;
  3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;
  4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);
  6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);
  7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);
  8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;
  9、I Didn't Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);
  10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);
  11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;
  13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);
  14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);
  15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);
  16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);
  17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);
  18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);
  19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);
  20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);
  21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,);
  22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一);
  24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉);
  25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;
  26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;
  27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);
  28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);
  30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);
  31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;
  32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;
  33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;
  34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;
  35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~);
  36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;
  37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;
  38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);
  39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;
  40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );
  41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);
  42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);
  43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;
  44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;
  46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;
  47、Crush--David Archuleta;
  48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife;
  49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);
  50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);
  51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);
  52、Doesn't Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);
  53、It's Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~);
  54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);
  55、When You're Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!);
  56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);
  57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~);
  58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);
  59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);
  60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);
  61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);
  62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);
  63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);
  64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;
  65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;
  66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);
  67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;
  68、When I'm With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,);
  69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);
  70、I Ain't Tryin'--KeAnthong;
  72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~);
  73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);
  74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声);
  75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。);
  76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~);
  77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。);
  78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音);

  79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌);

  80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~);
  81、Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)我几乎不听中文歌,所以有很多英文歌都很好听啊。

歌词中有on and on的英文歌曲 男生唱的

歌曲: Carry On

Simple minded brain. for now you succumb
Nothing changes your way
This worlds insists to be the same based on oru mistakes
The flowes fade along the road
Don't blindfold your eyes.
so loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life.
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
Now we have to face another day
You won't be alone
This life is forcing us to stay
-For how long?
Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy night
But can't you see. I'm by your side
We are marching on!
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways ard on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
So, carry on.
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past,to carry on
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on you mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there
So, carry on
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on,it's time to forget
The remains from the past
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past
Carry on,it's time to forget
The remains from the past,to carry on
The remains from the past,to carry on
The remains from the past...

go on是什么意思英语

“go on”的意思是继续;过去;继续下去;发生;(时间)流逝,过去; (做完某事后)进而,接着(做另一件事); 继续前往; 继续说下去; 唠叨,没完没了地说。读音:[ɡəʊ ɒn]固定搭配:go on with 继续某种行为;go on duty 上班;go on strike 罢工 ; 实行罢工 ; 歇工 ; 停工。例句1、This situation can't go on. We need to talk. 这种情况不能再继续下去了。我们需要谈一谈。2、We can't go on like this —we seem to be always arguing. 我们不能这样继续下去—我们似乎老是争吵不休。3、It won't go on beyond midnight. 这事不会延续到午夜以后。

linkin park 中高潮部分是goaway的那首歌叫什么名字

Linkin Park 的《Esaul》
Riding with a head full of bodies are red
And what I said is still stuck in my head
But misled doing the things I do would make you never wanna come back
But an all front attack, you could never run from that
Being trapped in this with you,
Somethin' that I never wanted to do
But through it all you've got to see that where I want to be
Is over the pen again letting it out of me
In the center of the day in the dream, seeing all my thoughts
Getting lost in between, realizing one that the way to the sea
And the killing and again with a head full of screams

I wanna live in another place
Where no one can say that I live for them
So I see it's not meant to be for me
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

When it starts we're gonna be crushed when it all falls apart
Going in the hollow, hoping that you won't know
The strain it puts to me, seeing what you've done
And consequently I've run away, just hitting again
Within the boundaries of an anguish
Want me to say this, but you're dragging me down
Lost in the chaos being tossed around

Singing again to myself, a head full of hectic
Hope that some day you'll regret this
Everything's the wrong place, the wrong time
Adding to the panic in my confine

Singing again to myself, a head full of hectic
Hope that some day you'll regret this
Everything's the wrong place, the wrong time
Adding to the panic in my confine

I wanna live in another place
Where no one can say that I live for them
So I see it's not meant to be for me
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

You try to take the best of me
Go away...
You try to take the best of me
Go away...
You try to take the best of me
Go away...
You try to take the best of me
Go away...!!!
You try to take the best of me
Go away...!!!
You try to take the best of me
Go away...!!!
You try to take the best of me
Go away...!!!
You try to take the best of me
Go away...!!!

I wanna live in another place
Where no one can say that I live for them
So I see it's not meant to be for me
I wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


Singing again to myself, a head full of hectic
Hope that some day you'll regret this
Everything's the wrong place, the wrong time
Adding to the panic in my confine

Singing again to myself, a head full of hectic
Hope that some day you'll regret this
Everything's the wrong place, the wrong time
Adding to the panic on my confine


下一篇:i will always love