
时间:2024-04-30 17:58:50编辑:莆田seo君


问题一:我的音乐英文怎么写 我的音乐: my music

问题二:我的音乐用英语怎么写 ...你的什么音乐啊?就“我的音乐”这四个字用英语就是My music

问题三:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写

问题四:听音乐的英文怎么写 听音乐
listen to music
听音乐:listen to the music 常 listening to music

问题五:音乐的英语怎么写 music n. 音乐,乐曲
to listen music
musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的音乐喜剧a musical child 有音域天赋(或爱好音乐)的孩子
musician n. 音乐家

问题六:我的音乐英语怎么说 “my music”

问题七:正在听音乐用英文怎么写 I am listening to music

问题八:我的音乐英文怎么写 我的音乐: my music

问题九:音乐的英语怎么写 music n. 音乐,乐曲
to listen music
musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的音乐喜剧a musical child 有音域天赋(或爱好音乐)的孩子
musician n. 音乐家

问题十:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写


问题一:我的音乐英文怎么写 我的音乐: my music

问题二:我的音乐用英语怎么写 ...你的什么音乐啊?就“我的音乐”这四个字用英语就是My music

问题三:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写

问题四:听音乐的英文怎么写 听音乐
listen to music
听音乐:listen to the music 常 listening to music

问题五:音乐的英语怎么写 music n. 音乐,乐曲
to listen music
musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的音乐喜剧a musical child 有音域天赋(或爱好音乐)的孩子
musician n. 音乐家

问题六:我的音乐英语怎么说 “my music”

问题七:正在听音乐用英文怎么写 I am listening to music

问题八:我的音乐英文怎么写 我的音乐: my music

问题九:音乐的英语怎么写 music n. 音乐,乐曲
to listen music
musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的音乐喜剧a musical child 有音域天赋(或爱好音乐)的孩子
musician n. 音乐家

问题十:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写


  你知道我的音乐的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   我的音乐的英文释义:   my music   我的音乐的英文例句:   最近,为了让我的音乐收藏回归有序,我采取了第一步行动。   Recently, I took a first step toward getting my music collection back in order.   或者回到我的音乐的比喻中,你将知道哪一所学校是你要去的。   Or, to return to my musical metaphor, you will know which college is playing yourtune.   多年以来,我把我的音乐撷取到不同的计算机上,在这个过程中,我的MP3收藏乱到了这样一种层度:只是表示品种丰富的音乐目录就有一大堆。   Over the years, I've ripped my music onto various puters and, in the process,muddled my MP3 collection to the point where I have numerous directoriesrepresenting a cornucopia of music.   癌症正在威胁着他的生命,他告诉我他非常爱我和我的音乐。   He was dying of cancer and he told me how much he loved my music and me.   克雷格•大卫:担任亲善大使,这一新的角色将使我有机会通过我的音乐来激励抗击结核病的斗争。   CD: My new role as Goodwill Ambassador will give me the chance to energize thefight against TB through my music.   早些时候他“来我的音乐节目中做过客,写了一点管弦乐——我喜欢干这事:感觉就像是音乐里的填词游戏。   Earlier he’d been ‘in my studio, on my music program, writing some orchestralmusic – which I love doing: it’s like a musical crossword.   但这些外挂并不大,除去我的音乐库后,我的计算机上还有足够大的磁碟空间。   But these plug-ins aren't huge, and aside from my music library, I have more than enough disk space.   我不认为我的音乐因为居住地的不同而有所改变。   I don't think my music changed at all because of where I lived.   我没有一个具体的目标,我只想让我的音乐成长。   I don’t have a specific goal. I only want to let my music grow.   我把我的音乐无线地传到我的播放器上。   I stream my music wirelessly from my puter to my stereo.   在这张新专辑创作过程的中,能够和众多出色的词曲制作人一起合作,我真的觉得我的音乐有了很大的提升。   I'm in the midst of the recording process, working with incredible songwriters andproducers, and my music has really evolved.   我就是锻炼时只听我的音乐。   I’ve actually exercised just to listen to my music.   谢天谢地,因为我的音乐生涯,我对路的热爱将维持我或前行或安顿两者任一的生活方式。   Thankfully due to my music career, my love of the road will remain satisfied eitherway.   大概在那个时候,我的音乐家父母就意识到他们唯一的儿子并没有遗传音乐天赋。   This was around the time my musician parents recognized that their one and onlyoffspring was not musically gifted.   他说:“实际上我打算在台上面对着大家创作我的音乐,只有它就不是一种事先准备好的。   Actually I am going to create my music on the stage, in relation to people so it's not a preset music.   因此,我的音乐,于我而言就是对超我的反叛,就是灵魂深处的呐喊。   Hence, my music for me means rebellion against my superego. My Music is theadvocate of my soul.   斯塔夫再现 。妈妈把我的音乐才能看作是情理中事,就好比她眼中的我是那样出色、迷人,又天生聪慧。   Mom took my musical ability as a natural extension of my general wonderfulness,charm, and native intellect.   对我来说,我的家人,我的朋友,我的艺术,我的音乐,我的写作,我的社群工作,都是我给我带来快乐和满足的无尽源泉。   My family, my friends, my art, my music, my writing, and my munity work areconstant sources of joy and satisfaction.   父亲是我的音乐启蒙老师 。   My dad was my first musical influence.   如同大多数Lifehacker的读者一样,我使用Dropbox在多台计算机上同步我的档案,其中包括我的音乐收藏的一部分。   Like most Lifehacker readers, I'm using Dropbox to sync my files across multipleputers—including a subset of my music collection.   “但在我的音乐中,你就可以省心了,”塔伦蒂诺说,“我要找的东西,保准是你之前没有听过。”   "But in my music, you don't have to be alive at all, " Tarantino said. "I'm looking forthat stuff that you haven't heard a gazillion times before."   那不是噪音。是我的音乐。   B: It's not noise. It's my music.   那不是噪音。是我的音乐。   B: It's not noise. It's my music.


音乐英语:Music读音:英 ['mjuːzɪk]美 ['mjuːzɪk]中文意思:音乐;美妙的声音;乐谱。用作名词 (n.):为…谱曲(put〔set〕 to music)This poem was later set to music。这首诗后来谱了曲。词语用法music是抽象名词不可数,可作“音乐,乐曲”解。泛指“音乐”时不与冠词连用,特指“乐曲”时或music前有形容词最高级修饰时,可与定冠词、物主代词、指示代词等连用。如:“一首乐曲”是a piece of music。“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。music也可用于指“音乐学科”,这时须用零冠词(不加冠词)。music还可作“乐谱”解,还可喻指“和谐悦耳的声音”。


问题一:听音乐的英文怎么写 听音乐
listen to music
听音乐:listen to the music 常 listening to music

问题二:正在听音乐用英文怎么写 I am listening to music

问题三:听音乐用英语怎么说? 其实这两个都行的,和老外交谈的时候,他不会介意你多一个
要是考试的话,就要 listen to music了

问题四:听音乐的英文是什么 推荐几首英文歌给你 都是个人珍藏 Tower -- Vienna Teng Everything But The Girl -- Darin Ocean Deep -- Cliff Richard You Love Me -- Diana Ross~ Here I Am -- Leona Lewis We Are Broken -- Paramore Love To Be Loved By You -- Marc Terenzi Losing The Love -- Joy Enriquez Never Let You Go -- 卫兰 Wolf -- Bressanon Walk Me Home -- Mandy Moore Apologize -- Timbaland I Cry -- Shayne Ward It’s Not Goodbye -- Laura Pausini One In A Million -- Bosson 雕刻-- 美妙人生片尾曲 下面是节奏感强些的: Bet on it -- High School Musical 2 When Your Heart Stops Beating -- +44 Crushcrushcrush -- Paramore JERK IT OUT -- COCSARS Beautiful Life -- Ace Of Base believe me -- Fort Minor Bye bye beautiful -- Nightwish Last of the wilds -- Nightwish The Mass -- Era Whenever, Wherever -- Shakira The Take Over, The Breaks Over -- Fall out Boys The Hell Song - Sum 41 Over My Head -- Sum41 she is my sin -- Nightwish Still Waiting -- Sum41 Man Or Mouse -- Millencolin 抒情些的: Gotta Have You -- the weepies Dance With My Father -- Luther Vandross cry on my shoulder -- Bonnie Raitt Dying In the Sun -- the Cranberries Free Loop -- Daniel Powter I am Strong -- 诺斯小子 Good is Good -- Sheryl Crow I Can’t Win -- Usher 保证每首都是经典 希望你能喜欢!

问题五:听音乐的英语单词怎么写? 听音乐的英语是词组(不是单词)listen to music。

问题六:我在听音乐用英语怎么写 im listening to the music

问题七:我在听音乐用英语怎么说? I'm listening to music.

问题八:“【听音乐】的英文怎么写” 正规的翻译应该是:listen to music;也可以翻译为listen to the music.不同环境下使用。
至于为什么不译为listen music,,listen是不及物动词。vi

问题九:正在听音乐 用英语怎么说 你去问字典吧。。哈哈。。

问题十:听音乐的英文怎么写 听音乐
listen to music
听音乐:listen to the music 常 listening to music


  你知道我正在听音乐的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   我正在听音乐英文释义:   I am listening to the music   我正在听音乐英文例句:   贝蒂,你正在做什么?我正在听音乐。   Betty, what are you doing?I'm listening to music.   昨晚八点我正在听音乐。   I was listening to the music at eight last night.   我其实可以保持联系,跟踪的电影打字,我正在听音乐,打个电话,仅仅通过触摸。   I could actually keep touch typing, flick tracks on the music I was listening to, and place a call, all just through touch.   今天,我正在听音乐,我妈跟我奶奶也在同一个房间,我妈以为我两个耳朵都戴了耳塞,实际上我只戴了一个。   Today, I was listening to music while my grandma and mom were in the sameroom. I only had one headphone in.   我正在听音乐。   I'm listening to the music .   我正在听音乐。 我正在听音乐的英文   I'm listening to music.   选B when可以指“当”“这时”我正在听音乐,这是有人在敲门这是在考察…   I was listening to the music_there was a knock at the door.   你在干什么?我正在听音乐。   I'm listening to music.   我正在听音乐。   Dad: I'm listening to music.   你正在干什么?我正在听音乐。   What is he doing ? He is playing chess .   我现在正在听音乐。   E. g. : I'm listening to music now.   如果那个是在网络上的文件,就像——打个比方——博客,只要点击某个地址就可以听到我朋友正在听的音乐。   If the file is a public file on the Web, like say for example, a podcast, then clicking on the URL would allow me to listen to what my friend is listening to.   我婶婶昨天喊咱们的时候,他正在听音乐,我正在外边打 篮球 呢!   He was listening to music while I was playing basketball outside when my auntcalled yesterday.   我婶婶昨天喊我们的时候,他正在听音乐,我正在外边打篮球呢!   He was listening to music while I was playing basketball outside when my auntcalled yesterday.   妹妹呆在床上听音乐。我正在给你写信。祖父和祖母在公园里打太极。   My little sister was listening to music on the bed and I was writing a letter to you. (Besides)My grandparents were playing Taiji in the park. iask.edu.   昨天我回家的时候他正在听音乐。   He was listening to music when I came back home yesterday.   当我进去的时候,他正在听音乐。   He was listening to the music when I went in.   火车开始加速,我旁边的旅客正在用他的新款诺基亚手机听着音乐。   The next passenger listens to music on his new Nokia phone as the trainaccelerates.   我喜欢听音乐,蹬腿,吃手,正在练习坐,还喜欢到户外活动,爱热闹,非常喜欢新鲜的人和事物。   I like music, stretching my legs, eating hands and I am practicing sitting, i also likeoutdoor activities, like to be in fresh places, the colourful things, the amusement park.   现在,假装您正在听着鼓舞人心的背景音乐,然后听我说:协作使我们能够以卓越、高效的方式完成必要的任务。   Pretend you hear inspiring music playing in the background as I now say,together we can get done what needs to be done and in an excellent, efficientmanner.   我正在家里爱听音乐。天天我下学返来,便翻开MP3去听音乐。比方那尾“昨日重现”。   Everyday when I get home from school, I turn on my MP3 player and enjoy thewonderful music, such as"Yesterday once more".   我正在家里爱听音乐。天天我下学返来,便翻开MP3去听音乐。比方那尾“昨日重现”。   Everyday when I get home from school, I turn on my MP3 player and enjoy thewonderful music, such as"Yesterday once more"


音乐的英文是music。music是抽象名词,不可数,可作“音乐,乐曲”解。泛指“音乐”时不与冠词连用,特指“乐曲”时或music前有形容词最高级修饰时,可与定冠词、物主代词、指示代词等连用。“一首乐曲”是a piece of music,“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。music也可用于指“音乐学科”,这时须用零冠词(不加冠词)。music还可作“乐谱”解,还可喻指“和谐悦耳的声音”。近义词:1、song 英 [sɒŋ] 美 [sɔːŋ]    n. 歌曲;歌唱;(鸟等)鸣声The song has plaintive melody.这首歌曲的曲调悲伤。2、tune英 [tjuːn] 美 [tuːn]    n. 曲调;调子;和谐;协调;数量vt. 为 ... 调音;调整vi. 调音;调整频率He played a tune on the violin.他用小提琴演奏了一首曲子。3、melody英 ['melədi] 美 ['melədi]    n. 旋律;曲子;曲调;美妙的音乐The melody still rang in her ears.那个旋律仍然在她的耳际荡。


下一篇:我想见你 英文