
时间:2024-04-30 07:09:49编辑:莆田seo君


debus;get off the bus


Stop at the next corner. I'm getting out.

He wanted the occupants of the vehicle to get out

When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to becoming from the alternator.

The chauffeur got out to crank the motor.

I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.

Passengers for Lanzhou alight at Nanjing.

Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car.

Cyclists please dismount at the gate.

Don't try to get on or off a moving train!

He ordered the women out of the car

Hey! Please stop the car for a minute.

Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room

The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles.


下车的英文:   debus

  let off



  Get off; descend

  下车;动身;脱下(of a bus,coach,etc) allow sb to get off.

  (指公共汽车、长途汽车等)让某人下车。Shall I get down here for the art Gallery?

  去美术馆是在这儿下车吗?( of a vehicle or its driver)stop and allow(a passenger)to get off

  (指车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车I can let you off at Fifth avenue.

  我可以在第五大道让您下车。I can drop you off at Normandy Ave.

  我可以在诺曼蒂大街让您下车。Take bus No.76 and get off at the Prince Hotel stop.

  乘76路车,在王子饭店那站下车。The pained animal's voice rasped on Scarlett's nerves until she was temped to stop and untie the beast.

  那凄惨的叫声使得思卡利特神经一根根地竖起来,几乎要跳下车将这动物放掉。I get off the train.

  我下车。Get off, please.


  vt. 卸下

  vi. 下车


  v. 允许;让;假设;出租

  n. 擦网球

  Let it be as you desire.

  就按照你的意思办吧。Let in sheathing.

  镶进夹衬板。He let go of the pole and let it fall.


  adv. 掉,下;离开;隔开;切断;停止;;休息;光,完,尽;全部地

  prep. 从...离开;从...向下;在...的外面;偏离...;从...分岔;不再从事...;低于...

  adj. 关着的;停止流通的.;延期的;取消的;不工作的;处于...境况的;萧条的


  n. 关掉

  Is the water on or off?

  自来水龙头开着还是关着?The gilt is off.

  幻想破灭了。to nip off; to cut off; to break

下车get off it和get it off的区别

意思不一样。get off it:从它(上面/里面)下来/出来。get it off:把它拿掉,差不多是等于 take it off。The bus broke down and all the passengers had to get off it.公共汽车坏了,全体乘客只得下车。off固定搭配:1、live off 以…为食; 以…为生2、turn off 转向,拐弯,使离开,(使)厌烦…,(使)对…失去兴趣3、fly off the handle 发怒4、get sth off sb's hands 摆脱某事物5、knock sb off his perch 击败某人

下车是get off还是get out?



  一、英文单词:   debus; get off the bus   二、双语例句:   1   在下一个拐角停下,我要下车。   Stop at the next corner. I'm getting out.   2   他想让车上的乘客下车。   He wanted the occupants of the vehicle to get out   3   当我最终停下车打开引擎盖后,发现噪声似乎是从交流发电机中传出来的。   When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.   4   司机下车用曲柄去发动汽车。   The chauffeur got out to crank the motor.   5   我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。   I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.   6   去兰州的乘客在南京下车。   Passengers for Lanzhou alight at Nanjing.   7   3名便衣警察让我下车。   Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car.   8   骑自行车出入请下车。   Cyclists please dismount at the gate.   9   火车运行时请勿上下车!   Don't try to get on or off a moving train!   10   他命令这些女人下车。   He ordered the women out of the car   11   喂!停一下车。   Hey! Please stop the car for a minute.   12   艾丽斯跳下车,拼命奔向急诊室。   Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room   13   治安人员硬把那些人拉下车。   The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles   14   公共汽车坏了,全体乘客只得下车。   The bus broke down and all the passengers had to get off it.   15   请原谅,下一站我得下车了。   Excuse me, I have to get off the bus at the next stop. 下车的英文是什么


英语短语有:get in表示到达和下车的意思,off the car表示下车,get on表示上车,off the bus表示上公交车。介绍如下:1、get in用于When a train, bus, or plane gets in, it arrives。例句:We would have come straight here, except our flight got in too late. 要不是我们的航班抵达太晚,我们本应直接到这里来的。2、off the car表示下车的例句:She auctioned off the car without so much as taking a ride in it. 她甚至都没怎么开过那辆车,就把它拍卖了。扩展资料:其他关于上下车的短语:1、排队上车,Queue up for Bus。2、上车结构,superstructure。3、上车刷卡,touch on。上下车例句:1. Hold the baby while I load the car.你先抱着孩子,让我把东西装上车。2. She got in and started the motor.她坐上车,发动了引擎。3. He chivvied them into the car.他催促他们上车。4.She auctioned off the car without so much as taking a ride in it. 她甚至都没怎么开过那辆车,就把它拍卖了。


下车英语怎么说为get off the car,下车时,请注意以下事项以确保安全。相关内容如下:1.停靠位置在下车之前,确保车辆已完全停稳,并停在合适的位置,如公交车站、停车位等。避免在道路中间或者危险地带下车,以免发生意外,身体安全最重要。2.提前准备在接近目的地时,提前准备下车所需的物品,如钱包、手机、行李等。这样可以避免在下车时慌乱,减少丢失物品的风险,物品忘记在车上,就很难找回来了。3.注意行人优先在下车时要注意周围的行人,尤其是在人行道上下车时,应该礼让行人,确保行人的安全。不要突然打开车门,以免造成碰撞,出现意外就很麻烦。4.使用手柄和把手在下车时,使用车内的手柄或把手来稳住自己的身体。特别是在公交车等大型车辆上,由于车辆的晃动可能会导致失去平衡,所以一定要稳住自己身体,保持平稳。5.观察交通状况在下车之前,先观察周围的交通状况。确保没有车辆或其他障碍物阻挡了你下车的道路。如果需要通过马路下车,要特别注意车辆行驶的方向和速度,选择合适的时机下车。6.注意地面情况在下车时要注意地面情况,特别是在雨天或者有积水的地方。避免下车时滑倒或踩入水坑中,导致摔伤。7.关闭车门下车后,记得关闭车门。这样可以确保其他乘客的安全,并且不会占用车道或者干扰其他车辆的通行。总结:下车时要注意周围环境和交通状况,稳住身体并礼让行人。通过准备和观察,确保自己的安全,同时也要遵守交通规则,不影响他人的出行。

